Cannot connect to PC from my MAC

I've been really frusterated with this for the past few months.
I've been trying to get my powerbook to connect to my pc for the longest time. but it just won't work!
I used the tutorial here:
and follow all the instructions.
i get as far as the enter username password and workgroup. when i enter this in it always gives me an error regarding my username or password being incorrect, however i dont see how they are.
the oddest thing is if im on my PC, if I type in my IP address of my mac (i get it from the system preferences windows sharing pane) its fine, and I can transfer files from my mac with ease, its just when doing it the other way around that I run into problems.
If anyone can help me I would be eternally greatful! I've posted in the powerbook forum before but no one was able to help.
I running Win XP with SP2. the firewall is off. im on a wireless network. could any of this pose a problem?
please get back to me asap. thanks in advanced!

turns out it was a problem with windows all along.
To resolve this problem: on the remote computer, select Administrative Tools>Local Security Settings>Local Policies>User Rights Assignment, right-click on Access this computer from the network>Properties>Add Users or Groups, add everyone or any users you want to be able to access the computer from the network.
thanks for everyone who tried to help. you were more useful then you could imagine.
i knew it couldn't be my mac that was being the problem. stupid windows.

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    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
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    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
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    Service "" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "jchendev", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
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    Copyright (c) 1997, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    OK (40 msec)
    [oracle@jchen-desktop ~]$
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    OS X version 10.7.5

    Hello, see if Java or Flash is disabled...
    Java in your Browser settings, not JavaScript.
    Mac OS X 10.5, Product Security, Safari 5.1 (Mac OS X 10.6), Safari 5.1 (OS X Lion)
    Safari 5.1.7 for OS X Lion, Safari 5.1.7 for OS X Snow Leopard, and Leopard Security Update 2012-003 disable out-of-date versions of Adobe Flash Player.
    Out-of-date versions of Adobe Flash Player do not include the latest security updates and will be disabled to help keep your Mac secure. If Safari 5.1.7 or Leopard Security Update 2012-003 detects an out-of-date version of Flash Player on your system, you will see a dialog informing you that Flash Player has been disabled. The dialog provides the option to go directly to Adobe's website, where you can download and install an updated version of Flash Player.
    Additional Information
    If you need to re-enable an out-of-date version of Flash Player, you can do the following:
        1.    Navigate to the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins (Disabled) folder.
        2.    Drag "Flash Player.plugin" into /Library/Internet Plug-Ins.
        3.    If the browser is running, quit and restart it.
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    Then Test Adobe Shockwave & Flash Players...

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    Are you receiving the signal? Do you see the white "fan" WiFi indicator in the upper left corner of the iPad screen?
    Go to Settings>WiFi> and see if the network name is showing on the iPad. If the name is showing, you can try this ...
    Tap on the network name, then tap on the blue arrow next to the network name and then tap Forget this Network. Restart your iPad then go to the settings again, tap WiFi - tap on the network name - enter the password and see if you can connect again.
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