Can you write to files with an applet or what?

Hi I can't get the bufferwriter to output any text to a file. Not sure if this is because I'm using an applet? I wouldn't assume so, but any help would be appreciated
The problem area is :
private boolean registerNewUser()
        FileOutputStream writer;
            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("logins.txt"));
            char [] tempPass = regPasswordField.getPassword();
            String tempString = tempPass.toString();
            out.write("\n" + tempString);
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("Writing file error.");
        int intSS = Integer.parseInt(regSSNField.getText());
        currentUserAccount = new Account(regNameField.getText(), intSS);
        return true;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
public class JBank extends JApplet implements ActionListener
    private static double totalMoney = 0;
    private static final String BANK_MENUITEM = "Bank";
    private static final String NEW_ACCT_MENUITEM = "New Account";
    private static final String OPEN_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Open Account";
    private static final String DELETE_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Delete Account";
    private static final String TRANSFER_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Account transfer";
    private static final String WITHDRAW_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Withdraw Funds";
    private static final String DEPOSIT_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Deposit Funds";
    private static final String OVERVIEW_ACCT_MENUITEM = "Overview of Accounts";
    private static final String CHECKING_RADIO_BUTTON = "new account checking";
    private static final String SAVINGS_RADIO_BUTTON = "new account savings";
    private static final String RETIREMENT_RADIO_BUTTON = "new account retirement";
    private static final String LOGIN_BUTTON = "login";
    private static final String REGISTER_BUTTON = "register";
    private static final String CANCEL_BUTTON = "cancel";
    private static final String NEW_ACCT_OK_BUTTON = "new account ok";
    private static final String NEW_ACCT_CANCEL_BUTTON = "new account cancel";
    private static final String NEW_USER_REGISTER_BUTTON = "new user registration";
    private static final String MAIN_TITLE_TEXT = "JBank - A Comp 285 Project";
    private Container contentPane = getContentPane();
    private JFrame loginFrame = new JFrame();
    private JFrame registrationFrame = new JFrame();
    private JFrame newAccountFrame = new JFrame();
    private JLabel title;
    private JTextField loginField;
    private JPasswordField passwordField;
    private JTextField regNameField;
    private JTextField regSSNField;
    private JTextField regUserField;
    private JTextField initialMoneyField;
    private JPasswordField regPasswordField;
    boolean trueUser = false;
    boolean savingsSelected = false;
    boolean checkingSelected = false;
    boolean retirementSelected = false;
    Account currentUserAccount;
    public void init()
        //Login First
        contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        // background color: lightblue
        float red = 0f;
        float blue = .3f;
        float green = .2f;                                     // Java sees double, must specify a suffix of f to
        float alpha = .05f;                                    //create float since
        Color lightBlue = new Color(red, green, blue, alpha); //<-- constructor requires floats
        // Menu
        JMenuBar jBar = new JMenuBar();
        JMenu bankMenu = new JMenu(BANK_MENUITEM);
        JMenuItem b;
        b = new JMenuItem(NEW_ACCT_MENUITEM);
        b = new JMenuItem(OPEN_ACCT_MENUITEM);
        b = new JMenuItem(DELETE_ACCT_MENUITEM);
        b = new JMenuItem(TRANSFER_ACCT_MENUITEM);
        b = new JMenuItem(OVERVIEW_ACCT_MENUITEM);
        // Title JBankset
        title = new JLabel(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0)
        String command = arg0.getActionCommand();
        if (command.equals(BANK_MENUITEM))
            title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
        else if (command.equals(NEW_ACCT_MENUITEM))
            title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
        else if (command.equals(OPEN_ACCT_MENUITEM))
            title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
        else if (command.equals(DELETE_ACCT_MENUITEM))
            title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
        else if (command.equals(TRANSFER_ACCT_MENUITEM))
            title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
        else if (command.equals(OVERVIEW_ACCT_MENUITEM))
            title.setText(MAIN_TITLE_TEXT + " " +
        else if (command.equals(LOGIN_BUTTON))
            Scanner loginFile = null;
            String currentFileLoginName;
            String triedLogin = loginField.getText();
               loginFile = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("logins.txt"));
            catch(FileNotFoundException e)
                System.out.println("Internal Error");
               currentFileLoginName = loginFile.nextLine();
               if  (processLogin(currentFileLoginName, triedLogin, loginFile)) //Send Logins&File | Return boolean
                   loginFile.close(); //Close File
                   break; //Login true. Break out of while loop
            while (loginFile.hasNextLine() == true);
        else if (command.equals(REGISTER_BUTTON))
        else if (command.equals(NEW_USER_REGISTER_BUTTON))
            if (checkFields() == false)
        else if (command.equals(CHECKING_RADIO_BUTTON))
            savingsSelected = false;
            checkingSelected = true;
            retirementSelected = false;
        else if (command.equals(SAVINGS_RADIO_BUTTON))
            savingsSelected = true;
            checkingSelected = false;
            retirementSelected = false;
        else if(command.equals(RETIREMENT_RADIO_BUTTON))
            savingsSelected = false;
            checkingSelected = false;
            retirementSelected = true;
        else if (command.equals(NEW_ACCT_OK_BUTTON))
            double doubleInitialMoney = Double.parseDouble(initialMoneyField.getText());
            if (savingsSelected)
                currentUserAccount.deposit("savings", doubleInitialMoney);
            if (checkingSelected)
                currentUserAccount.deposit("checking", doubleInitialMoney);
            if (retirementSelected)
                currentUserAccount.deposit("retirement", doubleInitialMoney);
    private void loginFrame()
        loginFrame.setTitle("JBank -- Login Required");
        JTextField login = new JTextField("User ID");
        JTextField password = new JTextField("Password");
        loginFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));
        //Button Panel
        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,0));
        JLabel space = new JLabel("                   ");
        JButton okButton = new JButton("Login");
        JButton register = new JButton("Register");
        //Text Panel
        JPanel textPanel = new JPanel();
        textPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,0));
        JLabel userIDLabel = new JLabel("User ID:");
        JLabel passwordLabel = new JLabel("Password:");
        loginField = new JTextField(14);
        passwordField = new JPasswordField(14);
    private void registrationFrame()
        //Registration's Frame
        registrationFrame.setTitle("JBank -- Registration");
        registrationFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        JButton registerButton = new JButton("Register");
        JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
        //Text Fields
        regNameField = new JTextField(20);
        regSSNField = new JTextField(8);
        regUserField = new JTextField(14);
        regPasswordField = new JPasswordField(14);
        JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel("Name:  ");
        JLabel ssnLabel = new JLabel("Social Security: ");
        JLabel newUserLabel = new JLabel("Desired User ID: ");
        JLabel newPasswordLabel = new JLabel("Desired Password: ");
        //Top Panel
        JPanel newUserFieldsPanel = new JPanel();
        newUserFieldsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(8,0));
        //Bottom Panel
        JPanel newUserButtonsPanel = new JPanel();
        newUserButtonsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));
        registrationFrame.add(newUserFieldsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        registrationFrame.add(newUserButtonsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        //Action Listeners
    private void newAccountFrame()
        //New Account Frame
        newAccountFrame.setTitle("Create New Account");
        newAccountFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        JButton newAcctOkButton = new JButton("OK");
        JButton newAcctCancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
        //Radio Buttons
        JRadioButton checkingOption = new JRadioButton("Checking Account");
        JRadioButton savingsOption = new JRadioButton("Savings Account");
        JRadioButton retirementOption = new JRadioButton("Retirement Account");
        //Group 'em
        ButtonGroup accountSettings = new ButtonGroup();
        //Text Fields
        initialMoneyField = new JTextField("0", 8);
        JLabel depositLabel = new JLabel("Initial Deposit:  ");
        JLabel optionLabel = new JLabel("What kind of account would \n"
        + "you like to create?");
        //Top Panel
        JPanel newAcctOptionsPanel = new JPanel();
        newAcctOptionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,0));
        //Bottom Panel
        JPanel newAcctTextPanel = new JPanel();
        newAcctTextPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));
        newAccountFrame.add(newAcctOptionsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        newAccountFrame.add(newAcctTextPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        //Action Listeners
    private boolean checkFields()
        //Check Name Field
        String triedName = regNameField.getText();
        if (triedName.length() == 0)
            "Empty Name Field. Try Again.",
            "Error Message",
            return false;
        //Check SSN
        String triedSS = regSSNField.getText();
        int parsedSS = 0;
            parsedSS = Integer.parseInt(triedSS);
        catch(Exception e)
            "Numbers only in Social Security Field!\n Try Again.",
            "Error Message",
            return false;
        if (triedSS.length() < 8)
            "Social Security Number is not 8 Digits.\n Try Again.",
            "Error Message",
            return false;
        //Check User ID
        String triedUser = regUserField.getText();
        if (triedUser.length() < 6)
            "Desired User ID too short.\n Try Again",
            "Error Message",
            return false;
        //Check Password
        char[] triedPassword = regPasswordField.getPassword();
        String stringPassword = triedPassword.toString();
        if (stringPassword.length() < 6)
            "Desired Password Too Short. \n Try Again.",
            "Error Message",
            return false;
        return true;
    private boolean registerNewUser()
        FileOutputStream writer;
            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("logins"));
            char [] tempPass = regPasswordField.getPassword();
            String tempString = tempPass.toString();
            out.write("\n" + tempString);
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("Writing file error.");
        int intSS = Integer.parseInt(regSSNField.getText());
        currentUserAccount = new Account(regNameField.getText(), intSS);
        return true;
    private boolean processLogin(String currentFileLoginName, String triedLogin, Scanner loginFile)
        char[] userPassword = passwordField.getPassword();
        if (currentFileLoginName.equals(triedLogin))
            String currentFilePassword = loginFile.nextLine(); //Login recognized, go to next line for password
            char[] charPassword = currentFilePassword.toCharArray();
            if (charPassword.length == userPassword.length) //Password Lengths match?
                if(Arrays.equals(userPassword, charPassword)) //Do characters match?
                    trueUser = true;
                    return true;
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, //Notify User of Incorrect password
                 "Invalid password. Try again.",
                 "Error Message",
                 return false;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, //Notify user of unrecognized login
            "Unknown User ID. Try again\n or Register.",
            "Error Message",
            return false;
        return false;
    private class Account
    private String name;
    private int ssn;
    private double totalUserMoney;
    private boolean checking = false;
    private boolean savings = false;
    private boolean retirement = false;
    private double checking_holdings;
    private double savings_holdings;
    private double retirement_holdings;
   public Account(String userName, int ss)
       name = userName;
       ssn = ss;
    public int getSSN()
        return ssn;
    public double getTotalUserMoney()
        return totalUserMoney;
    public boolean getUserAccounts(String type)
       if (type.equals("checking"))
           if (checking == false)
           return false;
           return true;
        if (type.equals("savings"))
            if (savings == false)
            return false;
            return true;
        if (type.equals("retirement"))
            if (retirement == false)
            return false;
            return true;
        return false;
    public void registerAccount(String type)
        if (type.equals("checking"))
        checking = true;
        else if (type.equals("savings"))
        savings = true;
        else if (type.equals("retirement"))
        retirement = true;
        System.out.println("Internal error"); //Should not reach here
    public boolean withdraw(String type, Double moneyAmount)
                if (moneyAmount > checking_holdings)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Insufficient holdings in checking account");
                    checking_holdings -= moneyAmount;
                    totalUserMoney -= moneyAmount;
                    return true;
                if (moneyAmount > checking_holdings)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Insufficient holdings in savings account");
                    savings_holdings -= moneyAmount;
                    totalUserMoney -= moneyAmount;
                    return true;
                if (moneyAmount > checking_holdings)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Insufficient holdings in retirement account");
                    retirement_holdings -= moneyAmount;
                    totalUserMoney -= moneyAmount;
                    return true;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"No such account exists");
            return false;
    public boolean deposit(String type, Double moneyAmount)
                checking_holdings += moneyAmount;
                totalUserMoney += moneyAmount;
                return true;
                savings_holdings += moneyAmount;
                totalUserMoney += moneyAmount;
                return true;
                retirement_holdings += moneyAmount;
                totalUserMoney += moneyAmount;
                return true;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"No such account exists");
            return false;
    public void deleteAccount(String type)
        if (type.equals("checking"))
            totalUserMoney -= checking_holdings;
            checking = false;
        if (type.equals("savings"))
            totalUserMoney -= savings_holdings;
            savings = false;
        if (type.equals("retirement"))
            totalUserMoney -= retirement_holdings;
            retirement = false;
    public void showAccountInfo()
        if (checking == true && savings == true && retirement == true)
        System.out.println(name + "'s Accounts: " + "\nChecking Account: $" + checking_holdings
        + "\nSavings Account: $" + savings_holdings + "\nRetirement Account: $" +
        retirement_holdings + "\n\nTotal: $" + totalUserMoney);
    public void showAccountInfo(String type)
        System.out.println(name + " ");

In the future, do not post eleventeenkathousand lines of code. No one is going to read it all and - quite frankly - no one really cares.
As for the issue at hand, whenever you are going to access the file system, a remote server, access the clipboard and a handful of other "security" related issues, you must sign your applet.
Google for sun's tutorial on signing applets.

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    At last, Apple adopted the same behavior than Bento 1.
    When the decimal separator is the period, it works with standard CSV files.
    When the decimal separator is comma, it works with CSV using the semi-colon as item delimiters.
    To open your old CSV, set temporarily your system to a region whose decimal separator is period. Given that, Numbers will open them flawlessly.
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    No, that's not possible. A better way of working around this than emailing the documents to yourself is to use a third party storage solution such as Dropbox and a webDAV server to upload the documents.

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    Have a look at the iCloud Drive FAQ:  The file size limit is 15 G:   iCloud Drive FAQ
    You can store any type of file in iCloud Drive, as long as it's less than 15 GB in size. There's no restriction on file type, so you keep all of your work documents, school projects, presentations, and more up to date across all of your devices. Learn more about managing your iCloud Drive files.
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    ส่งจาก จดหมายของ Windows
    จาก: Pat Willener
    ส่งเมื่อ: จ. 5 มกราคม 2558 6:15
    ถึง: thang dinhvan
    How can I print a file with mixed page orientation in windows 8.1?
    reply from Pat Willener in Adobe Reader Touch for Windows 8 - View the full discussion 
    I have a win 7 and a win 8.1 computer.  I have a file which contains both landscape and portrait pages.  The file prints correctly with the mixed orientation from the win 7 pc, but will only print with either landscape or portrait on the win 8.1 pc. 
    I am using Adobe reader XI on the win 7 pc and adobe touch on the win 8.1 pc
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  • I can't open PDF files with adobe flash player

    I have installed it and whenever I try to open pdf files it says I need to agree with your liscens and you do that automatically when you download it. I have followed all your instructions on your website and uninstalled it and installed again, but I can't open pdf files with it. I don't know what the problem is exactly, but it's really frustrating..

    Flash Player CANNOT open PDFs because they AREN'T Flash Documents.
    Adobe Reader opens PDFs.
    To accept the license agreement (NOT the one you accepted to download or install - the one for USE)
    Go to: C/Program Files(x86)/Adobe/Reader 11.0/Reader and double click the eula.exe file. The license agreement will open for you to accept.
    Go to: Mac HD/Applications and double click the Reader app. The license agreement will open THE FIRST TIME you open it.

  • Can you open freehand files in CS6?

    can you open freehand files in CS6? I have been using both illustrator & freehand for 15 years & have thousands of work files being freehand.
    It seems very disappointing to have to keep an old version of illustrator just to open these files. I also find it interesting that many of the key tools that freehand had over illustrator are not translated into the newer versions of illustrator. Something simple like you still can't have a unique picture bullet • before text in illustrator. In freehand you could cut & paste any graphic into the text you were designing.

    saturn234 wrote:
    can you open freehand files in CS6? I have been using both illustrator & freehand for 15 years & have thousands of work files being freehand.
    No. The conversion plugin didn't make it into CS6 so the last import function was CS5.5 
    It seems very disappointing to have to keep an old version of illustrator just to open these files.
    At this point, it is the only way to make your files convert into Illustrator although I've had some luck with exporting to EPS or (if your FH graphics are simple enough) save as AI format. Keep your eyes on this project however :
    I also find it interesting that many of the key tools that freehand had over illustrator are not translated into the newer versions of illustrator. Something simple like you still can't have a unique picture bullet • before text in illustrator. In freehand you could cut & paste any graphic into the text you were designing.
    As a fellow FreeHand user, I couldn't agree more. Other users of both programs have said this endlessly over the years here. A litany of features are still m.i.a. since FHMX was acquired years ago... including inline graphics. It's almost comical.

  • I can't read a file with the ext PDF the sender informed me that the file was reset to PDF.

    I can't read a file with the .ext PDF the sender informed me that the file was reset to PDF. But when I tried to open it the caption box informed me"the file is not in PDF format. I suspect the sender simply changed the file .ext which is why I can't open it! What can I do about it! I am working on an iPad.
    Mr Jim Lapthorn

    If the document is not, in fact, a PDF, then you will need to get your sender to provide a PDF.
    Can you open this document in any other application?

  • I can't open pps files with FF4. I have Powerpoint Viewer installedAny suggestions?

    I can open Powerpoint (pps) files with Google Chrome but not Firefox 4. How do I get FF4 to associate pps files with the Powerpoint Viewer that is installed on my computer?

    Many thanks!!!  This works and is probably the best fix for now.  Thank you!!!
    Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 10:58:01 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: I can't open NEF files with PS Elements9 (Mac) and have just performed all avail. updates
        Re: I can't open NEF files with PS Elements9 (Mac) and have just performed all avail. updates
        created by 99jon in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    For the D600 NEF's you have two alternatives: (1) Upgrade to PSE 11. (2) Download and install the free Adobe DNG converter to convert your raw files to the Adobe universal Raw format and the files will open in all versions of PSE (keep your originals as backups and for use in the camera manufactures software)  Windows download click here DNG Converter 7.3  Mac download click here DNG Converter 7.3  You can convert a whole folder of raw images in one click. See this quick video tutorial: You Tube click here for DNG Converter tutorial
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