Can't Resize a Thumbnail?

...and isn't that what I'm supposed to be able to do with the "Thumbnail" slider in the Button Info pane?
If I drag an image into the little "Custom thumbnail" zone just below that slider, it immediately appears both there and inside the button on my main menu. Moving the "Size" slider located just below that magnifies or reduces the entire menu button, but has no effect on the size of the thumbnail WITHIN the button itself.
But moving the Thumbnail slider doesn't seem to do anything -- unless I slide too far to the left and the image suddenly goes to black, or too far to the right and the image is suddenly replaced by a generic folder icon.
Have tested with several different images of different sizes and proportions, and the results are always the same. Which makes me wonder:
1) Is there in fact any way to resize a thumbnail which has been dropped into that "Custom thumbnail" spot (relative to the menu button in which it now appears)?
2) If not (aside from that being an obvious Feature Request), then what the heck is that "Thumbnail" slider control in the Button Info pane (and which also appears on its own when you just select the menu button into which the image is now being displayed) supposed to be for?
This is the last thing I need to set before burning, so any suggestions would be welcome!
P.S. -- just noticed that when I move that slider control -- even though nothing appears to change on screen (and regardless of whether I'm looking at the menu with the motion on or off), the Undo info under the File menu refers to "Set Button Thumbnail Time". But I still don't get it, since I only seem to be able to drag a single image into the "Custom thumbnail" zone, and the Thumbnail slider control still appears to do nothing useful. Yet it must be there for a reason?

The + sign is usually associated with a Text Box that is not big enough to see all the text. It will show up even if there is just an extra return, so you may be able to see all your text but added an extra return in there and that is causing the text box to think there is something you can't see. You can ungroup everything and select the text box and make it bigger and click at the bottom to see if there are extra lines you can delete.
Then if you want to be able to resize everything, including text, at once, select the grouped item, open Preview and get a New From Clipboard (command n or File>New From Clipboard). Copy this and paste back into Keynote. You will not be able to change the text, but it will resize with the image.

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    In the review widget options, the sixth option down is called "Drag Thumbnail to Target."
    Does anyone know if I can resize the thumbnails at the bottom?

    Hi Ian,
    Are you talking about the thumbnails in the Pages pane?
    In that case, you can right-click on the Pages pane to bring up the context menu.
    "Enlarge Page Thumbnails" and "Reduce Page Thumbnails" are items on that menu.
    You can also click on the little gears icon under the name of the Pane. That bring up the same menu.

  • How can I make my thumbnails softer & smoother?

    Hi, I am trying to create thumbnails from my digital camera. I have been comparing JMagick to the java2d api. My needs are simple - resize jpegs. I am finding indistinguishable image quality between the two when I resize except in the case of thumbnails. Those I am getting from the java2d package are looking sharp & brittle. The ones from Jmagick are soft & smooth. Can anyone please let me know how I can get softer & smoother thumbnails from Java2d? Here is my test that compares JMagick & java2d - notice there are several different possible ways I am saving using Java2d (JAI, AffineTransform, and Graphics2d). I am finding the best results (quickest) using AffineTransform. The Graphics2d approach below is of noticably worse quality. I'm new to this so any help is appreciated.
    What it does: I am using this to take 1600 x 1200 images & create a copy, a 1024x768 image, and a 150x112 thumbnail.
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.RenderingHints;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;
    import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
    import javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi;
    import javax.imageio.spi.IIORegistry;
    import java.util.*;
    import magick.ImageInfo;
    import magick.MagickException;
    import magick.MagickImage;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
    * @version      1.0
    * @author          creichenbach
    public class JmagickVsJava2d
         private     static     int          MAX_THUMBSIZE           = 150;
         private     static     int          MAX_IMAGESIZE          = 1024;
         static     final      String          APPENDAGE_THUMB          = "_tn";
         static     final      String          APPENDAGE_MED_COPY      = "_MediumCopy";
         static     final      String          APPENDAGE_COPY           = "_Copy";
         //               THUMBNAILS                     //
         double scaleImageJava2d( List imgs, int maxSize, String appendage ) throws Exception
              long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              int size = imgs.size();
              for ( int i=0;i<size;i++ )
                   File f = (File) imgs.get( i );
                   String imgPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
                   String copyPath = imgPath.substring(0, imgPath.length()-4) + "Java2d"+appendage+".jpg";
                   File infile = new File( imgPath );
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( infile );
                   com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageDecoder decoder = com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(fis);
                   BufferedImage im = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage();
                   int width = im.getWidth();
                   int height = im.getHeight();
                   double scale = getScale( width, height, maxSize );
                   //uncomment to use Affine Transform
                   scaleAndSaveWithAffineTransform( scale, im, copyPath );
                   //uncomment to use JAI
                   //scaleAndSaveWithJAI( scale, im, copyPath );
                   //uncomment to use Graphics2d
                   //scaleAndSaveWithGraphics2d( im, width, height, maxSize, copyPath );
              long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
              return getElapsedTime( start, stop );          
         double scaleImageJmagick( List imgs, int maxSize, String appendage ) throws IOException
                   long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                   int size = imgs.size();
                   for ( int i=0;i<size;i++ )
                        File f = (File) imgs.get( i );
                        String imgPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
                        String copyPath = imgPath.substring(0, imgPath.length()-4) + "Jmagick"+appendage+".jpg";
                        ImageInfo imgInfo = new ImageInfo( imgPath );
                        MagickImage image = new MagickImage( imgInfo );
                        int width = (int) image.getDimension().getWidth();
                        int height = (int) image.getDimension().getHeight();
                        int[] dim = getImageDimensions( width, height, maxSize );
                        MagickImage thumbnail = image.scaleImage( dim[ 0 ], dim[ 1 ] );
                        thumbnail.setFileName( copyPath );
                        thumbnail.writeImage( imgInfo );
                   long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
                   return getElapsedTime( start, stop );     
              catch (MagickException e)
                   throw new IOException( "MagickException. Failure creating thumbnails." );
         //                    COPIES                     //
         double makeImageCopyJmagick( List imgs, String appendage ) throws Exception
              long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              int size = imgs.size();
              for ( int i=0;i<size;i++ )
                   File f = (File) imgs.get( i );
                   String imgPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
                   String copyPath = imgPath.substring(0, imgPath.length()-4) + "Jmagick"+appendage+".jpg";
                   ImageInfo imgInfo = new ImageInfo( imgPath );
                   MagickImage image = new MagickImage( imgInfo );
                   image.setFileName( copyPath );
                   //imgInfo.setQuality( 100 );
                   image.writeImage( imgInfo );
              long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
              return getElapsedTime( start, stop );
         double makeImageCopyJava2d( List imgs, String appendage ) throws Exception
              long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              int size = imgs.size();
              for ( int i=0;i<size;i++ )
                   File f = (File) imgs.get( i );
                   String imgPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
                   String copyPath = imgPath.substring(0, imgPath.length()-4) + "Java2d"+appendage+".jpg";
                   File infile = new File( imgPath );
                   BufferedImage im = infile );
                   File outfile = new File( copyPath );
                   ImageIO.write( im, "jpg", outfile );
              long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
              return getElapsedTime( start, stop );
         void run() throws Exception
              File f = new File( "images" );
              List imgs = parseDirImages( f );
              int size = imgs.size();
              //resize thumbnail
              System.out.println( "starting resize thumbnail test" );
              double java2dTime = scaleImageJava2d( imgs, MAX_THUMBSIZE, APPENDAGE_THUMB );
              System.out.println( "java 2d scaled "+size+" images to "+MAX_THUMBSIZE+" in "+java2dTime+ " seconds" );
              double jmagickTime = scaleImageJmagick( imgs, MAX_THUMBSIZE, APPENDAGE_THUMB );
              System.out.println( "jmagick scaled "+size+" images to "+MAX_THUMBSIZE+" in "+jmagickTime+ " seconds" );
              //resize medium
              System.out.println( "starting resize medium test" );
              java2dTime = scaleImageJava2d( imgs, MAX_IMAGESIZE, APPENDAGE_MED_COPY );
              System.out.println( "java 2d scaled "+size+" images to "+MAX_IMAGESIZE+" in "+java2dTime+ " seconds" );
              jmagickTime = scaleImageJmagick( imgs, MAX_IMAGESIZE, APPENDAGE_MED_COPY );
              System.out.println( "jmagick scaled "+size+" images to "+MAX_IMAGESIZE+" in "+jmagickTime+ " seconds" );
              //copy test
              System.out.println( "starting copy test" );
              java2dTime = makeImageCopyJava2d( imgs, APPENDAGE_COPY );
              System.out.println( "java 2d copied "+size+" images in "+java2dTime+ " seconds" );
              jmagickTime = makeImageCopyJmagick( imgs, APPENDAGE_COPY );
              System.out.println( "jmagick copied "+size+" images in "+jmagickTime+ " seconds" );
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   JmagickVsJava2d jdt = new JmagickVsJava2d();
              catch ( Exception e )
         //               UTILITY METHODS                    //
         static boolean isOriginal( String filename )
              int x;
              return (     (x = filename.indexOf( APPENDAGE_THUMB )) < 0 &&
                             (x = filename.indexOf( APPENDAGE_COPY )) < 0 &&
                             (x = filename.indexOf( APPENDAGE_MED_COPY )) < 0 );
         static boolean isImage( String filename )
              boolean isImage = false;
              int len = filename.length();
              String ext = filename.substring( len - 3 );
              isImage =      "jpg".equalsIgnoreCase( ext ) ||
                             "gif".equalsIgnoreCase( ext ) ||
                             "png".equalsIgnoreCase( ext );
              return isImage;
         private int[] getImageDimensions( int width, int height, int maxLen )
              int[] dimensions = new int[2];
              //get the larger of the 2 values
              int longest = width > height ? width : height;
              //determine what we need to divide by to get the longest side to be MAX_THUMBSIZE
              double divisor = (double)longest/(double)maxLen;
              double w = (double)width/divisor;
              double h = (double)height/divisor;
              dimensions[0] = (int) w;
              dimensions[1] = (int) h;
              return dimensions;
         private double getScale( int width, int height, int maxLen )
              double scale;
              //get the larger of the 2 values
              int longest = width > height ? width : height;
              return (double)maxLen/(double)longest;
         private double getElapsedTime( long start, long stop )
              long s = stop - start;
              double elapsed = (double) s/1000;     
              return elapsed;
         private List parseDirImages( File dir ) throws IOException     
              ArrayList imgFiles = new ArrayList();
              if ( dir.isDirectory() )
                   File[] files = dir.listFiles();
                   int len = files.length;
                   for ( int i=0;i<len;i++ )
                        File f = files[ i ];
                        String filename = f.getName();
                        if ( isImage(filename) && isOriginal(filename) )
                             imgFiles.add( f );
                   }//end for
              } //end if is directory
                   throw new IOException( dir.getName()+ "is not a valid directory." );
              return imgFiles;
         private void encodeJPEGImage( BufferedImage bi, String copyPath ) throws IOException
              if (bi != null && copyPath != null)
              {      // save image as Jpeg     
                   FileOutputStream out = null;
                        out = new FileOutputStream( copyPath );
                   catch ( fnf) {       
                        System.out.println("File Not Found");
                   JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
                   com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(bi);
                   param.setQuality(0.99f, false);
         * Scale with Java 2 standard graphics API
         private void scaleAndSaveWithAffineTransform( double scale, BufferedImage srcImg, String copyPath )
              throws IOException
         AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( scale, scale);
              RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(     RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING,
    //          RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(     RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION,
    //                                                                 RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
              //AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp( xform, hints );
              AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp( xform, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR );
              BufferedImage dstImg = op.createCompatibleDestImage( srcImg, srcImg.getColorModel() );
              BufferedImage out = op.filter(srcImg, dstImg);
              encodeJPEGImage( out, copyPath );
         * Scale an image using the JAI API
         private void scaleAndSaveWithJAI( double scale, BufferedImage srcImg, String destName )
              throws IOException
              //using AffineTransform
              AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( scale, scale);
              Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BICUBIC);
              PlanarImage img = (PlanarImage)JAI.create( "affine", srcImg, transform, interpolation);
              FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (destName);
              ImageEncoder enc = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder( "JPEG", fos, null );
              enc.encode( img );
         private void scaleAndSaveWithGraphics2d(     BufferedImage      im,
                                                                int                width,
                                                                int                height,
                                                                int                maxSize,
                                                                String                copyPath )
              throws IOException
                   int[] dim = getImageDimensions( width, height, maxSize );
                   int tw = dim[ 0 ];
                   int th = dim[ 1 ];
                   HashMap hints = new HashMap( 2 );
                   hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
                   hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY );
                   BufferedImage thumb = new BufferedImage( tw, th, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
                   Graphics2D g2D = thumb.createGraphics();
                   g2D.setRenderingHints( hints );
                   g2D.drawImage( im, 0, 0, tw, th, null );
                   File outfile = new File( copyPath );
                   ImageIO.write( thumb, "jpg", outfile );     

    Hi, You were right,
    the resulting quality when scaling images using the drawImage method is
    miserable. Thus there is a getScaledInstance method provided by the
    Image class. This Method allows us to specify the scaling algorithm
    (AREA_AVERAGING, SMOOTH, FAST...). Unforunately the jpeg encoder is only
    capable to encode BufferedImage objects an not Image objects. So the
    method listed below scales an Image, then uses a MediaTracker to wait
    for the end of the scaling process an copy the scaled image into a
    BufferedImage. One has to mention that the MediaTracker Contructer needs
    a Component object. To me the reason for this is not really obvious, but
    it seems we can feed it with any Component ( new Frame() should do the
    private synchronized Image getScaledImage(Image ii, int nMaxWidth, int nMaxHeight) {
    Image im = ii.getScaledInstance(nMaxWidth, nMaxHeight, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
    MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(frame);
    mt.addImage(im, 0);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ie) {
    System.out.println("exception scaling image:" + ie.getMessage());
    if (mt.isErrorID(0)) {
    // don't use the scaled icon if there was an error
    im = ii;
    System.out.println("getScaledImage():Error scaling the ImageIcon!!");
    } else {
    // scaling succeeded
    return im;

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    We just need it.

    Better Touch Tool does the snapping as well and with gestures too! so you can probably get rid of that other one.
    I agree, it's something that seems to not make sense. on the other hand I didn't realize you could do it until the second year of using my mac. of course after finding out about it I would use it to shrink or enlarge the icons on my desktop when I wasn't using them so it wasn't cluttered.
    I think one of the fun things about having the mac are the little easter egg abilities that aren't necessarily written out for you to know but you have the expereince of figuring them out on your own through using it or finding it out as a secret tip to quicken your workflow. Getting rid of this is similar to having a dream that you won a billion dollars and then waking up knowing you don't.

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    Thanks for your help.

    the slides should update automatically as you type
    are you using a  theme you created yourself, or one you have added for this show?
    when you play the show, does the slides show correctly?  If they are OK you could still show the presentation.
    also what Mac are you using and what graphic crd is installed?

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    The ! turns up when iPhoto loses the connection between the thumbnail in the iPhoto Window and the file it represents.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

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    Thank you

    It's an option in the Export menu.
    File -> Export and under the Size option you can choose the maximum you prefer. Export that and upload from the desktop.

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    While using list view in the finder, I can't resize the various categories (name, size, type, etc). This is very annoying, as my "name" category is expanded so wide you can't see any of the others! For some reason, it's impossible to double click between the categories to have it automatically resize, and you can't click and drag to resize. The double arrows just don't show up. Even more confusing, this only happens while looking at certain folders (desktop and documents), but other folders in the same view work fine. I've tried trashing finder preferences and that didn't solve the problem. How do I fix this? Thank you.

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    Hey there,
    Thanks for your reply. That works for the files I do what you said. However, for files I have not done that, It still shows the navigation bar. Any idea, how to do it default for any files?
    Thanks agian

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  • How can I resize partition? - New larger hard drive installed

    The hard drive on my MacBook Pro recently died on me (just past my Apple Care warranty - lucky me).  I sent it to an authorised reseller/repair place and they installed a new hard drive for me - replacing my old 250GB with a nice new 500GB.  The problem is when they copied over the disk image from my previous hard drive they did not scale up the image (yeah, not so happy bout that).  Now I find myself with a 500GB hard drive with a 250GB partition called Macintosh HD and 250GB of unused/unusable space.  On top of that I'm just starting to get messages saying boot disk nearly full.  How can I resize the "Macintosh HD" partition to use the entire disk?  I've tried using disk utility, clicking on the main drive, going to the partition tab and dragging the Macintosh HD partition to use the entire disk but after a few seconds of a message saying "waiting for disk to reappear" it returns to the same 250GB size.  Running OSX 10.9.3.  Any suggestions?
    Thanks all!

    See the tips in pounding's section on using Disk Utility: and you could also take the route of buying an external hard drive (a great idea of maintaining a backup), format that drive for Mac OS X Extended (Journaled), clone the startup disk to that drive, then boot from the external, erase and format the internal, then clone the external back to the internal partitioned as you want.

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    When you open the icon, it takes up the whole page.  We can change the Font size, but the actual icon will not resize.
    The same document opened up from someone else, the icon views normal. We all have Adobe Acrobat Pro V9.4.6.  Any suggestions on a fix?
    Thank You.

    Your reply also helped fix a problem I had with not being able to resize sticky notes. My original display resolution meant that the resize symbols in the lower corners of the sticky note weren't accessible. In Acrobat X, the setting is under Acrobat, Preferences, Page Display, Resolution.

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    An old trick (not recommended) would be to print to a new PDF with the page size selected but a scaling of the content. Only print the document, not the markup, to a new PDF. Close that PDF when done and reopen the old one (or maybe a copy of the old one for safety) and use Document Replace pages and select the new document to replace your current pages. You will then have to go back through the markup to locate it all correctly. There may be a more elegant way, but this may be the fastest.

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    Which operating system are you using?
    On a windows os, usually one can just double click on the title bar in the open dialog.

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    Hi, one of my customers uses InDesign for making the layout of a magazine. Each issue is an own document. In the magazine there are pages for ads. Ad orders are entered for invoicing in some other (invoicing) software and for the layout in InDesign.

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    Hi Friends To what documents on SuS side tolerances can be appled and what tolerances are available for these documents. Is there a link of Version Control with WFL. What impact Version Control is there on purchasers side and suppliers side when they

  • Pc does NOT turn of without charger

    Hi guys, my laptop Thinkpad edge E530 is fully charged, normally it runs aboat 2 hours without charger. The problem is, when I turn it down, or put in sleep mode after that I´m not able to turn the pc on without charger even if the battery is fully c