Can't start HTTP Server

Hi all
Oracle people please help
I can't run my forms in DevSuite 9i-got error FRM1042-Http listen is not running on <machine>:8890 port.
I tried to start HTTP server from services(Control panel)-i noticed that HTTP sevrer properties i set to be manual.Starting HTTP server gives error 1067: The proces is terminated unexpectedly.
Before starting forms i got OC4J started.
http://<IP address>- gives nothing. HTTP server is running on port 80(default).How to change port for OC4J?
Does anybody knows how to get around? PLeeease..
Thanks all

Hi all
I guess i helped myself.I was started my forms with IPaddres instead of machine name on port 8890
I ping my machine and the IPaddress was changed.
I forms Preferences i inert new Ipaddress and form i srunning.
Can somene explain me why my IP address has been changed and why HTTP server status is still stoped.If i start browser with http://ipaddress:8890 i can see the servers main page and it is started and running

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  • Can't start http server ASControl service

    Hi, I installed http server from companion cd for oracle but when configuration assistants was setting http server give the message failed.
    Now i can´t start http server service.
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "OC4J Configuration Assistant" se ha ejecutado correctamente
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Created a new file C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: Iniciando la ejecución de los asistentes de configuración
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.1
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: Iniciando la ejecución de los asistentes de configuración
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.2
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: Iniciando la ejecución de los asistentes de configuración
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.3
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: Iniciando la ejecución de los asistentes de configuración
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.4
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: Iniciando la ejecución de los asistentes de configuración
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.5
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: Iniciando la ejecución de los asistentes de configuración
    INFO: Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe startall
    Command = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1/opmn/bin/opmnctlw.exe has failed
    INFO: El asistente de configuración "Starting HTTP Server" ha fallado
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1
    Configuration directory is set to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.6
    GRAVE: OUI-25031: Fallo de algunos asistentes de configuración. Se recomienda volver a probar los asistentes de configuración en este momento. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    1. Compruebe en el panel Detalles de la pantalla de Asistentes de Configuración los errores resultantes de los fallos.
    2. Corrija los errores que causan estos fallos.
    3. Seleccione los asistentes que han fallado y haga clic en el botón 'Reintentar' para volver a probarlos.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    INFO: --------------------------------------
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" contiene todos los comandos con fallos, saltados o cancelados. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar estos asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: El archivo de comandos "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands" contiene todos los comandos que van a ejecutar los asistentes de configuración. Este archivo se puede utilizar para ejecutar los asistentes de configuración fuera de OUI. Tenga en cuenta que puede que tenga que actualizar este archivo de comandos con contraseñas (si se aplican) antes de ejecutar el mismo.
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.7
    GRAVE: OUI-25029: Uno o más asistentes de configuración "recomendados" no han terminado correctamente. Si no se ejecuta correctamente algún asistente "recomendado", el sistema no se configurará correctamente.
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar
    *** Fin de Instalación Página***
    La instalación de Oracle Database 10g Companion Products ha sido correcta, pero han fallado, se han cancelado o se han saltado algunos asistentes de configuración opcionales.
    ADVERTENCIA: ¿Seguro que desea salir?
    INFO: Usuario seleccionado: Sí/Aceptar

    user13078324 wrote:
    How ?in cmd run this
    netstat -an
    and search for a line like
    The important is TCP, 80 and keyword LISTENING
    Other may differ

  • Can not start http server

    start http server powered by apache.I got such message:
    Syntax error on line 92 of c:/oracle/ora92/sqlplus/admin/isqlplus.conf:
    Failed to create FastCGI application accept mutex'
    my isqlplus.conf:
    # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    # NAME
    # isqlplus.conf
    # Oracle HTTP Server directives for the iSQL*Plus server
    # USAGE
    # This file should be included in the Oracle HTTP Server
    # "oracle_apache.conf" file.
    # Enable handling of all virtual paths beginning with "/iplus/"
    # Note: only /iplus/ is mapped, /iplus is not being mapped
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
    Alias /iplus/ "C:\oracle\ora92\sqlplus\admin\iplus/"
    # Disallow users from trying to access /iplus/ directory listing
    <Directory "C:\oracle\ora92\sqlplus\admin\iplus">
    AllowOverride None
    Options FollowSymLinks
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    # Maps all virtual paths beginning with "/isqlplus*" to the iSQL*Plus
    # FastCGI application
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
    ScriptAliasMatch ^/isqlplus(.*) C:\oracle\ora92\bin\isqlplus
    ScriptAliasMatch ^/isqlplusdba(.*) C:\oracle\ora92\bin\isqlplus
    <Directory "C:\oracle\ora92\bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options FollowSymLinks
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    # Enable handling of all virtual paths beginning with "/isqlplus"
    <Location /isqlplus>
    SetHandler fastcgi-script
    Order deny,allow
    # Comment "Allow ..." and uncomment the four lines "AuthType ..."
    # to "Require ..." if Oracle HTTP authentication access is required
    # for the http://.../isqlplus URL
    Allow from all
    #AuthType Basic
    #AuthName 'iSQL*Plus'
    #AuthUserFile C:\oracle\ora92\sqlplus\admin\
    #Require valid-user
    # Enable handling of all virtual paths beginning with "/isqlplusdba".
    # Note: Oracle HTTP authentication access must be configured to
    # prevent unauthorized users performing DBA operations on
    # the database
    # Use the HTTP server utility script "htpasswd" to add users to the
    # "" file.
    <Location /isqlplusdba>
    SetHandler fastcgi-script
    Order deny,allow
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName 'iSQL*Plus DBA'
    AuthUserFile C:\oracle\ora92\sqlplus\admin\
    Require valid-user
    # Setup the iSQL*Plus FastCGI application.
    <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
    FastCgiServer C:\oracle\ora92\bin\isqlplus -port 8228 -initial-env iSQLPlusNumberOfThreads=20 -initial-env iSQLPlusTimeOutInterval=30 -initial-env iSQLPlusLogLevel=off -initial-env iSQLPlusAllowUserEntMap=none -idle-timeout 3600

    I appreciate your help.
    I have been offline for a long time since I had a business trip two week ago.
    I can not start the apache http server, so it isn't on running status within NT services manager.
    In fact, there is someting wrong---fail to create FastCGI when startup. Oracle system message tells me that syntax error exists on line 92 of isqlplus.conf but I don't know how to correct it.

  • Can't Start HTTP Server Service

    I can't seem to be able to start the Oracle HTTP server service on NT.
    All other service get started properly but when I attempt to start the HTTP Server service I get Error 1067: process terminated unexpectedly.
    Any idea why this is happening?
    My installation of the DB and 9iAS did not give any errors.
    Any comments appreciated

    David, your reply helped, Thanks !
    There was a duplicate include of :
    "d:\ORACLE\iSuites\Apache\Apache\conf\mod__ose.conf" in the oracle_apache.conf file
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [email protected]:
    After much debugging with this, I discovered that the problem realted to a single entry in the httpd.conf file, last line
    # Include the Oracle configuration file for custom settings
    include "d:\ORACLE\iSuites\Apache\Apache\conf\oracle_apache.conf"
    Examining the oracle_appache.conf file, I discovered the installation program had made a double entry of one of the lines,
    include "d:\ORACLE\iSuites\Apache\jsp\conf\ojsp.conf"
    I think, or else include "d:\ORACLE\iSuites\Apache\Apache\conf\mod__ose.conf"
    I deleted the extra line and the service started up.
    Also, if you installed Oracle 8i it creates a listener using port 80. Change the port number of one or the other or simply shut down the Oracle 8i http listener to avoid conflicts.

  • Problem in starting HTTP Server (Oracle 9i AS Rel 1 on Solaris 2.8)

    Hi All,
    I have installed Oracle9i database Rel1 (version 9.0.1) on Sun Solaris2.8) successfully and now, I'm trying to install Oracle 9i Application Server Rel1 (version on the same system. I stopped the database before starting installion of AS. My installation is limited to Oracle Forms & Reports Services and Oracle HTTP Server. Installation successfully completed, but, it is failed to start HTTP server. The error I'm getting is:
    Syntax error on line 14 of $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod__sse.conf
    AuroraService - directive already in effect for this server.
    $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpsctl start: httpd could not be started.
    Line 14 in mod__sse.conf is:
    AuroraService inst1_http
    How can I resolve this issue ? Please help.
    An early help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Sajan Thomas

    I have resolved that issue by commenting that line. Since I'm not using servlets, I hope that wouldn't create any problems !

  • Can not start Messaging server in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1

    Hi all,
    I installed Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 from Solaris 10 DVD on Solaris 10.
    After the installation, I got directory server, admin server running but messaging server not running. I can not start Messaging server (start smtp, http, pop, imap). I found in directory which I installed messaging server but I could not see script "start-msg" and "stop-msg".
    # pwd
    # ls
    MoveUser ha_ip_config imquotacheck imsdirmig mkbackupdir hashdir imsbackup imsexport readership
    configure imexpire imsconnutil imsimport reconstruct
    control-params.txt iminitquota imscripter imsrestore relinker
    deliver immonitor-access imsdaaci mboxutil useconfig
    Any idea what might have gone wrong?

    I have a problem when I configure the Messaging Server (by running the /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/configure script):
    Hostname mailtest for this machine is not a fully qualified domain name. Please
    correct this before attempting to configure Messaging Server. Please make sure
    that your DNS is working properly.
    <Press ENTER to continue> {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Can you help me fix this problem?

  • Can't open HTTP server socket on port 50000 in dispatcher

    We get the following message in the console_log for the dispatcher.
    ID000544: Error starting service http. Can't start the service due to
    Exception: Can't open HTTP server socket on port 50000
    [ServiceManager]: ID000544: Error starting service http. Can't start the service
    due to Can't open HTTP server socket on port 50000
    [Framework -> criticalShutdown] Service http startup error!
    Anyone have any ideas what might be the problem?

    Hello Keith,
    this errors occurs when the port http 50000 is already taken. Please could you check if this port on your machine is free or an other dispacther instance is already started on same machine. You can change the port in sap j2ee config tool (dispatcher-> services->http)
    Best Regards,

  • Failed to start HTTP server while installing companion CD

    Hi all,
    I am installing apex 3.1.2 (though it is old version, clients are still using it :) ), on the oracle 10.2.1 database. I am installing HTTP servers from the companion CD and getting error while starting HTTP server from the configuration assistant. I am getting following error.
    Configuration assistant "Starting HTTP Server" failed
    The "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/OHS/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Can someone help me to resolve this issue please. Thanks.

    what you get if you do
    envThis is what I got:
    [cder@localhost ~]$ env
    LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s

  • Error starting HTTP-Server: Address in use: JVM_Bind

    I installed J2ee version of Oracle9iAS R2 for windows. When I start my application server, I always get the error "Error starting HTTP-Server: Address in use: JVM_Bind". In the previous version, if I met this message, I can change the port number in "http-web-site.xml", but now, no matter what port number I changed, I always get this error message.
    Could anybody please help me with this issue?
    Can Oracle provides a tool that can automatically free the port?
    Thanks, Jessie

    If you are getting this error while starting the Oracle9iAS by using the NT services or using command line (dcmctl) then there is a port conflict for the HTTP Server. You can go the EM Website and select HTTP Server ->Server properties and select the port# for the HTTP Server.
    OC4J is configured to listen for AJP requests only and the ports are dynamically assigned. The port ranges can be specified : OC4J Instance -> Server Properties
    Debu Panda

  • Error starting HTTP Server in Oracle9iAS 9.0.2 Infrastructure

    I have installed Oracle9iAS Infrastructure 9.0.2 on Windows 2000 Professional. Most of the components are working and I am also able to browse OEM at 1810 port.
    The problem is with the HTTP server, it starts and after a while shutsdown automatically. I have tried both the methods to start HTTP Server:-
    via windows start menu HTTP Server Startup link
    via command: C:\Ora9iAS\dcm\bin\dcmctl start -ct ohs
    In both the cases it fails, When using the command dcmctl start -ct ohs. The error code is ADMN-906025.
    Can anyone tell me what could the problem be?

    With the command dcmctl geterror 906025 you will see the contents of the error (without a number dcmctl geterror gives the last error). You seem to have a problem with opmn. Check the log files in the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs directory. The log file HTTP Server.1 (as it is called on linux) will probably contain more information as why the HTTP server fails to start.

  • Start HTTP Server on Oracle Server version

    I have Used Oracle server edition on Windows 2000 server with service pack 4 platform. I want to know how could I start HTTP Server?
    When I start HTTP server from Strat > Program > Oracle Ora home 92 > Oracle HTTP Server > start HTTP server powered by Apache then error comes as below..
    'Access is denied : FastCGI : create Mutex () failed...

    What does the error_log of the Oracle Apache HTTP server say? This is typically in the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs directory.
    Weird that a mutex create failed. Without the actual o/s error code that resulted, it is difficult to diagnose the problem. Anything in the Application (or Security) Event Log? Access denied seems to indicate an ACL failure of sorts.
    You could also disable FastCGI - it is not very often used and APEX (mod_plsql) does not need it. The httpd.conf file (in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf) can be edited to disable FastCGI.

  • Error starting HTTP-Server: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind

    Anyone know how to configure the Oracle HTTP server within Jdeveloper9i to work?
    When I try run a JSP page, I get the following error:
    C:\Oracle9iDS\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -ojvm -classpath C:\Oracle9iDS\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar com.evermind.server.OC4JServer -config C:\Oracle9iDS\jdev\system\oc4j-config\server.xml
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8888, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Error starting HTTP-Server: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    Please contact me at [email protected]
    cheers paul

    A JVM_Bind error means that the port is already in use. This is an unusual error message to get because JDev scans the ports ahead of time to make sure they are free before launching the server.
    Check if you have any processes running that might be holding port 8888. There might be a previous instance of the OC4J server running that hasn't released port 8888 yet. On Windows, at a command prompt, you can use "netstat -a" to see local ports that are in use.

  • OPMN Configuration Assistant - start HTTP Server failed

    Help!! This is the 7th time I saw this message.
    My situation is:
    1. Installing Oracle 10g on infrastructure option
    2. My OS is Windows XP pro
    3. I installed apache triad and apache HTTP server previously, but before installation I have removed.
    4. I have followed the manual deinstallation in oracle 10g release doc before reinstallation.
    1.When I executed command in dos
    opmnctl verbose startproc ias-component=HTTP_Serverand it show the following message
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='US-ASCII'?>
    <opmn id="danaPC:6200" http-status="204" http-response="0 of 1 processes started
    <ias-instance id="infra.danapc">
    <ias-component id="HTTP_Server">
    <process-type id="HTTP_Server">
    <process-set id="HTTP_Server">
    <process id="1269235724" pid="2636" status="Init" index="1" log="C:\Or
    acle\infra\opmn\logs\HTTP_Server~1" operation="request" result="failure">
    <msg code="-21" text="failed to start a managed process after the ma
    ximum retry limit">
    2. The log file in opmn\logs\HTTP_SERVER~1 show
    [warn] pid file c:/oracle/infra/apache/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
    ap_spawn_child: Bad file descriptor
    Couldn't fork child for piped log process
    Hope we can come over thsi difficulty and give others the best solutions. Thanks

    It was detailed on Metalink:
    Subject:      Oracle9iAS 9.0.2.x HTTP Server Fails To Start When RotateLogs Is Used On Windows 2000
         Doc ID:      Note:225592.1      Type:      PROBLEM
         Last Revision Date:      05-MAR-2004      Status:      PUBLISHED
    Oracle9iAS 9.0.2.x HTTP Server Fails To Start When RotateLogs Is Used On Windows 2000
    * fact: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache
    * fact: Oracle 9i Application Server Enterprise Edition 9.0.2
    * fact: MS Windows 2000
    * symptom: Trying to use Rotate Log
    * symptom: ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf contains the following:
    * symptom: TransferLog "|rotatelogs $ ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs/access_log 86400"
    * symptom: EM website fails to start HTTP Server with errors:
    * symptom: Oracle.sysman.emSDK.util.jdk.EMException: Timeout has been reached
    * symptom: Oracle.sysman.emSDK.util.jdk.EMException: The opmn request has failed.
    * symptom: From opmn: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html Response: No processes matched the request.
    * symptom: Check opmn log files such as ipm.log and ons.log for detailed.
    * symptom: Starting HTTP Server from dcmctl gives error:
    * symptom: ADMN-906025 The exception 806212 occurred
    * symptom: Error in HTTP Server.1 log file:
    * symptom: [error] (9)Bad file descriptor: dup2(stdin) failed ap_spawn_child: Bad file descriptor Couldn't fork child for piped log process
    1. Take a backup of $ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
    2. Edit Insert $ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
    3. Change line:
    <ohs gid="HTTP Server"/>
    <ohs gid="HTTP Server">
    <prop name="ComSpec" value="C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe"/>
    4. Shutdown iAS completely and then restart iAS and HTTP Server starts.

  • Start HTTP Server

    Trying to start HTTP server but receiving error:
    [Fri Dec 16 13:23:26 2005] [error] Perl lib version (v5.6.1) doesn't match execu
    table version (5.00503) at C:\OracleOWB\perl\5.6.1\lib\MSWin32-x86/ lin
    e 18.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\OracleOWB\perl\5.6.1\lib\MSWin32-x86/Dyn line 25.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\OracleOWB\perl\site\5.6.1\lib/mod_perl.p
    m line 4.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\OracleOWB\perl\site\5.6.1\lib/
    line 4.
    Syntax error on line 1307 of c:/oracle/ora92/apache/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
    Can't locate object method "boot" via package "mod_perl" at C:\OracleOWB\perl\si
    te\5.6.1\lib/Apache/ line 8.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\OracleOWB\perl\site\5.6.1\lib/Apache/Reg line 4.
    Installing OWB 10.1 over 9iR2. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    Please try to change the environment variables point to your Oracle 9iR2 locations to rather than OWB home to resolve this. When there are more than one Oracle homes, such problems arise, and if the parameter values are changed, it could work, most of the times.
    The settings show c:\OracleOWB\perl\5.6.1\lib\MSWin32-x86 location for perl libraries, change it to your oracle perl library location
    c:\oracle\ora92\Apache\perl\lib\5.00503\... location and try to start, could work
    This is a simple version mismatch of your perl libraries.

  • JDev - Error starting HTTP-Server: Address in use: JVM_BindHello

    Hello, we are unable to use JDev
    We installed your distribution and set it up as follows:
    1. Linked to CVS and checked out our project which works just fine under JDev 9.0.2
    2. Added libraries for Jakarta ECS and MS SQL Server JDBC drivers.
    Then we can run it once successfully. Close browser and terminate embedded OC4J Server and run project again and we get the following error:
    C:\JDEV\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -ojvm -classpath C:\jdev\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar -Dhttp.proxyHost=APOLLO -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts= -Xverify:none -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=true com.evermind.server.OC4JServer -config C:\jdev\jdev\system9.0.3.1035\oc4j-config\server.xml
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8988, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Error creating the ORB :
    Error starting HTTP-Server: Address in use: JVM_Bind
    The IDE then sits there until it times out.
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    **** Warning: JDeveloper timed out waiting for OC4J to startup.
    **** Please check your HTTP proxy server settings in the IDE Preferences dialog.
    Embedded OC4J startup time: 120190 ms.
    Target URL -- postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

    Target URL --
    We are now unable to continue running/testing/developing our project. We do not want to have to manually change the port number each time we run it. This problem occurs both in Win 2000 PRO and Win XP Pro. We have tried every combination of OC4J server host names, HTTP Server ports and Web Browser proxy settings.
    A similar problem was fixed in Rel 9.0.2 by changing the Host Name of the embedded OC4J server to localhost from the IP address.
    Would appreciate some help because we would like to take advantage of the new features in your product.

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