Cannot discover 9iAS/817db nodes

I have configured two servers each running Windows 2000 Server SP1, Oracle EE, and Oracle 9iAS
I followed the Confiuration guide "A Step By Step Guide to install Oracle8i Rel 3 (V8.1.7) and Oracle9iAS Rel1(V1.0.2.2) On Windows NT" from Metalink for this installation.
I want to use OEM to administrer the 8i databases.
I've ensured that the Oracle 8.1.7 Home Agent is running on both machines, but I cannot discover the nodes with OEM.
I can connect to them via SQL*PLUS and DBA STUDIO.
Have checked to make sure tnsnames.ora in all homes include the machines. Both machines reside on the LAN under the same domain as the OEM console and management server.
Have tried manually configuring the nodes.
Thanks in advance!

I'll answer my own question. The 'Static' IP addresses that the LAN guys gave me were also being served up by DHCP. Strangely, though, 9iAS and the database functioned fine in this situation. Only the OEM discoverer choked on it. Everything works fine now that I've gotten real static IP addresses. OEM Discoverer found the nodes immediately.

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        Node_Z_Bapi_Po_Combined             type ref to If_Wd_Context_Node,
        Node_Changing_Po                    type ref to If_Wd_Context_Node,
        Node_T_Header                       type ref to If_Wd_Context_Node,
        Elem_T_Header                       type ref to If_Wd_Context_Element,
        itab_C_T_Header    type If_Componentcontroller=>Elements_Polist,
       stru_C_T_Header    like line of itab_C_T_Header,
        Stru_T_Header                       type If_Componentcontroller=>Element_T_Header .
        Node_Polist                         type ref to If_Wd_Context_Node,
        Elem_Polist                         type ref to If_Wd_Context_Element,
        Stru_Polist                         type If_Componentcontroller=>Element_Polist.
    lri_Element    type ref to if_Wd_Context_Element,
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      Node_Z_Bapi_Po_Combined = wd_Context->get_Child_Node( Name = IF_COMPONENTCONTROLLER=>wdctx_Z_Bapi_Po_Combined ).
    navigate from <Z_BAPI_PO_COMBINED> to <CHANGING_PO> via lead selection
      Node_Changing_Po = Node_Z_Bapi_Po_Combined->get_Child_Node( Name = IF_COMPONENTCONTROLLER=>wdctx_Changing_Po ).
    navigate from <CHANGING_PO> to <T_HEADER> via lead selection
      Node_T_Header = Node_Changing_Po->get_Child_Node( Name = IF_COMPONENTCONTROLLER=>wdctx_T_Header ).
    navigate from <CONTEXT> to <POLIST> via lead selection
      Node_Polist = wd_Context->get_Child_Node( Name = IF_COMPONENTCONTROLLER=>wdctx_Polist ).
      loa_Elements = node_T_Header->get_Elements( ).
      loop at loa_Elements[] into lri_Element.
          importing Static_Attributes = stru_C_T_Header ).
    Get the vendor number
        if i_lifnr is initial.
          insert  stru_C_T_Header into table itab_C_T_Header[].
        elseif i_lifnr = stru_c_t_header-lifnr.
          insert stru_C_T_Header into table itab_C_T_Header[].
      data : W_LINES TYPE I.
      describe table itab_c_t_header lines w_lines.
      if w_lines eq 0.
        node_Polist->set_lead_selection_index( 0 ).
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        clear itab_C_T_Header[].
    I would have though that invalidating the node would blank the context node and mean that the table is empty but instead I get an error.
    Please help.

    Hi Richard,
    The problem here is that some UI element tries to bind against a node where the parent node is empty. You have to make sure that the last but one node has at least 1 element, otherwise you should hide the UI element (visibility = NONE).
    If the lead selection were empty, the corresponding error message would tell you this, but it explicitely says: "Last Node is Empty", and you can trust it.
    One possibility to have at least one element in the node is to change the cardinality to 1..n. If you have a supply function for this node, you have to make sure that there is at least 1 element (bind empty structure to the node), otherwise the framework creates the first element for you.
    Ciao, Regina

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    Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup
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    Thank you
    Edited by: user8114467 on 27/02/2009 07:17 AM

    Even if this is not resolved from above stuff then do the following
    [oracle@node1] ssh node1 date
    [oracle@node2] ssh node2 date
    Note that it is doing the ssh to itself rather than the remaining node(s). Usually people do forget to do atleast once the ssh to itself.
    Talok Khatri

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    HI Stephen.
    Would suggest that there is a problem with master data. Try and work with someone with APO/R3-PP knowledge and compare PP master data with APO PPM's or PDS's.
    Pick a particular planned order that is failing and work through it methodically understanding what master data it was using when it was generated. Compare this data to the APO master data.
    Very general, I know but quite often master data is at the bottom of these things, especially if you are using PP-PI.
    Regards, Mark.

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    we are gewtting the following error inour test client in SOST transaction. Can someboyd please thriw soem light on how to resolve this?
    Message cannot be transferred to node SMTP due to connection error (final)
    Message no. XS816
    Due to a technical fault, the system could not set up a connection to the RFC destination Check port and mail server for SMTP nodes. Therefore, the message could not be transferred to node SMTP.
    System Response
    The system was unable to transfer the message.
    Additional information of the node used (in the system language of the node):
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    Yes i completely agree, but we wanted to test this process by putting our own email addresses in the vendor master and then also maintinaing the condition records to make sure that the email are coming fine. I guess it was working until some time, but then yesterday i noticed this error message in our test client. Somehow we need tthis to get working so that we can get the signoff from the business and that this can be moved to production

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    An iPhone will not pair via Bluetooth to a computer (Mac or Windows) except for personal hotspot and then only if your cellular plan supports it.
    If you are attempting to use Handoff/Continuity, that does involve Bluetooth but the devices are NOT paired; Bluetooth just needs to be on and the devices in range of each other. The following may help with Handoff/Continuity issues:

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    Please check the steps and OSS Notes mentioned in this thread

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    That's because you are sharing an Apple ID, and iMessage is tied to Apple ID. There are two solutions: You can select different addresses for the two phones by going to Settings/Messages and tapping on Send & Receive. Or, the better solution is to sign out of iMessage on his phone (Settings/Messages), then create and sign in with a new Apple ID just for iMessage. This will not affect your sharing your Apple ID for apps, music and videos.

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    Devices in Assets and Compliance, the workgroup clients cannot discovered.
    Communication between the workgroup clients with SCCM server is no issue in the network, by ping and mapping folder share in both is good. Windows firewall on all workgroup clients has configured to allow port File and Printer Sharing and WMI.
    How I can discovered all Workgroup clients?
    Regards, Bar Waelah

    Hi Bar Waelah,
    I think you need to configure the Maximum hops on the bottom of SNMP Tab.
    For more details, please check the Limiting Network Discovery.
    You could also specify the IP Address or NetBIOS name of the device in SNMP Devices.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Remove it from the Macbook first. BT devices may only be connected to one thing at a time.

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    Hi JKurtBrown,
    You seem to have some invalid HTML in a few of your custom HTML fields that is causing issues with the rest of the page. In many of the places where you have tables, you seem to have copy/pasted from a different source, but you are missing closing </div> tags for some of your code. Cleaning these up and closing these divs should allow your page to work without issue. If you need help narrowing down where the issues are, you can use the W3C Validator and it should be able to tell you where your issues are. The ones that say "No Closing Tag" are the ones you'll want to go through and fix first, as often times those can cause a lot of other issues.
    Hope that helps,

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    SCOM 2007R2 unix/linux service monitor setup - cannot discover service under /etc/init.d

    Can you give a few more details on what you have tried, and what didn't work for you? Were you stepping through the wizard to monitor a Linux/UNIX service and something went wrong? Or did you successfully create the service monitor in the wizard, but it
    didn't trigger if the monitored process terminated?
    Michael Kelley, Lead Program Manager, Open Source Technology Center

  • Linux Intelligent Agent - OEM cannot discover node

    I have a Linux AS 2.1 Server with a Oracle Database running. I have 2 Oracle Management Servers ... one is running on this running on the Linux AS 2.1 Server and another on Solaris 9i.
    When start the OEM on the Linux Server and try to discover the Databases on the Linux Server themselves then everything goes fine. When I am trying to discover the databases on the Linux Server from the OEM running in Solaris it does not work.
    The Solaris box has connection to the Linux Server and the repository for the Solaris OEM runs on the Linux Machine.
    When I go back to the OEM on the Linux Machine then I can discover the Solaris box.
    To come to a boddom line here: Whatever I do I am not able to discover the databases on the Linux AS Server besides from the OEM directly running on this box.
    Is that a bug in the Linux Intelligent Agent ? If yes is there a Patch to fix that ? Or is there a work around.
    Please let me know if you have any idea.
    Thanks Marcus

    Ok I figured it out .... the problem is/was the entry of the Loopback Interface entry in the etc hosts: dbserver localhost.localdomain localhost
    The Intelligent Agent listens to the Loopback Interface now. All incoming requests from and OMS will of course get a timeout because the IP address of the server is .
    You have 2 options now:
    1. Change the entry in the /etc/hosts below to localhost and add an entry to the /etc/hosts file: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost     dbserver
    Restart the Intelligent Agent and any OMS in your network should be able to discover the note.
    2. In the snmp_rw.ora file you can bind the Intelligent Agent with the following entries to an specific hostname and/or port:
    DBSNMP.HOSTNAME = <hostname or ip address>
    DBSNMP.CS_BASE_PORT = <port number>
    If you start up Agent now you will see in the nmiconf.log file error messages like that:
    Warning: No Listener found for SID db01. db01 will be skipped     
    Warning : No Listener found for SID db02. db02 will be skipped
    Warning : No Listener found for SID db03. db03 will be skipped
    Warning : No Listener found for SID omsrep. omsrep will be skipped
    This is because the Agent looks up in the tnsnames.ora file or whatever you name resolution is and finds the connect descriptors still withe the old name. So all entries in the tnsnames.ora file have to be changed.

  • Bluetooth issues - cannot 'discover' other apple products!

    Im not sure if this is an issue or if Im doing something wrong because I cant find any info online about other ppl facing the same problem.
    Basically, when I switch the Bluetooth ON, my iphone and my ipad both cannot find each other or my MacBook Pro! Both iPhone and iPad do discover quickly 2 PC's while at the office, which means that bluetooth itself is working fine.
    When I look for devices using my PC, I can discover all the devices around me easily.
    Even my blackberry can find my iphone and ipad but neither can find it.

    All Apple iDevices (and some BT cellulars too), exclude the ability to sync on wireless remote from connecting audio or WiFi/BT iTunes/ActiveSync data transfer. You can only add a _BT headset_ or _BT keyboard_ as long as they are not in use by another console (MacBook, iPad, iPhone, etc).
    iPhone can connect to the MacBook via _iOS4 Bluetooth/USB Tethering_ after you visit your Carrier account management and signup for tethering. It can not be used iPad to iPhone. This is excluded from iDevice to iDevice tethering.

Maybe you are looking for