Can't import BIP object using BIPCatlogUtil

I am using the BIPCatalogUtil script to upload an object to the RC7 BIP server in our OVM environment.
ade:[ minglin_FAMIGSBL ] [minglin@den65041fwks bin]$ ./ -import source=/home/minglin/view_storage/minglin_FAMIGSBL/BIPCatalogUtil/MyImportExport/bipub/CrmDataMigration/datamodels/DVMValidationDm mode=fusionapp
The script shows the following output on the command line:
[import] Connect to using ProvAdmin
[import] Import "DVMValidationDm" from "/home/minglin/view_storage/minglin_FAMIGSBL/BIPCatalogUtil/MyImportExport/bipub/CrmDataMigration/datamodels" to "/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm"
Command Error: import->importObject
oracle.xdo.webservice.exception.OperationFailedException: PublicReportServiceImpl::executeUploadReport Failure: Due to unable to create new Report Object as AbsolutePath [DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm] due to Stream closedDone.
The server side trace below shows that the user "ProvAdmin" used to import the object is somehow Impersonate to BIEE as "BISystemUser". Is the failure due to security?
BIP SERVER log for the import:
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.186-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.webservice.PublicReportService] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: uploadReportObject] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] PublicReportService::uploadReportObject Service BEGIN
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.186-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.webservice.PublicReportServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: initSession] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] PublicReportService::initSession BEGIN
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.200-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Impersonate to BIEE as BISystemUser, username: provadmin
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.200-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] getting session id from provided credential: BISystemUser
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.408-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: impersonate] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] SawUtil.imperonate - saw user: BISystemUser as user: provadmin
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.408-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: setUserHome] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] SawUtil.setUserHome - user: provadmin
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.689-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: setUserHome] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] SawUtil.setUserHome - user: provadmin, home: /users/provadmin
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.724-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: init] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Inside DirectoryUser.init()....
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.729-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: integrateUserContext] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Enters FusionSecurityHandler.integrateUserContext()
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.729-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredResourceProviderUtil] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: toStructuredAbsPath] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] absPath/~provadmin/user~.profile, is report item type: false, is layout template type: false, matches report item reg expr: false, matches style template reg expr: false
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.729-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /users/provadmin/user\~.profile
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.850-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: integrateUserContext] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Leaves FusionSecurityHandler.integrateUserContext()
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.850-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.webservice.PublicReportServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: initSession] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] PublicReportService::initSession END --- Elapse Time = 664
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.851-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredResourceProviderUtil] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: toStructuredAbsPath] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] absPath/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm/DVMValidationDm.xdm, is report item type: true, is layout template type: false, matches report item reg expr: true, matches style template reg expr: false
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.851-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /shared/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm/_datamodel.xdm
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.984-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredResourceProviderUtil] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: toStructuredAbsPath] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] absPath/~provadmin/_temp/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm/DVMValidationDm.xdm, is report item type: true, is layout template type: false, matches report item reg expr: true, matches style template reg expr: false
[2011-04-18T09:48:50.984-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /users/provadmin/_temp/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm/_datamodel.xdm
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.002-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.TemporaryStorage] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: getFile] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] temp file is created: /u01/APPLTOP/instance/domains/
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.006-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.webservice.PublicReportServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: uploadReportObject] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Passed-in to CatalogServiceUtil writeZipToCatalog as reportName [DVMValidationDm.xdmz], folderAbsolutePath=[/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.006-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredResourceProviderUtil] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: toStructuredAbsPath] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] absPath/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm/DVMValidationDm.xdm, is report item type: true, is layout template type: false, matches report item reg expr: true, matches style template reg expr: false
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.006-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /shared/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm/_datamodel.xdm
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.021-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredResourceProviderUtil] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: toStructuredAbsPath] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] absPath/~provadmin/_temp/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm/DVMValidationDm.xdm, is report item type: true, is layout template type: false, matches report item reg expr: true, matches style template reg expr: false
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.021-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /users/provadmin/_temp/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm/_datamodel.xdm
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.031-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.TemporaryStorage] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: getFile] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] temp file is created: /u01/APPLTOP/instance/domains/
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.036-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceCatalogServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Loading: Basic
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.036-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /shared/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.114-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /users/provadmin/_temp/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.124-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceCatalogServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Loading: Basic
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.124-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /shared/DataMigration
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.159-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /users/provadmin/_temp/DataMigration
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.167-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceCatalogServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Loading: Basic
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.167-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /shared
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.227-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] XDOPrincipal: provadmin, saw curr user: ProvAdmin, [permissions: 0 = /shared,[[
0 = 65535,
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceFolder] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Unknown privilege: SET_OWNER
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceFolder] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Unknown privilege: CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceFolder] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Unknown privilege: FULL_ACCESS
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.CatalogServiceUtil] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: getValidation] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] CatalogServiceUtil.getValidation: [Resoure type: Folder, Readable: true, traversable: true]
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceFolder] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Unknown privilege: SET_OWNER
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceFolder] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Unknown privilege: CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceFolder] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Unknown privilege: FULL_ACCESS
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.234-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.StructuredSawMtomResourceProvider] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] real path: /shared/DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm/_datamodel.xdm
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.245-07:00] [bi_server1] [WARNING] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Context: 0, code: EUMOQYH6, message: Error outside of Presentation Catalog occurred., details: <sawsoape:Error xmlns:sawsoape="urn://">[[
<sawsoape:Message>Error outside of Presentation Catalog occurred.</sawsoape:Message>
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.246-07:00] [bi_server1] [WARNING] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Context: 1, code: EUMOQYH6, message: Error outside of Presentation Catalog occurred., details: <sawsoape:Error xmlns:sawsoape="urn://">[[
<sawsoape:Message>Error outside of Presentation Catalog occurred.</sawsoape:Message>
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.246-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.catalog.ResourceCatalogServiceImpl] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] Granting permission to role: null
[2011-04-18T09:48:51.247-07:00] [bi_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 63] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 004cJGeVfETFw00Fzzx0g00000wd00010S,0:1] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [URI: /xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService] PublicReportServiceImpl::executeUploadReport Failure: for creating new report object with AbsolutePath[DataMigration/DomainValueMappings/DVMValidationDm.xdm] due to [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@1a41bb8d
[2011-04-18T09:49:34.150-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 59] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 513ba4b48d285072:581749f3:12f67892892:-8000-0000000000000004,1:32116] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] Keep alive for provadmin, provadmin,
[2011-04-18T09:50:34.149-07:00] [bi_server1] [TRACE] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 59] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 513ba4b48d285072:581749f3:12f67892892:-8000-0000000000000004,1:32116] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] [SRC_METHOD: ] Keep alive for provadmin, provadmin,

We can't re-import because the objects were imported first when the BIP server processes were started under root users. After the BIP server processes re-started with a non-root user, we can see all the objects imported previously under root due to file system permission. The re-import failed for the same file system permission issue.

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    10. Adjust the Blur amount.
    11. Reenable bottle1. Playback the clip and make any necessary adjustments.
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    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Srilatha,
    SAP Netweaver 7.3 is not yet released to customers.  Once, this happens we will post sufficient documentation related to the Import of Data Objects through WSDLs.  In case you require the information urgently, kindly get in touch directly with the colleagues from DOE Mobile team.
    Best Regards,

  • Can we import 3D objects into AE?

    I have v6.5 and in the manual it says AE can import certain 3D files. Yet everyone in this forum always say to render stuff in whatever 3D app and import the *video* into AE. Even 3D plugins like zaewerks seem to export only video into AE, not 3D model (or so I'm told).
    So what is it, can AE read 3D models or not? If not, is there any reason why it hasn't been improved to do so? Shouldn't this be a high priority thing and easy to do, since it's already almost there.
    If yes, why isn't anyone doing it? At least I haven't read about how to import 3D objects into AE.

    This area of functionality has changed little between After Effects 6.5 and CS3, so the
    " 3D files from other applications" section of After Effects CS3 Help on the Web is still relevant for you.
    Here's an excerpt:
    "After Effects can import 3D-image files saved in Softimage PIC, RLA, RPF, and Electric Image EI format. These 3D-image files contain red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) channels, as well as auxiliary channels with optional information, such as z depth, object IDs, texture coordinates....
    After Effects treats each composited 3D file from another application as a single 2D layer. That layer, as a whole, can be given 3D attributes and treated like any After Effects 3D layer, but the objects contained within that 3D file cannot be manipulated individually in 3D space. To access the 3D depth information and other auxiliary channel information in 3D image files, use the 3D Channel effects."
    Also, you can import camera data and other data from 3D applications.
    So, yes, you can import files from 3D applications; but, no, you can't import 3D models per se and do new camera moves on them, et cetera.
    Yes, this is a common feature request. Yes, it is being very seriously considered.
    P.S. Mylenium has a lot of information about working with After Effects and data from 3D applications on his website:

  • Can I import an object into a pages document

    Am using pages for the first time and need a quick answer, can I import objects and use in a pages document

  • How can i import into imovie using the camera's built in memory?

    How can I import into imovie from my cannon video camera built in memory.  All that comes up when I connect the USB cable is what is stored on the memory card and it doesn't give me the option to use what is stored on the built in memory

    That is not a feature of iPhoto - suggest to Apple - iPhoto Menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback.
    With the new Photo app later this year the integration between IOS and the Mac will be much greater

  • Help, can I declare an object using a variable name

    I need to make a bunch of objects using a for loop, so I was wanting to name the object one of the variables that I read. But I basically want to know if I can do this.
         private Software makeObject(String proName, int proStock, double proPrice,String objName){
              Software objName = new Software(proName,proStock,proPrice);
              return objName;
    I want to create a Software object using the objName inputted to it. The software object holds three fields as you can see. The name, num in stock, and price. However it won't let me do this, because it says objName is a duplicate variable. Help would be appreciated

    private Software makeObject(String proName, int proStock, double proPrice,String objName){
    Software objName = new Software(proName,proStock,proPrice);
    ... it won't let me do this, because it
    says objName is a duplicate variable. Help would be
    appreciatedWell, it is duplicate. Change the name of one or the other of those variable names.

  • How can I import photos without using iPhoto?

    I'm 37, a lifetime PC/Windows user and have finally made the switch to Mac after years of using every other Apple product, including iPod, iPhone and Apple TV, which, by the way, must be the most under-marketed and best value Apple product ever. I can't believe more people don't have Apple TV in their homes.
    With PCs, I was used to importing pictures to my hard drive and then viewing and editing them with whatever software applications I wanted. With my Mac, I notice that when I insert my SD card, iPhoto starts and asks me to import, which I agree. Unfortunately, it imports the images to an iPhoto folder that I can't easily access from another program, such as PhotoshopElements. I have read how to use Finder to navigate to these imported images in the iPhoto library ("Show Package Content") and then I copy the folder of images and paste it to a folder in my "Pictures" directory in Finder, but I find this tedious and also redundant as I now I understand I basically have two copies of every image, one for iPhoto Library and the other for accessing via other programs, such as Photoshop.
    Is there anyway I can simply import images straight to a folder on my hard drive?
    Also, if I do choose to access these images via iPhoto, am I correct in assuming iPhoto will automatically create a duplicate folder, just for accessing in the iPhoto library? If so, isn't this a waste of hard drive space? Can this be avoided?
    Thank you for any and all assistance.

    Hi Kevin,  I am in the same boat as you having been buying PCs for the last 25 years and managing IT for SMEs I have now purchased my first Mac (mac mini).  My move to Mac started with the iPhone that led to the iPad then like you I succumbed to the beauty of the Apply TV that then led to the purchase of an Airport Express.  The love affair had to conclude in the purchase of a Mac! 
    For many years I have used the feature to have the date photos taken created as a folder and all photos from that date placed in that folder.  Every year I create a new folder for that year and the import on PC creates the daily folders to hold photos …
    I was just about to ask how I can keep doing this and realised it’s not as important as I thought – I’ll still create a folder for each year and just have the photos dumped in there.  I can sort in Finder by date taken and catalogue in any way I won’t.
    I’ll still use folders rather than iPhoto as I want other software like XBMC (on other OS)  to read the photos.
    Thanks for letting me rant – I thought I will post anyway as this is my first Apple post and it may assist others.

  • Can't Import Sony AVCHD Using Log and Transfer

    I have been importing AVCHD footage from all kinds of cameras, mainly Panasonics for over 4 years now using Final Cut Pro 7.  I just got a new Sony NEX-EA50 but when I try to import the footage using Log and Transfer, it does not show up.  When I try to drop the card folder into the window I get the ""PRIVATE" contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media." message.
      The only way I can import the footage is using Toast, but that is a pain in the *** because it is a hassle to rename and scan the clips before I import. 
    Does anybody know whats going on?  Did Sony purposely change their file directory system so it couldn't be read by FCP? 
    Thanks in advance.

        What framerate did you shoot ?
    Log and Transfer will not recognise non standard frame rates such as 50 fps or 60fps. Toast, Clipwrap etc is an option but there is another. If you have the Panasonic AVCCAM importer Quicktime plug in, it will allow you to convert to Pro Res through Mpeg Streamclip or Compressor.
    Hang on, are you pointing log and transfer at the ROOT folder and not the folders inside.

  • Can't import video clips using Transfer Utility LE

    I'm experimenting with my new VIXIA HF R50 camcorder.  Having trouble getting the scenes onto my computer.  Is it necessary to use Transfer Utility LE with this camcorder, or can I import them using my video editing software - Studio 16 Ultimate?  I tried the latter, and it hasn't worked yet, but then nothing is working.

    Hello Magnolia!
    When saving movies on a computer, you can use Transfer Utility LE for AVCHD movies and ImageBrowser EX for MP4 movies.
    Saving AVCHD Movies
    With Transfer Utility LE, you can save to your computer the scenes you have recorded. Download the software and install it before you connect the camcorder to the computer for the first time.
    1. Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter.
    2. Camcorder: Press < > to set the camcorder to Playback mode.
    3. Camcorder: Open the desired index screen for AVCHD movies.
    4. Connect the camcorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable.
    NOTE : Camcorder: When the [Select the memory for connection] message appears, touch [All (for PC only)].
    5. Computer: Double-click the icon shown below to open the software Transfer Utility LE.
    6. Use Transfer Utility LE to save your AVCHD movies.
    Saving MP4 Movies and Photos
    When saving MP4 movies to a computer for the first time, it is necessary to install theImageBrowser EX software..
    1. Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter.
    2. Camcorder: Press < > to set the camcorder to Playback mode.
    3. Camcorder: Open the [Movie Playback] index screen for MP4 movies or [Photo Playback] index screen.
    4. Connect the camcorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable.
    5. Computer: Start CameraWindow.
    6. Computer: Save the desired MP4 movies or photos to the computer.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • HT5485 how come i can't import a CD using i-tunes and windows 8

    I can't import any music. Most of the options will just say "i=tunes is not working" and shut the program down...Please help!

    Nevermind. This was a "Duh" situation. Thanks.
    Didn't have home sharing turned on the laptop.

  • Can you create 3D object using Repousse w/ front and back Inflation w/o seam?

    Greetings. I have created a 3d object using repousse in Photoshop (CS5 extended). The original 2d image is circular. I used the Magic Wand Tool to select the 2d image, then 3D/Repousse/Current Selection to create, selecting the inflate (rounded) Repousse Shape Preset with the Depth of 0. It creates the object as expected, except the front-and-back seam has minor irregularities leaving the object with an uneven seam (see image below). The original 2d image was created in Illustrator using the eliptical tool, so it is as regular as possible. I want it to be seamless. The image below shows the rotated object and the very distinct seam.
    Any ideas on how to get rid of, or avoid, that seam?  Thanks much.

    What you could try is downloading the report to the client pc using WEBUTIL_FILETRANSFER.URL_TO_CLIENT, then open the locally save file using something like:
    CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "localfilename"');

  • Can't Import HTMLHelp Project using Robohelp HTML RH8

    We have an HTMLHelp project that contains over 1000 HTML pages that are grouped into subfolders under the main project folder. Currently, we use the HTML Workshop to create/maintain the project files and generate the master chm.  The master chm also includes baby chms that are generated using DocX or a home-grown program. Going forward, we want to start using a Help authoring tool . We downloaded a trial version of RH8.  We clicked the Import option to import the project and received the following error: "The parameter is incorrect".  I checked the forum and saw that other people also received this error message but for different reasons. Can you help us move forward so that we can evaluate RH8?  Thanks.

    Welcome to the forum.
    Sorry, your post fell into the "mm, take a look at the weekend" category.
    I've not seen the problem you report in connection with importing a project but it's not a RoboHelp project you are importing but you are using that option.
    You have CHMs so try Reverse Engineering them. See that topic on my site. Try Method 2 first.
    There is also a topic on Merging Help and the RH8 version includes merging CHMs.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • How to not lose proportion when importing AI objects using catality?

    Hi all,
    I have a very annoing issue when i imoprt AI assets into Flex using Catalyst.
    When i import the AI object and do not resize them, they look ok, but when i import them and enlarge the width, they loose proportion:
    Does someone knows how to keep the proportion?
    B.T.W this is the code generated for this object:
    <s:Path data="M 76.533 18.501 C 77.116 19.501 76.189 19.501 74.533 19.501 L 13.596 19.501 C 11.939 19.501 10.55 19.501 9.385 17.794 L 0.597 3.5 C 0.066 0.5 1.939 0.5 3.597 0.5 L 62.533 0.5 C 64.189 0.5 66.382 1.819 67.533 3.5 L 76.533 18.501 Z" winding="nonZero" x="0" y="0">
                    <s:SolidColorStroke caps="none" color="#CCCCCC" joints="miter" miterLimit="4" weight="1"/>

    DisplayObject.scale9Grid?  Just a stab in the dark

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    Thank for your answer. But u misunderstand my question. I use Oracle Applications release 11i. When I select Concurrent/Program/Define from Navigator/System Administrator. This form 'Concurrent Programs' is still in loading status. And I try compile