Can you download ilife 11 for free to reinstall?

My macbook pro came with a copy of ilfe 11. I need to reinstall it after accidently wiping the HD attempting to install Mavericks. I am still using OS 10.8.5.  I have the ilife disc but can't use my dvd drive, as it's not working. Is there a link I can use to download it instead? Thanks.

A DVD drive and a CD drive are both an optical drive. Apple has called them superdrives because they usually read and write both CDs and DVDs.
Your MBP came with a superdrive. You have two USB ports and you should be able to buy a 3rd party USB superdrive and access it from your Mac with no issues. I do this with my Late 2012 Mac mini that has no optical drive. I have done it in the past with an iMac and a previous Mac mini with faulty superdrives.

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