Can we call an ASP page using J2Me

hi, I want to know whether there is a way of calling an ASP page which is for sending mass emails through my J2ME application using HTTP connection

Yes, the server-side technology is irrelevent to the MIDlet, as long as it supports HTTP 1.1.

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  • Can Java Applet Call the ASP Page

    I would like to know whether the Java Applet can call the ASP page.
    If it can be done, how does the Java Applet get the value from ASP page?
    Please provide me some running example.

    I would like to know whether the Java Applet can
    an call the ASP page.Something like:
    AppletContext.showDocument(new URL("http://wherever/myPage.asp"), "_blank");
    how does the Java Applet get the value from ASP page?What?
    Please provide me some running example.Nope.

  • How To Call asp page in j2me application.....?

    Hi friends...
    I m Developing small application on j2me to call asp page on j2me .
    I Dont know how shoud i call this page into j2me .is there any setting we have do in it?
    Plz anyone know plz tell me its urgent...
    i tried but it will give 401 file not found error
    Thnks and Regards
    Shri K

    Hi Alekh,
    To turn off authentication you must create and make current a No Login Authentication authentication scheme.
    or change Page / Security / Authentication as "Page is Public"

  • Calling the ASP page through a BSP application

    We are in the process of implementing Digital signature for SRM cFolders.
    BSP application : CFX_RFC_UI
    Pages with flow logic : doc_de_download
    The digitally signed files are uploaded to the cFolders.On click of a
    particular file in cFolders, the 'ASP' page residing on the server in IIS
    vertual directory i.e. 'verifyfile.asp' should get called.This ASP page has
    the logic to verify the signed file.
    The signed file resides on the file system in the same vertual directory.
    As a result we want to post a message on the screen which
    will be the output of the ASP page logic.
    Please suggest the way to achieve this.
    Message : ---
    <b>Verification Successful</b>
      Certificate Details
    The certificate is valid
    CRL Status: Certificate Revocation Status is Unknown: CRL Not checked
    Email Id: [email protected]
    Issuer Name: ock Demo Certification Authority
    Serial Number: 15 65 7a 0a  00 00 0d d9
    Subject Name: Email Address = [email protected] | Country = US
    | StateOrProvince = VA | Locality = McLean | Organization = Technologies Corporation | Organizational Unit = ock Demo | Common Name = Valid ock |
    ThumbPrint: 16 00 c1 f4 76 aa 57 f2 20 27 0f 21 44 9e 08 9d 61 ca dd 95
    Valid From: Monday, April 10 2006,02:19:58
    <i><b>The code in OnInitialization event handler is as follows :----</b></i>
    * doc_de_download.htm
    DATA lp_root_exception   TYPE REF TO cx_root.
    DATA lp_doc              TYPE REF TO cl_cfx_document.
    DATA l_cur_ver_id        TYPE guid_32.
    DATA lp_col_app          TYPE REF TO cl_cfx_col_application.
    DATA lp_col              TYPE REF TO cl_cfx_collaboration.
    DATA : icontent type table of  sdokcntbin.
    data :  w_tmpcontent TYPE sdokcntbin.
    **** Data declaration
    data : g_folder_path TYPE btcxpgpar value 'usrsapDigitally signed files',
          g_md(100)      TYPE c,
          g_file_path    TYPE string,
          g_system       TYPE rfcdisplay-rfchost,
          g_os           TYPE sxpgcolist-opsystem,
          g_file_size    TYPE string,
          g_mime_type    TYPE string,
          g_file_ext     TYPE string,
          g_len1         TYPE i,
          g_var          TYPE c,
          g_out_file     TYPE c LENGTH 600,
          g_file_count   TYPE p,
          g_table_lines  TYPE p,
          g_counter      TYPE p VALUE 1,
          g_flag         TYPE c.
    DATA : i_doc_id TYPE sysuuid_c.
    CONSTANTS : c_dot TYPE c VALUE '.'.
        IF NOT p_refresh IS INITIAL.
          cl_cfx_ui_application=>delete_instance( ).
        TRANSLATE p_col_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_area_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_topic_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_doc_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_ver_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_save TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
    *   initialize in case of server state timeout
        IF ( NOT p_col_id IS INITIAL ) AND
           ( NOT p_area_id IS INITIAL ) AND
           ( NOT p_topic_id IS INITIAL ).
          CALL METHOD cl_cfx_context_ui=>initialize
              i_col_id      = p_col_id
              i_area_id     = p_area_id
              i_topic_id    = p_topic_id
              i_doc_id      = p_doc_id
              i_object_type = cfxf1_sc_doc_type_document.
        IF NOT p_col_id IS INITIAL.
          lp_col_app = cl_cfx_col_application=>get_instance( ).
          lp_col = lp_col_app->get_collaboration( p_col_id ).
    *   Do we need to prepare to checkout this document?
            i_guid        = p_doc_id
            ep_docref     = lp_doc ).
        IF ( NOT p_filepath IS INITIAL ) AND ( p_do_lock = 'X' ).
          l_cur_ver_id = lp_doc->if_cfx_versioning~get_current_version( ).
          IF l_cur_ver_id = p_ver_id.
    *       OK, prepare checkout
                lp_doc->if_cfx_document~lock( ).
              CATCH cx_root.
    data: lt_formfields type TIHTTPNVP,
          l_formfield   type IHTTPNVP,
          l_request     type STRING.
    data: lt_headerfields type TIHTTPNVP,
          l_headerfield   type IHTTPNVP.
    CALL METHOD request->get_form_fields
        fields = lt_formfields.
    CALL METHOD request->get_header_fields
        fields = lt_headerfields.
    *    CALL METHOD cl_cfx_doc_ui=>retrieve_content
    *      EXPORTING
    *        ip_navigation = navigation
    *        ip_response   = response
    *        ip_runtime    = runtime
    *        i_col_id      = p_col_id
    *        i_area_id     = p_area_id
    *        i_topic_id    = p_topic_id
    *        i_doc_id      = p_doc_id
    *        i_ver_id      = p_ver_id
    *        i_save        = p_save.
    *   Do we need to checkout this document?
            i_guid        = p_doc_id
            ep_docref     = lp_doc ).
        IF ( NOT p_filepath IS INITIAL ) AND ( p_do_lock = 'X' ).
    *      l_cur_ver_id = lp_doc->if_cfx_versioning~get_current_version( ).
          IF l_cur_ver_id = p_ver_id.
    *       OK, do checkout
                CALL METHOD cl_cfx_doc_ui=>mark_doc_as_checked_out
                    ip_doc     = lp_doc
                    i_filepath = p_filepath.
              CATCH cx_root.
    i_doc_id = p_ver_id.
        i_doc_version_id = i_doc_id
        e_file_path      = g_file_path
        e_file_size      = g_file_size
        e_mime_type      = g_mime_type
        e_file_ext       = g_file_ext
        et_content       = icontent.
    ******  Download document
    IF NOT icontent[] IS INITIAL.
    ***  PERFORM sub_download_file USING g_file_path.
      CONCATENATE g_folder_path g_file_path
      INTO g_out_file.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        LOOP AT icontent INTO w_tmpcontent.
          TRANSFER w_tmpcontent TO g_out_file.
      CLOSE DATASET g_out_file.
      CLEAR g_out_file.
        CLEAR: p_area_id, p_col_id, p_doc_id, p_save,
               p_topic_id, p_ver_id, p_filepath.
    ** handle other standard exceptions
      CATCH cx_root INTO lp_root_exception.
        CALL METHOD cl_cfx_exception_ui=>handle
            ip_exception  = lp_root_exception
            ip_navigation = navigation.

    Something like this should work:
    REPORT  zggar_http_client.
    PARAMETERS: p_host  TYPE char100 DEFAULT '',
                p_port  TYPE char20.
    DATA: wcl_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client.
    DATA: w_content    TYPE string,
          w_host       TYPE string,
          w_port       TYPE string,
          w_proxy_host TYPE string,
          w_proxy_port TYPE string,
          w_path       TYPE string.
    w_host = p_host.
    w_port = p_port.
    CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create
        host          = w_host
        service       = w_port
        proxy_host    = w_proxy_host
        proxy_service = w_proxy_port
        client        = wcl_client.
    wcl_client->request->set_header_field( name  = '~request_uri'
                                       value = w_path ).        "#EC *
    wcl_client->request->set_header_field( name  = '~request_method'
                                       value = 'GET' ).         "#EC *
    * send and receive
    wcl_client->send( ).
    wcl_client->receive( ).
    * display content
    w_content = wcl_client->response->get_cdata( ).
    Best regards,

  • Can I call a .htm page of view1 from another .htm page of view 2?

    I have a viewset QuestionnaireTabVS with a view area TABS which has two views  QuestionCondnsVS (default) and View QuestionRisksVS.
    When a variable say GV_TAB  is set as 'Questions' it navigates to the QuestionCondnsVS view and when the variable GV_TAB is set as 'Risks' it navigates to the QuestionnaireRisksVS.
    This view set QuestionnaireTabVS is contained in an overview page which  has two Radiobuttons. It works fine when  the first radiobutton is selected, i.e, when I click on the Questions it renders the QuestionCondnsVS view and when I click on the Risks it renders me the QuestionRisksVS view .
    Problem is when  I had clicked the RISK tab first and then selected the another radiobutton the rendered view QuestionRisksVS doesnt get removed
    but is present there by default which I dont want.I want the QuestionCondnsVS view to be present there by default after the second radiobutton is selected. I tried to refresh all the controllers but somehow it navigates to the  QuestionRisksVS only .
    So i thought to call the  .htm page of QuestionCondnsVS forcefully from the QuestionnaireTabVS .htm page as soon as I select the another radiobutton.
    Can I call a .htm page of QuestionCondnsVS from another .htm page of  QuestionnaireTabVS? If yes then how or any other suggestion is welcome

    Hi Dharmakasi,
    The Radiobuttons code is not added in the same HTML page but lies in a different component where the coding is on event handler.
    METHOD eh_onchecked.
      DATA: lv_option TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
            lv_check  TYPE char1.
      lv_option ?= typed_context->switch->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      lv_check = lv_option->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'OPTION'   ).
      IF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_old.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_old.
      ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_new.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_new.
      ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_scaf.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_scaf.
        ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_scaf_anz.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_scaf_anz.
      ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_sow.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_sow.
    Here the LV_CHECK = old is the first radiobutton whereas LV_CHECk = new is the second radiobutton. I have tried to set the value of gv_tab ='Question' here but again no success.
    The .HTM coding of QuestionanireTABVS is
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="thtmlb" prefix="thtmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="chtmlb" prefix="chtmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
    <% data: ls_line                type CRMT_THTMLB_LINK,
             lv_flag                type ABAP_BOOL.
        data: lv_xml                type string.
    if zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_old.
       REFRESH controller->gt_navlink_tab[].
    *   if controller->gt_navlink_tab[] is initial.
         ls_line-id = 'Questions'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'QUEST'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/QUESTIONS' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
         ls_line-id = 'Risks'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'RISK'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/GLOBAL_RISK' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    <%--   endif.  %>--%>
    <thtmlb:tray id     = "HeaderExt"
                 indent = 'FALSE'
                 design = 'STANDARD'>
        <thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "0"
                 columnSize  = "1"
                 height      = "100%"
                 rowSize     = "1"
                 width       = "100%" >
          <thtmlb:gridCell colSpan     = "1"
                       columnIndex = "1"
                       rowIndex    = "1"
                       rowSpan     = "1"
            <thtmlb:navLink links  = "<%= controller->gt_navlink_tab %>"
                    selectedLinkId = "<%= controller->gv_tab %>" />
        <bsp:call comp_id = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'TABS' ) %>"
                  url     = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'TABS' ) %>" />
    *    data: lv_xml    type string.
        lv_xml    = controller->CONFIGURATION_DESCR->GET_CONFIG_DATA( ).
        <chtmlb:config xml     = "<%= lv_xml %>"
                       mode    = "RUNTIME"  />
    <% elseif zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_new.
       REFRESH controller->gt_navlink_tab[].
    *   if controller->gt_navlink_tab[] is initial.
         ls_line-id = 'Questions'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'QUEST'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/QUESTIONS' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    *     ls_line-id = 'Risks'.
    *     ls_line-onclick = 'RISK'.
    *     ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/GLOBAL_RISK' ).
    *     insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    <%--   endif.  %>--%>
    <thtmlb:tray id     = "HeaderExt"
                 indent = 'FALSE'
                 design = 'STANDARD'>
        <thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "0"
                 columnSize  = "1"
                 height      = "100%"
                 rowSize     = "1"
                 width       = "100%" >
          <thtmlb:gridCell colSpan     = "1"
                       columnIndex = "1"
                       rowIndex    = "1"
                       rowSpan     = "1"
            <thtmlb:navLink links  = "<%= controller->gt_navlink_tab %>"
                    selectedLinkId = "<%= controller->gv_tab %>" />
        <bsp:call comp_id = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'TABS' ) %>"
                  url     = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'TABS' ) %>" />
    *    data: lv_xml    type string.
        lv_xml    = controller->CONFIGURATION_DESCR->GET_CONFIG_DATA( ).
        <chtmlb:config xml     = "<%= lv_xml %>"
                       mode    = "RUNTIME"  />
    <% elseif zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>GV_MATRIX_MNT_TYPE_SCAF or
              zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_scaf_anz  or
              zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>GV_MATRIX_MNT_TYPE_SOW.
       REFRESH controller->gt_navlink_tab[].
    *   if controller->gt_navlink_tab[] is initial.
         ls_line-id = 'Questions'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'QUEST'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/QUESTIONS' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    *     ls_line-id = 'Risks'.
    *     ls_line-onclick = 'RISK'.
    *     ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/GLOBAL_RISK' ).
    *     insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    <%--   endif.  %>--%>
    <thtmlb:tray id     = "HeaderExt"
                 indent = 'FALSE'
                 design = 'STANDARD'>
        <thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "0"
                 columnSize  = "1"
                 height      = "100%"
                 rowSize     = "1"
                 width       = "100%" >
          <thtmlb:gridCell colSpan     = "1"
                       columnIndex = "1"
                       rowIndex    = "1"
                       rowSpan     = "1"
            <thtmlb:navLink links  = "<%= controller->gt_navlink_tab %>"
                    selectedLinkId = "<%= controller->gv_tab %>" />
        <bsp:call comp_id = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'TABS' ) %>"
                  url     = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'TABS' ) %>" />
    *    data: lv_xml    type string.
        lv_xml    = controller->CONFIGURATION_DESCR->GET_CONFIG_DATA( ).
        <chtmlb:config xml     = "<%= lv_xml %>"
                       mode    = "RUNTIME"  />
    <% endif.

  • How can I open a new page (using "Pages") when I already have another page open?  It just keeps reverting to the page I have opened already and won't let me open another one?

    How can I open a new page (using "Pages") when I already have another page open?  It just keeps reverting to the page I have opened already and won't let me open another one?

    To make a new document, go to File > New From Template chooser and choose the type of document you wish to create.
    To add a new page to an existing document go to Insert > Sections > Blank.

  • How can I call an ".asp" from a Servlet?

    I want to make a call to an asp page from my servlet. If i use the conventional way of doing it as follows:
    RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("http://localhost:8080/abc.asp");
    rd.forward(request, response)
    It gives me IllegalArgumentException saying that the "Path must be absolute". And if i give the relative path like
    RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/abc.asp");
    rd.forward(request, response)
    In this case it takes me to the asp page, but gives some ClassNotFoundException - images.
    I do not understand what class it is looking for and where to get that?
    So Why am i not able to call an ASP from Servlet, Any clue??

    What are you trying to accomplish? A redirect is one of the only ways to successfully go from a Servlet to an ASP. For example:response.sendRedirect("http://server:9090/abc.asp?name=value");This is mainly because when you forward, your actually sending the request and response objects under the current servlet context to be processed by another JSP/servlet in the same (sometimes cross) context.
    When interacting with ASP's your actually communicating between web containers (one which is Java based the other VB based).
    When you use:RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("http://localhost:8080/abc.asp");
    rd.forward(request, response) Your telling the servlet to send it's contents outside the web container where they cannot exist as such (even though you are pointing to your own JSP server, it's the "http://" that makes it assume your trying to get out).
    Using: RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/abc.asp");
    rd.forward(request, response) is fine but what is processing your asp in your Java Web Server?
    The best way to mix JSP/Servlets with ASP (in my opinion others may debate it if they please) is using messaging like XML. Trying to share sessions between ASP and Java is quite messy and to much effort for a 1 to 1 communication option.
    Back to an earlier question, what is processing your asp files in the Java web server? If you have something processing them (like ChilliSoft) then check the docs to see if it supports session sharing between JSP/Servlet - ASP.

  • Silverlight application (example.xap) doesn't run when call in other pages using "Object tag"

    I have silverlight 3 installed with Visual studio 2008. installation is fine.
    I have created a  silvelight application including a test page.
    In my test page I used the "object tag" to call my application as it is suggested since silverlight 3:
    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2"
    width="450" height="220">
    <param name="source" value="MySilverlightApplication.xap"/>
    At the run time, using the test page my application runs as expected. But when i call the same application in another page i have created, nothing happens: the web page is blank. I wonder why it works with the test page created at the same time with the
    silverlight application ( i have checked the radio button that required the test paged creation during the process of the silverlight application) and why it doesn't work with a page created separately.
    Thank you for your help!

    Hi Andy!
    Hi Qimin!
    Thank you for your helps. But i want to let you know that the html code i wrote in my post is just an example so I will complete my post with more information.
    0- I have visual studio 2008 installed with silverlight 3.
    1- I have created a web project with a master page (my master page has a content page )
    2- I added a silvelight application: carousel.xap (during its creation I've accepted to add a test page: carouselTestPage.aspx)
    3- I added a main page Home.aspx: which inherits from the master page created in step 1, then I call my silverlight application in this content page using the object tag.
    Result of the tests during run time:
    My silverlight application carousel.xap works fine when I test it with the
    But my silverlight application carousel.xap doesn't work with the main page I added to my web project. the web content page is blank.
         Here below the script of the carouselTestPage.aspx
    and for the Pages_Home:
    carouselTestPage.aspx code
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" >
    <style type="text/css">
    html, body {
    height: 100%;
    body {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    #silverlightControlHost {
    height: 100%;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function onSilverlightError(sender, args) {
    var appSource = "";
    if (sender != null && sender != 0) {
    appSource = sender.getHost().Source;
    var errorType = args.ErrorType;
    var iErrorCode = args.ErrorCode;
    if (errorType == "ImageError" || errorType == "MediaError") {
    var errMsg = "Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application " + appSource + "\n" ;
    errMsg += "Code: "+ iErrorCode + " \n";
    errMsg += "Category: " + errorType + " \n";
    errMsg += "Message: " + args.ErrorMessage + " \n";
    if (errorType == "ParserError") {
    errMsg += "File: " + args.xamlFile + " \n";
    errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n";
    errMsg += " + args.charPosition + " \n";
    else if (errorType == "RuntimeError") {
    if (args.lineNumber != 0) {
    errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n";
    errMsg += " + args.charPosition + " \n";
    errMsg += "MethodName: " + args.methodName + " \n";
    throw new Error(errMsg);
    <form id="form1" runat="server" style="height:100%">
    <div id="silverlightControlHost">
    <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%">
    <param name="source" value="ClientBin/carousel.xap"/>
    <param name="onError" value="onSilverlightError" />
    <param name="background" value="white" />
    <param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="3.0.40624.0" />
    <param name="autoUpgrade" value="true" />
    <a href="" style="text-decoration:none">
    <img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style:none"/>
    </object><iframe id="_sl_historyFrame" style="height:0px;width:0px;border:0px"></iframe></div>
    2. Home.aspx code:
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/MyMasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Home.aspx.cs" Inherits="Pages_Home" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
    <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MyContent" Runat="Server">
    <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%">
    <param name="source" value="~/ClientBin/carousel.xap"/>
    <param name="background" value="white" />
    <param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="3.0.40624.0" />
    <param name="autoUpgrade" value="true" />
    <param name="enableHtmlAccess" value="true" />
    <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;">
    <img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/>
    <iframe id="_sl_historyFrame" style="visibility:hidden;height:0px;width:0px;border:0px">
     so the application source is correctly supplied in the object tag description. so I wonder why it doesn't work with a separate content page in the same web project and work with this embedded Silverlight Test page.
    Thank you for your helps.

  • Can i call a Coldfusion page from C# code?.

    I got a .Net application.
    Part of this application is written in coldfusion.
    How can i call coldfusion page from C# application?.
    Please post sample and code.

    To open a web page in the browser in C#:
    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("YOUR URL HERE");
    To call a webpage without opening the browser take a look at
    the HttpWebRequest class in .NET
    Disclaimer: I haven't used the HttpWebRequest class in a
    production project so I'm not sure if it will do what you want.
    You might also consider exposing the CF functionality you
    wish to use as a web service, then invoking the web service in your
    .NET project.
    Please post your solution to forum, I'm interested in hearing
    how you solve your issue.

  • How can I call a web service using JAVAscript in LCD

    hi guys,
         I know it can call a WSDL in LCD, but I have not any WSDL web service , and I have a REST web service ,how can I call this REST web service in LCD? I checked some documents and found nothing...if it's possible that it can call a REST web service using JAVAScript code, I mean I can program some code to call this web service ?

    Hi Jesse,
    You can do GET, PUT and POST using FormCalc, so you should be able to access a REST web service. 
    There is a example of accessing a RSS feed in this thread,

  • How can we call the method of used controller?

    Hi All,
       i created two WDA Applications.( like YWDA1,YWDA2 ) . i am using the component WDA2 in WDA 1.and displaying the one view of WDA2 as popup window in WDA1 on action of one of the input element in the view of WDA1 by using the method l_window_manager->create_window_for_cmp_usage
    I have a button on the view of WDA2 which has appear in the popup can i call the method which has binded to that button....and where should i code that...and i need to assign selected value in the popup window to input elemetn of view  WDA1
    Please help me to resolve this....

    You can not directly call view's event handler from other component.
    create a method in component controller of the second component and in the button click call the component controller method. ( also make the method as interface so that you can call it from other components )
    Now, you can call the interfacecontroller's method
      l_ref_INTERFACECONTROLLER =   wd_This->wd_CpIfc_<comp usage name>( ).
        STATUS = '01'                       " Zvstxrrstatus
    save_rr is the method of second component controller

  • Error in ASP page using storedprocedure which contain cursor

    Hi All,
    I am updating connection string perviously used MSDAOR.1 provider, Now updating ORAOLEDB.ORACLE provider. The ASP page executing storedprocedure which using cursor. Error message is "OraOLEDB error '80040e14'
    ORA-06550: PLS-00201: identifier 'CURINVCUR' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored "
    remaining PL/SQL query are working fine.
    if any boby facing simillar kind of issue. please post your answer.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ranjith kumar S

    Hi All,
    I am updating connection string perviously used MSDAOR.1 provider, Now updating ORAOLEDB.ORACLE provider. The ASP page executing storedprocedure which using cursor. Error message is "OraOLEDB error '80040e14'
    ORA-06550: PLS-00201: identifier 'CURINVCUR' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored "
    remaining PL/SQL query are working fine.
    if any boby facing simillar kind of issue. please post your answer.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ranjith kumar S

  • Can we download a web page using SOA?

    We have a requirement to download a web page whether html or xml format by using SOA middleware.Is it possible with this? Have anyone tried with this earlier? Any suggestions regarding this will be of great help.
    SOA Team

    Hello Iyanu_IO,
    Thank you for answering my question "can I download a web page as a PDF".
    I downloaded and installed the add-on and it works really well.

  • How can i call a DLL file using invoke node from labview?

    I cant call a DDL function using call library plz tell me how to use invoke node and call DLL using invoke node
    Please Mark the solution as accepted if your problem is solved and donate kudoes

    Please stay in the same thread.
    - Cheers, Ed

  • Outputting an ASP page using cfdocument

    I have an ASP page (which values are being passed to in the
    URL) that I want to make printable for the user.
    Cold Fusion shows the below example which makes web page
    <cfhttp url=""
    However if I replace "" with
    "mypage.asp?reqid=123" I get an error.
    What would be the correct way to do this?

    Yes, the server-side technology is irrelevent to the MIDlet, as long as it supports HTTP 1.1.

Maybe you are looking for

  • IPod Classic not showing in iTunes

    Hi guys I am trying to upload new songs onto my iPod Classic (30GB Black). The device is working fine but when I connect it to iTunes it doesn't appear as a device (although it appears in Finder as a 'drive'). I've made sure that all of my Mac update

  • Issue with the last column stretching in ADF table

    There is an issue wherein when  I try stretching the last column of the ADF table to reduce its width it does stretch. But whenever I try stretching it back to this original position it doesn't despite having columnstretching attribute set to multipl

  • Is it possible to add a field in Attachment screen?

    Hello Exports, I wan to know is it possible to add a  customer field in Attachment screen (Project, RFx,MA, A) . As there are a lots of attachments added in normal working in various documents like project,MA,RFX etc, so whether can add a field  to c

  • Why after uploading to FTP does the site page appear then disappear?

    Hello Everybody, I am an amateur when it comes to Muse but am capable of making minor text and image changes, saving as HTML, then uploading to my FTP server.  I have an accordion menu on my main page that I had previously made some changes to by add

  • Hi I have following questions related to SAP AFS...

    Hi All, 1) What are the new transaction that come with SAP AFS ? 2) How do I create forms in SAP AFS ? It seems it does not support smartforms ? Thanks. Regards, Tushar.