I found the correct anwser in Using Flex 4 / Building the user interface documentation in the article "Selecting and modifying text"
The following controls let you select text:
Label (Spark only)
TextInput (both MX and Spark)
TextArea (both MX and Spark)
RichTextEditor and all controls that have a TextArea as a subcomponent
The developer currently must explicitly set the property selectionHighlighting on control in order for the set range of selection to become visible, e.g
<s:TextInput id="sparkTextInput"
        text="Spark TextInput control."/>

Similar Messages

  • Search for a word and return all the  lines (row) from the text file..

    Hi all,
    I need a help on how to search a string from the text file and returns all the lines (rows) where the searched string are found. I have included the code, it finds the indexof the string but it does not return the entire line. I would appreciate your any help.
    public class SearchWord
         public static void main(String[] args){
         //Search String
         String searchText = "man";
         //File to search (in same directory as .class file)
         String fileName = "C:\\Workspace\\MyFile.txt";
         //StringBuilder allows to create a string by concatinating
         //multiple strings efficiently.
         StringBuilder sb =
         new StringBuilder();
         try {
         //Create the buffered input stream, which reads
         //from a file input stream
         BufferedInputStream bIn =
         new BufferedInputStream(
         new FileInputStream(fileName));
         //Holds the position of the last byte we have read
         int pos = 0;
         //Holds #of available bytes in our stream
         //(which is the file)
         int avl = bIn.available();
         //Read as long as we have something
         while ( avl != 0 ) {
         //Holds the bytes which we read
         byte[] buffer = new byte[avl];
         //Read from the file to the buffer
         // starting from <pos>, <avl> bytes., pos, avl);
         //Update the last read byte position
         pos += avl;
         //Create a new string from byte[] we read
         String strTemp =
         new String(buffer);
         //Append the string to the string builder
         //Get the next available set of bytes
         avl = bIn.available();
         catch(IOException ex) {
         //Get the concatinated string from string builder
         String fileText = sb.toString();
         int indexVal = fileText.indexOf(searchText);
         //Displays the index location in the file for a given text.
         // -1 if not found
         if (indexVal == -1)
              System.out.println("No values found");
              System.out.println("Search for: " + searchText);     }

    Hi, you can use servlet class and use this method to get the whole line of searched string. You can override the HttpServlet to treat that class as servlet.
    public class ReportAction extends HttpServlet {
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    //write your whole logic.
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("your file name"));
    String line = "";
    while(line = br.readLine() != null) {
        if(line.contains("your search string")) {
            System.out.println("The whole line, row is :"+line);

  • I recently had to reinstall my Creative Suite 4 Design Premium and since then, I am not able to place a MS Word program. I also cannot enter text in PhotoShoip.

    I recently had a hard drive crash. I replaced the C: drive with a solid state and now have 3 internal HDs. C: for the OS (Windows 7), D: for data and P: for program installation. Because I replaced the C: drive, I had to re-install all my programs. Now, PhotoShop will not let me place text, inserting the text tool causes the program to stop responding. In InDesign, if I try to place a MS Word document, it acts as if I never did that action and I can't get it placed.
    I can copy and paste, but doing so makes the formatting get left behind. I suspect it may not have installed correctly. I've used Adobe products since 1991 and never had this happen before. I even used Aldus PageMaker before the Suites were available. Can anyone help? Is it a reinstallation issue?
    I use PhotoTools from OnOne and if I uninstall it to reinstall CS4, I'm afraid it will no longer honor my product key.

    How much free space is on the C: drive?

  • My Photoshop CS 5 has some strange actions when I copy a portion of a photo using the clone stamp  to transfer to another part of the image. It carries the entire layer (not just the stamps selection) across the screen and I cannot place it where I need t

    My Photoshop CS 5 has some strange actions when I copy a portion of a photo using the clone stamp  to transfer to another part of the image. It carries the entire layer (not just the stamps selection) across the screen and I cannot place it where I need to. It appears as if I selected the entire layer on purpose (which I did not)
    The below items appeared when I opened Photoshop CS 5:
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    (I believe this started after the automatically updated Windows was applied. It was coincident with the before mentioned problem . . . but I don’t really know if it had anything to do with it. )

    For the Clone Stamp problem, check the Clone Source panel and Clipped is probably unchecked.
    If so, check Clipped and see if that makes a difference.
    (Window>Clone Source)
    As to the video card problem:
    Which version of windows are you using?
    What is the make and model of your graphics card?
    Do you know which update windows installed?

  • How to display multiple lines of texts in a single rows in ALV

    I have a unique requirement in which i have to display multiple lines if texts for a single rows in ALV Grid. Right now in my output it is coming in single line which is not visible fully because that text is more than 255 character. So i want to display the test by splitting into multiple lines and show it on output. Please suggest some solution for this if this is possible in ALV.

    Hi Raghavendra,
    Its not possible to display multiple line in one row of an alv, but i think you can acheive it by splitting the whole text into multiple sub-text.
    For example, if your requirement is as below:
    Field #1          Field #2
    1                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(200 characters)
    2                    yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(220 character)
    then you can break Field#2 value into say 50 character and then populate the internal table with repetative entries of Field#1 and the finally sort it by Field#1 value... as a result of which you output will be somewhat as below:
    Field#1          Field#2
    1                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2                   yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    Hope it will help you in meeting your requirement.

  • Changing the text in each dataGrid row to a different color

    Okay I am going to try and be as clear as possible with this,
    so bare with me.
    What I am trying to do is make it so that when my
    arraycollection objects that I have retrieved from a web service
    are loaded in (by using the "dataProvider" attribute) my dataGrid
    that some sort of code will take place changing the color of each
    line of text (all the objects stored in the array collection are
    string types) and display each rows text in a different color.
    Now after looking into it, it seems the only way to alter the
    color of the text is to use some sort of style or format but it
    seems it only effects text in a "textArea, textField, textInput"
    etc... SOOO I figured why not create a itemRenderer that contains
    one of those and put it into the dataGrid... Which I did and still
    can't figure out a way to make it so you can dynamically alter the
    color based on a set of rbg values stored in a array the same size
    as the rowCount of the datagrid.
    so I am rather stumpped in what to do.. I DON'T want to
    change the background color of each row, so alternatingItemColor is
    out of the question, I just want the text displayed in each row to
    be a different color.... And I want all this color changing to
    happen either before the data is inputted into the dataGrid
    (manipulating the arraycollection some how..) or when its all
    already in there, it all needs to happen in code no user
    I was thinking perhaps maybe I could create a item Renderer
    object that contains the compenent (the textArea in it) and just
    make a array of item Renderer objects and pass those into the
    dataGrid, but I don't think that is possible.
    ANY IDEAS AT ALL!! On how to change the color of the text in
    each row of the datagrid to a different color would be a HUGE,
    HUGE!!! help. Or any info on how to setup a datagrid listener that
    listens for when a object (a row) from the arraycollection is added
    to the datagrid... Perhaps I could use that info some how to my
    email me, if you like I don't care I just need a answer to
    this its driving me crazy! I can change the background row color
    based on a array of rgb values but I can't change the color of the
    item in that row based on array of rgb values, ARG!
    [email protected]
    thanx in advanced.

    <mx:Label color = "red" />
    want to make it so I can change the color of the label on the
    dynamically by calling some sort of method I have created.. is that
    possible? if so coudl you please give a example, thanx!

  • Display a text with many lines

    is within WD UI Element availablw where by I can display a text with many lines ?
    Marco M

    TextEdit uielement is available, which is like a text area; user can enter free text in para's,multiple lines ,etc.
    Like any other uielement, right click and insert the textedit uielement on your view.
    Create an attribute 'CA_TEXT'  type string and bind it with the value property of your text edit. 
    Change the cols and row property to adjust your text edit width and height.
    Use the following code to read the contents entered in the test edit,
    Data: l_elem type ref to if_wd_context_element.
    Data: l_text type string.
    l_elem = wd_context->get_element( ).
    l_elem->get_attribute( exporting name = 'CA_TEXT'
    importing value = l_text }. "l_text will now have  the contents of your text edit.

  • Email with text attachment with line width 1250

    Dear all,
                 I want to send the email with text attachment whose line width in text file is 1250. Kindly let me know how to send email attachment with more than 255 line width.
    Moderator Message: Frequently Asked Question. Please search for available information before posting.
    Edited by: kishan P on Apr 29, 2011 2:48 PM

    What ever text you are sending in the email, create a standard text for it using tcode SO10. In the program use the FM READ_TEXT to get the data into internal table which will be of length 132 char. If you want line widht of 255 chars convert using FM SX_TABLE_LINE_WIDTH_CHANGE as below,
          line_width_dst              = '255'
          content_in                  =  it_data
          content_out                 = it_mess_att
          err_line_width_src_too_long = 1
          err_line_width_dst_too_long = 2
          err_conv_failed             = 3
          OTHERS                      = 4.
    Use FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send email.
    Hope this will help you.

  • I did a COPY of some text from a web page, and then did a PASTE into notepad.exe (Windows). The text from each line was duplicated -- on the line! Instead of "Fred", it became "Fred Fred".

    I just recently installed Firefox for the first time. It seems nice and quick. The version is reported as: "10.0.1".
    I wanted to save some text from a web page, so navigated to that page, selected the text, and pressed the Control-C combination to COPY the selected text to the buffer. For example, the text I selected looked something like this:
    NOTE: Each line of text has a small icon to the left of the text.
    It is not reasonable to COPY and PASTE each line individually, as there can be hundreds of lines of data. I recall, however, that
    doing a COPY and PASTE on this data into Microsoft's Excel will produce cells which have the icons included in the cell, but unfortunately one cannot can't get rid of them! At least I've never found a way to remove them, but that's another issue. :)
    Once I'd done the COPY operation I switched to a Notepad window and did a PASTE operation. To my surprise, the text from each line was duplicated. It looked like this:
    Harry Harry
    Ron Ron
    Hermione Hermione
    Hagrid Hagrid
    Albus Albus
    Thinking that there might be something unusual about the web page I looked at the source, but it appeared "normal" -- that is, as expected.
    Note: I have done this operation several times before, and have never seen this occur before.
    Note: In the actual data some of the lines have quoted text in them. Curiously there is weird behavior on these lines. In some cases the entire line is shown only once. (These occur at the top of the line, and the quoted text is at the beginning of the name.)
    When quoted text appears "later" in the name, in some cases the quoted text is duplicated, and in other cases the quoted text is missing altogether! I have also noticed an error with the quoted text, and so will be reporting that to the web site which generates the HTML.
    Note that each line of "text" is "anchor text", so if I click on a name the browser navigates to a page for that name.
    I believe that the problem is that the COPY operating in Firefox is not simply copying the visible text, but also the ALT=
    Below is a sample of what the source HTML looks like:
    &lt;a class="lnk" target="_blank" href="http://details.aspx?id=Harry">
    &lt;img width="16" height="16" alt="Harry" class="tb_icon" src="http://.../Harry.gif"/>
    (Because of the true length of the lines in the source HTML, I have stripped out the actual URL of the site.)
    To make sure I wasn't imaging this difference I repeated the process within Internet Explorer. In that browser I did not get duplicated data.

    *Extended Copy Menu (fix version):

  • Printing only Text and Subtotals lines in A/R Invoice not Regular lines

    How can I create in PLD for A/R invoice that only prints the Text and Subtotals lines in A/R Invoice but not the regular lines the A/R Invoice ?

    Hi Hector Santos,
    Try this,
    ->> Open the A/R Invoice Document.
    ->> Choose the Print Layout Design(PLD) on Top of the Menu Bar.
    ->> Open the A/R Invoice(System) PLD and Save as the New PLD.
    ->> Open the New PLD.
    ->> Choose the Database field(make) on Top of the Menu Bar.
    ->> Create the Database field in Repetetive Area.
    for example,
    Row Line Total Field:
    Table -> INV1 - A/R Invoice(Item).
    Column -> LineTotal.
    ->> Choose the TEXT field(make) on Top of the Menu Bar.
    ->> Create the TEXT field in Repetetive Area Footer or End of Report.
    ->> Create the Database field in Repetetive Area Footer or End of Report.
    for example,
    Document Total Field:
    Table -> OINV - A/R Invoice.
    Column -> DocTotal.
    This is Duplicate thread, so Close the thread.

  • I cannot enter text in the iTunes search box

    I'm having a really bizarre problem with iTunes latest version (10.5,0.142). When I click in the search field in the upper right-hand corner of the program, I cannot enter any text--no text cursor appears.  I can click on the little down arrow next to the magnifying glass and select "All," or "Artist," or "Album," etc, but I'm not able to enter text. It's like the focus doesn'tshift from the Library pane and any letters I type just cause the highlight for that window to drop down to the closest match to the character I typed, even though the focus has shifted to the search pane.
    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes, but that does not correct this misbehavior.
    Not sure if it's related, but I also no longer have the text menus available at the top of the window, whether the program is maximized or minimized and taking up only part of the screen (this is not a screen clipping problem--those text menus are no longer there, though you can get very small hotspots to appear near the upper left hand edge of the program window (when you have the program window in normal mode, rather than maximized), where those text menus would be, and if you click on the hotspots, the menus do appear.
    But, by far, the first issue is the most perplexing.

    Solved: This was caused by replacing the SegoeUI (Regular) true-type font. I have no idea what process or why that font was deleted, but finding the segoeui.ttf file on another Windows machine, emailing it to myself, saving it to disk, then right-clicking and choosing "Install" fixed this problem.

  • Vendor text of PO line item replication from SRM to ECC.

    All experts,
    Users are entering the more informations for individual line item in to Vendor text field available in to SRM Purchase order.
    Client requirement is to replicate the Vendor text from PO in SRM to PO in ECC.
    Right now system is replicating PO with all information except text.
    How I can achieve it. Any help will be highly appreciate.
    Thanks in advance.

    This is due to a program error, and SAP has released a OSS note on this.
    Please check if this OSS Note applies to you. Note number  - 1129291
    Do reward points if useful.

  • Final total cannot appear when the last line item reached the page end

    Hi All,
    My report included 2 pages. Problem is the final total cannot appear when the last line item reached the page end. (page 2)
    final total will appear on the middle of last page (page 3) when i comment (type    = 'BOTTOM').
    Below is the program.
          device   = 'PRINTER'
          dialog   = 'X'
          form     = 'ZBOTM_VOUCHER'
          language = sy-langu.
      sort itab by vblnr.
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa_itab.
        move wa_itab-vblnr to reguh-vblnr.
        move wa_itab-lifnr to reguh-lifnr.
        move wa_itab-rbetr to reguh-rbetr.
        reguh-rbetr = reguh-rbetr * -1.
            window  = 'MAIN'
            element = 'DETAIL'.
        t_rbetr = reguh-rbetr + t_rbetr.
        AT LAST.
              window = 'LINE'.
              element = 'TOTAL'.
              type    = 'BOTTOM'
              WINDOW  = 'MAIN'.

    Where should I include the code for bottom?
    How to open text editor?
    Edited by: Alice8 on Feb 7, 2011 9:09 AM

  • Printing Text with multiple Lines

    i want to print a list and in that is text with multiple lines.
    In the PrintPreview and in the Printout i get only one line.
    How is the best way to do this?
    Thank you,
    Private Function Print_Remarks_Control_Get(ByVal pstrText As String) As TextBox
    Dim TextBox_Out As New TextBox
    With TextBox_Out
    .Text = pstrText
    .HorizontalAlignment = Xaml.HorizontalAlignment.Left
    .VerticalAlignment = Xaml.VerticalAlignment.Top
    .FontSize = 16
    .Margin = New Thickness(15)
    .AcceptsReturn = True
    .MinWidth = 800
    .MinHeight = 600
    End With
    Return TextBox_Out
    End Function
    Sub PrintPageList_Prepare()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim objVM As clsTextVM
    Dim lstText_List As ObservableCollection(Of clsText)
    Dim ctrPrint_StackPanel As StackPanel
    Dim ctrPrint_Title As TextBox
    Dim ctrPrint_Description As TextBox
    Dim ctrPrint_Remarks As TextBox
    Dim objText As clsText
    objVM = DirectCast(Me.DataContext, clsTextVM)
    lstText_List = objVM.CustomClass_List
    ctrPrint_StackPanel = Print_StackPanel_Get()
    For i = 0 To lstText_List.Count - 1
    objText = lstText_List.Item(i)
    If objText.Name.Length > 0 Then
    ctrPrint_Title = Print_Title_Control_Get(objText.Name)
    End If
    If objText.Description.Length > 0 Then
    ctrPrint_Description = Print_Description_Control_Get(objText.Description)
    End If
    If objText.Remarks.Length > 0 Then
    ctrPrint_Remarks = Print_Description_Control_Get(objText.Remarks)
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub OnGetPreviewPage(sender As Object, e As GetPreviewPageEventArgs)
    ' Das ist die MessageBox
    ' Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog()
    mPrintDok.SetPreviewPage(e.PageNumber, Me.mPrintPageList(e.PageNumber - 1))
    End Sub

    Yes, not only RichEditBox but also RichTextBlock can also do this. Besides TextBox also have TextWrapping functionality.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Cannot copy text from DRM-free PDF on PC

    I can on my Mac. Both use Adobe Reader v11.x. I think the behaviour started when I updated to version 11 on the PC.
    I cannot copy text from DRM-free PDFs that I read. I can switch to the Select Tool cursor but drag-select does not work as it did before. Double-click can highlight (and copy) a word. A triple-click can do so for a line. This is clumsy and inefficient and I cannot grab more than a line of text.
    File > Properties: Security shows 'No Security'. I am stumped. Is there some detail I am missing? (I downloaded and switched to FoxIt Reader to take notes now but prefer my knowledge of navigation shortcuts in Adobe Reader.)

    Hi jroth,
    How are you "re-printing" the PDF? Once you have a PDF file, it shouldn't be necessary to re-create it just because you've made changes. You could simply save the file at that point. But it sounds like you're concerned about preventing changes to the comments. If that's the case, rather than reprinting, you could assign some document permissions to the PDF to prevent people from changing the content. To assign that security, choose File > Properties and click the Security tab.
    I'm guessing here, because I'm not sure what process you're using, but it sounds as though that second iteration is being printed as an image. That would change the searchable text to an image, and could certainly cause the issue you're encountering.

Maybe you are looking for