Can't Produce CorrectOutput - CheckBox Output?

My program "should"
1. Ask for totally number in party
2. Ask if this partyNumber is correct
3. Get Name
3. Get Entree Order
4. Get Side Order
5. If diner number < number in party
6. Go to Step 3.
I've been working in this for forever and I'm at the point where I'm completely confused with what I'm doing. I need a walk away from it from an hour.
The main thing I can't figure out is I continue get Diners names and there orders and present the output.
If I choose only one diner if will produce output but if I choose 2 or more people in Party I don't even get any output and I can't understand why? Also if I do say that there is only one person in the party it will produce input but for some reason it outputs the dinner entree of the Diner 3 times?? No side order gets output in my JOptionPane.
Hoping someone could help me a bit with my problems. I've reached a point where I getting completey lost. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The output which is resulting from the code is confusing me the most.
P.S. My GUI is pretty wacked but thats another issue in itself and I'll worry about that later. Thanks again.
My code again ******
package finalproject;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Menu extends JFrame {
private JTextField partyNumField, dinerName;
private JComboBox orderComboBox;
private int partyNum;
private JButton getParty, continueOrder, nextDiner;
private JLabel party, companyLogo, dinerLabel, entreeOrder;
private String dinnerEntree[] = {"Filet Mignon", "Chicken Cheese Steak", "Tacos", "Ribs"};
private JCheckBox mashed, cole, baked, french;
private String output = "";
private String diners[] = new String[100]; //set maximum Diner amounts allowed to 100
public Menu() {
// setting up GUI
super("O'Brien Caterer - Where we make good Eats!");
Container container = getContentPane();
JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();
northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 120, 15));
companyLogo = new JLabel("Welcome to O'Brien's Caterer's");
party = new JLabel("Enter the Total Number in Party Please");
partyNumField = new JTextField(5);
getParty = new JButton("GO - Continue with Order");
new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent)
partyNum = Integer.parseInt(partyNumField.getText());
String ans=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Total Number is party is: "
+ partyNum + " is this correct?\n\n" + "Enter 1 to continue\n"
+ "Enter 2 to cancel\n");
if (ans.equals("1")) {
// handle continue
} else { // assume to be 2 for cancel
System.exit(0); // handle cancel
); // end Listener
northPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,150));
JPanel middlePanel = new JPanel();
middlePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
dinerLabel = new JLabel("Please enter Diner's name");
dinerName = new JTextField(30);
continueOrder = new JButton("continue");
new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent){
output += "Diner Name\t" + "Entree\t" + "Side Dishes\n";
output += dinerName.getText();
entreeOrder = new JLabel("Please choose an entree");
orderComboBox = new JComboBox(dinnerEntree);
new ItemListener(){
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output += (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
mashed = new JCheckBox("Mashed Potatoes");
cole = new JCheckBox("Cole Slaw");
baked = new JCheckBox("Baked Beans");
french = new JCheckBox("FrenchFries");
CheckBoxHandler handler = new CheckBoxHandler();
JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
nextDiner = new JButton("NEXT DINER");
new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent)
int dinerCounter = 1;
if (dinerCounter == partyNum)
); // end of nextDiner actionListener button
container.add(northPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
container.add(middlePanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
container.add(southPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH);
setSize(600, 500);
// private class to handle event of choosing CheckBoxItem
private class CheckBoxHandler implements ItemListener{
private int counter = 0; // counter to enable nextDiner Button when
// two choices are selected to enable button
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event){
if (event.getSource() == mashed)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (event.getSource() == cole)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (event.getSource() == baked)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (event.getSource() == french)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (counter >= 2)
public void displayResults()
JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output, "Final Order of Party",
public static void main(String args[])
Menu application = new Menu();
new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent)
package finalproject;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Menu extends JFrame {
private JTextField partyNumField, dinerName;
private JComboBox orderComboBox;
private int partyNum;
private JButton getParty, continueOrder, nextDiner;
private JLabel party, companyLogo, dinerLabel, entreeOrder;
private String dinnerEntree[] = {"Filet Mignon", "Chicken Cheese Steak", "Tacos", "Ribs"};
private JCheckBox mashed, cole, baked, french;
private String output = "";
private String diners[] = new String[100]; //set maximum Diner amounts allowed to 100
public Menu() {
// setting up GUI
super("O'Brien Caterer - Where we make good Eats!");
Container container = getContentPane();
JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();
northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 120, 15));
companyLogo = new JLabel("Welcome to O'Brien's Caterer's");
party = new JLabel("Enter the Total Number in Party Please");
partyNumField = new JTextField(5);
getParty = new JButton("GO - Continue with Order");
new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent)
partyNum = Integer.parseInt(partyNumField.getText());
String ans=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Total Number is party is: "
+ partyNum + " is this correct?\n\n" + "Enter 1 to continue\n"
+ "Enter 2 to cancel\n");
if (ans.equals("1")) {
// handle continue
} else { // assume to be 2 for cancel
System.exit(0); // handle cancel
); // end Listener
northPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,150));
JPanel middlePanel = new JPanel();
middlePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
dinerLabel = new JLabel("Please enter Diner's name");
dinerName = new JTextField(30);
continueOrder = new JButton("continue");
new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent){
output += "Diner Name\t" + "Entree\t" + "Side Dishes\n";
output += dinerName.getText();
entreeOrder = new JLabel("Please choose an entree");
orderComboBox = new JComboBox(dinnerEntree);
new ItemListener(){
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output += (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
mashed = new JCheckBox("Mashed Potatoes");
cole = new JCheckBox("Cole Slaw");
baked = new JCheckBox("Baked Beans");
french = new JCheckBox("FrenchFries");
CheckBoxHandler handler = new CheckBoxHandler();
JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
nextDiner = new JButton("NEXT DINER");
new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent)
int dinerCounter = 1;
if (dinerCounter == partyNum)
); // end of nextDiner actionListener button
container.add(northPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
container.add(middlePanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
container.add(southPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH);
setSize(600, 500);
// private class to handle event of choosing CheckBoxItem
private class CheckBoxHandler implements ItemListener{
private int counter = 0; // counter to enable nextDiner Button when
// two choices are selected to enable button
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event){
if (event.getSource() == mashed)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (event.getSource() == cole)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (event.getSource() == baked)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (event.getSource() == french)
if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
output+= (String)orderComboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (counter >= 2)
public void displayResults()
JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output, "Final Order of Party",
public static void main(String args[])
Menu application = new Menu();
new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent)

Hey bud, I will look at your code and see if I can find the problem. In the mean time, I took the liberty of developing your getParty button action performed method a little. You are figuring out the main logic in your own program, I thought I would turn you on to a few validation tricks to enhance your experience.
I know I'll get flamed for this, but I have also watched you build most of this alone. I'm just coming along behind and adding a few details. This is also how we learn. Just replace your current code with this.
It dis-allows any thing but integer entries between 1 & 50, and offers nice dialogs so the user is not confused. Try entering junk in the partysize box and you will see. My intention was not to do your assignment for you, but to introduce you to some dialog objects and some validation technique. Don't let me down here, look at the code and try to understand how I have used those dialogs. You weren't really using them correctly before.
     new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You will want to ensure partyNum was a number.
        final java.text.NumberFormat intFormatter =
        intFormatter.setParseIntegerOnly( true );
        try {
         partyNum = intFormatter.parse( partyNumField.getText() ).intValue();
        } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
          partyNum = 0;  // party size was not a number, flag error dialog !
        // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I changed this from an input to a confirm dialog.
        // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A little more like the real thing, don't you think?
        // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This is also a good time to limit irrational values.
        if ( partyNum > 0 && partyNum < 50 ) {  // the > is a greater than operator
          int ans =
            JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( getContentPane(),
              "Total Number in party is: " + partyNum +
              "\nIs this correct?",
              "Confirm Party Size",
          if ( ans == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ) {   // user accepted party size
            // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  Set these to false, users are silly sometimes.
          } else { // ans == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION // user rejected party size
            // System.exit(0);   // handle rejection
            // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  I suggest clearing the invalid answer
            // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  and allowing them to try again.
            partyNum = 0;
        } else { // party size was less than 1 or over 50
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getContentPane(),
            "Illegal Party Size !\nPlease try again.\n"+ // Say what went wrong...
            "Enter a number between 1 and 50.",   // ...and give them some advice.
            "Illegal Party Size",
          // System.exit(0);   // handle rejection
          // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  I suggest clearing the invalid answer
          // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  and allowing them to try again.
    }); // end Listener

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    The method checkboxList is in charge of generating the checkboxes and assign a value and name, and the method "selectedItems" is the List<String> that stores the selected checkboxes values, so what I save into the table is something like this: "1,4,6,7" but I don't know how to retrieve the selections and check the checxkboxes according the what the user have on the table:
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    document.getElementById('form1:checkbox1').selected = false;
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Unfortunately, PrE, unlike PrPro, does not have Sequences. As I normally use PrPro, I feel that this is a big loss, but considering the differences in the two programs, I can see why Adobe chose to not include Sequences.
    Now, there are at least two ways to do similar:
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    2.) Many have used ClipMate, a Clipboard "extender," to Copy/Paste between two Projects. I have not used it, so I do not know the power, or the limitations.
    Good luck,
    * One workflow is to do a very tight edit, with all cuts and Transitions, as changing things like a simple Transition can be a bit more work, and require extra Trimming, just to swap out a Cross-Dissolve for another Transition. The other is to do a very loose edit, leaving the Clips with plenty of additional footage, so you will have the necessary Handles. For this, I would go so far as to place 02 sec. of Black Video between each Clip, so I could easily find where I will want to Trim later. It's either a tight, final edit, or a very loose one.

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    Welcome to the Sony Community.
    Are you referring to a Sony flat screen TV? What is the model number of the device to which you wish to connect the digital output from the flat screen? It is required to know the exact model number of the Sony product so that the appropriate information can be provided.
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  • How can i produce xml like this ?

    <subject>message subject</subject>
    <text>message text</text>
    <sid>to be define later</sid>
    <trx_id>Unique number</trx_id>
    <contentid>see note</contentid>
    How can i produce that xml?
    Can i produce it with this?
    public Element getXML(Document document) {
            // create sentContent Element
            Element sentContent = document.createElement( "mms" );
            // create subject Element
            Element temp = document.createElement( "subject" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getJudulFilm() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create url_image Element
            temp = document.createElement( "url_image" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create url_sound Element
            temp = document.createElement( "url_sound" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create url_video Element
            temp = document.createElement( "url_video" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getUrl_video() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create text Element
            temp = document.createElement( "text" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create msisdn_sender Element
            temp = document.createElement( "msisdn_sender" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getMsisdn() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create msisdn_recipient Element
            temp = document.createElement( "msisdn_recipient" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getMsisdn() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create sid Element
            temp = document.createElement( "sid" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getSid() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create trx_id Element
            temp = document.createElement( "trx_id" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getTrx_id() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create trx_date Element
            temp = document.createElement( "trx_date" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getTrx_date() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create contentid Element
            temp = document.createElement( "contentid" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getContentid() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            return sentContent;
        }& how can i send it to the server using HTTP request post method?

    <subject>message subject</subject>
    <text>message text</text>
    <sid>to be define later</sid>
    <trx_id>Unique number</trx_id>
    <contentid>see note</contentid>
    How can i produce that xml?
    Can i produce it with this?
    public Element getXML(Document document) {
            // create sentContent Element
            Element sentContent = document.createElement( "mms" );
            // create subject Element
            Element temp = document.createElement( "subject" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getJudulFilm() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create url_image Element
            temp = document.createElement( "url_image" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create url_sound Element
            temp = document.createElement( "url_sound" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create url_video Element
            temp = document.createElement( "url_video" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getUrl_video() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create text Element
            temp = document.createElement( "text" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create msisdn_sender Element
            temp = document.createElement( "msisdn_sender" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getMsisdn() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create msisdn_recipient Element
            temp = document.createElement( "msisdn_recipient" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getMsisdn() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create sid Element
            temp = document.createElement( "sid" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getSid() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create trx_id Element
            temp = document.createElement( "trx_id" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getTrx_id() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create trx_date Element
            temp = document.createElement( "trx_date" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getTrx_date() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            // create contentid Element
            temp = document.createElement( "contentid" );
            temp.appendChild( document.createTextNode(
            String.valueOf( getContentid() ) ) );
            sentContent.appendChild( temp );
            return sentContent;
        }& how can i send it to the server using HTTP request post method?

  • Can I convert the optical output to analog for a zone 2 audio? I would continue using the HDMI for the main zone. Can I use both of these simultaneously? Zone 2 only supports analog on this receiver.

    Can I convert the optical output to analog via a converter for  zone 2 audio? I would continue using the HDMI for the main zone. Can I use both of these simultaneously? Zone 2 only supports analog on this receiver.

    These will probably help.

  • How can we edit alv report output.

    hi all,
    how can we edit alv report output

    \[removed by moderator as it was just a copy and paste answer of someone else's work without giving a source\]
    Edited by: Jan Stallkamp on Aug 25, 2008 4:35 PM

  • Pairing Garmin with BT: Can't create connection: Input/output error

    I'm learning how to use BT in linux.  I have a Garmin and a CE device that has bluetooth capability.  Both are in discovery mode.
    Running "hcitool cc [macaddr]" to pair the Garmin looks promising, the Garmin receives the, well, transaction (what's this called?), and says the passkey is 1234.  However, I press OK on the Garmin, and it shows a second message that the connection failed.  Looking at my PC, I see this in the terminal:
    Can't create connection: Input/output error
    What am I doing wrong?

    Check here. Also have you done a TimeMachine back up?

  • Is there any tec support i can call?, all my output is in Question Marks "?"

    is there any tec support i can call?, all my output is in Question Marks "?"

    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID - --> Can I change the answers to the security questions for my Apple ID?  --> Yes. You can change the answers to the security questions provided when you originally signed up for your Apple ID. Go to My Apple ID ( and click Manage your account.
    Forgotten security questions -  and
    More involved forgotten question issues -
    Kappy 09/2012 post about security questions -
    John Galt's tips (09/2012) -
    If none of the above work, contact iTunes Support at and follow the instructions to report the issue to the iTunes Store.

  • Is it possible to disable the trackpad when a wireless or usb mouse is present? With Lion 10.7.2, I can not find the checkbox that was there before I installed Lion. Is the option gone on Lion?

    Is it possible to disable the trackpad when a wireless or usb mouse is present? With Lion 10.7.2, I can not find the checkbox that was there before I installed Lion. Is the option gone on Lion?

    There is no BIOS in OS X. There is only the EFI stored in ROM that is not user modifiable. OS X is probably checking Bay 0 for the boot drive since that is where it should be. It won't check the Tempo drive since it is treated like an external drive. I suggest you open Startup Disk preferences to see if the Tempo device is selected as the boot device. If it isn't, then select it. That will probably shave off a few seconds in the startup time.

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