Can't find my gmail

At the very first entry in Firefox OSI there was the gmail icon which I lost it. I just add my username and my password and it was accepted but now I cannot find my gmail webapp

hello surviyia, on firefox OS you can access the mails trough the mail app: [[Send and manage email]]

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    nice that I can use my gmail accoutn in the ipad mail app, but not cool that I have no way to access my contacts, not even with the google drive app (where at least now I can access my google docs from the iphone or ipad). Any advice?

    Hey moscar,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    Google Contact sync is available for your BlackBerry smartphone as it is running software higher than
    Follow the steps in this KB article to setup contact synchronization:
    If the settings is still not there, try removing the Gmail account and re-adding it.
    Let me know if you have any more questions.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
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  • Today I deleted a gmail account using my computer.  I also added a new work gmail  address.  Now I want to sync my phone and tablet with the new email address.  I've looked all over and can't find  out how to do it.

    Today I deleted a gmail account using my computer.  I also added a new work gmail  address.  Now I want to sync my phone and tablet with the new email address.  I've looked all over and can't find  out how to do it.

        Hi there T&P63385!
    Look no further! I have the answer for you! You can add a new email account to your android device by following these steps:
    Now I do want to let you know that your phone has a "main" gmail account. If this "main" gmail account was the one you deleted it may be best that you reset your phone and activate it to your new gmail address.
    The reason I recommend doing this is all of your purchased application information is also tied to your gmail.
    Ensure your personal information is backed up (contacts, pictures, etc) and follow these steps to Hard Reset your phone:
    Let me know if you have any other questions!
    Follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

  • I achieved some gmail emails and can't find the archive to retrieve them

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    Rosetta Stone does make a Mac OS X compatible version of their software.  You may be elligible for a crossgrade or a Mac version of their CD.  Or you might need to consider installing Windows on your Mac, if the disc only has a .exe file.

  • When I click on my gmail to get a wall post from FB I get this message..SERVER NOT FOUND FIREFOX CAN'T FIND SERVER AT permalink.php . PLS help me fix this. Thanks Firefox can't find the server at permalink.php.

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    Try resetting your proxy server. Go to Tools, Options, Advanced, Settings and select one. I must do this every time I restart Firefox -- but at least after that, I'm okay until the next restart.

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    Goto :
    Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: "Saved Passwords" > "Show Passwords
    If that does not work reset you password. Check this out.
    And also go through this

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    You don't. Can you get into the iPhone at all or is it asking for a 4 digit passcode when you turn it on?
    Edit: Reread your subject. So to Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Settings and Content. After that set it up on your computer as a new iPhone and it will transfer you Apple ID
    Message was edited by: deggie

  • Can't find messages in Mail

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    Any suggestions?

    Hi there,
    You may find the article below helpful.
    Lion Mail: If searching doesn’t find the right messages
    -Griff W.

  • How can i find out the table hierarchy

    Hi experts,
    I have one doubt. how can i find out the table hierarchy in the particular schema.
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    So can any one please tell how can i delete the child table record first and then parent record table record.
    Thanks in advance

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_child_tables (
    ptable VARCHAR2,
    plevel NUMBER DEFAULT 10
    RETURN stringarray
    [email protected] 26-OCT-2009 1.0 Developed to ease developers effort to find Nth level of Referential integrity
    -- PURPOSE -> To find PARENT=> CHILD relational TABLE(S) in Oracle upto a depth max N Level.
    SELECT * FROM TABLE( get_child_tables('DEPT','SCOTT',3)); Store this query in a file for your use
    SELECT * FROM TABLE( get_child_tables('EMPLOYEE')); Store this query in a file for your use
    -- RESULTS looks as below
    --1 => DEPT
    --2 => EMP
    --2 => EMP2
    --3 => EMP_CHILD
    --3 => EMP2_CHILD
    -- and so on
    --This can be leveraged to use in any oracle database REGION 10g having and above.
    --This FUNCTION gives formatted result of the Oracle 10g Hierarchical query result coded in the cursor
    --to find MASTER => CHILD relational TABLE(S) upto a depth max 10 Level.
    --The result of the PIPELINED function can be retrieved using Oracle new operator
    --TABLE(array name) in SQL query.
    --Due to the AUTHID CURRENT_USER compiler directive any user can use based on his/her access privileges on the database.
    --GRANT EXECUTE ON SCOTT.get_child_tables TO PUBLIC;
    --CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM get_child_tables FOR SCOTT.get_child_tables;
    atname stringarray := stringarray ();
    vlevel NUMBER;
    vtname VARCHAR2 (50);
    nindex NUMBER := 0;
    bprocessed BOOLEAN := FALSE;
    CURSOR c1 (powner_in IN VARCHAR2, ptable_in VARCHAR2, plevel_in NUMBER)
    SELECT LEVEL, LPAD (' ', (LEVEL - 1) * 2, ' ') || pt AS "TNAME"
    FROM (SELECT a.owner w1, a.table_name pt, a.constraint_name c1,
    a.r_constraint_name r1, b.owner w2, b.table_name ct,
    b.constraint_name c2, b.r_constraint_name r2
    FROM all_constraints a, all_constraints b
    WHERE a.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name(+)
    AND a.owner = b.owner(+)
    AND a.owner =
    UPPER (powner)
    -- Change Owner here while testing
    --AND A.r_constraint_name IS NULL
    AND a.constraint_type IN ('P', 'R')) v1
    START WITH pt =
    -- Change your master table here while testing the QUERY
    CONNECT BY PRIOR ct = pt AND LEVEL <= plevel;
    -- Change lavel here while testing
    atname (1) := 'NOTHING';
    OPEN c1 (powner, ptable, plevel);
    bprocessed := FALSE;
    FETCH c1
    INTO vlevel, vtname;
    IF nindex > 1 AND atname (atname.LAST - 1) = vtname
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('2 ==== vtname  ' ||vtname || '   '|| atname.count|| '   '||atname.last ||  '   '||atname( atname.last-1));
    bprocessed := TRUE;
    END IF;
    IF NOT bprocessed
    nindex := nindex + 1;
    atname (nindex) := vtname;
    PIPE ROW (vlevel || ' => ' || vtname);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( ' **** nindex - atname( nindex) '
    || nindex
    || ' - '
    || atname (nindex)
    END IF;
    CLOSE c1;
    FOR i IN 1 .. atname.COUNT
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('atname (i) ' ||atname (i));
    WHEN no_data_needed
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM);
    --SELECT * FROM TABLE( get_child_tables('TB_XOP_LETR_TEMPLATE','OPS$CMS',5));
    END get_child_tables;
    Edited by: user3066657 on Jul 21, 2011 8:42 AM
    Edited by: user3066657 on Jul 21, 2011 11:26 AM

  • I'm afraid my iPhone 4S might have a virus/be hacked.  Is this possible and if so, how can I find out if it has been compromised?

    I'm afraid my iPhone 4S has a virus or has been hacked.  Just in the last day or so my battery life gets used up a lot faster and I have all of a sudden started receiving a lot of spam email.   How can I find out if my phone has been compromised?

    Unless you left the iPhone in the possession of another person it could not be hacked...and unless it has been jailbroken it cannot get a virus.
    An email account can be hacked at the service provider's end...this has happened a number of times with gmail. 
    Do a reboot, hold both the power and home buttons until the apple logo appears and it restarts, ignoring the red slider if that appears.
    If that does not help the battery situation, make a backup of your content and then restore to factory condition, Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings, and then restore from the backup you just made.
    Contact your email service provider and let them know you are getting material that could mean they have been hacked.

  • How do I attach a picture in iPhoto to an email?  I can't find it anywhere else.

    How can I attach a picture in iPhototo a gmail?  I can't find the picture anywhere else on my computer.

    Are you accessing the account through a client (like the Mail app on your Mac) or via a web browser (signed into website)?
    If via a client, you should be able to email from within iPhoto or drag the photo into the new messge window.
    If you need to upload it to webmail then export the photo from iPhoto to a convenient location so you can upload it to Gmail.

  • Can't connect to GMail to Sync

    When my iPad is connected to iTunes, I'm trying to Sync Contacts with Google Contacts. This requires me to logon to Google. When I do so, iTunes tells me "the Google ID or password was incorrect". I know this is not true - I can easily logon to gMail on the same computer. Why can't iTunes connect to Google/gMail?
    To get around this obstacle, I tried syncing Contacts with Windows Address Book. This process seems to work, but then I can't find the Contacts anywhere on the iPad, not in the App called "Contacts" nor in the contacts in Mail. Where are they?
    All help appreciated.

    This could be caused by a firewall blocking PC Companion from connecting to the internet. If you have a firewall installed, make sure it's set to allow PC Companion.
    If your internet connection goes through a proxy you may also have to enter your proxy in PC Companion. Click PC Companion settings at the top right and then go to proxy settings.
    If you use MS Outlook with MS Exchange you could also synchronize directly with MS Exchange from the phone. Go to Settings -> Accounts and sync in the phone and add a new account with your settings (you get these from your IT-department).
    You could also try the 3:rd party application MyPhoneExplorer from
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  • Can't find my stored files -

    I have an iPhoto Library on my Main computer;
    I have another iPhoto Library on an exterior drive. Although it only shows up when I search Spotlight, this external drive has the Library.iPhoto file along with a Library6.iPhoto file. and... It appears to mirror my desktop iPhoto Library that stored on the main computer exactly as I use my desktop iPhoto application. ??
    ? I can't open any folder to view the original stored files (not that I care to change them). But I used to be able to see these stored pictures in their folders?
    ? This mirroring would seem to be a great backup solution but I can't find any discussions and am now thinking there is a problem that should be fixed?
    I don't get it.
    Thanks for any ideas...

    Your files are stored in the iPhoto Library. By default this is in your Pictures Folder. With iPhoto 7 (iLife 08) the old iPhoto Library Folder is now a Unix Style Package File. The change was made to the format of the iPhoto library because many users were inadvertently corrupting their library by browsing through it with other software or making changes in it themselves.
    The Library.iPhoto file and the library6.iphoto files are elements within the Library. They are databases and contain no photos themselves.
    Iphoto has no facility to mirror itself, so I’m not sure what’s on that other drive, unless you have run some back up utility on it.
    Some FYI:
    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:
    *For Users of 10.5 Only*
    You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Apple-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    *For users of 10.4 and 10.5* ...
    Many internet sites such as Flickr and SmugMug have plug-ins for accessing the iPhoto Library. If the site you want to use doesn’t then some, one or any of these will also work:
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. However, if you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    *If you want to access the files with iPhoto not running*:
    Create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

  • Help! Single notes disappear in Notes...can't find in iCloud.

    This is weird.  A single note will disappear in Notes and I can't find it in iCloud where it is supposed to be backed up!  What gives?  I did NOTHING to make this note disappear.  I did not delete it, only made a new entry.
    This was a VERY important note that I stored information that I cannot afford to lose.
    Please, someone tell me that I can find it again...somewhere!
    By the way, this has happened before.  Just a random note, disappearing, never to be found again.
    If I can't find the lost note in iCloud, maybe I should change my sync of my Notes to Gmail?

    My wife uses Notes VERY extensively and has accumulated literally thousands over the years, from recipes to lists, etc. She is a very organized person. Occasionally she'll work on a note and come back to it the next day only to find it's mysteriously disappeared. It's been a problem ever since Notes was shifted over to iCloud rather than saving locally on the iPhone or iPad. It frustrates her to no end!
    Is this a bug that Apple's aware of and just doesn't care about fixing it? It's a phenominal app when it works but it's sadly unreliable. Like I said, this only happens occasionally, maybe one out of every 15-20 new notes or so. And no, she doesn't sync notes with Yahoo or Google. Only iCloud.
    Does Apple know this is going on?

  • My settings state that my "notes" will be stored to my Yahoo account but when I go to my Yahoo account I can't find my notes.  Are my notes being 'backed up" at Yahoo?

    My settings state that my "notes" will be stored to my Yahoo account but when I go to my Yahoo account I can't find my notes.  Are my notes being 'backed up" at Yahoo?

    Yes. If your default account for notes is Yahoo, they should be saved somewhere in yahoo. Usually I think it's just a folder titled "notes". At least that's how my gmail is.

Maybe you are looking for