Can't Update BB through iMac

I have a BB Curve 8330 which is showing a JVM 102 error -- total wipeout -- and I'm told the solution is to re-install the system software (with update to current).  I have installed latest Desktop Manager on my iMac (running OSX Leopard), but cannot download the BB OS update through the Mac as required.  The phone will not recognize something about the connection, and about halfway through each update attempt, a prompt comes up saying that the install is incomplete because the phone has disconnected itself.
Before I take the phone into a Verizon store to have the tech do the re-install, can someone tell me if it's possible to even do this operation through an iMac/Leopard?  Much appreciated.

I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 and an iMac running 10.6.4 with the latest Blackberry Desktop for Mac (v1.0.4 build 10) that just came out August 2010 and it will NOT allow me to update the handheld software either.  It is for a different reason. It says I don't have enough memory on my handheld, but that does not make any sense since I have totally wiped my handheld.
Is RIM every going to figure this software out??  Years in the making and they still can't get a functioning software app for the Mac !

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    thanks, that sells it for me, I wont be updating to the iphone 5 as my old 3G works fine. I'm going to buy the LG or Samsung and get out of this monopoly.
    Thanks for your reply.

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    Please test after each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved. Back up all data before making any changes. Keep in mind that no one here represents Apple or can help with customer-service issues.
    Step 1
    A purchased app can only be updated by signing in to the App Store with the same Apple ID that was originally used to buy it. There's no way around that limitation, which also applies to free apps. If you can't sign in with the buyer's ID, delete the app and reinstall it. You'll have to pay for it again, if applicable.
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    If you updated your existing account then try logging out of it on the iPad by tapping on the id in Settings > Store (Settings > iTunes & App Stores on iOS 6) and then log back in and see if that 'refreshes' the account on the iPad.
    If you created a new account then any content that you purchased/downloaded via the old account will remain tied to that old account, and only that old account can download updates to its apps.

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    First, you need to know what you need. And somehow you will have to get your parents' Mac connected to find out what they need.
    Then you can download individual updates from Apple Support. Click on View All Support Downloads in the upper right corner.
    Word of caution: you don't need to constantly update the machine, in fact it's better if you don't, esp. if the machine is working properly. Check a couple of times a year; decide whether or not you really need the updates. Apply only what you need. If you poke around the forums you will discover that a lot of people cause themselves their own problems by doing automatic updates and/or not researching the update(s) first, and/or not thinking through what they're doing.

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    bubbalauren wrote:
    I have the latest iTunes (10.1) running on a 3.06 Ghz iMac running 10.6.5 and when I hook up my 3GS phone (which shows it to have Version 3.1.3 (7E18)), iTunes will say I have the latest version of the iPhone software. What is going on? Any advice on what to do?
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You only need a computer with the Apple TV if you are going to use your iTunes Library with it. In which case the only requirement is iTunes 10.6 or better.
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    Hello Dave@Streets, this is a forum link for purchase info: macjack post.
    It is best to look and search in other catagories such as Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5 or PowerMac.
    Select the +more options+ above Logout after choosing the catagory you want to search. I have a PowerPC CPU also so I too can only go to Mac OS X 10.5. From what I have gathered so far: Max out your RAM, Back-up to an external firewire HD, and check requirements for iTunes 10 and Mac OS X 10.5 for your system.
    Good Luck,

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    if ( {
                   out.println("<form method=\"POST\"
                   out.println("<p align='center'>Question:</p>");
                   out.println("<p align='left'>");
                        //assign value to answers
                        String correct = rs.getString("correct_answer");
                        String wrong = rs.getString("wrong_answer");
                   out.println(rs.getString("question_id") + " " + rs.getString("question") + "?");
                   out.println("<p align='left'>Available Answers:<br/>");
                   out.println("<select name='answer' value>");
                   out.println("<option value='" + correct + "'>" +
                                  correct + "</option>");
                   out.println("<option value='" + wrong + "'>" +
                             wrong + "</option>");
                   out.println("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Answer\">");
              //check if answer is correct
              String answer = (String)session.getAttribute("answer");
                             if (correct.equals(answer)){
                             score = score + 1;
                        //Execute an SQL update to update score
                             stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE score " +
                                                 "SET score_total = " + score +
                                                 " WHERE ID LIKE '1'");

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    I checked on my app icloud capabilities. The page about the Update of in-house apps is not very clear(, and I'm new in the development for IOS.
    How can update my app at this Ipads? Is there any step-by-step to follow, more eplanatory that the link above?

    I didn't explained it correctly, I mean without getting the ipads, not the source code. I mean, at every time I need to launch a new version of the app, how can I update it through the internet, because I have installed my app running it at the ipads with the xcode, by usb. I'm using the enterprise program, so, as far as I know, the update is not through apple store.
    The ipads are in use, and I'd like to update them without have to get them to install it myself. Hope I have explained it better this time. Thank you for your help.

  • Will not update apps through app store

    My Ipad can not update apps through app store?

    Hi Young Steve,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The first thing I would suggest is to sign out of your iTunes & App Store account, quit all of your open apps and restart the iPad:
    Sign out of your iTunes & App Store account
    Tap Settings > iTunes & App Stores.
    Tap your Apple ID.
    Tap Sign Out.
    Close all open apps on the iPad
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Restart and/or Reset the iPad
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    Before you sign back into the iTunes store, access a popular website on your iPad to confirm you are not having any issues with your Wi-Fi connection.  Follow these steps if you are having issues connectiong to the internet:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Reset network settings by tapping Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    Note: This will reset all network settings including previously connected Wi-Fi networks and passwords.
    If you are not having any issues connecting to the internet, sign back in to your iTunes Store Account and check to see if you have any incomplete downloads:
    iTunes: How to resume interrupted iTunes Store downloads
    If you still are unable to connect to the iTunes Store, follow these troubleshooting steps:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    If there are apps that need to be updated, try updating one app at a time instead of all of them at once. If there is an issue with a particular app, you can delete it and redownload it.
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

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