Can you 'offset path' in Indesign

Quick one
Can you off set path in Indesign, if so how??

Well it's not offsetting as such in illustrator
But in the top bar (the control bar)
When you select your frame set the Proxy on the left (the square shape with 8 squares around and 1 inside it) set the black square in the middle.
In the Width/Height information (make sure the link button is on (to the right of it) and type in 3mm and hold down alt and press enter
That will duplicate the frame you have - effectively offsetting it.
You can then group them - does that do what you need?

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    Great! I am almost there, thank you Mr. Peterson.
    Please help me with 1 more thing, I need to get the action name for PlayActionEvent.
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    /version 2
    /name [ 8
    /isOpen 1
    /actionCount 1
    /action-1 {
        /name [ 10
            4f 66 66 73 65 74 50 61 74 68 "OffsetPath"
        /keyIndex 0
        /colorIndex 0
        /isOpen 1
        /eventCount 1
        /event-1 {
            /internalName (ai_plugin_offset)
            /localizedName [ 11
                4f 66 66 73 65 74 20 50 61 74 68 "Offset Path"
            /isOpen 0
            /isOn 1
            /hasDialog 1
            /showDialog 0
            /parameterCount 3
            /parameter-1 {
                /key 1868985204 = 6F 66 73 74 'ofst'
                /showInPalette -1
                /type (unit real)
                /value 2.1599998474
                /unit 5 92 47 62 68
            /parameter-2 {
                /key 1835627634 = 6D 69 74 72 'mitr'
                /showInPalette -1
                /type (real)
                /value 4.0
            /parameter-3 {
                /key 1785623664 = 6a 6e 74 70 'jntp'
                /showInPalette -1
                /type (enumerated)
                /name [ 5
                    4d 69 74 65 72 "Miter"
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    Hi Thomas,
    As long as the line is strictly horizontal or vertical, the following script will do the trick:
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    //Converts the selected rule to a frame.
    function main(){
    if(app.selection.length != 0){
      if(app.selection[0] == "GraphicLine"){
       var myGraphicLine = app.selection[0];
       var myFillColor = myGraphicLine.strokeColor;
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       var myPointB = myGraphicLine.paths.item(0).pathPoints.item(1);
       if((myPointA.anchor[1] == myPointB.anchor[1])||(myPointA.anchor[0] == myPointB.anchor[0])){
        var myBounds = app.selection[0].visibleBounds;
        myGraphicLine.paths.item(0).entirePath = [
        myGraphicLine.paths.item(0).pathType = PathType.CLOSED_PATH;
        myGraphicLine.strokeWeight = 0;
        myGraphicLine.fillColor = myFillColor;
        alert("Please select a horizontal or vertical graphic line and try again.");  
       alert("Please select a graphic line and try again.");
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    Hello Eric
    I am using the "UserDefinedErrorsDir" in LabVIEW 7.1 /7.1.1 Windows and Linux.
    But there is a "syntax" problem. Let me explain this:
    If you enter
    into your LabVIEW.ini File, LabVIEW will not search the Files in your C:\      Directory...
    LabVIEW search the *-errors.txt Files in the
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    Hi Peter
    Yes my colleague needs to edit the layout etc.
    I am just figuring out what version of InDesign he is using? I also think he is on a PC not a Mac.
    I am going to back save and see how he gets on.
    Thank you for your input.
    Kind regards

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    I migth have a kind of solution for you. I have made a solution named eDocBrowser. (I called it Magazine Browser in earlier threads here and couple of other forums). It´s a collection of files that you publish with you SWF-files you have exported from InDesign. With eDocBrowser, you can put several SWF-files together and end-user can use them almost as one single SWF. Heres little demo I made just few minutes ago.
    There are 3 SWF-files, all of them exported from InDesign. They are originally separate indd-files. When you reach last page of Document1, small arrow appears, and text "Jump to next file" and name of the next file too. You can go there also by using next-button at the bottom right corner, one that you use normaly to go next page. Same kind of arrow appears also when you are in first page of document 2 or 3 etc... with it you can go back to earlier documents last page etc... All the documents can be seen also in a drop-down menu at top of the screen. Labels of that menu are customizable.
    Theres also a zoom. When you clic zoom+ button, your cursor changes to magnifying glass. With zoom- you can go back to normal view.
    Additional features are FullScreen-view, Printing current spread and customizing user interface, buttons and logo at the top-left corner. Text search is very exprerimental and requires indd-file indexing with script we have made too. It indexes every single word in indd-document to XML-file and put pagenumbers there too. eDocBrowser searches that XML-file and gives all the hits to small result window. Hits are also links to page where they point...Search is not in use with this demo..
    There is a small help-section in top-right corner...
    We also have a script called eDocMaker. It does everything for you. You just have to have indd-files in one folder. Script asks location of that folder when you run it. It also askes you which resolution you want to use with images, anything goes between 72-2400 (72ppi is indesign´s default resolution for SWF-export, using bigger resolution might cause bigger SWF-files, but images look better when zoomed)
    Price of the single licence of eDocBrowser will be 80euros (aprx. 100dollars). With it you may install one copy of eDocBrowser into your server and use as many SWF-files there as you want. There is no search feature in single version.
    Price of unlimited licence is 300euros (aprx.400dollars) With it you may install as many copies of eDocBrowser as you like. With it you also get all the indesign scripts including eDocMaker with resolution booster, search indexer etc. + goodies like user interface and button templates, indesign effect (3D spine graphic etc)....
    Product is about ready, we are just setting up a place to sell it. Now it seems that we are going to use a service called
    Additional info: petteri.paananen[at] (replace [at] with @ and remove NOSPAM)

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    Edit it with Adobe Acrobat Pro, indesign can't. Option for Indesign is:
    of course overlay text with new text
    There is specialized software for editing PDF files, though the choices are much more limited and often more expensive than creating and editing standard editable document formats. Version 0.46 and later of Inkscape allows PDF editing through an intermediate translation step involving Poppler.
    Serif PagePlus can open, edit and save existing PDF documents, as well as publishing of documents created in the package.
    Enfocus PitStop Pro, a plugin for Acrobat, allows manual and automatic editing of PDF files, while the free Enfocus Browser makes it possible to edit the low-level structure of a PDF.
    In Acrobat you should use the TouchUp Text Tool.
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    re: Motion 5
    can you view text outside of the canvas? as when using the view menu you can see animation paths, bounding boxes and handles???
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    many thanks,
    Motion 5
    2014 MacBook Pro 2.6Ghz i7
    16GB RAM
    OS X 10.9.5
    2011 Mac Pro
    4 Boot drives OS X 10.9.4, 10.10, 10.7, 10.8
    960GB OWC Mercury Accelsior_E2 PCI Express SSD (Current screaming fast boot drive)
    64GB RAM

    thanks for both of your responses
    I do understand shift + v " to "Show Full View Area" and shift + z to fill screen, etc.
    and command + & - for zooming
    what I'd like to do is selectively view, say, the text outside of the canvas as you can see the bounding box
    which contains the text or object when selecting one or all layers in the layers column
    I haven't used this feature in a while though I do recall using it in the past.
    Any help would greatly appreciated

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    You can use the Move Pages command to move one page at a time to a new file, or delete all but one page and save as with a new name. Either option can probably be automated by scripting (I bet somebody's already written it, so you might ask in InDesign Scripting) but 18 pages isn't all that big that doing it by hand should be a problem.

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