Can't update to build 9860

I have downloaded the update this afternoon, but I can't install it. No error, or something like that. I start the installing (PC settings-->Preview Builds), wait ~20-30 seconds and Windows says - please restart. Ok, I make a restarting, and nothing happens.
When I start it installing again, the same thing happens all the time.
Any solution?

Try run Windows Update (not build update) , first and if any update remains, install them and then restart your PC and try run build update again.
If problem persist, report it through feedback form.

Similar Messages

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    Trying to fix the filesystem permissions also seems to make things worse -:
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     It would be good if Microsoft could provide a "FixIt" to correctly set the permissions on these locations, but more importantly fixed the update process to not break them in the first place.

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    According to my test, it seems like the PC settings in windows server preview can not work correctly.
    Please focus on the MS official website.
    Vivian Wang
    Could you give a more concise answer, perhaps?

  • Getting error 0x80248008 updating from build 9860 to 9879

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    In the Preview Builds UI, I click Install now
    Within about 5 seconds it fails and displays the message "Failed to install the new preview build, please try again later. 0x80248008" (screenshot below).
    Rebooting doesn't help. Any suggestion about what to try to fix this?

    Assuming that you have all windows updates installed.....
    Would you care to do a clean install by downloading build 9879 Enterprise ISO, burn it to a bootable DVD or Flash Drive and then install ? Enterprise version has everything in a non- enterprise version plus a few extra features geared towards business
    people. You don't have to use them at all.
    I am using it now ...... in my home computer.
    If that is acceptable, here are the links :
    Windows 10 Enterprise build 9879 64-bit
    ISO image
    Windows 10 Enterprise build 9879 32-bit
    ISO image

  • Can't update from build 9879

    Can someone give me an answer to my update troubles.  I am unable to update win 10 preview from build 9879. I am unable to update from windows update, or from pc settings, or even a clean install. I am trying to update to 9926.  Please help.
     Thank You in advance.

    You said you unable to upgrade your Windows 10 to 9926 edition, even the clean install. Is there any error message when you making clean install failed?
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows 10 fails to update from build 9860

    Could it be that these devices prevent an update of W10? Reports from $Windows.~BT\Sources\Panther\setuperr.log
    2015-02-12 18:13:12, Error                 CONX   Found wireless device Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 [pci\ven_8086&dev_08b2&subsys_c2708086&rev_83]
    2015-02-12 18:13:31, Error                 CONX   Unable to get message handle 80092009 c:\windows\system32\drivers\ax88179_178a.sys
    2015-02-12 18:13:34, Error                 CONX   Unable to get message handle 80092009 c:\windows\system32\drivers\lenovodock.sys
    2015-02-12 18:13:36, Error                 CONX   Failed to open INF file [tib_mounter.x64.inf] with 0x80070002
    2015-02-12 18:13:36, Error                 CONX   Failed to initialize driver package [tib_mounter.x64.inf]
    2015-02-12 18:13:37, Error                 CONX   Failed to open INF file [tib_mounter.x64.inf] with 0x80070002
    2015-02-12 18:13:37, Error                 CONX   Failed to initialize driver package [tib_mounter.x64.inf]
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    2015-02-12 18:15:21, Error                 SP     SPGetWinReImagePath: Error calling WinReGetConfig. Error: 0x00000003

    Hi theking2,
    There seems to be a little problem between Windows setup Wizard and the device driver's communication.
    You may check at the lenovo official website and see if they could offer any further assistance.
    Besides, how you installed the drivers?
    For the current situation, you may take a try to refresh the current build using the downloaded ISO file, or try a clean install of Windows 10 9926 build.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Build 9860 - Changelog

    Hi All,
    I recently updated to Build 9860.
    I was wondering where I could refer to the changelog and new features.
    Thanking You,

    Hi Prashant.
    You can keep watching the official blog, there are many introductions about the new released update:
    We’re rolling out our first new build to the Windows Insider Program
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error after upgrade to build 9860

    After updating to build 9860
    account appears on the home screen ( in the Welcome window )
    double image of the user.

    Hi alpha45,
    Similar issue has been discussed in forums for many times.
    After the upgrade, users may encounter two logon picture, or there is no logon screen, no place to enter the password. Sometimes
    switch user could bring the logon screen back, usually folks do a PC refresh, which would get the logon screen to work normally.
    Please take a try to switch user or Refresh the PC, and then check if issue insists.
    Besides, take use of Windows feedback tool to report this issue.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

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    I read the trouble shooting page and it I had done all the steps mentioned there but still does not work.
    I am using Itunes 10.3.1 on a Macbook
    If somebody can help or give some tips will be great

    Your error with suggested fixes is discussed in these two links.
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    iOS: Resolving update and restore alert messages
    Is your iTunes version 10.5?
    Try this - Disable your firewall and anitvirus software temporarily.  Then download and install the iOS update.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9860

    After restart is Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9860 update will resume ? 

    From my observation, if I click download now, it would create a BITS task:
    We can use following command to check:
    Import-module bitstransfer
    Get-bitstransfer –allusers
    From the output, we can see the system account created a BITS job for transferring, under the C:\Windows\Software Distribution\download, we can get the temporary downloaded file, which is approximately about 2.5G.
    After we restart, and go to C:\Windows\Software Distribution\download, the temporary file is gone.
    If I click the download again, the BITS would create a new task, a new temporary file, if we compare the JobIds of the two times downloading, they are totally different.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Build 9860

    I Installed build 9860 today and now I can't see my shared folders anymore.
    It should appear on network windowsguests but there is nothing.
    It always worked before but fails now.

    Did you check to see if the update installation un-shared them?  It DOES wipe out some settings.
    Maybe all you need to do is re-share them as you did before?
    Detailed how-to in my eBooks:  
    Configure The Windows 7 "To Work" Options
    Configure The Windows 8 "To Work" Options

  • Stuck at "Setting up a few more things 100%" when upgrading to build 9860

    Hello everyone,
    I'm currently running Windows 10 Technical Preview, installed from the setup.exe (so not from a bootable disc/USB-stick), which does work better than I expected. Of course there are many bugs and other problems under the hood, but so far I haven't found
    big issues so far.
    Unfortunately, when I try to install the latest build - build 9860 - it keeps hanging at 'Setting up a few more things 100%'. That's really strange, since '100%' should mean it's actually done. I've done about five attempts, none of them resulted in anything
    better. After a few attempts, I thought I had to install some updates through Windows Update first, so I did. But after that, installing build 9860 still didn't want to install properly.
    Anyone who can help me with this? 
    Just some key information about the notebook I'm using, in it's necessary:
    ASUS N56VB-S4061H
    2.4 GHz quad Intel Core i7-3630QM
    6 GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce GT740M

    Hi DutchTom18,
    You can try uninstall anti-virus software that has been installed after installation of Windows 10.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Printed Text Is Unreadabel After Installing BUILD 9860

    I'm running Build 9860. After updating I had to reinstall my Lexmark X5340 printer... 
    I had to jump through some hoops to get it installed, but it did.
    The problem is that now when I try to print a text document from Notepad or Wordpad, it is printing as some type of programming code, encrypted file, hieroglyphics, or something.... It for the most part is unreadable.. I can make out a small percentage of
    the characters, but very few...
    This same printer\software package had to be reinstalled on build 9841 also, but it worked properly.
    Anyone have any clue as to why this is happening ? 

    Hi slance310,
    In windows 7, we can try to install the fixit to reset the printer fully, but this tool is not applicable for Windows 10 Technical Preview, so before we treat it as a compatibility issue, we can reset 9860 Windows 10 to get a clean installation to check
    if we can print well.
    We should have a folder called RecoveryImage in C drive, Reset function would use install.esd file under RecoveryImage to reinstall Windows 10 Technical Preview.
    If reset is not an option, we can refer to this link to reset printer setting to default manually in system:
    Print Spooler Crash Troubleshooting Steps
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can i update data in JTable at run time ?

    i am trying to build a client/server architecture for conducting quizzes & online tests.. My client will return a object to the server after the test is over, which contains details about the participant, his score and other details. i am putting the incoming object to an Vector. I'll create a new thread each time for the incoming connection and insert the object to the Vector.. Now, please tell me tat, how can i update my table automatically at run time so tat, my table is updated whenever a new object is entered into vector..
    here is my code for the table..
    public class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
        String columNames[] = { "ID", "NAME", "COLLEGE", "SCORE", "CELL" };
        /** Creates a new instance of MyTableModel */
        public MyTableModel() {
            Main.List = new Vector();
        public int getRowCount() {
            return Main.List == null ? 0 : Main.List.size();
        public int getColumnCount() {
            return columNames.length;
        public String getColumnName(int column) {
            return columNames[column];
        public boolean isCellEditable(int row,int col) {
            return false;
        public Object getValueAt(int rowindex, int columnindex) {
            if(rowindex < 0 || rowindex >= getRowCount())
                return "";
            Student row = (Student)Main.List.elementAt(rowindex);
            switch (columnindex)
                case 0 : return;
                case 1 : return;
                case 2 : return;
                case 3 : return row.score;
                case 4 : return row.cell;
            return "";
        public String getTitle() {
            return "Student Table";
        private void SetDefaultData() {
            Main.List.addElement(new Student("CS041","Keerthivasan M","MNM",95,"9884326321"));
            Main.List.addElement(new Student("CS012","Arun M","MNM",90,"9884825780"));
            Main.List.addElement(new Student("CS019","Balaji S","MNM",79,"9841742068"));
            Main.List.addElement(new Student("CS005","Anand R","MNM",89,"9884130727"));
            Main.List.addElement(new Student("CS045","Manish J","MNM",55,"9841624625"));
            Main.List.addElement(new Student("CS013","Mangal S","MNM",5,"9841961742"));

    In the future Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    how can i update my table automatically at run time so tat, my table is
    updated whenever a new object is entered into vector..You don't update the Vector directly. You should be creating a method in your TableModel, called "addRow(...)". This method will do two things:
    a) add the Student object to the Vector
    b) invoke the fireTableRowsInserted(..) method of AbstractTableModel. This will cause the table to be repainted.

  • Can't update in mysql

    I am using JSP and MYSQL with a bean that does my database work.
    my search.jsp looks up records, when I click edit it sends the values to my inventory_admin.jsp
    When I make the changes to the data, the data is not saved in the database.
    Please, look see!
    <jsp:useBean id="inventoryBean" scope="session" class="mybeans.inventoryBean" />
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %>
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <%// Do search with bean.
         String s = request.getParameter("searchField");
         int searchId = -1;
         if(s != null)
                   searchId = Integer.parseInt(s);
              catch(NumberFormatException e) {}
         //Do actual search with bean
         boolean rc = false;
         if(searchId != -1)
              rc = inventoryBean.findByPrimaryKey(searchId);
    <form action="search.jsp" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <h2 align="center">Software Inventory </h2>
    <p align="center"> </p>
    <input name="searchField" type="text" id="searchField">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
         //Output 'not found' message if needed
         if(rc == false)
              out.println("<P><B>Product not found</B></P>");
    <table width="25%" border="0">
    <td>Item ID:</td>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="itemid" /></td>
    <td>Product Name:</td>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="item" /></td>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="platform" /></td>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="serial" /></td>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="description" /></td>
    <p align="center"> </p>
    <jsp:useBean id="inventoryBean" scope="session" class="mybeans.inventoryBean" />
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %>
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <%-- Copy all form variables at once into the bean--%>
    <jsp:setProperty name="inventoryBean" property="*" />
         boolean saveResult = false;
         boolean notSaved = false;
         //Save our changes
         String s = request.getParameter("nosave");
         if(s == null || s.equals("yes") == false)
    saveResult = inventoryBean.update();
              notSaved = true;
         //Do search with bean
         s = request.getParameter("itemid");
         int searchId = -1;
         if(s != null)
                   searchId = Integer.parseInt(s);
              catch(NumberFormatException e) {}
         //Do actual search with Bean
         boolean rc;
         if(searchId != -1)
              rc = inventoryBean.findByPrimaryKey(searchId);
    <h2 align="center">Software Inventory - Edit Mode</h2>
    <FORM action="inventory_admin.jsp" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <table width="25%" border="0">
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="itemid" /></td>
    <td>Product Name:</td>
    <td><input name="description" type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="item" />"></td>
    <td><input name="description" type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="platform" />"></td>
    <td><input name="description" type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="serial" />"></td>
    <td><input name="description" type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="description" />"></td>
         if(notSaved == false)
              if(saveResult == true)
                   out.println("Changes saved");
                   out.println("Changes NOT saved");
    <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></p>
    <p align="center"> </p>
    Here is the Bean Im using:
    // - Simple database bean for table products
    package mybeans; // Our custom 'package'.
    import mybeans.DBConfigInfo; // Import helper classes
    import mybeans.DBWorker; // for simpler database programming.
    // Import other packages here.
    import java.sql.*; // For database access.
    import java.util.Hashtable; // For findRecords().
    public class inventoryBean
    private boolean isBeanDataValid = false; // Set when bean contains valid data.
    private boolean isDBError = false; // Stores whether there was a processing error.
    private String dbErrorMsg = "(No error)";
    private DBWorker dbWorker; // Helper object for JDBC programming.
    // Attributes
    private String item = "";
    private String platform = "";
    private String serial = "";
    private String description = "";
    private int itemid = 0; // Primary key field
    public void clear()
    // Clears data in all your properties to 'empty' state.
    item = "";
    platform = "";
    serial = "";
    description = "";
    itemid = 0; // Primary key field
    // Accessor Methods
    public void setItem(String newItem) { item = newItem; }
    public String getItem() { return item; }
    public void setPlatform(String newPlatform) { platform = newPlatform; }
    public String getPlatform() { return platform; }
    public void setSerial(String newSerial) { serial = newSerial; }
    public String getSerial() { return serial; }
    public void setDescription(String newDescription) { description = newDescription; }
    public String getDescription() { return description; }
    public void setItemid(int newItemid) { itemid = newItemid; }
    public int getItemid() { return itemid; }
    // Operations
    // Default constructor.
    public inventoryBean()
    // Create a helper object to work with database.
    dbWorker = new DBWorker();
    // Database Operations
    // Built-in methods:
    public boolean findByPrimaryKey(int searchId)
    // Use this method to find 1 record by primary key for your table.
    // (After this call, all fields will be loaded into your properties.)
    // Clear existing data, if any.
    isBeanDataValid = false;
    // Query by primary key.
    boolean rc =;
    if(rc == false)
    isDBError = true;
    dbErrorMsg = dbWorker.errorMsg;
    return false;
    // 1) Get a connection.
    Connection conn = dbWorker.getConnection();
    // 2) Create a statement.
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    // 3) Build your SQL.
    String sql = "SELECT item, platform, serial, description, " +
    "itemid " +
    "FROM products " +
    "WHERE itemid=" + searchId;
    //System.out.println("DEBUG SQL =" + sql);
    // 4) Get a result set.
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
    // 5) Move to first record
    // 6) Retrieve fields into your properties using JDBC get??? methods.
    item = rs.getString("item");
    platform = rs.getString("platform");
    serial = rs.getString("serial");
    description = rs.getString("description");
    itemid = rs.getInt("itemid");
    // 7) Ensure non-null String fields with dbWorker.safeStr()
    item = dbWorker.safeStr(item);
    platform = dbWorker.safeStr(platform);
    serial = dbWorker.safeStr(serial);
    description = dbWorker.safeStr(description);
    // Set result code.
    isBeanDataValid = true;
    // 8) Close all DB objects.
    dbWorker.close(); // Connection too.
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in findByPrimaryKey (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    return isBeanDataValid;
    // Update a record
    public boolean update()
    // Use this to update a record by a primary key.
    boolean resultCode = false;
    // Query by primary key.
    boolean rc =;
    if(rc == false)
    isDBError = true;
    dbErrorMsg = dbWorker.errorMsg;
    return false;
    try // Remember to put all DB code inside a try block!
    // 1) Get a connection.
    Connection conn = dbWorker.getConnection();
    // 2) Create a statement.
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    // 3) Build your SQL.
    String sql = "UPDATE products SET item=" + dbWorker.sqlStr(item) + "," +
    "platform=" + dbWorker.sqlStr(platform) + "," +
    "serial=" + dbWorker.sqlStr(serial) + "," +
    "description=" + dbWorker.sqlStr(description)+
    " WHERE itemid=" + itemid;
    //System.out.println("DEBUG SQL =" + sql);
    // 4) Run action query.
    int rowsAffected = st.executeUpdate(sql);
    // 5) See if we succeeded (1 recorded affected).
    if(rowsAffected == 1)
    resultCode = true;
    System.out.println("Warning: Can't update in update()!");
    // 6) Close all DB objects.
    dbWorker.close(); // Connection too.
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in update (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    return resultCode;
    // Delete a record
    public boolean delete(int deleteId)
    // Use this to delete a record by a primary key.
    boolean resultCode = false;
    // Query by primary key.
    boolean rc =;
    if(rc == false)
    isDBError = true;
    dbErrorMsg = dbWorker.errorMsg;
    return false;
    // 1) Get a connection.
    Connection conn = dbWorker.getConnection();
    // 2) Create a statement.
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    // 3) Build your SQL.
    String sql = "DELETE FROM products WHERE itemid=" + deleteId;
    //System.out.println("DEBUG SQL =" + sql);
    // 4) Run action query.
    int rowsAffected = st.executeUpdate(sql);
    // 5) See if we succeeded (1 recorded affected).
    if(rowsAffected == 1)
    resultCode = true;
    System.out.println("Warning: Can't delete ID #" + deleteId + " in delete()!");
    // 6) Close all DB objects.
    dbWorker.close(); // Connection too.
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in delete (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    return resultCode;
    // Insert a new record.
    public boolean insert(String newItem, String newPlatform, String newSerial, String newDescription,
    int newItemid)
         // Use this to update a record by a primary key.
    boolean resultCode = false;
    // Query by primary key.
    boolean rc =;
    if(rc == false)
    isDBError = true;
    dbErrorMsg = dbWorker.errorMsg;
    return false;
    try // Remember to put all DB code inside a try block!
    // 1) Get a connection.
    Connection conn = dbWorker.getConnection();
    // 2) Create a statement.
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    // 3) Build your SQL.
    String sql="INSERT INTO products(item, platform, serial, description, " +
    "itemid) " +
    "VALUES(" + dbWorker.sqlStr(newItem) + "," + dbWorker.sqlStr(newPlatform) + "," + dbWorker.sqlStr(newSerial) + "," + dbWorker.sqlStr(newDescription) + "," +
    newItemid + ")";
    //System.out.println("DEBUG SQL =" + sql);
    // 4) Run action query.
    int rowsAffected = st.executeUpdate(sql);
    // 5) See if we succeeded (1 recorded affected).
    if(rowsAffected == 1)
    resultCode = true;
    System.out.println("Warning: Can't update in insert()!");
    // 6) Close all DB objects.
    dbWorker.close(); // Connection too.
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in insert (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    return resultCode;
    public int findMaxPrimaryKey()
    // Use this method to find the current max. value for a primary key
    // in the database for a given table.
    int retVal = -1;
    // Query by primary key.
    boolean rc =;
    if(rc == false)
    isDBError = true;
    dbErrorMsg = dbWorker.errorMsg;
    return -1;
    try // Remember to put all DB code inside a try block!
    // 1) Get a connection.
    Connection conn = dbWorker.getConnection();
    // 2) Create a statement.
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    // 3) Build your SQL.
    String sql = "SELECT MAX(itemid) FROM products";
    //System.out.println("DEBUG SQL =" + sql);
    // 4) Get a result set.
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
    // 5) Move to first record
    // 6) Retrieve fields into your properties using JDBC get??? methods.
    retVal = rs.getInt(1); // Get first and only column.
    // 7) Close all DB objects.
    dbWorker.close(); // Connection too.
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in findMaxPrimaryKey (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    return retVal;
    public Hashtable findRecords(String filter, String orderBy)
    // Use this method to return a Hashtable filled with
    // one or more records. You can specified a 'filter'
    // for finding records and 'orderBy' will determine the sort order.
    Hashtable retVal = new Hashtable();
    retVal.put("ROWCOUNT", "0");
    retVal.put("COLUMNCOUNT", "0");
    retVal.put("STATUS", "EMPTY");
    // Query by primary key.
    boolean rc =;
    if(rc == false)
    isDBError = true;
    dbErrorMsg = dbWorker.errorMsg;
    return retVal;
    try // Remember to put all DB code inside a try block!
    // 1) Get a connection.
    Connection conn = dbWorker.getConnection();
    // 2) Create a statement.
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    // 3) Build your SQL.
    String sql = "SELECT item, platform, serial, description, " +
    "itemid " +
    "FROM products " +
    "WHERE " + filter + " " +
    "ORDER BY " + orderBy;
    //System.out.println("DEBUG SQL =" + sql);
    // 4) Get a result set.
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
    int rowCount = 0;
    // 5) Move to first record (and then next) record.
    // 6) Retrieve fields into your properties using JDBC get??? methods.
    String thisItem = rs.getString("item");
    String thisPlatform = rs.getString("platform");
    String thisSerial = rs.getString("serial");
    String thisDescription = rs.getString("description");
    int thisItemid = rs.getInt("itemid");
    // 7) Ensure non-null String fields with dbWorker.safeStr()
    thisItem = dbWorker.safeStr(thisItem);
    thisPlatform = dbWorker.safeStr(thisPlatform);
    thisSerial = dbWorker.safeStr(thisSerial);
    thisDescription = dbWorker.safeStr(thisDescription);
    // 8) Load this row into our Hashtable.
    // The convention here is to pack each row's column name with an ID
    // indicating the row. "ProjectId" + "0" = "ProjectId0" ===mapped to===> Value
    // Put this record into Hashtable.
    retVal.put("item" + rowCount, thisItem);
    retVal.put("platform" + rowCount, thisPlatform);
    retVal.put("serial" + rowCount, thisSerial);
    retVal.put("description" + rowCount, thisDescription);
    retVal.put("itemid" + rowCount, "" + thisItemid);
    // 9) Close all DB objects.
    dbWorker.close(); // Connection too.
    // Write info to our hashtable--Since this container hold virtually anything,
    // you can put in whatever 'metadata' you want about your result set.
    retVal.put("ROWCOUNT", "" + rowCount);
    retVal.put("COLUMNCOUNT", "5");
    retVal.put("STATUS", "OK");
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in findRecords (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    retVal.put("STATUS", "ERROR");
    return retVal;
    public boolean isValid()
    // Does bean contain real data?
    return isBeanDataValid;
    public boolean isError()
    // Returns true if there was a DB error.
    return isDBError;
    public String getErrorMsg()
    // Returns error message, if any.
    return dbErrorMsg;
    // TODO: Remember to comment out main() with /* */ for production code!
    public static void main(String[] args)
    // Test driver code goes here.
    String beanName = "inventoryBean";
    String tableName = "products";
    boolean isDataValidationError = false;
    // Exercise CRUD functionality of this bean.
    System.out.println("Starting Test Driver for bean " + beanName + "....");
    // Create bean.
    inventoryBean myBean = new inventoryBean();
    // Create a new record.
    int newId = myBean.findMaxPrimaryKey();
    boolean rc = myBean.insert("e", "t", "g", "R",
    System.out.println("SUCCESS: Inserted new record #= " + newId + ".");
    System.out.println("ERROR! Can't insert record #= " + newId + ".");
    System.out.println("VALIDATION FAILED: Test driver generated an error.");
    // Retrieve a record
    rc = myBean.findByPrimaryKey(newId);
    System.out.println("SUCCESS: Record #" + newId + " found.");
    System.out.println("VALIDATION FAILED: Test driver generated an error.");
    System.out.println("ERROR! Record #" + newId + " NOT found.");
    // Simulate using set??? accessor methods with test data.
    // (Note: We don't change the primary key.)
    int testItemid = newId;
    System.out.println("Testing set???() accessor methods....");
    System.out.println("Setting Record #" + newId + " to:");
    System.out.println(" inventoryBean.setItem(testItem); // = R");
    System.out.println(" inventoryBean.setPlatform(testPlatform); // = Y");
    System.out.println(" inventoryBean.setSerial(testSerial); // = E");
    System.out.println(" inventoryBean.setDescription(testDescription); // = k");
    System.out.println(" inventoryBean.setItemid(testItemid); // = " + newId);
    // Call update.
    rc = myBean.update();
    System.out.println("SUCCESS: Record #" + newId + " updated.");
    System.out.println("ERROR! Record #" + newId + " NOT updated.");
    System.out.println("VALIDATION FAILED: Test driver generated an error.");
    // Requery and validate each field.
    rc = myBean.findByPrimaryKey(newId);
    System.out.println("SUCCESS: Updated Record #" + newId + " found.");
    System.out.println("VALIDATION FAILED: Test driver generated an error.");
    System.out.println("ERROR! Record #" + newId + " NOT found");
    // Simulate using get??? accessor methods.
    // Validate updated values against test values.
    System.out.println("Validating Record #" + newId + ":");
    String testData;
    String actualItem = myBean.getItem();
    testData = "R";
    System.out.println(" OK: inventoryBean.getItem() = actualItem");
    System.out.println(" ERROR! inventoryBean.getItem() returned [" + actualItem + "] instead of [R]");
    isDataValidationError = true;
    String actualPlatform = myBean.getPlatform();
    testData = "Y";
    System.out.println(" OK: inventoryBean.getPlatform() = actualPlatform");
    System.out.println(" ERROR! inventoryBean.getPlatform() returned [" + actualPlatform + "] instead of [Y]");
    isDataValidationError = true;
    String actualSerial = myBean.getSerial();
    testData = "E";
    System.out.println(" OK: inventoryBean.getSerial() = actualSerial");
    System.out.println(" ERROR! inventoryBean.getSerial() returned [" + actualSerial + "] instead of [E]");
    isDataValidationError = true;
    String actualDescription = myBean.getDescription();
    testData = "k";
    System.out.println(" OK: inventoryBean.getDescription() = actualDescription");
    System.out.println(" ERROR! inventoryBean.getDescription() returned [" + actualDescription + "] instead of [k]");
    isDataValidationError = true;
    int actualItemid = myBean.getItemid();
    if(actualItemid == newId)
    System.out.println(" OK: inventoryBean.getItemid() = actualItemid");
    System.out.println(" ERROR! inventoryBean.getItemid() returned [" + actualItemid + "] instead of [" + newId + "]");
    isDataValidationError = true;
    // Cleanup with delete.
    rc = myBean.delete(newId);
    System.out.println("SUCCESS: Record #" + newId + " deleted.");
    System.out.println("ERROR! Record #" + newId + " NOT deleted.");
    // Now test out findRecords() for up to 100 records.
    Hashtable data = myBean.findRecords("itemid > 0", "itemid");
    String s = (String)data.get("STATUS");
    if(s != null && s.equals("OK"))
    s = (String)data.get("ROWCOUNT");
    int rowCount = Integer.parseInt(s);
    if(rowCount > 100) // Just output first 100 records.
    rowCount = 100;
    System.out.println("SUCCESS: Returning " + rowCount + " records (100 max.) using findRecords():");
    for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    System.out.println(" Row #" + i + "=" +
    data.get("item" + i) + ", " +
    data.get("platform" + i) + ", " +
    data.get("serial" + i) + ", " +
    data.get("description" + i) + ", " +
    data.get("itemid" + i));
    System.out.println("ERROR! No rows returned using findRecords()!");
    System.out.println("VALIDATION FAILED: Test driver generated an error.");
    if(isDataValidationError == false)
    // Print final success message.
    System.out.println("VALIDATION SUCCESS! Bean " + beanName + " passed all automated tests.");
    System.out.println("ERROR! Tests completed but bean " + beanName + " had a data validation error.");

    Couple of pointers.
    1 - use [ code ] tags to post code
    2 - that is WAY too much code for more than a cursory glance. You're lucky the problem was easy to spot.
    Your problem lies in your edit JSP form:
    <td>Product Name:</td>
    <td><input name="description" type="text" value="<jsp:getProperty name="inventoryBean" property="item" />"></td>Note that the name of the input field is different from the jsp property you are populating it with.
    In fact, all of your input fields have a name of "description"
    I would recommend on your inventory_admin.jsp page that you put the following debugging code to make sure that the parameter values come through and are set correctly.
      out.println("name = param: " + request.getParameter("name") + "bean = " + inventoryBean.getName() + "<BR>");
      out.println("description = param:" + request.getParameter("description") + "bean = " + inventoryBean.getDescription() + "<BR>");

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