Can we call a java method from python

Hi, Can we invoke a java application from python. If yes, can any of you post a sample python script. Also please specify any links if you find useful for this. I do not want to use either Jython or any others for this. I would like to do it particularly from Python.

For Perl there was a module that allows to access java classes there might be a one for python too do a goole search

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    hi everyone,
    i'm using JNI and i'm trying to call a Java method from C++, this is the code:
    public class SocketC
    private native void conectaServidor();
    private void recibeBuffer()
    public static void main(String args[])
    SocketC SC = new SocketC();
    static {
    char* recibirSock()
         int _flag = 1;
         while(_flag != 0)
              memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));//Et la, celle pour recevoir
              printf(" Mensaje del cliente: %s\n",buffer);
              _flag = strcmp(buffer,"salir");
         }//fin while
         return buffer;
    void enviarSock()
         int _flag = 1;
         while(_flag != 0)
              memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));//procedimiento para enviar
              printf("\n Escriba: ");
         //     err=scanf("%s",buffer);
              _flag = strcmp(buffer,"salir");
         }//fin while
    }//fin enviarSock
    DWORD servicio(LPVOID lpvoid)//
         char *buf;
         printf("\n Cliente aceptado!!!!!\n");
         return 0;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_SocketC_conectaServidor(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
    //void main()
    /*this is the problem i'm calling the method recibeBuffer*/
         jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
         jmethodID mmid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "recibeBuffer", "(V)V");
         if (mmid == 0)
         env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mmid); //llama a Java
         WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&wsa);//MAKEWORD dit qu'on utilise la version 2 de winsock
         printf("TCP conexion Sockets\n\n");
         //estimez vous heureux que je foute pas de copyright ;)
         system("TITLE TCP Conexion Sockets (Version server)");
         //fo avouer que c'est plus joli
         int port;
         printf("Port : ");//On demande juste le port, pas besoin d'ip on est sur un server
         sinserv.sin_family=AF_INET;     //Je ne connais pas d'autres familles
         sinserv.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY;//Pas besoin d'ip pour le server
         server=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);//On construit le server
         //SOCK_STREAM pour le TCP
         //On lie les parametres du socket avec le socket lui meme
         listen(server,SOMAXCONN);//On se met � �couter avec server, 0 pour n'accepter qu'une seule connection
         printf(" Servidor conectado.");
              {//accept : acepta cualquier conexion
                   if (hReadThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)
                   servicio, 0, 0, &dwThreadID))
                        CloseHandle (hReadThread);
                        // Could not create the read thread.
                        printf("No se pudo crear");
    when i'm running the proyect i get this error:
    C:\POT Files\UCAB\tesis\esmart\french>java SocketC
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: recibeBuffer
    at SocketC.conectaServidor(Native Method)
    at SocketC.main(
    i don't know why this is happening i got declare the method recibeBuffer in my class, but doesn;t work can anyone help me?
    PD: sorry for my bad english i'm from Venezuela

    Next time please paste your code between [code] tags with the code button just above the edit message area.
    To answer your question, you wrote the wrong method signature. It should be:jmethodID mmid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "recibeBuffer", "()V");Regards

  • How can I call a java object from Web dynpro ABAP application?

    I made Web dynpro ABAP application and posted it to SAP EP.
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    Is there anybody who experienced this kind of java interface issue?
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    Raymond, ABAP Consultant

    if you have jco configured, then you can make calls to java api from ABAP .
    check out this weblog.

  • How to call a C function calling a Java Method from another C function ?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm just starting to learn JNI and my problem is that I don't know if it is possible to call a C function calling a Java Method (or doing anything else with JNI) from another C function.
    In fact, after receiving datas in a socket made by a C function, I would like to create a class instance (and I don't know how to do it too ; ) ) and init this instance with the strings I received in the socket.
    Is all that possible ?
    Thank you very much for your help !

    Hard to understand the question, but by most interpretations the answer is going to be yes.
    You do of course understand that JNI is the "API" that sits between Java and C and that every call between the two must go through that. You can't call it directly.

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    Here are 3 examples of code for insert, update and delete:
    Declare @cmd sysname, @code sysname, @list sysname
         Select @code = PLI_K_COD, @list = PLI_K_LISTINO from inserted
         Set @cmd = 'java mirrorDb.Copy PLI INSERT ' + @code + ' ' + @list
         EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
    Declare @cmd sysname, @code sysname, @list sysname
         Select @code = PLI_K_COD, @list = PLI_K_LISTINO from inserted
         Set @cmd = 'java mirrorDb.Copy PLI UPDATE ' + @code + ' ' + @list
         EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
    Declare @cmd sysname, @code sysname, @list sysname
         Select @code = PLI_K_COD, @list = PLI_K_LISTINO from deleted
         Set @cmd = 'java mirrorDb.Copy PLI DELETE ' + @code + ' ' + @list
         EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
    you must go "sql server entreprise manager" right click on the table you want to add triggers and select: all activities, manage triggers.
    You have 3 examples: for an insert, for an update and for a delete
    ON [dbo].[PLI] specify the table on which you want to setup trigger.
    FOR DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE specify the event.
    The Declare statement create the variables in which I want to put some values to pass to the java program, for example which table, which event, which key fields.
    the "Select @code = PLI_K_COD, @list = PLI_K_LISTINO from inserted" set the variables with the value of the columns of the table I am interested to read from my java program, for example the variable @code receive the value of the column pli_k_kod (is the key) of the table PLI.
    The "Set @cmd = 'java mirrorDb.Copy PLI DELETE ' + @code + ' ' + @list " prepared the variable @cmd with the java command followed by the package.classname and parameters.
    The EXEC launch the command to the operating system.

  • Why I can't call my native method from my package?

    it is fine if my java code didn't complied into a package.
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    Thank a lot any helps. Email me on [email protected]

    I have found that javah does not generate the correct JNI function names when the native function is in a class that is within a Java package. The net result is an Unsatisfied link error.
    The JNI function name must be included in the package name. The naming is a bit complicated and that's why javah should be used, except in this case it does not work. I can't quite remember exactly how it works, something like adding in packagename_1 into the JNI name. The SWIG tool ( does generate the correct names when using packages. It is a tool which takes C or C++ header files and generates the JNI and Java classes for you so that you can call C/C++ code from Java. Once you have installed SWIG and run 'make check', have a look in the directory Examples/test-suite/java for the JNI naming for packages. I'll try remember to post the exact naming if you don't want to install SWIG.

  • How can I call  a component method from OCAP ?

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    Somebody knows how to... or any idea or comments.
    Thank you so much!

    Actually, as long as the servlet returns valid javascript, you can indeed "call it" from the client. It will initiate a request and return the result to the browser.
    This example uses Perl, but it could be easily modified to go to a servlet instead.
    Note that it is only supported in DOM browsers (IE6+/NN6+/etc)
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <title> Test server-side JS </title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkIt(variable, value)
    var newScript = "cgi-bin/validateJS.cgi?"+variable+"="+value;
    var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0)
    var scriptTag = document.getElementById('loadScript');
    if(scriptTag) body.removeChild(scriptTag);
    script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = newScript;
         script.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'loadScript';
    <form id="f1" action="">
    <input type="text" name="t1" id="t1" onChange="checkIt(, this.value)">
    use CGI qw(:all);
    my @valArray = split(/=/,$ENV{QUERY_STRING});
    print "Content-type: text/javascript\n\n";
    # myPass is the password
    $myPass = "foobar";
    if ("$valArray[1]" eq "$myPass")
    print "alert(\"Success!!\")";
    print "alert(\"Failure!!\")";

  • How can I call a servlet method from a javascript function

    I want to call l a servlet method from a javascript function.
    Does any one have an example of code.
    Thinks in advance

    Actually, as long as the servlet returns valid javascript, you can indeed "call it" from the client. It will initiate a request and return the result to the browser.
    This example uses Perl, but it could be easily modified to go to a servlet instead.
    Note that it is only supported in DOM browsers (IE6+/NN6+/etc)
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <title> Test server-side JS </title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkIt(variable, value)
    var newScript = "cgi-bin/validateJS.cgi?"+variable+"="+value;
    var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0)
    var scriptTag = document.getElementById('loadScript');
    if(scriptTag) body.removeChild(scriptTag);
    script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = newScript;
         script.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'loadScript';
    <form id="f1" action="">
    <input type="text" name="t1" id="t1" onChange="checkIt(, this.value)">
    use CGI qw(:all);
    my @valArray = split(/=/,$ENV{QUERY_STRING});
    print "Content-type: text/javascript\n\n";
    # myPass is the password
    $myPass = "foobar";
    if ("$valArray[1]" eq "$myPass")
    print "alert(\"Success!!\")";
    print "alert(\"Failure!!\")";

  • How can i call a taskflow methode from backing bean ??

    Build JDEVADF_11.1.1.3.PS2_GENERIC_100408.2356.5660
    i like to call a Methode (taskflow) from backing bean!
    my bean code :
        public void imageLinkActionListner(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            String              id      = actionEvent.getComponent().getId();
            int                 linkID  = Integer.parseInt(id.substring(4));
            DCBindingContainer  bc      = (DCBindingContainer)ADFUtils.getBindingContainer();
            DCTaskFlowBinding   tf      = null;
            System.out.println("Region Change...."+id+" INT "+linkID);
            switch (linkID) {
                case LINK_CALENDAR_REGION:
                    tf = (DCTaskFlowBinding)bc.findExecutableBinding("calendartaskflowPage");                   
                case LINK_MAIL_REGION:
                    tf = (DCTaskFlowBinding)bc.findExecutableBinding("mailtaskflowPage");                   
              case LINK_ADDRESS_REGION:
                  tf = (DCTaskFlowBinding)bc.findExecutableBinding("addresstaskflowPage");                   
              case LINK_BLOGS_REGION:
                  tf = (DCTaskFlowBinding)bc.findExecutableBinding("blogstaskflowPage");                   
              case LINK_MAPS_REGION:
                  tf = (DCTaskFlowBinding)bc.findExecutableBinding("mapstaskflowPage");                   
            if (tf != null){
        }i like to call *#{backingBeanScope.mapBean.initMap}*
    my taskflow source
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adfc-config xmlns="" version="1.2">
      <task-flow-definition id="map-task-flow">
        <default-activity id="__1">map</default-activity>
        <view id="map">
        <method-call id="initMap">
          <outcome id="__7">
        <control-flow-rule id="__2">
          <from-activity-id id="__3">initMap</from-activity-id>
          <control-flow-case id="__5">
            <from-outcome id="__6">init</from-outcome>
            <to-activity-id id="__4">map</to-activity-id>

    to call the bean, use the EL in Java and reference #{backingBeanScope.mapBean.initMap} as a method expression. If you try and access the bean directly then chances are that the instance is not available. Using EL from Java always guarantees this

  • Order of arguments while calling a Java method from C

    are there any rules to order the transferred arguments ?
    I wanted to transfer a native window event from C to Java and if the called
    java method is declared like this: (int, long, int) (IJI)V
    public static void nativeMouseButtonDownCallback(int wParam, long lParam, int which)
    the value of 'which' is not correct (always the same independent from what I set it to in the C function)
    If I declare the java method like this: (int, int, long) (IIJ)V
    public static void nativeMouseButtonDownCallback(int which, int wParam, long lParam)
    everything is fine.
    Any information appreciated !
    Bye Mark

    Thanks for your reply !
    Initially I also thought that the set of the value could be wrong and so
    I used a printf statement in C to monitor the transferred value.
    And still: the value I put in was different from what I got in java.
    After this I put in simple numbers like 1,2,3 and in java I still got
    the same wrong value.(guess max signed int 21474836..)
    I really replaced the dll and class files and restarted the IDE.
    The problem got solved by changing the order of the long an int.
    Bye Mark

  • How can i call a main method  from a different class???

    Plzz help...
    i have 2 classes.., T1 and T2.. Tt2 is a class with a main method....i want to call the main method in it possibl..plz help


  • Is it possible to call a java method from servlet

    Hi All,
    I am trying to import a java class to my servlet and call a method of that class, is this possible. I am getting an error while importing the class.
    I am using tomcat, have put my class files in th path
    My java goes like this
    package com.kiran;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    public class DbCon
    { Connection con=null;
    public Connection getCon()
    -----return con;
    catch(Exception e){ return con; }
    and my aim is to call getCon() from my servlet. which is as follows
    package com.kiran;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import com.kiran.DbCon;
    public class check extends HttpServlet
    DbCon db;
    i am not able to compile my servlet, err is --> cannot find symbol DbCon..
    How can i import the class, do i require any entries in web.xml ?
    expecting your advice..
    Thanks in advance
    Best Regards,

    Ok, first off, if you are testing in tomcat (and as you said you are placing the class files in the path), you already compiled this classes, right? Otherwise I don't see how you placed your classes in /WEB-INF/classes/. Note that you will need two class files (based on your code. If not, then I'm missing part of the question. Typically, your IDE will help you with this problem a lot. The only thing that seems confusing is the catch (Exception e) statement which needs to be as part of a method (I assume this is a typo on your part).
    If your problem is at runtime, don't forget to configure your web.xml to see your servlet.

  • Can we call super class method from Overwrite method using SUPER keyword

    Hi All,
    For one of our requirement , I need to overwrite "Process Event" method of a feeder class  ,where process event is present is protected method. so when we are making a call , then its saying
    "Method  "process event"  is unknown or Protected  or PRIVATE ".
        But we are just copied the source code in the "Process Event" method to the Overwrite method.
    Can anyone provide me the clarification , why system behaving like this.

    I think you can not.
    Because, only public attributes can be inherited and they will remain public in the subclass.
    for further detail check,

  • How to call java method from actionscript

    I've just now started working on Flex. May be its basic question but I’m not aware of it – how can I call a java method from actionscript. I want to call some java method on double click of a event. Can you please let me know how to proceed on this?

    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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