Can't recharge my Nomad Juke

I have a Zen Xtra Nomad Jukebox that won't recharge. I could understand if the battery was bad but I just don't know if that's the problem. When I plug in the charger, I get a screen with the Creative logo followed by the EAX logo and then the screen goes blank (dark). This recycles over and over for hours and days but no charge goes into the battery.

Can you get it to recovery mode? ( hold play/pause press reset, then let go of play pause when the player boots?
it could be a dead hard disk ( which can easily be replaced at a low cost )?

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    Dear Farhad,
    there is definitely two schools of thought about this, the conventional one is use phone until almost dead then full charge, however recent articles in macworld that frequent charges do no more harm to these batteries. i think the best advice is to use your phone and then charge it when it needs charging. Most phone batteries ae fairly tired after a couple of years anyway, regardless of how to charge.

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    Running Lion on a partition of the disk that also contains your backups is not a good idea; if that drive fails, you risk losing both copies of your stuff!
    OSX will also run somewhat more slowly, because access to an external is slower.  That probably won't be very significant, though.
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    bobjbkln wrote:
    Chare it whenever you want.  You can even keep it tethered to your computer 24/7.  Just make sure that you fully drain and then charge it about once a month.
    One "charge cycle" each month but that does not imply "fully drain."  According to Apple:
    A charge cycle means using all of the battery’s power, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a single charge. For instance, you could listen to your iPod for a few hours one day, using half its power, and then recharge it fully. If you did the same thing the next day, it would count as one charge cycle, not two, so you may take several days to complete a cycle. Each time you complete a charge cycle, it diminishes battery capacity slightly, but you can put notebook, iPod, and iPhone batteries through many charge cycles before they will only hold 80% of original battery capacity. As with other rechargeable batteries, you may eventually need to replace your battery.
    Copied from this page.

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    Reading all the problems with audio jacks , and I wish i had read them prior to my purchase, I will never ever buy a creative product again.
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    Hello everybody,
    can someone tell me what's wrong?
    I haven't been able to recharge on my mobile since 3 days, before that there was no problem doing this.
    Hope to hear from you!

    Hey Obeidattimour,
    Thanks for the question. If you are experiencing issues connecting to the iTunes or App Store, the following resource outlines troubleshooting steps that may lead to a solution:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support
    Matt M.

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