Problem calling a Java Method from C++

hi everyone,
i'm using JNI and i'm trying to call a Java method from C++, this is the code:
public class SocketC
private native void conectaServidor();
private void recibeBuffer()
public static void main(String args[])
SocketC SC = new SocketC();
static {
char* recibirSock()
     int _flag = 1;
     while(_flag != 0)
          memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));//Et la, celle pour recevoir
          printf(" Mensaje del cliente: %s\n",buffer);
          _flag = strcmp(buffer,"salir");
     }//fin while
     return buffer;
void enviarSock()
     int _flag = 1;
     while(_flag != 0)
          memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));//procedimiento para enviar
          printf("\n Escriba: ");
     //     err=scanf("%s",buffer);
          _flag = strcmp(buffer,"salir");
     }//fin while
}//fin enviarSock
DWORD servicio(LPVOID lpvoid)//
     char *buf;
     printf("\n Cliente aceptado!!!!!\n");
     return 0;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_SocketC_conectaServidor(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
//void main()
/*this is the problem i'm calling the method recibeBuffer*/
     jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
     jmethodID mmid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "recibeBuffer", "(V)V");
     if (mmid == 0)
     env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mmid); //llama a Java
     WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&wsa);//MAKEWORD dit qu'on utilise la version 2 de winsock
     printf("TCP conexion Sockets\n\n");
     //estimez vous heureux que je foute pas de copyright ;)
     system("TITLE TCP Conexion Sockets (Version server)");
     //fo avouer que c'est plus joli
     int port;
     printf("Port : ");//On demande juste le port, pas besoin d'ip on est sur un server
     sinserv.sin_family=AF_INET;     //Je ne connais pas d'autres familles
     sinserv.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY;//Pas besoin d'ip pour le server
     server=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);//On construit le server
     //SOCK_STREAM pour le TCP
     //On lie les parametres du socket avec le socket lui meme
     listen(server,SOMAXCONN);//On se met � �couter avec server, 0 pour n'accepter qu'une seule connection
     printf(" Servidor conectado.");
          {//accept : acepta cualquier conexion
               if (hReadThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)
               servicio, 0, 0, &dwThreadID))
                    CloseHandle (hReadThread);
                    // Could not create the read thread.
                    printf("No se pudo crear");
when i'm running the proyect i get this error:
C:\POT Files\UCAB\tesis\esmart\french>java SocketC
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: recibeBuffer
at SocketC.conectaServidor(Native Method)
at SocketC.main(
i don't know why this is happening i got declare the method recibeBuffer in my class, but doesn;t work can anyone help me?
PD: sorry for my bad english i'm from Venezuela

Next time please paste your code between [code] tags with the code button just above the edit message area.
To answer your question, you wrote the wrong method signature. It should be:jmethodID mmid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "recibeBuffer", "()V");Regards

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    Hard to understand the question, but by most interpretations the answer is going to be yes.
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    Initially I also thought that the set of the value could be wrong and so
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    Best Regards,

    Ok, first off, if you are testing in tomcat (and as you said you are placing the class files in the path), you already compiled this classes, right? Otherwise I don't see how you placed your classes in /WEB-INF/classes/. Note that you will need two class files (based on your code. If not, then I'm missing part of the question. Typically, your IDE will help you with this problem a lot. The only thing that seems confusing is the catch (Exception e) statement which needs to be as part of a method (I assume this is a typo on your part).
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              int bufSize = 4096;
              byte buffer[] = new byte[bufSize];
              String path = null;
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                        System.out.write(buffer, 0, len);
                   path = new String(buffer);
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("Exception "+e);
                   return "Process problem ";
              return path;

    I answered this very same question that you posted at the JavaRanch forum.
    Good Luck,

  • Problem calling java method from c

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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    //#pragma comment (lib,"C:\\j2sdk1.4.2_05\\lib\\jvm.lib")
    JavaVM jvm; / Pointer to a Java VM */
    JNIEnv env; / Pointer to native method interface */
    JDK1_1InitArgs vm_args; /* JDK 1.1 VM initialization requirements */
    int verbose = 1; /* Debugging flag */
    FARPROC JNU_FindCreateJavaVM(char *vmlibpath)
    HINSTANCE hVM = LoadLibrary("jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
    if (hVM == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return GetProcAddress(hVM, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
    void main(int argc, char **argv )
    JavaVM jvm = (JavaVM )0;
    JNIEnv env = (JNIEnv )0;
    JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
    jclass cls;
    jmethodID mid;
    jint res;
    FARPROC pfnCreateVM;
    JavaVMOption options[4];
    // jint (__stdcall pfnCreateVM)(JavaVM *pvm, void **penv, void *args) = NULL;
    options[0].optionString = "-Djava.compiler=NONE"; /* disable JIT */
    options[1].optionString = "-Djava.class.path=c:/j2sdk1.4.2_05/jre/lib/rt.jar"; /* user classes */
    options[2].optionString = "-Djava.library.path=lib"; /* set native library path */
    options[3].optionString = "-verbose:jni"; /* print JNI-related messages */
    /* Setup the environment */
    vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
    vm_args.options = options;
    vm_args.nOptions = 4;
    vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 1;
    JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs ( &vm_args );
    pfnCreateVM = JNU_FindCreateJavaVM("jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
    res = (*pfnCreateVM)(&jvm,(void **) &env, &vm_args );
    // res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm,(void **) &env, &vm_args );
    /* Find the class we want to load */
    cls = (*env)->FindClass( env, "InstantiatedFromC" );
    if ( verbose )
    printf ( "Class: %x" , cls );
    /*jvm->DestroyJavaVM( );*/
    Could anyone help me solve this problem as early as possible, bcoz i'm in an urge to complete the project.
    Thanks in advance.

    You either have to add to the system path of where is your jvm.dll is located or explicitly link to jvm.dll call GetProcAddress to obtain the address of an exported function in the DLL.

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    jschell wrote:
    JNI parameters? Meaning what exactly?
    General outline of a callback
    1. Entry
    2. Get the VM, env - there are methods for this
    3. Attach the thread
    4. Get a java object - how depends on what you are doing, but create it or a static reference.
    5. Get the java method
    6. Call the java method.That is exactly correct. The callback function is called from a separate thread so using a cached pointer to JNIEnv, obtained from the original native method, crashes the JVM. The jmethodID and jclass objects (which are needed to call the static Java method) can be cached without problem. The following is the code I used to attach the current thread and call my static method.
    void MyClass::onEvent(int system_id, char* data)
         //get a pointer to the Java Environment
         JNIEnv *env;
         jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void **)&env, NULL);
         //Call the Java method with the newly aquired data
         jstring js = env->NewStringUTF(data);
         env->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, mid, system_id, js);
    }My last question is about cleanup in this function. When I use NewStringUTF to "convert" my char* to jstring do I need to do anything special to clean up or will the Java garbage collector take care of it since the jstring is being passed to a Java method?
    Thanks for you help

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    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    hi friends,
    How to call a java method from xsl, i have a xsl file which will call the java method and retrieve the value and display it to the user. but its work well when i set xalan.jar and xerces.jar and the java class files in my classpath and run as
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    in the command prompt but when i deploy it as web application it gives error as
    [b]Namespace 'MyPack' does not contain any functions[b]

    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    I have a requirement of updating field value 'Document Status' based on review/approve of content from Workflow and hence need to update the version number. For that I need to call my java method from workflow during submit of review/approve condition. Please let me know how to call java method from workflow?
    Is there any alternative better way to achive this requirement from workflow? Please suggest.

    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    I have a Java class called and in that I have a method called assignValue(String value).
    I need to call this method, assignValue() , from JavaScript.
    Is there a way to call a Java method from JavaScript.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Yes I did, and I still don't get it, I have created a JSF web application, not an applet, as I posted earlier my code to executes sit's in a class file, not an applet file.
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    package a1;
    import ....
    public class Page1 extends AbstractPageBean {
        public void valset(int val) {
    }my jsp file "Page1.jsp" is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:ui="">
        < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
            <ui:page binding="#{Page1.page1}" id="page1">
                <ui:html binding="#{Page1.html1}" id="html1">
                    <ui:head binding="#{Page1.head1}" id="head1">
                        <ui:link binding="#{Page1.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
                    <ui:body binding="#{Page1.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
                        <ui:form binding="#{Page1.form1}" id="form1">
    <applet code="Page1.class" name="Page1" width="1100" height="600">
                            <ui:button action="#{Page1.button1_action}" binding="#{Page1.button1}" id="button1" onMouseOver="form1.Page1.valset(1);"
                                style="left: 239px; top: 192px; position: absolute" text="Button"/>
    </jsp:root>All I get is a grey box the size of the applet window. Could you please let me know what I'm doing wrong?

  • Call java method from button in UIX page

    I want to call a java method from a button on a uix page.
    Does it have to be a submit button or it maybe a simple button.
    If it was from a JSP page, it would be a much more different process ?
    This method should delete a row from another view (View2).
    delete from tableB ta where ta.field1 = &1
    My question is how do I build the method to delete a row and how do I invoke the method using the button ?

    This sounds like a JDeveloper/ADF issue that is not related to JHeadstart. Can you please log a TAR at MetaLink ( ), or ask this question at the JDeveloper forum at ?
    Sandra Muller
    JHeadstart Team
    Oracle Consulting

  • How to call backing bean method from java script

    I would like to know how to call backing bean method from java script.
    I am aware of serverListener and [AjaxAutoSuggest article|]
    but i am running in to some issues with [AjaxAutoSuggest article|]
    regarding which i asked for help in other thread with subject ....Question on AjaxAutoSuggest article (Ajax Transactions Using ADF and J...)
    The reason why i posted is ( though i realise both are duplicates) .. that threads looks as a specific question to that article hence i would like to ask the quantified problem is asked in this thread.
    So could any please letme know how to call backing bean method from java script
    Edited by: mchepuri on Oct 24, 2009 6:17 PM
    Edited by: mchepuri on Oct 24, 2009 6:20 PM

    May know how to submit a button autoamtically on onload of page with clicking a welcome alert box. the submit button has managed button too to show a message on console using SOP.
    the problem is.
    1. before loading the page a javascript comes on which i clicked ok
    2. the page gets loaded and the button is there which gets automatically clicked and the managed bean associated with prints a message on console using SOP.
    I m trying to do this through server listener and click listener. the code is(adf jspx page)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_check4.d1}">
    <af:form id="f1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_check4.f1}">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"
    id="cb1" action="#{beanCheck4.submit1}"/>
    <af:clientListener type="click" method="delRow"/>
    <af:serverListener type= "jsServerListener"
    <f:facet name="metaContainer">
    <af:resource type ="javascript">
    // if(x){
    delRow = function(event){
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(event.getSource(), "jsServerListener", {}, false);
    return true;
    the backing bean code is -----
    public class classCheck4 {
    public classCheck4() {
    public String submit1() {
    return null;

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