Cannot log in to Mac Mini Server

Unsuccessfully tried to enter my server password, which then prompted me to enter my Master Password, that was successfully done. The next step was a prompt to change my password, which I did and when I hit the enter key, the following message appeared,” You are unable to log in to the FireVault user account “servername” at this time. Logging in to the account failed because an error occurred”.

yes I am able to log in to all other local user accounts except for the one local user account that I had been using.  The problem might be that I have a sever account with the same name and active directory is causing me problems...not sure though

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  • Disk Erase Failed. Disk cannot be dismounted on Mac Mini Server

    Ok, this is a bit crazy for me anyway. I have a Mac Mini Server running Snow. My Server HD failed but fortunately my Mac HD was being used as an image backup and I can boot from it fine and runs perfect. The bad disk was not showing in Disk Utility at all. So I bought a new one and replaced it.
    Now Disk Utility sees it but if I try to format it or partition it, I get the message the it cannot be dismounted. I tried re-setting NVRam (Optio+CMD+P+R) but n luck.
    I have my original Snow DVD but I have no external DVD. I have a MacBook Pro Mountain Lion.
    How do I erase my new disk so I can copy everything back?
    Any help is appreciate it.

    Although thats an excellent suggestion but in the end I attached an old usb backup drive and restarted and held down the Option key to select it to boot. Then it went into Disk Utility, and I reimaged the 2nd drive to the new drive.  After the reimage I restarted and held down the Option key to allow me to select the first drive.
    The only issue I had was to rename my boot drive back to Server HD, which I did by using Finder and one more restart.
    I guess the rule is you cannot unmount the boot original boot drive unless you boot from an external drive.
    All is good now and thank you.

  • I cannot log into my Mac Mini.

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    Try starting in safe mode by holding down the shift key after you hear the startup chime. Keep holding down the shift key until you see the Apple logo and spinning gear. It will take awhile for your Mini to start because safe mode verifies/repairs the startup disk and clears some caches.
    Restart normally. This will take longer than usual because the caches that were cleared need to be rebuilt.
    These Knowledge Base articles explain more about safe mode.
    Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

  • Cannot start Mac mini server after changing permissions

    I have a two-day-old Mac mini (server version) and all was OK until I decided to change the permissions on both hard drives (and all enclosed folders and files) to give read/write access to administrators. I received quite a few error messages about invalid kernel file extensions (I think) which I elected to ignore or override. Then when trying to log off, the machine hung.
    Safe reboot does not work. I have rebooted using <Command> S and get the following amongst the many messages:
    Bug: launchctl.c:3557 (23930):17: ioctl(s6, SIOCAIFADDR_IN6, &ifra6) != -1
    then at the end of display, I get the following as the last 4 lines:
    launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchDaemons
    launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
    launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /etc/mach_init.d
    AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: initialization complete
    There are no peripherals and I cannot try re-installing Snow Leopard for two reasons. First, I have no disk. More importantly, there is no CD drive - this is a Mac mini.
    Please help!

    HHMNY wrote:
    I have a two-day-old Mac mini (server version) and all was OK until I decided to change the permissions on both hard drives (and all enclosed folders and files) to give read/write access to administrators.
    doing this completed scrambled your system. you now have no choice but to reinstall Snow Leopard.
    and in the future NEVER use "apply to enclosed items on ANY system created folders. and certainly NEVER EVER use it on the whole system drive.

  • Cannot print to Mac mini Server print server from MBP

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    I installed the printers on a new MBP
    When I try to print it starts to spool but the printer goes to pause. If I un pause it just goes back to pause.
    The error log said printer does not exist, I have removed and reinstalled the printers - no change
    I have no quotas
    Firewall ports open
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    Printer service is up in Server Admin
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    What have I done wrong here

    How do you locate the firewall settings on the server?

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    Do you have Server Access Control Lists (SACLs) configured?  If so, you will need to add this new user to the appropriate SACLs before it can connect.  As an example, when I create new users, I need to add them to the File Sharing SACL or they never see any available shares on the server.

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    how can I "log on" with a Windows 7 System (including Outlook 2010) on a Mac Mini Server so that all services are available?
    Thanks for your answers...

    The short answer is, you can't.

  • Cannot use my Mac Mini server as Time Machine server

    May some one can help me...
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    Well if some one can help me it will be great for me and for every body arround me...

    Hello Peter,
    Thanks for your answer.
    There must be something wrong in the different steps I follow.
    Firts I set Time machine on the server for each user, shoosing the Volume "SmartStor" (a network volume attached on the Mac Mini server) it creates a "Shared items" folder with a "Backups" folder in.
    In Server Admin tools I can see in the AFP services the share point /Backups
    In Workgroup Manager I set the Time Machine's preferences for the different computers and computers' group with the path afp://myserver.local/Backups/
    At least on my client's computer I can shoose the volume "Backups" "on my server".
    And it doesn't work... even with all the logins and password, User's, Dir Admin and Server Admin.
    With User's and Dir Admin it runs quickly and tells "the volume is not reachable on account of wrong user's name or password"
    With Server Admin login and password it runs indefinitly, nothing occurs ...
    Is there something to do in terminal ?
    Well I tried to find explanations on the web but I found nothing for the moment... The informations are to set a network volume in Terminal in place of the default one...
    'Hope to find soon, I can't stand that something runs for every one but not with me...

  • Mac mini server cannot connect to keyboards

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    Sorry  for the edit. ios is convinced I typed in something else so I had to go through and correct all of siris spell checks.

    Have yo tried:
    Troubleshooting wireless mouse and keyboard issues
    OS X: Bluetooth devices become unresponsive
    Mac mini (Mid 2011 and later) and iMac (Late 2012): Bluetooth keyboard may not pair during Setup Assistant - Apple Suppo…
    Last get a wired KB. A USB PC KB is fine. If necessary:
    Keyboard mappings using a PC keyboard on a Macintosh

  • Cannot see Mac Mini Server from Internet: DynDNS alias gets thru cable modem to wireless router, not to the Mac Mini. How to configure?

    I want to make my Mac Mini Server (Lion) visible to the Internet from my home LAN. I have followed the Lion server install wizards and also set up a dynamic DNS at
    When I enter the Internet address with the proper alias from a web browser, I get dumped into the admin screen of the Linksys wireless router WRT300N. Hint: the WRT300N provides DHCP for the LAN, not the cable modem providing DHCP. The WRT300N has DDNS service set up. NAT and RIP are disabled. The Mac Mini DHCP is reserved.
    Suggestions? I could use the Motorola Surfboard SB6121 to provide DHCP but have hesitations.
    Point me to the right discussion/article and get me back on track, please.

    This sounds like a simple port forwarding issue, but I don't understand your LAN setup.
    The WRT300N has DDNS service set up. NAT and RIP are disabled.
    The chances are, you're running NAT somewhere in your network. If not the WRT then what? If it's your cable modem then you must have port forwarding configured on the cable modem, and that's where you need to focus - change the port forwarding to point to your Mac Mini's address rather than the WRT.
    HOWEVER, it is far more common to have the wireless router perform NAT and DHCP, which is why I question your setup.
    Not directly related, but:
    The Mac Mini DHCP is reserved
    Nix this. Your server should be configured manually, with a static IP address, not DHCP, even with a reservation in the DHCP server. The only advantage of DHCP is for dynamic hosts (hence the 'D' in 'DHCP') or if you expect to change your entire local subnet on any kind of frequent basis. The reality is that you can't just change the IP address of Mac OS X Server like this - there are too many dependencies, so it's better to set it manually, knowing that there's a cost (and pain) to change the server's address.

  • RAID on Mac mini Server (2011 i7)

    I just purchased a new Mac mini Server today (the base configuration 2011 Quad Core i7 with 4GB RAM and 2x 500GB 7200RPM magnetic hard disks) and wanted to share what I've learned about setting up RAID on the system.
    First, as you may have heard, the Mac mini Server does not include any installation/reinstallation media (I was hoping for a USB reinstall key, but it seems that the new systems don't include these or optical discs; last year's Mac mini Server included handy reinstall DVDs even though the system didn't have an optical drive).  Out of the box, the new Mac mini Server has Mac OS X Lion, the iLife suite, and the Mac OS X Lion Server tools pre-installed on one of the two 500GB internal drives; the other disk is formatted as a separate, second drive.
    If this is the configuration you're looking for, you're good to go right out of the box.  As an aside, this shipping configuration is ideal for using the second disk as a Time Machine drive.  I would argue that Time Machine would be a better use of the second volume than a RAID 1 configuration, as Time Machine provides versioned backups and you don't incur the write performance penalty RAID 1 requires every time data is saved to the disk.  I would further caution that, while an internal Time Machine disk is a convenient safety measure, any critical data should be backed up outside of the system as well.
    Now for those like me who were intrigued by the opportunity to mate the Quad Core i7 with a RAID 0/striped configuration for a performance boost (or if you want to use RAID 1), a RAID configuration is possible, but it there are a few caveats.
    First, Apple has two recovery options for the new Macs: a small hidden recovery partition on the boot drive and their Internet Recovery system.  While it's possible to boot other systems from a Lion installation DVD extracted from the App Store Lion installer, such bootable optical discs will not boot the Mac mini Server at this time (this may change if Apple modifies the App Store Lion installer).  Therefore, as of right now, the recovery partition or the Internet Recovery system are the best options for installing/reinstalling on a RAID set.
    Second, if you boot the system using Command+R to access the recovery partition, you can wipe the two drives and create a RAID set, but this process will remove the recovery partition and is incompatible with FileVault encryption (a warning to this effect comes up when you try to start an install/reinstalll on a RAID set, but at that point, you've likely already erased the recovery partition in Disk Utility).  If the system boots after the recovery partition is deleted, the only install/reinstall option is Apple's Internet Recovery.
    Third, as might be expected depending upon your internet bandwidth, the Internet Recovery system can take a while to boot the recovery tools (10-15 minutes to boot on a standard cable modem connection) and to reinstall the OS (50+ minutes on a standard cable modem connection).  Internet Recovery currently reinstalls only Mac OS X Lion and the Server tools on the mini Server; there's no option to install iLife during the OS install (Apple could always change this by updating their servers, and there is a Customize button on the installer, but it is greyed out and cannot be clicked at the present).
    Fourth, once the OS is reinstalled, it's possible to reinstall the iLife applications by launching the App Store from within Mac OS and selecting Purchased.  The store will indicate that the system is eligible to download the iLife apps and you can do so by agreeing to upload system-identifying information to Apple and signing in with your Apple ID.
    I hope all this helps.  Here's a more concise step-by-step of how to set up the system with RAID:
    A fast Internet connection for the mini
    Hold Command+R on the keyboard at start up to boot from the system's recovery partition (if the recovery partition has been deleted, the system should start from Apple's Internet Recovery system; you may need to connect to WiFi if wired ethernet isn't available)
    Once you get into the recovery utility, select Disk Utility and for each of the two hard drives:
    highlight the drive
    select the Partition tab
    select 1 Partition from the Partition Layout pulldown menu
    select Free Space from the Format pulldown menu
    click Apply
    After you've wiped both of the drives, highlight one of the disks and click the RAID tab, then create a RAID set (striped or mirrored, as you prefer)
    Quit Disk Utility and from the main recovery utility menu select Reinstall Lion (from this point on, if you have any trouble, you can restart the mini from the Internet Recovery system and return to this point, but the recovery partition will be gone as long as you keep the RAID set)
    After you install and configure Mac OS X Lion Server (which can take well over an hour to download and install), you should be able to reinstall the iLife applications by launching the App Store App and selecting Purchased, then logging in with your Apple ID and agreeing to send your system info to Apple to download the iLife Applications
    If you're using the mini as a production server, I highly suggest setting up some local, external recovery tool, as you don't want to have system downtime protracted by having to wait for an Internet Recovery boot/reinstall.  I would also beg Apple to consider this sort of scenario and to provide more supported methods for recovering and reinstalling from local media.
    Best of luck to you all.

    I found the basic principle on another forum thanks to a guy called 'e-whizz' and this what I did to make RAID 1 work on a mac mini server with LION server.
    You can easily configure the second drive on a mac mini server for a Mirrored RAID 1 set with Lion Server without either reinstalling or erasing your existing setup.
    The initial setup process takes about 30 minutes, though the rebuilding of the mirror disk will take several hours, depending on the amount of data you have on the drive. It took around 3 hours on a new mac mini server with lion server installed, nothing else configured.
    Before you start, please ensure you have a current backup of the server. Getting the following commands wrong can render you server unusable.
    What you need to use is the command line version of Disk Utility, diskutil.
    Before you start, clone the hard drive. You can use SuperDuper (or similar, I have used SuperDuper) with copying all files onto a USB memory stick. If Lion is freshly installed, 8Gb will do. SuperDuper will create a bootable copy on the USB.
    Boot the mac mini from the external USB. To do that, reboot and hold down the option key while restarting. You will see a window, select the USB drive to boot from.
    Launch the terminal and type the following command:
    diskutil list
    This gives you a list of all the drives and partitions your system knows about.
    You need to find the Server HD partition (the first disk) and the HD2 partitions (the second disk). These are the two main ~500GB drives. You will be using the disk IDENTIFIERs when issuing the diskutil commands. For a stock standard Mac Mini Server, the commands below are correct, but if you have previously changed the volume names, or repartitioned at any stage the disk identifiers and volume names may differ.
    First enable RAID mirroring on existing Server HD volume. This will create a single disk, unpaired mirror, without affecting your data.
    Using this syntax:
    diskutil appleRAID enable mirror disktomirror
    where disktomirror is your disk identifier for Server HD
    On my mac mini server, Server HD was disk0s2, so I used this command:
    diskutil appleRAID enable mirror disk0s2
    You now need to run diskutil list again to see the disk identifier for the new RAID volume. The new RAID volume will be listed as disk# on its own at the bottom of the list.
    On my mac mini server this was disk3 (disk 2 was the USB I booted from, disk 0 the first disk and disk 1 the second disk)
    Next add the disk HD2 to the Server HD raid mirror volume (on my mac, as I said before, this is disk3) as a new member.
    This step will erase disk HD2 and begin an auto repair of the Server HD.
    Using this syntax:
    diskutil appleRAID add member newdisk raidvolume
    replacing newdisk and raidvolume with your particular disk identifiers
    On my server this was:
    diskutil appleRAID add member disk1s2 disk3
    To follow the progress of rebuilding the mirror set, type
    diskutil list
    It will show you the progress in % of the rebuilding under status
    Once finished, reboot and your RAID 1 is up and running and you have also a working backup on your USB (coz' that's where you booted from ;-)
    After reboot you can check the status of your RAID with
    diskutil appleRAID list
    Both drives should show ONLINE under status, interestingly, the device node for the RAID changed on my mac mini server from disk3 to disk2
    That's it

  • Ricoh Aficio scanning to mac Mini Server

    I have a brand new Mac Mini Server, os is up todate 10.8. something.
    I have two XP Pro SP3 pc's that access file shares on the mac mini.
    They are ok except the drop the connection due to what I believe is the SMB 1.0 on the XP and 2.0 version on the mini fighting each other.
    But it works for now with the XP machines till I can upgrad them to windows 7.
    We have a Ricoh Aficio MP C2550.
    I want to scan to the mini.
    I cannot access SMB shares on the Mini from this printer.
    I tried FTP but cannot access the FTP site either.
    I can access both SMB and FTP from the XP machines.
    I am new to Mac's.  I have been a Windows guy since 1994.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated on this.

    Hi Fultonm. I had the same issue and the steps below resolved my scanning and it is still workin OK now.
    Scanning to MAC 10.7 and above using FTP
    Turn on the FTP server on the destination MAC using the following command which needs to be enter from within the “Terminal”:
    sudo -s launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist
    To stop it:
    sudo -s launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist
    Confirm the FTP server works by typing:
    ftp localhost
    If the ftp server is configured correctly, you should see the below:
    $ ftp localhost
              Trying ::1…
              Connected to localhost.
              220 ::1 FTP server (tnftpd 20100324+GSSAPI) ready.
              Desktop/My ScansName (localhost:):
    To enable the FTP server, you will need to enter the password of the user account that your are currently logged into in order for the FTP server to be created. If you need to turn off FTP enter “unload”. The FTP server will usually be
    Create a scans folder on the desktop, i.e. My Scans.
    Share the scans folder
    Log onto the copier which the scans need to be sent from.
    Open address book and select to add a new scan destination.
    Select “file” as the scan type and change the send method from “SMB” to “FTP”.
    Enter a name for the scans destination as usual.
    Enter either the IP address of the MAC or the hostname and folder path into the relevant boxes.
    On a Ricoh both the IP/Hostname and the folder path can be enter into the “Hostname” Box.
    On a Canon, enter the IP/hostname into the “Hostname” box, and enter the folder path into the “Folder Path” box.
    You do not need to use the “\\” for the hostname or folder path as you would when setting up scanning to a Windows machine, i.e. \\MYCOMPUTER\DESKTOP\MYSCANS.
    Instead you enter the IP/hostname and folder path in the following format;
    Ricoh –
    Canon –
    Hostname: MYCOMPUTER
    Folder Path: DESKTOP/MYSCANS
    Enter the user account name and password that is going to be used for authentication.
    Save the settings and test the scanning. IF configured correctly using the steps above the scans should be sent to the MAC using FTP and appear in the scans folder you have created.
    The fields (hostname, folder path, authentication, and so on) for setting up the scan destination information on the copiers GUI will be dependent on the manufacturer, but will all follow the same principle.
    Hope this works!

  • Boot mac mini server into single-user mode?

    I've got a mac mini server (one of the ones with no optical drive) and I'm trying to boot it into single-user mode. I hit the power button and hold down the command (apple, splat) key and the 'S' key simultaneously ---- until it boots up to a login prompt rather than a black screen with white text and a unix command prompt...
    Is there some magic different on this particular machine to get to single-user?

    Hi, I wonder if anyone helped you out. I'm new here so here goes. I just bought a mac mini, but not the server. I had finished my new install and then I rebooted and got a black screen, since i have a wireless Apple keyboard, I cannot log into the computer by using commands, like Command-S. And Yes, you are using the right command, that hasn't changed.
    Your problem may be the same as mine, are you using a wireless keyboard, because if you are, it seems that the Bluetooth doesn't have time to install its software while we are trying to log into the system. Thus, as we reboot, we are holding down they keys but that won't help us because the Bluetooth software doesn't have time to do its thing, in the background.
    That is a huge problem because I don't have any other keyboard, but if you have access to a keyboard, get one and plug it into the back of your Mac mini and then you should be all set.
    Does this make sense? Let me know if this helps. I have no idea what to do because now I have a brand new computer with a serious screen with the you must reboot your system in many languages, and when one gets this it is not a good sign.

  • Mac Mini Server Airport Express with Server Firewall Settings

    I posted this in the Server forum, but I've had no responses so far - so I'll try it here instead! Any help is appreciated...
    I've got a new Mac Mini Server (mid 2010) with Snow Leopard Server v10.6 that I intend to use as a file server in the long term, and as my main computer replacing my old PC in the short term.
    One of it's uses will be my iTunes server for my Airtunes network with two airport expresses.
    When I disable the server firewall iTunes can connect to the airports with the check box in the 'multiple speakers' menu in iTunes. If I enable the firewall with the default settings of 'allow these ports' I cannot. I have used the Apple document on well known TCP and UDP ports to open for Apple software packages with particular attention to streaming audio / iTunes etc. Still doesn't allow the speakers to be selected in the 'multiple speakers' check box.
    I also tried the 'allow all traffic' option for the firewall, again no connection to the remote speakers happened. If I turn off the firewall it all works fine. It seems that there are some ports that need to be open in order to establish the connection - I just don't know what they are.
    Does anyone know of the appropriate ports to open? I tried searching the forums and I did try some of the suggestions for port 5000, 6000, 6001 etc but it doesn't make any difference!
    Thanks in advance...
    Message was edited by: Not_So

    I found this works too. Though I came about this a slightly different way.
    I moved over to Airfoil as Airtunes didn't work without the firewall and Airfoil did. I then had problems with Airfoil not reconnecting to the remote speakers when you cycled the power on them, I don't want all of my remote speakers powered all of the time. They were set to automatically connect, yet they refused connection a couple of times before connecting, which meant logging into the mini and reconnecting manually, which wasn't what I wanted to do. During an email conversation with Rogue Amoeba I sent them a debug logfile - they pin-pointed it as a connection denial with IPv6 addressing.
    Once I had that info, I disabled IPv6 for my network adaptors and Airfoil worked and reconnected fine even when airport expresses are power cycled. I then tried Airtunes again and now the speakers can be connected. It's down to the first choice for connections is IPv6, if this is not available it's IPv4.
    It's definitely a bug with the IP6FW control and link-local traffic.
    Hope this helps.

  • Windows 7 on mac mini server and raid 1

    I just purchased a 2011 mac mini server with the hopes of installing windows 7 alongside lion.  Then my goal was to have the two drives mirrored.  I successfully mirrored the two drives using disk utility and then proceeded to install lion.  This all went fine.  Imagine my shock when I loaded up bootcamp to see an error message describing it's inability to install windows on a raided system.  The thought hadn't even occured to me that this would be an issue. 
    I have searched through various forums and other places on the internet and haven't found a solution.  I am curious if I can get anyone with any experience in this area.  Is it possible to have mac and windows installed on a drive... and have that drive mirrored to the second drive... regardless of what os i'm booted into?
    Thanks for your help guys

    The GUI version of Disk Utility is very limited in what sort of RAID configurations you can create. It will only allow you to have a single partition on the disk and to make a RAID using that.
    Boot Camp requires creating additional partitions on the disk and hence it complaining.
    There is a commandline version of Disk Utility called diskutility (duh!). It has far more options available. Details for this command can be obtained by typing man diskutility in
    It appears that in theory you might be able to do the following.
    Start off with both disks not setup for RAID
    Use Boot Camp to create the Windows partition. Repeat this on each disk.
    Then in manually convert the boot Mac partition to a RAID using diskutil appleraid enable
    Then add the matching partition on the second drive to make it a working mirror using diskutil appleraid add
    Then in manually create a RAID for the Windows partition using both drives and use FAT32 as the format using diskutil appleraid create
    Then boot and run the Windows installer and tell it to erase the Windows partition as NTFS
    I cannot gurantee the above will work and you should obviously have backups if needed. Another option would be to have the Mac partition covered by RAID but not the Windows partition, this would result in three volumes one Mac RAIDed volume, and two other non RAIDed volumes even though you have two physical disks.

Maybe you are looking for