Can't get my plsql working, ORA-05602 error

Hello all, I am experiencing an issue with my plsql and I have check all my variables and it seems to be hidden from my eyes. This is my package:
create or replace package body PKG_TESTSTR is
   type segment is record (
      bbold  boolean,
      bundr  boolean,
      bital  boolean,
      bleft  boolean,
      brigh  boolean,
      bcent  boolean,
      bjust  boolean,
      btipo  varchar2(1),
      text   VARCHAR2(32767));
   type LSEGMENTS is TABLE OF segment index by pls_integer;
   function splitSegments2(input VarChar2) return LSEGMENTS
      l_idx     pls_integer;
      bbold     boolean := false;
      bundr     boolean := false;
      bital     boolean := false;
      bleft     boolean := false;
      brigh     boolean := false;
      bcent     boolean := false;
      bjust     boolean := false;
      btipo     varchar2(1);
      info      VarChar2(32767);
      i         pls_integer := 0;
      segments  LSEGMENTS;
      info := input;
         l_idx := instr(info,'<');
         i := i + 1;
         segments(i).bbold := bbold;
         segments(i).bundr := bundr;
         segments(i).bital := bital;
         segments(i).bleft := bleft;
         segments(i).brigh := brigh;
         segments(i).bcent := bcent;
         segments(i).bjust := bjust;
         segments(i).btipo := btipo;
         if l_idx > 0 then
            if upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,2)) = 'B>' then
               if bbold then raise_application_error(-20010, 'B'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bbold := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+3);
               btipo := 'F';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,2)) = 'I>' then
               if bital then raise_application_error(-20010, 'I'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bital := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+3);
               btipo := 'F';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,2)) = 'U>' then
               if bundr then raise_application_error(-20010, 'U'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bundr := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+3);
               btipo := 'F';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,15)) = 'P ALIGN="LEFT">' then
               if bleft then raise_application_error(-20010, 'P LEFT'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bleft := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+16);
               btipo := 'A';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,16)) = 'P ALIGN="RIGHT">' then
               if brigh then raise_application_error(-20010, 'P RIGHT'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               brigh := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+17);
               btipo := 'A';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,17)) = 'P ALIGN="CENTER">' then
               if bcent then raise_application_error(-20010, 'P CENTER'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bcent := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+18);
               btipo := 'A';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,18)) = 'P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">' then
               if bjust then raise_application_error(-20010, 'P JUSTIFY'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bjust := true;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+19);
               btipo := 'A';
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/B>' then
               if not bbold then raise_application_error(-20010, '/B'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bbold := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/I>' then
               if not bital then raise_application_error(-20010, '/I'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bital := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/U>' then
               if not bundr then raise_application_error(-20010, '/U'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bundr := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/P>' and bleft then
               if not bleft then raise_application_error(-20010, '/P LEFT'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bleft := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/P>' and brigh then
               if not brigh then raise_application_error(-20010, '/P RIGHT'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               brigh := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/P>' and bcent then
               if not bcent then raise_application_error(-20010, '/P CENTER'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bcent := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
            elsif upper(substr(info,l_idx+1,3)) = '/P>' and bjust then
               if not bjust then raise_application_error(-20010, '/P JUSTIFY'); end if;
               if l_idx = 1 then
                  i := i - 1;
                  segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx-1);
               end if;
               bjust := false;
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+4);
               segments(i).text := substr(info,1,l_idx);
               info  := substr(info,l_idx+1);
               btipo := 'T';
            end if;
            segments(i).text := info;
         end if;
      end loop;
      return segments;
   function generateReportsTags(input Varchar2) return Varchar2
      segments LSEGMENTS;
      resp     varchar2(32767);
      --resp     long;
      bold     boolean := false;
      alin     boolean := false;
      tipo     varchar2(1);
      y        number;
      dbms_output.put_line('Iniciando execucao');
      y := 0;
      segments := splitSegments2(input);
      dbms_output.put_line('Passou pelo split');     
      for i in segments.first .. segments.last loop
         if i = 1 then
            resp := '<report>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<layout>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<section name="main">' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<body>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<frame name="M_1">' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<geometryInfo x="0.00000" y="0.00000" width="7.12500" height="3.00000"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<generalLayout verticalElasticity="variable"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<text name="B_1" minWidowLines="1">' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<textSettings spacing="single"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         end if;
         if nvl(tipo,' ') <> ' ' and nvl(tipo,' ') <> nvl(segments(i).btipo,' ') then
            resp := resp || '</text>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<text name="B_1" minWidowLines="1">' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         end if;
         if segments(i).btipo in ('A') then
            if segments(i).brigh then
               resp := resp || '<textSettings justify="end" spacing="single"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            elsif segments(i).bcent then
               resp := resp || '<textSettings justify="center" spacing="single"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            elsif segments(i).bjust then
               resp := resp || '<textSettings justify="flush" spacing="single"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            elsif segments(i).bleft then
               resp := resp || '<textSettings justify="start" spacing="single"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            end if;
         end if;
         if i = 1 then
            y := 0.00000;
            resp := resp || '<geometryInfo x="0.06250" y="0.00000" width="7.00000" height="0.75000"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<generalLayout verticalElasticity="variable"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         elsif nvl(tipo,' ') <> ' ' and nvl(tipo,' ') <> nvl(segments(i).btipo,' ') then
            y := y + 0.75000;
            resp := resp || '<geometryInfo x="0.06250" y="'|| to_char(y + 0.00000, '0.00000') ||'" width="7.00000" height="0.75000"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '<generalLayout verticalElasticity="variable"/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         end if;        
         resp := resp || '<textSegment>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         if segments(i).bbold then
            resp := resp || ' bold="yes"';
         end if;
         if segments(i).bital then
            resp := resp || ' italic="yes"';
         end if;
         if segments(i).bundr then
            resp := resp || ' underline="yes"';
         end if;
         resp := resp || '/>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         resp := resp || '<string>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         resp := resp || '<![CDATA[';
         resp := resp || segments(i).text;
         resp := resp || ']]>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         resp := resp || '</string>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         resp := resp || '</textSegment>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
         if (bold = true or alin = true) then        
            bold := false; 
            alin := false;
         end if;
         tipo := segments(i).btipo;
         if i = segments.last then
            resp := resp || '</text>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '</frame>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '</body>'    || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '</section>' || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '</layout>'  || chr(13) || chr(10);
            resp := resp || '</report>'  || chr(13) || chr(10);
        end if;
      end loop;
      return resp;
   procedure splitSegments(input VarChar2)
      segments LSEGMENTS;
      function Prin (bbold boolean, bundr boolean, bital boolean, bleft boolean, brigh boolean, bcent boolean, bjust boolean) return VarChar2
         resp VarChar2(3) := '';
         if bbold then resp := resp || 'B'; end if;
         if bundr then resp := resp || 'U'; end if;
         if bital then resp := resp || 'I'; end if;
         if bleft then resp := resp || 'P'; end if;
         if brigh then resp := resp || 'P'; end if;
         if bcent then resp := resp || 'P'; end if;
         if bjust then resp := resp || 'P'; end if;
         return resp;
      segments := splitSegments2(input);
      for i in segments.first .. segments.last loop
         dbms_output.put_line(prin(segments(i).bbold, segments(i).bundr, segments(i).bital, segments(i).bleft, segments(i).brigh, segments(i).bcent, segments(i).bjust) || ' : ' || segments(i).text);
      end loop;
end PKG_TESTSTR;I am getting an ORA-05602 error, and then an ORA-05612 at line 3 when I try to use and input with more than 4000 chars. Is this the problem?? I have changed all my varchar2 variables to get 32767 chars but i am still facing the same error.
What I am possible doing wrong?
Many thanks for all replies
Thiago Locatelli

That would be a bit of a problem once I cant get the part where it is raising such error. I have put dbms_output for debug, but everything goes in the outpout window but the error occurs.
I am using plsql/developer to test the function...

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