Can't Restore iPhone 4

Hello All ,
My iphone 4 every time show connect to itunes,
When i conect it say restore the phone after saome time says " error 40" Failed to Restore
I have attached logs pls help me to resolve this
2013-09-24 11:20:37.830 [5608:1538]: restore library built Aug  8 2013 at 02:24:58
2013-09-24 11:20:37.830 [5608:1538]: iTunes: iTunes
2013-09-24 11:20:37.830 [5608:1538]: iTunes: Software payload version: 11A465
2013-09-24 11:20:37.830 [5608:1538]: iTunes: Using MobileRestore state machine
[05:51:10.0145] Changing state from 'Idle' to 'Restoring'
[05:51:10.0194] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:10.0198] requested variant: Erase
[05:51:10.0203] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:10.0883] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is True
[05:51:10.0884] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreLogo" Digest = "<CFData 04D189D8 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0884] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 04D19098 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0885] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreKernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 04D18798 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0886] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreRamDisk" Digest = "<CFData 04D188B8 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0886] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBEC" Digest = "<CFData 04D1A490 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0887] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBSS" Digest = "<CFData 04D19128 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0887] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "KernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 04D18678 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0888] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow1" Digest = "<CFData 04D18990 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0889] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow0" Digest = "<CFData 04D18AF8 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0889] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "LLB" Digest = "<CFData 04D1A5B0 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0890] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBoot" Digest = "<CFData 04D191B8 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0891] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "DeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 04D1A520 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0891] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging1" Digest = "<CFData 04D1A328 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0892] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "AppleLogo" Digest = "<CFData 04D1A4D8 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0892] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryPlugin" Digest = "<CFData 04D19830 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0893] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryFull" Digest = "<CFData 04D19878 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0894] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging0" Digest = "<CFData 04D19950 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0894] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RecoveryMode" Digest = "<CFData 04D198C0 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
[05:51:10.0895] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID <CFData 04E158C8 [64C18078]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}
[05:51:10.0895] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL, SSO disabled.
[05:51:10.0912] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Per7986.tmp\amai\debug\tss-request.plist
[05:51:12.0181] amai: tss_submit_job: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
[05:51:12.0453] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0)
[05:51:12.0502] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Per7986.tmp\amai\debug\tss-response.plist
[05:51:12.0639] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "Diags"
[05:51:12.0676] iBoot build-version = iBoot-1537.9.55
[05:51:12.0677] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
[05:51:12.0678] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:12.0681] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:12.0682] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:12.0684] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:12.0684] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:12.0685] found device map entry for 0x00008930 0x00000000. boardConfig=n90ap platform=s5l8930x
[05:51:12.0686] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[05:51:12.0686] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
[05:51:12.0687] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
[05:51:12.0687] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
[05:51:12.0687] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
[05:51:12.0688] radio-error not set
[05:51:12.0695] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:12.0695] <Recovery Mode Device 006A06C0>: production fused device
[05:51:12.0696] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:12.0697] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:12.0698] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:12.0700] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:12.0701] interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
[05:51:12.0701] <Recovery Mode Device 006A06C0>: operation 4 progress -1
[05:51:12.0753] bootstrapping restore with iBEC
[05:51:12.0754] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:12.0766] <Recovery Mode Device 006A06C0>: operation 31 progress -1
[05:51:13.0766] <Recovery Mode Device 006A06C0>: Recovery mode succeeded
[05:51:13.0767] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
[05:51:14.0190] Recovery mode device disconnected
[05:51:14.0191] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
[05:51:14.0192] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
[05:51:14.0193] Creating timer to monitor transition
[05:51:17.0676] Recovery mode device connected
[05:51:17.0676] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
[05:51:17.0676] Canceling timer
[05:51:17.0677] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
[05:51:17.0678] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:17.0678] requested variant: Erase
[05:51:17.0678] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
[05:51:18.0554] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreLogo"
[05:51:18.0555] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree"
[05:51:18.0556] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreKernelCache"
[05:51:18.0558] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreRamDisk"
[05:51:18.0558] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBEC" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[05:51:18.0559] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[05:51:18.0561] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "KernelCache"
[05:51:18.0561] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow1"
[05:51:18.0561] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow0"
[05:51:18.0562] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[05:51:18.0563] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBoot"
[05:51:18.0563] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "DeviceTree"
[05:51:18.0564] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging1"
[05:51:18.0564] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "AppleLogo"
[05:51:18.0565] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryPlugin"
[05:51:18.0565] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryFull"
[05:51:18.0566] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging0"
[05:51:18.0566] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RecoveryMode"
[05:51:18.0567] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
[05:51:18.0567] iBoot build-version = iBoot-1940.1.75
[05:51:18.0568] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
[05:51:18.0568] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0568] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0569] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0569] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0570] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:18.0571] found device map entry for 0x00008930 0x00000000. boardConfig=n90ap platform=s5l8930x
[05:51:18.0571] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[05:51:18.0571] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
[05:51:18.0572] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
[05:51:18.0572] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
[05:51:18.0573] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
[05:51:18.0573] radio-error not set
[05:51:18.0574] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:18.0574] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: production fused device
[05:51:18.0575] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0575] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0576] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0576] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0577] interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
[05:51:18.0577] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 4 progress -1
[05:51:18.0632] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:18.0633] found device map entry for 0x00008930 0x00000000. boardConfig=n90ap platform=s5l8930x
[05:51:18.0634] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[05:51:18.0635] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0636] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0637] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0641] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:18.0642] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 42 progress -1
[05:51:18.0643] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:18.0646] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:19.0686] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 5 progress -1
[05:51:20.0069] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:20.0070] found device map entry for 0x00008930 0x00000000. boardConfig=n90ap platform=s5l8930x
[05:51:20.0071] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[05:51:20.0073] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
[05:51:20.0073] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
[05:51:20.0074] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
[05:51:20.0075] command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay' failed: 2008
[05:51:22.0067] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 6 progress -1
[05:51:23.0079] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 7 progress -1
[05:51:23.0407] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 8 progress -1
[05:51:23.0408] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:23.0409] found device map entry for 0x00008930 0x00000000. boardConfig=n90ap platform=s5l8930x
[05:51:23.0410] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[05:51:23.0411] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: operation 9 progress -1
[05:51:23.0412] <Recovery Mode Device 006A05B0>: Recovery mode succeeded
[05:51:23.0413] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
[05:51:25.0483] Recovery mode device disconnected
[05:51:25.0484] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
[05:51:25.0485] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
[05:51:25.0486] Creating timer to monitor transition
[05:51:28.0169] RestoreOS mode device connected
[05:51:28.0169] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
[05:51:28.0170] Canceling timer
[05:51:28.0171] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
[05:51:28.0173] <Restore Device 04D1BDC0>: operation 44 progress -1
[05:51:28.0174] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:28.0174] requested variant: Erase
[05:51:28.0175] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:28.0886] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
[05:51:28.0887] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreLogo"
[05:51:28.0888] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree"
[05:51:28.0889] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreKernelCache"
[05:51:28.0890] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreRamDisk"
[05:51:28.0891] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBEC" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[05:51:28.0892] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[05:51:28.0893] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "KernelCache"
[05:51:28.0894] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow1"
[05:51:28.0896] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow0"
[05:51:28.0896] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[05:51:28.0897] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBoot"
[05:51:28.0898] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "DeviceTree"
[05:51:28.0899] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging1"
[05:51:28.0900] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "AppleLogo"
[05:51:28.0901] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryPlugin"
[05:51:28.0902] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryFull"
[05:51:28.0904] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging0"
[05:51:28.0904] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RecoveryMode"
[05:51:28.0906] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
[05:51:28.0907] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:28.0908] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:28.0909] device did not return saved USB log
[05:51:28.0910] device had saved panic logs: panic(cpu 0 caller 0x87e63cd7): "WMR_ASSERT failed:(((cu).span) != (0)) /SourceCache/IOFlashStorage/IOFlashStorage-664.13.12/Whimory/Core/FTL/L2V/L2V_U pdate.c:1025"
[05:51:28.0910] Debugger message: panic
[05:51:28.0910] OS version: Not set yet
[05:51:28.0910] Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Wed Feb 13 21:36:52 PST 2013; root:xnu-2107.
[05:51:28.0910] iBoot version: iBoot-1537.9.55
[05:51:28.0910] secure boot?: YES
[05:51:28.0910] Paniclog version: 1
[05:51:28.0910] Kernel slide:     0x<<<<<IMEI>>>>>>0
[05:51:28.0910] Kernel text base: 0x87201000
[05:51:28.0910] Epoch Time:        sec       usec
[05:51:28.0910]   Boot    : 0x52342a9e 0x00000000
[05:51:28.0910]   Sleep   : 0x00000000 0x00000000
[05:51:28.0910]   Wake    : 0x00000000 0x00000000
[05:51:28.0910]   Calendar: 0x52342ac8 0x0002e86c
[05:51:28.0910] Task 0xc7a8fc20: 4681 pages, 101 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
[05:51:28.0910]           thread 0xc7b9dbb0
[05:51:28.0910]                     kernel backtrace: 84463a9c
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87289fa1  fp: 0x84463acc
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x8728a83d  fp: 0x84463af8
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87217ca7  fp: 0x84463b10
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87e63cd7  fp: 0x84463d70
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87e5b8f1  fp: 0x84463d90
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87e5bc37  fp: 0x84463dbc
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87e59595  fp: 0x84463e3c
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87e4bc39  fp: 0x84463e9c
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87e65e09  fp: 0x84463ed8
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87449ba7  fp: 0x84463f10
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x87449823  fp: 0x84463f60
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x8744a2f9  fp: 0x84463f88
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x8744a0cb  fp: 0x84463fa8
[05:51:28.0910]                       lr: 0x8728805c  fp: 0x00000000
[05:51:28.0914] connected to service
[05:51:28.0914] using protocol version 13
[05:51:28.0914] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[05:51:28.0915] board config = n90ap
[05:51:28.0918] no value returned for BootArgs
[05:51:28.0918] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for restore bootargs
[05:51:28.0923] no value returned for MarketingPartNumber
[05:51:28.0923] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for mpn
[05:51:28.0923] requested restore behavior: Erase
[05:51:28.0925] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[05:51:28.0929] value query for 'HardwareModel' returned 'N90AP'
[05:51:58.0949] <Restore Device 04D1BDC0>: operation 28 progress -1
[05:51:58.0977] device returned CFError with code 40
[05:51:58.0978] dumping CFError returned by restored:
[05:51:58.0979] CFError domain:AMRestoreErrorDomain code:40 description:storage device did not become available
[05:51:58.0980] Sending acknowledgement that final status was received
[05:51:58.0981] device restore output unavailable
[05:51:58.0982] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[05:51:59.0112] <Restore Device 04D1BDC0>: Restore failed (result = 40)
[05:51:59.0188] Restore completed, status:40
[05:51:59.0188] Failure Description:
[05:51:59.0188] Depth:0 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 40
[05:51:59.0188]    Depth:1 Error:The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 40 - Failed to handle message type StatusMsg)
[05:51:59.0188]       Depth:2 Error:The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 40 - storage device did not become available)

sorry i would just also like to add that before the update the phone had iOS5. now it has iOS7 with all data - apps,  photos, etc. missing.
As i said, photos are on the phone just not recognised by iOS7.
so hoping contacts etc are on it as well - any way of saving that off too??

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    - looked at the host file and there is no reference to on there
    - Phone is not jailbroken
    - turned off security software.
    Any more suggestions?
    Grateful and expectant,
    P.S. Nearest Apple Store is about 3000 miles away, before anyone asks.

    Itunes is updating ALSO today
    Endless countless millions of people are trying to authenticate AFTER downloading the new IOS.
    Download servers and Authentication / Activation servers are slammed right now.
    Give it some time.   
    download servers VS. authentication servers
    If you've downloaded but can yet activate, you can wait till later and Activate your Iphone (or Ipad also) without any worries
    Iphones , Ipads, and Itunes are ALL being updated today, so server traffic is enormous.

  • Can we restore  iphone 4 from old backups

    can we restore  iphone 4 from old backups

    See Here...
    RESTORE from BACKUP...
    Connect to iTunes... Right click on your iPhone in the devices list and choose "Restore from a backup...".
    From there, you should be able to choose which backup you want to restore from.

  • Can not restore iphone 4 error 3194; 4005

    can not restore iphone 4 error 3194; 4005 , please HELP !!!

    Error 3194, read here:

  • Can't restore iphone 5 using itunes, what to do ???

    Can't restore iphone 5 using itunes. It asks for update of ios 7.0.4 while it is in the latest ios and once I start the update using itunes it doesn't complete. Stucks with lots of errors like, 3253, 9000 series. What to do???

    "1- suddenly my iPhone 5 lost mobile company signal and word searching appears instead but no signal for the hole day so I changed the sim with other provider and since it gave me the same result I searched the web and the seems no solution other than restore.
    I did restore and update to iOS 7.0.4 but at the restore takes at the last 1% in the last moment of restore it will take loooong time then gave me error 3. And now for more than a month the iPhone stuck with recovery logo. Almost I tried every trick in the book . Change USB cable, port, PC. PC with other OS . Even freezing the iPhone as I read here noooooo result the same happened again and again."
    I have exactly the same problem with my iPhone 5s!

  • Secure link to iTunes Store Failed, Can't restore iPhone.

    Good day,
    Am hoping to get some help please. We recently upgraded our desktop from Windows XP to Windows 7. Re-installed all the software as well as iTunes 10.
    All has been working fine, up until yesterday. The playlist which we where syncing with the iPhone 3G, had been changed and we wanted to sync the changes to the phone.
    When preforming the sync, it got to the point where it said "Finishing Sync" in iTunes, the phone said "Sync in Progress" and iTunes froze completely. (Not Responding) Left it for about 30mins, after which it still said the same. I rebooted the machine and the phone, and tried again with the same error. I then tried removing all music and videos from the phone. Same problem.
    My last resort was to attempt a restore of the phone. It started the restore and eventually got to a point where iTunes came up with the error 2003, unable to restore iPhone, the phone was now stuck in restore mode with the iTunes Logo and USB plug on the main screen.
    So off to the iStore to get it fixed. The phone was reformatted/restored there and was working fine but I did not have any contacts/messages or photos on the phone, so I attempted another restore, so I could get my info back. It came up with the same issue again. Error 2003.
    I then started browsing around and found out the iTunes diagnostics, it fails every time on the "Secure link to iTunes", iTunes has been added to the Windows firewall, I have tried un-installing my AntiVirus software and trying it with again but same result. I have checked the ports are all open. I have tried to reset my hosts file. I have reset my internet explorer settings, but nothing is working.
    Can anybody help me out with this please.
    Below is the copy of the diagnostics log created the last time I ran it:
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (Build 7600)
    QuickTime 7.6.9
    FairPlay 1.10.14
    Apple Application Support 1.4.1
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (214.3)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 91FD09E04D569044
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2011-01-26 08:09:55.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is not supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS
    ** External Plug-ins Information **
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    ** Network Connectivity Tests **
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name: {56AC59F1-BAF3-48E5-A70D-50B73E31F5EA}
    Description: Realtek RTL8102E/RTL8103E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.20)
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Tue Jan 25 22:44:34 2011
    Lease Expires: Wed Jan 26 22:44:34 2011
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected: Yes
    Online: Yes
    Using Modem: No
    Using LAN: Yes
    Using Proxy: Yes
    HTTP Proxy:
    SSL 3.0 Support: Enabled
    TLS 1.0 Support: Enabled
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is NOT enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to browsing iTunes Store was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to purchasing from iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to iPhone activation server was successful.
    Connection attempt to firmware update server was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Last successful store access was 2011-01-26 08:08:05.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

    The results show that you have a proxy server set and this can often cause problems with iTunes.
    The proxy setting can be accessed in Internet options>>Connections>>LAN Settings.
    Try un-checking the proxy server check box.
    It might also be a good idea to run a malware check if you didn't know you had the proxy server set.
    You can download a free version of an excellent scanner- Malwarebytes here:

  • Can't restore iPhone error 1015

    Was trying to sync my iPhone in iTunes and it said it needed to upgrade so I said ok and now it won't restore because of error 1015 what do I do?

    try this
    hat is iPhone DFU mode?
    DFU mode is a state that you can put your iPhone into where it can interface with iTunes but does not load the iPhone operating system or boot loader (this is what really differs DFU mode fromrecovery mode). DFU stands for Device Firmware Update.
    What is DFU mode used for?
    The primary reason people need to access DFU mode on their iPhone is to change the firmware on the device. This can serve to downgrade to a prior iPhone firmware and operating system, or to use a custom firmware that is required for a jailbreak or SIM unlock. For instance, if you got theiPhone OS 4 download installed and decided you would rather have a prior version of the firmware on your iPhone, you would need to do this through DFU mode.
    How to enter iPhone DFU mode
    Connect the iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes
    Turn the iPhone off (hold down the power button at the top of the iPhone)
    Hold down the sleep/power button and home button together for exactly 10 seconds, then release the power button
    Continue to hold down the Home button until a message appears in iTunes telling you an iPhone in recover mode has been detected
    When you are in DFU mode your iPhone screen will be completely black
    Even though the screen is black, that doesn’t mean the device can’t be interfaced with either iTunes or a custom firmware client (for jailbreaking, etc).
    Remember that if you see the restore logo, iTunes logo, or any message on the iPhone screen, you are not in DFU mode but standard Recovery Mode. Again, DFU mode is signified by having a completely black screen on the device. If anything else is the case, repeat the steps above until you enter into DFU mode successfully.
    Exit DFU mode on iPhone
    The simplest way to exit out of DFU mode is to hold down the Home and sleep/power buttons on the iPhone while connected to iTunes. Then just hit the power button as and this should reboot the device as usual.
    And if you’re curious, yes this works all the same on an iPod touch.
    The most common use for DFU mode is to jailbreak. It’s not unusual for people to buy an existing iPhone and jailbreak the device to use the phone on another network or overseas, this is often a cheaper way to get an iPhone than to sign into a contract with AT&T, pay roaming charges, or pay the full iPhone 4 price. This is assuming you can find someone with the new iPhone that will sell it, considering how tight iPhone 4 availability and demand is at the moment, that might be difficult!

  • Can't restore iphone 4s

    Switched the phone off as the camera had frozen and now it won't come back on!  Tried to restart, restore etc.  Itunes has error message saying can't restore.  Help?!!

    Open current iTunes on your computer. Connect iPhone to your computer with the USB Cable. Hold both the home and power buttons for about 20 seconds, until iTunes recognizes iPhone in Recovery Mode. Click the Restore button of iTunes. If it Restores great. If any Error Messages are given write them down so you can look up the cause and solution.

  • Can not restore IPHONE

      I plugged my Iphone 3gs into computer to update and it went into recovery mode and now can not restore which is the next prompted step. Computer and I tunes says they are fully updateded as well.Tried restarting computer and Iphone. Still no luck.

    Force your phone into DFU mode (search google) and restore.
    Note:  if your phone has been previously jailbroken, these steps may not work and you may have "bricked" your phone for good.

  • Can not restore iphone back to original setting

    i can not restore my iphone back to original setting, when i try to restore my iphone via itunes, it shows "The iphone could not be resotore. An unknown error occurred(-18)." anyone can help me out to fix this problem??

    Was your iPhone "hacked" or unlocked in any way?

  • Can't restore iPhone 4s from old backup?

    I did a backup on my iPhone 4s on ios 6.1.2. a week ago. My backups size is 6gb. Then I restored to ios 6.1.3, but can't restore from the backup.
    The picture is in danish, but notice how it can't find the backup ''Gendan sikkerhedskopi''.
    When i'm locating my backup in Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup, it shows me 3 folders?
    Can I get my files back? Thanksss

    Your screen shots are not appearing for me.
    As long as the backups are from the same iOS or an older iOS that you currently have on the phone, you should be able to restore from the backup. You cannot restore a newer iOS backup to an older iOS device until you update the device to the same iOS as the backup.
    I don't know if the screen shots were visible if it would help, but it sure couldn't hurt to see what you are seeing.

  • Can I restore Iphone 5 to old operating system. don't like the new IOS7

    Very disappointed in the new IOS 7 for Iphone 5. How can I restore to previous operating system?

    As has always been the case, there is no legit way to go back at all.

  • Forgotten passcode - can't restore iPhone

    My iPhone got disabled after I entered passcode wrong several times. It asks to connect the device to iTunes, so I did. I followed steps from the instructions here ("if you've never synced your device with itunes" since I reinstalled Windows and lost the reserved copy of my iPhone in iTunes). After the first time I put iPhone into recovery mode, iTunes downloaded some updates and restored iPhone but I still had the problem with passcode. The device was still disabled and asked to connect it to iTunes. I put it into recovery mode again but I can't restore it because error 1611 occurred.
    How can I restore my iPhone and solve the problem with passcode?
    Thank you.

    Click here and follow the instructions.

  • Can't Restore Iphone

    I have read a lot of the threads in this discussion and have tried almost everyone's advice but am still unable to restore my iphone and continue to receive the error message (6). Long story short I was trying to update my iphone to the latest version in itunes (2.0.2) AND IT FROZE WITH THE ITUNES SCREEN ON THE PHONE WITH THE USB CABLE POINTING UP TO ITUNES!
    So I did what the discussion page said to do and held down both buttons for 20 to 30 seconds....I first get the apple screen then I believe it turns off. I have also done what the discussion page says to do.....hold down the home key while plugging it back into the computer......tried different USB ports.....I updated all my software....all of that... If I reset it, it goes to the plug into itunes screen. Fine. It tells me i need to restore. Fine. I try to restore and itunes tells me it could not restore---error (6).
    So at this point in time I have no phone....I can't receive calls or make them. I have restarted, rebooted, upgraded, updated, tried different ports, different wall outlets, you name it and all I get is an error message (6).....any advice will help as I am out fighting fires and need a phone asap!!!! Thanks!

    I'm having the same thing. I was trying to do the same exact thing and have pretty much bricked my phone. It gets 1/3 of the way through "restoring iphone software" and throws the iphone could not be restored, unknown error occurred (6).
    I followed all of the Apple advice, including the article above. No dice. I've got a bricked phone now to start the workweek.

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