Can't Sign In to Apple Support Communities

I had to make another account just to post this in here.  The Apple website won't let me log into my account.  The website wants me to create an Apple Support Community username even though I already have one.  And when I try to make a Username it tells me that I already have one.  What's up with that?
I've tried logging in in Safari and FireFox because I know sometimes browsers do weird things.  But I just got the same results.
This is what it looked like...
Message was edited by: †™ - For Some reason the website wouldn't let me add the third picture so I had to edit the post to get it in.  Just another bug with the website...

the more i use apple items the more i realize there ANYTHING BUT EASY TO USE!!!
clicking Bold/underlined/itallics  asks me if i want to leave the apple web page.

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    You cannot remove any records, comment etc that already exist.   As Neil says, stop using your account.   Pretty soon you will fade into obscurity.

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    I will do it for you.   I can't say they will take any action, they operate in their own way, but if they feel there may be a threat to your security they will normally take it seriously.   My guess is they would eMail their actions to you, though not to me of course.
    I hope this will help.
    Okay; I've now reported the thread.
    Message was edited by: seventy one

  • Can't sign into apple support communities with icloud apple id

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    It is possible he was incorrect.
    > When you signed up you were not given the opportunity to create an alias? I find that hard to believe given the number of people who have joined since that have there own alias. Apple assigned xdcdx to you?
    Yes, back on 2007 I chose xdcdx.
    Forward to 2011: I change the email address of my Apple ID to my current email address.
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    For me, it's irrational that I am able to change the main email address of my Apple ID (is there any piece of information more important than that?), but not this little username on this subpar forum system (subpar because of the web design/engineering, I don't mean to offend all the people here which are always quite helpful).
    I upgrade to iCloud, and my email address gets hardcoded to my Apple ID. That's good, because I want this email address. In that case, they make sure to warn you that you had to chose an email address as an Apple ID for iCloud. That was not the case in this forums.
    > In the link that you provided Tuttle did a better job than I did as to the difficulty factor. Not sure why you were linking it.
    > You don't have to move to a new company to have new software or a new system.
    > How many million participants does StackOverflow have? Size matters.
    How many million participants have these forums?
    At least you do not seem to disagree with me that these forum are subpar compared to the usual Apple perfectionism level (see iCloud nice web user interface, for another fine example). This thing still looks like a forum from 2007.
    > Yes on an extremely limited basis Apple has made the change for longtime users (only two that I know of) with one of those a request for security reasons. That does not mean it is easy.
    I still am not convinced that it is technically that difficult. I think it just a policy on part of Apple to avoid banal username change requests.
    In part, I am not more active in this forums because I do not want my words to be associated to this nickname, becayse it is used on internet by tons of other people for other stuff, as a Google result will show.
    Anyway, thanks for your words. I'll keep looking from time to time for the username change feature, because I do want to contribute to these forums.

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    Login to ASC
                 Apple Support Communities
    Top right of screen look for
    click on    Receive email notifications
    result         Stop email notifications      
    Hope this helps.

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    Click here for the instructions on stopping the emails.

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    Click here for the instructions on stopping the emails.

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    Graham Perrin wrote:
    — should present a post by llude
    — should present a post by m4kbassman
    If I prefer threaded discussion, appears flat and fails appears threaded and works appears threaded and works appears threaded and works appears threaded and works appears flat and works.
    If threaded is a partial workaround, it is not ideal. I rarely prefer threaded.
    Side note
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    Ha ha quite the welcome-

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    please help me

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    If you do not know whether you have a backup or not, then you DO NOT have a backup.  I'm assuming you have not been running Time Machine, nor any other backup utility.
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    Everyone has to start somewhere.
    To give any editing advice, we need to know what you "REALLY" want to accomplish, especially if you have little or no command line knowledge.
    Why are you in the Terminal in the first place?
    Why are you trying to edit .bash_profile and/or .bashrc?
    What do you hope to accomplish when everything is done?
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    Read here:

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    Can anyone help me.
    Pat McHugh
    [email protected]

    Doublechecking. Have you also worked through the following user tip?
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    Apple Support Communities
    We're sorry. Your account could not be created due to system issues.
    Please contact Apple Support Communities with the information below to create your account.
    Even though I've followed the instructions about ten times, I get no response.
    What's going on, and how can I rectify it?
    (I'm using my wife's account now)

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