Can we display report by using Tree node?

hi all
can we display report by using Tree node if yes then plz guide me

In the object-navigator in the form there is node named "Reports". Create a new entry and name it "REPORT".
To call the report use something like the following code:
  vcServer VARCHAR2(100);
  vcJobId VARCHAR2(100);
  vcUrl VARCHAR2(2000);
  SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(rep, REPORT_FILENAME, 'put_the_filename_of_your_report_here');
  vcJobId := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(RO_Report_ID, PL_ID);
  vcJobId := SUBSTR(vcJobId, LENGTH(vcServer) + 2, LENGTH(vcJobId));
  vcUrl:= '/reports/rwservlet/getjobid' || vcJobId || '?server=' || vcServer;
  WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(vcUrl, '_blank');

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    I've done the same thing, and i think it works fine.
    Check this code (Sorry for the long post, but i cannot find how to attach files.
    PACKAGE menu_pk IS
    --Initialization of the menu.
    procedure Init;
    procedure Expanded;
    procedure ExecuteCommand;
    PACKAGE BODY menu_pk IS
    MENU_NAME constant varchar2(30) := '';
    cursor c_menu(pRoot in varchar2) is
    select apm_code, apm_parcode, apm_descr, decode(apm_type, 0, Ftree.EXPANDED_NODE, Ftree.LEAF_NODE) apm_type,
    decode(apm_type, 0, 'menu', 1, 'form', 2, 'report') || '.ico' apm_icon
    from app_menu
    where apm_parcode = pRoot
    order by apm_code asc;
    procedure Init is
         new_node ftree.node;
         for i in c_menu('root')
    new_node := Ftree.add_tree_node(MENU_NAME, FTree.ROOT_NODE,
    i.apm_type, i.apm_descr, i.apm_icon, i.apm_code);
         end loop;
    procedure FillNode(pNode in FTree.Node) is
         new_node ftree.node;
         for i in c_menu(FTree.get_tree_node_property(MENU_NAME, pNode, FTree.NODE_VALUE))
    new_node := Ftree.add_tree_node(MENU_NAME, pNode,
    i.apm_type, i.apm_descr, i.apm_icon, i.apm_code);
         end loop;
    procedure DeleteNodeChilds is
    node FTree.NODE;
    node := FTree.Find_Tree_Node(MENU_NAME, '',
         name_in('system.trigger_node'), name_in('system.trigger_node'));
              exit when Ftree.ID_NULL(node);
              FTree.delete_tree_node(MENU_NAME, node);
         end loop;
    procedure Expanded is
         if (FTree.GET_TREE_NODE_PROPERTY(MENU_NAME, :system.trigger_node, FTree.Node_State) = FTree.EXPANDED_NODE) then
         end if;
    procedure ExecuteCommand is
    cursor c_command(pCode in varchar2) is
    select apm_form, apm_type
    from app_menu
    where apm_code = pCode;
    fCommand c_command%rowtype;
    fMenuCode varchar2(20);
         -- if it is as menu node then exit.
    if (not FTree.Get_Tree_Node_Property(MENU_NAME, :system.trigger_node, FTree.NODE_STATE) = FTree.LEAF_NODE) then
    end if;
    fMenuCode := FTree.Get_Tree_Node_Property(MENU_NAME, :system.trigger_node, FTree.NODE_VALUE);
         open c_command(fMenuCode);
         fetch c_command into fCommand;
         close c_command;
         if (fCommand.apm_type = 1) and (fCommand.apm_form is not null) then
              OPEN_FORM(fCommand.apm_form);--, ACTIVATE, SESSION);
         end if;
    The menu table definition follows.
    create table APP_MENU
    APM_CODE VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    APM_PARCODE VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    APM_DESCR VARCHAR2(40) not null,
    APM_TYPE NUMBER(1) not null,
    alter table APP_MENU
    add constraint APP_MENU_PRI primary key (APM_CODE);
    Hope this helps

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    I did not come across this situation before. Did you apply any fix packs. Try to check whether its a issue which can be fixed by applying fix pack( try to check release notes of fix pack and see if they mentioned any thing about this).

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class nodeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer
                                       implements TreeCellRenderer
    public static Icon icon= null;
    public nodeRenderer() {
    icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("icon.gif"));
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
    JTree tree,
    Object value,
    boolean sel,
    boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf,
    int row,
    boolean hasFocus) {
    tree, value, sel,
    expanded, leaf, row,
    treeNode node = (treeNode)(((DefaultMutableTreeNode)value).getUserObject());
    if(icon != null) // set a custom icon
         return this;
    *this is the class to represent a node
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * Class used to hold information about a web site that has
    * been searched by the spider class
    public class treeNode
    *Url from the WebSpiderController Class
    *that is currently being processed
    public String msg;
    treeNode(String urlText)
         msg = urlText;
    String getUrlText()
         return msg;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gui extends JFrame implements Runnable
         *declare variable, boolean
         *thread, a object and a center
         protected URL urlInput;
         protected Thread bgThread;
         protected boolean run = false;
         protected WebSpider webSpider;
         public gui()
              *create the gui here
              setTitle("Testing Tool");
         //add Buttons to the tool bar
         ButtonListener startListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener cancelListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener closeListener = new ButtonListener();
              //creat a simple form
              urlLabel.setText("Enter URL:");
              current.setText("Currently Processing: ");
         //add scroll bars to the error messages screen and website structure
         //create the tabbed window           
    centerPane.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
    centerPane.addTab("Search Parameters", formTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Error Messages", errorTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Website Structure", treeTab);
              //add the tool bar and tabbed pane
              getContentPane().add(toolBar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(centerPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);                    
              *create the tool bar pane, a center pane, add the buttons,
              *labels, tabs, a text field for user input here
              javax.swing.JPanel toolBar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JButton start = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton cancel = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton close = new javax.swing.JButton();      
              javax.swing.JTabbedPane centerPane = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel formTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JLabel urlLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField();
              javax.swing.JPanel errorTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea errorText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane errorPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel treeTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea treeText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane treePane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JTree searchTree = new javax.swing.JTree();
              *show the gui
              public static void main(String args[])
              (new gui()).setVisible(true);
         *listen for the button presses and set the
         *boolean flag depending on which button is pressed
         class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object object = event.getSource();
                   if (object == start)
                        run = true;
                   if (object == cancel)
                        run = false;
                   if (object == close)
         *this method is called when the start or
         *cancel button is pressed.
         void startActionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
              if (run == true && bgThread == null)
                   bgThread = new Thread(this);
              if (run == false && bgThread != null)
         *this mehtod will start the background thred.
         *the background thread is required so that the
         *GUI is still displayed
         public void run()
                   webSpider = new WebSpider(this);
                   urlInput = new URL(url.getText());
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   addressError addErr = new addressError();
                   addErr.addMsg = "URL ERROR - PLEASE CHECK";
              *this method is called by the web spider
              *once a url is found. Validation of navigation
              *happens here.
              public boolean urlFound(URL urlInput,URL url)
                   CurrentlyProcessing pro = new CurrentlyProcessing();
              pro.msg = url.toString();
              if (!testLink(url))
                        navigationError navErr = new navigationError();
                        navErr.navMsg = "Broken Link "+url+" caused on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        return false;
              if (!url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(urlInput.getHost()))
                   return false;
                   return true;
              *this method is called internally to check
         *that a link works
              protected boolean testLink(URL url)
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   return true;
              catch (IOException e)
                   return false;
         *this method is called when an error is
              public void URLError(URL url)
              *this method is called when an email
              *address is found
              public void emailFound(String email)
              /*this method will update any errors found inc
              *address errors and broken links
              class addressError implements Runnable
                   public String addMsg;
                   public void run()
                        current.setText("Currently Processing: "+ addMsg);
              class navigationError implements Runnable
                   public String navMsg;
                   public void run()
              *this method will update the currently
              *processing field on the GUI
              class CurrentlyProcessing implements Runnable
              public String msg;
              public void run()
                   current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg );
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    *this class implements the spider.
    public class WebSpider extends HTMLEditorKit
         *make a collection of the URL's
         protected Collection urlErrors = new ArrayList(3);
         protected Collection urlsWaiting = new ArrayList(3);
         protected Collection urlsProcessed = new ArrayList(3);
         //report URL's to this class
         protected gui report;
         *this flag will indicate whether the process
         *is to be cancelled
         protected boolean cancel = false;
         *The constructor
         *report the urls to the wui class
         public WebSpider(gui report) = report;
         *get the urls from the above declared
         public Collection getUrlErrors()
         return urlErrors;
         public Collection getUrlsWaiting()
         return urlsWaiting;
         public Collection getUrlsProcessed()
         return urlsProcessed;
         * Clear all of the collections.
         public void clear()
         *Set a flag that will cause the begin
         *method to return before it is done.
         public void cancel()
         cancel = true;
         *add the entered url for porcessing
         public void addURL(URL url)
         if (getUrlsWaiting().contains(url))
         if (getUrlErrors().contains(url))
         if (getUrlsProcessed().contains(url))
         /*WRITE TO LOG FILE*/
         log("Adding to workload: " + url );
         *process a url
         public void processURL(URL url)
              /*WRITE TO LOGFILE*/
              log("Processing: " + url );
              // get the URL's contents
              URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
              if ((connection.getContentType()!=null) &&
              log("Not processing because content type is: " +
         connection.getContentType() );
         // read the URL
         InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
         Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is);
         // parse the URL
         HTMLEditorKit.Parser parse = new HTMLParse().getParser();
         parse.parse(r,new Parser(url),true);
    catch (IOException e)
         log("Error: " + url );
    // mark URL as complete
    log("Complete: " + url );
    *start the spider
    public void run()
    cancel = false;
    while (!getUrlsWaiting().isEmpty() && !cancel)
         Object list[] = getUrlsWaiting().toArray();
         for (int i=0;(i<list.length)&&!cancel;i++)
    * A HTML parser callback used by this class to detect links
    protected class Parser extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
    protected URL urlInput;
    public Parser(URL urlInput)
    this.urlInput = urlInput;
    public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a,int pos)
    String href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF);
    if((href==null) && (t==HTML.Tag.FRAME))
    href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SRC);
    if (href==null)
    int i = href.indexOf('#');
    if (i!=-1)
    href = href.substring(0,i);
    if (href.toLowerCase().startsWith("mailto:"))
    public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a,int pos)
    handleSimpleTag(t,a,pos); // handle the same way
    protected void handleLink(URL urlInput,String str)
         URL url = new URL(urlInput,str);
    if (report.urlFound(urlInput,url))
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
    log("Found malformed URL: " + str);
    *log the information of the spider
    public void log(String entry)
    System.out.println( (new Date()) + ":" + entry );
    I have a seperate class for parseing the HTML. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Hi Sorry to be a pain again,
    I have re worked the gui class so it looks like this now:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gui extends JFrame implements Runnable
         *declare variable, boolean
         *thread, a object and a center
         protected URL urlInput;
         protected Thread bgThread;
         protected boolean run = false;
         protected WebSpider webSpider;
         public String msgInfo;
         public String brokenUrl;
         public String goodUrl;
         public String deadUrl;
         protected DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
    protected DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
         public gui()
              *create the gui here
              setTitle("Testing Tool");
         //add Buttons to the tool bar
         ButtonListener startListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener cancelListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener closeListener = new ButtonListener();
              //creat a simple form
              urlLabel.setText("Enter URL:");
              current.setText("Currently Processing: ");
         //add scroll bars to the error messages screen and website structure
         // NEW CODE
         rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root Node");
         treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(rootNode);
         treeModel.addTreeModelListener(new MyTreeModelListener());
         tree = new JTree(treeModel);
         //create the tabbed window           
    centerPane.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
    centerPane.addTab("Search Parameters", formTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Error Messages", errorTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Website Structure", treeTab);
              //add the tool bar and tabbed pane
              getContentPane().add(toolBar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(centerPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);     
              *create the tool bar pane, a center pane, add the buttons,
              *labels, tabs, a text field for user input here
              javax.swing.JPanel toolBar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JButton start = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton cancel = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton close = new javax.swing.JButton();      
              javax.swing.JTabbedPane centerPane = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel formTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JLabel urlLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField();
              javax.swing.JPanel errorTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea errorText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane errorPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel treeTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea treeText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane treePane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JTree tree = new javax.swing.JTree();
              *show the gui
              public static void main(String args[])
              (new gui()).setVisible(true);
         *listen for the button presses and set the
         *boolean flag depending on which button is pressed
         class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object object = event.getSource();
                   if (object == start)
                        run = true;
                   if (object == cancel)
                        run = false;
                   if (object == close)
         *this method is called when the start or
         *cancel button is pressed.
         void startActionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
              if (run == true && bgThread == null)
                   bgThread = new Thread(this);
                   //new line of code
              if (run == false && bgThread != null)
         *this mehtod will start the background thred.
         *the background thread is required so that the
         *GUI is still displayed
         public void run()
                   webSpider = new WebSpider(this);
                   urlInput = new URL(url.getText());
                   bgThread = null;
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   addressError addErr = new addressError();
                   addErr.addMsg = "URL ERROR - PLEASE CHECK";
              *this method is called by the web spider
              *once a url is found. Validation of navigation
              *happens here.
              public boolean urlFound(URL urlInput,URL url)
                   CurrentlyProcessing pro = new CurrentlyProcessing();
              pro.msg = url.toString();
              if (!testLink(url))
                        navigationError navErr = new navigationError();
                        navErr.navMsg = "Broken Link "+url+" caused on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        brokenUrl = url.toString();
                        return false;
              if (!url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(urlInput.getHost()))
                   return false;
                   return true;
              *this method is returned if there is no link
              *on a web page, e.g. there us a dead end
              public void urlNotFound(URL urlInput)
                        deadEnd dEnd = new deadEnd();
                        dEnd.dEMsg = "No links on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        deadUrl = urlInput.toString();               
              *this method is called internally to check
         *that a link works
              protected boolean testLink(URL url)
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   goodUrl = url.toString();
                   return true;
              catch (IOException e)
                   return false;
         *this method is called when an error is
              public void urlError(URL url)
              *this method is called when an email
              *address is found
              public void emailFound(String email)
              /*this method will update any errors found inc
              *address errors and broken links
              class addressError implements Runnable
                   public String addMsg;
                   public void run()
                        current.setText("Currently Processing: "+ addMsg);
              class navigationError implements Runnable
                   public String navMsg;
                   public void run()
              class deadEnd implements Runnable
                   public String dEMsg;
                   public void run()
              *this method will update the currently
              *processing field on the GUI
              public class CurrentlyProcessing implements Runnable
                   public String msg;
              //new line
              public String msgInfo = msg;
              public void run()
                   current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg );
         * NEW CODE
         * treeText.addObject(msgInfo);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(Object child)
         DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
         TreePath parentPath = tree.getSelectionPath();
         if (parentPath == null)
         parentNode = rootNode;
         parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
         return addObject(parentNode, child, true);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
    Object child)
         return addObject(parent, child, false);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
         Object child,boolean shouldBeVisible)
         DefaultMutableTreeNode childNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(child);
         if (parent == null)
         parent = rootNode;
         treeModel.insertNodeInto(childNode, parent, parent.getChildCount());
         if (shouldBeVisible)
         tree.scrollPathToVisible(new TreePath(childNode.getPath()));
              return childNode;
         public class MyTreeModelListener implements TreeModelListener
              public void treeNodesChanged (TreeModelEvent e)
                   DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
                   node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
                        int index = e.getChildIndices()[0];
                        node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
                   catch (NullPointerException exc)
              public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e)
              public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e)
              public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e)
    I beleive that this line of code is required:
    I have placed it where the action events start the spider, but i keep getting this error:
    cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method addObject (java.lang.String)
    location: class javax.swing.JTextArea
    Also the jtree is not showing the window that I want it to and I am not too sure why. could you have a look to see why? i think it needs a fresh pair of eyes.
    Many thanks

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    hi Experts,
    I am using wc11.1.1.5 with poll function, I published a poll with some questions and a text box for suggestion feedback, when I check result, I can only get answers for the question but no suggestions can be displayed, how can I get the suggestion displayed?
    Best regards

    You have to customize surveyResults.jsff page fragment that is available in "WebCenter Polls and Surveys Service View" library. You can find this library by creating a WebCenter Spaces Task flow Customization project from Jdeveloper. Kindly do let me know if you need more details in this regard.
    You have add output or label in surveyResults.jsff and then map its value attribute with RE of suggestion text area might be available in surveyResultBean class.
    How to customize task flow, pls see following link:-

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    Or if you have a developer in Java or .NET available you can write one. Fairly simple to get the info.
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    Using RAS as the report engine.
                GroupPath gp = new GroupPath();
                string tmp = String.Empty;
                rptClientDoc.RowsetController.GetSQLStatement(gp, out tmp);
                MessageBox.Show(tmp, "Data Source Set and SQL Statement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
    If you want more details is is available with a few more lines of code. The above would only show you what is used in the report.
    I don't believe there is a BOE tool that can do this but they may have one.
    Here's a link to the BOE Admin forum: BI Platform
    Thank you

  • How can i call report 9i using  developer form 6i

    hi all
    I want to run report 9i using form6i.
    for example i create report in report 9i that use java class.
    i must run this report with form 6i.
    I use RUN_PRODUCT built in.
    if my report dont use java class i haven't any problem
    but when i import java class in my report, in runtime
    with form6i i find "Report contains uncompiled PL/SQl"
    message.(there is not uncompiled pl/sql)
    is there any way to solve this problem?or is it possible
    to do this?
    any help appreciated.
    Nahid Bastani

    You need to use RUN_REPORT_OBJECT built-in instead of RUN_PRODUCT. Refer Integrating 9iAS Reports Services in 9iAS Forms services paper at

  • In struts Can't display dynamic content using "include"?

    Hi everyone:
    I am using struts1.1. I have a index.jsp and it have a hyperlink "<html:link forward="show">Show All forum</html:link>". In my struts-config.xml there is a element:"
    <forward name="show" path="/jsp/allarticle.jsp"/>
    <forward name="oneforum" path="/article.jsp"/>
              <action path="/article" type="" input="/jsp/error.jsp">
              <forward name="success" path="/jsp/loveforum.jsp"/>
    I want that the index.jsp will redirect to allarticle.jsp when user click the hyperlink "Show All forum".
    In the allarticle there is a hyperlink "<html:link forward="oneforum">one forum</html:link>"
    The Savelovearticle is an Action class and it disply all the data from database.I using "if(list!=null){
         }".I display all the content using "<logic:iterate id="love" name="listtable">
    " tag in allarticle.jsp.
    But the Tomcat report error "can't find listtable in any scope"?
    The problem is if I change the struts-config.xml to:
    ////////////////////////after change///////////////////////////////////////////
    <forward name="show" path="/article"/>
    <forward name="oneforum" path="/article.jsp"/>
              <action path="/article" type="" input="/jsp/error.jsp">
              <forward name="success" path="/jsp/loveforum.jsp"/>
    It will display all the content successfully.Why?
    Whether because that the Action is a servlet so it must retrieve a request directly.My first code don't send the request to the servlet other than send the request to a jsp page.The jsp page can't send the same request to the servlet so the error happened.right?
    How do I fix it?Thks :(

    You want to be using <html:link forward="YOUR_FORWARD"> only when you want to forward to static elements and not elements that require actions. So in index.jsp, since you just want to forward to a static jsp page (allarticle.jsp), you can use
    <html:link forward="show">Show All forum</html:link>But since you want your "one forum" link to populate a session attribute BEFORE loading /jsp/loveforum.jsp, you need
    <html:link action="article">one forum</html:link>The reason it's not working now is because you're accessing a session attribute that isn't populated becuase you link to the page statically and it never gets the value of "list" actually stored in the session.
    The reason it works when you change your forward element is because it calls the action that saves "list" into your session.

  • How can I display more info using remote app?

    Hi there,
    I use remote app a lot, but I find it quite basic in the display features.
    I mean: remote is great to browse my music library and play songs with on my living room hi-fi while I'm sitting comfortable on my sofa.
    But what if I would like to know the release date of the album, the name of the composer, and so on?
    Is there any way to configure the remote app to display more?
    Is any kind of new release of the app on its way?
    Thank you.

    Command (right) - click on a photo in the Photo tray and select Small Photo from the contextual menu:
    This will give you two columns of photos.
    To reduce the number of photos to select from one can select only Unplaced Photos to be displayed in the tray.
    Happy Holidays

  • How can I display some OrdImages using a Applet in html or Jsp?

    I want to use a applet to display some images retrieved from intermedia OrdImage Object.
    Now ,I know that a applet can display some image objects or some images with their own filepaths. But we can get ordimag objects from Oracle database.And we can image data or image properties by ordimage java mathod. It is in html/Jsp environment. So how can I transform from ordimage to applet?? I appreciate someone who can help me!

    Do you mean applet or Servlet?
    An Applet is java code that is downloaded over the web and runs in a web browser environment. Is this what you are doing?
    I suspect you are really talking about servlet/JSP environments, and the ability to include images from the database in a web page.
    In either case (applet or servlet), you want to be able to access images via a URL. For a Servlet/JSP/web page, this URL will be specified in a HTML <IMG> tag with a key as a parameter to the image you wish to view. Images are not in-line downloaded in a web page. They are access after the HTML is loaded, and are accessed with URLs, sometimes relative URLs rather than fully specified URLs.
    To deliver images to the web from the database using the PL/SQL gateway and iAS, where the procedures are generated by a wizard, see:
    You can create a simple servlet (JSPs can not deliver binary data) that delivers database images using java classes. See:
    for a sample.

  • How can i display blob (picture) using jsp

    i can get byte array from oracle database.
    and how can i use byte array to display just like img src = '' in html ?

    You can't. You have to use <img src...> in the HTML. That src can be to a servlet that gets the image data from the DB and writes the image data out, of course. Just set the content type to image/jpeg or image/gif or whatever it is.

  • Can't display pdf's using IE 10

    This issue I have had for several months even using IE 9.  I can display PDF's just fine using Firefox.
    I have read and read and have exhausted all options...I think.
    I have the latest Reader and also have X Pro installed, using WIN 7, 64 BIT
    When I click on a PDF document on any webpage all I get is a circle with a line through it on the top left corner of the screen when a new window opens up.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Could you please check the following settings/preferences:
    1.Launch Reader/Acrobat (specifically the one which has its plugin used for brwoser-  you better change the preferences for both).
    2.Goto Edit->Preferences-> Internet (in categories pane)
    Check whether Display PDF in browser is enabled; if not, enable it- and then retry.

  • RoboHelp 8: can't display TOC content using Chrome

    I just converted from X5 to RH 8. I can open a single Web page in Chrome, but when I click on any of the buttons (Contents, Index, Search, Glossary), they do not work and displaying nothing. I've scoured the boards and found Peter's 103 snippet ( and applied it to no effect. What am I missing??? Thanks.

    Okay, I have a fix (thanks to Tulika at Adobe) for those of you who are interested.
    I understand you are using Chrome 5 to view RH 8 output. Chrome 5 has a strict security policy for html pages viewed locally (from disk and not from some web server) because of which iframes in RH 8 output fail to load. If you publish the same output to any web server and view it in Chrome from there, it will work just fine for you.
    To enable local viewing of your output, you will have to disable this extra security check in chrome. You can do that by launching Chrome.exe with "--allow-file-access-from-files" option. Kindly ensure that you close all open Chrome instances and then launch Chrome with this option.
    You can find more details about this security issue in Chrome at this link :
    Here's what I did to implement this fix and locally (and correctly) view my help in Chrome:
    Create a NEW Chrome shortcut on the desktop and rename it to RH Chrome (or some such indicator).
    Right-click the new Chrome icon and choose Properties.
    Add the "--allow-file-access-from-files" text to the end of the path displaying in Target, as shown in the below image. Make sure you leave a space between the original string and the tag you are adding to the end of it.
    Click OK to save.
    If you have any Chrome instances open, close them.
    To test, launch an instance of Chrome using the shortcut you created.
    Go to your file system and right-click any .html file in your RoboHelp WebHelp directory and choose Open with and then Google Chrome. Please note that I had to add Chrome as an "Open with" option. Because you have your customized instance of Chrome already opened, Help will auto-launch using that instance. I'm sure there's a better way to auto-launch this from RoboHelp itself, but this was a quick and dirty test just to make sure it was working.

  • Can't display report file in pdf format correctly

    I generated pdf file in report runtime, but the chinese font don't display correctly in adobe reader 5, chinese version, why?

    You will have to wait for Reports 9i which will support PDF 1.3+ which includes support for multibyte characters.
    The Oracle Reports Team

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