Cannot rotate imported photos on iPad1

Anyone else annoyed, dissapointed, mad that OS 5 update to iPad 1 will not let me rotate (edit) imported photos anymore?  iPad2 and iPhone imports allow this feature, but not iPad1.  I know photos can be opened in Photogene or other apps to allow rotation, but impractical when using the iPad for intraoral dental photography to show patients tooth, mouth conditions. Hoped recent updates would address issue, but no one else seems to be too concerned.

tdmartines, I use a Canon 450D Rebel XSi with a 100mm lens and ring mounted flash to take intraoral films. The pictures are downloaded directly to the iPad 1 or iPad 2 throught the Apple camera adapter using a usb camera cord.  Photogenie app permits some editing and particularly adding captions which can be saved to an album to iPhoto on the computer later. The patient gets to see the photographs immediately this way and can have something printed for a record wirelessly to a local eprint enabled printer.

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    How did you import them?
    If you used iphoto, then they will be in iphoto. If you used Aperture, then they will be in aperture.

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    An hour-long phone discussion with Apple Support yesterday solved this question and sorted a couple of others.
    As for this one, do not ignore any messages which pop up when you plug in your iPhone and ask "Trust this computer?".  The correct reply is "Yes", not "Cancel".
    OK, you cancelled like I did, thinking "What on earth is this for?".  Mistake.  You can force the issue by having iTunes open when you next plug in your iPhone.  Tell the iPhone that it can trust its old friend, your computer and voila!  Your photos can download into iPhoto again.
    Thank you, Jay with Apple Sydney, Australia!

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    Because your computer sees your phone, as it would see any digital camera, as long as you have photos in your camera role. Since you state you don't sync with this computer & have a passcode on your phone, that's why you get that message. The only way to prevent that message is either start syncing with this computer; remove the photos from your camera roll prior to connecting; or first turn off your passcode before you connect. Either that, or you live with it.
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    Which OS are you using? 
    In the meantime, research your problem in Knowledge Base. 

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    As a Test:
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    Details please
    What version of iPhoto? Of the OS? what devices are you haveing problems with? can you download teh photos to a desktop folder using image capture (in your applications folder) and import from there - or open with priview from there?

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    Because your computer sees your phone, as it would see any digital camera, as long as you have photos in your camera role. Since you state you don't sync with this computer & have a passcode on your phone, that's why you get that message. The only way to prevent that message is either start syncing with this computer; remove the photos from your camera roll prior to connecting; or first turn off your passcode before you connect. Either that, or you live with it.
    You shouldn't be storing photos in your camera roll anyway. iPhone camera roll is not designed for photo storage. You should be regularly importing them.

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    iPhotos: 9.6.1 (910.42)
    Photos: 1.0 (209.52.0)
    iPhone 6 IOS: 8.3 (12F70)
    According to the App Store, my system is fully up dated.  How can I restore the videos to work in Photos?  Is there another method for importing the iPhoto library into Photos?
    Thank you,

    Thanks for that. Good to know.
    Just to add my own two cents to this thread—I have also experienced problems with video files. These fall into two categories:
    Videos that were imported as thumbnails only ("Photos cannot play this video because it cannot find the file"). These all seem to be AVI files. I can locate these files in my old iPhoto library, but when I try to import them into Photos, it tells me that this type of file cannot be imported. No error message of any kind was shown during the migration. (This is not at all helpful.)
    Videos that were imported, but that won't play in Photos. Photos gives me the option to open them in QuickTime. Depending on the file type, QuickTime does one of two things: (1) Converts it to a format that it can play (which takes ages, and if I save the file, I lose the metadata) Or (2) tells me it can't play it.
    There also seem to be files that were converted during the migration. The originals in the iPhoto library are MPG files, while the ones in Photos are MOV files. But they won't play in Photos, and they can only be opened in QuickTime after conversion (within QuickTime).
    I've also encountered videos that were shot on an iPhone 4S that won't play in Photos. Not sure what's up with that.
    So now I have to go over all my video files (4600 of them) and figure out which ones are problematic (600 AVIs for sure, unknown number of MPGs and MOVs), convert them with Handbrake, import the converted files into Photos, and then manually fix the metadata (date and time, location doesn't bother me so much).
    If anyone has any tips that will either spare me this long and tedious process or speed it up somehow, I'm all ears.
    Don't get me wrong—I think that Photos is overall waaaaaay better than iPhoto (it's actually usable—I don't have to suffer the spinning beachball for 3/4 of the time it is open). But the migration process is really sub-par. If you're going to just not import a whole bunch of files, at least tell me so I can do something about it.

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    Solution may be found if you search in the "More Like This" section over in the right column. 

  • I imported photos from an old iPhoto (2001) to photo library and can now see them as thumbnails but not when I click on them. The screen is black cannot see or print either. Is there any way to salvage those old photos? I now use iLife09. OS 10.6

    I imported photos from an old iPhoto (2001) to photo library and can now see them only as thumbnails but not when I click on them. The screen is black cannot see or print either. Is there any way to salvage those old photos? I now use iLife09. OS 10.6

    Did you import the old iPhoto library into the new one? That's not what you want to do because you will import all of the original, modified and thumbnail files as if they were original files. Lots of duplicates and useless small photos.
    Do you have a backup copy of the library that you imported into to?  If you do then bring it in and then use  iPhoto Library Manager to merge the two libraries into a new, 3rd library.
    If you don't then you'll have to try to fix the current one and then cull out the duplicates and small useless photos as follows:  make a temporary, duplicate copy of your library and apply the three fixes in order as necessary.
    Fix #1
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your HD/User/Home()/ Library/Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your HD/User/Home()/Library /Caches/ folder. 
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    Fix #2
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Select the options identified in the screenshot. 
    Fix #3
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.
    If this doesn't fix the problem you'll have to start over from scratch and create a new library from the files inside the Originals folder of your current library.  But first you should cull out the small photos that would be the thumbnails from the 2001 library.
    Move the Originals folder to the Desktop, open and do a search for Kind=photo, File size is less than 10 KB.  That should find all of the thumbnail files which you can then drag to the Trash.  You might have to make that less than 50 KB. Then Import the remaining photos into a new iPhoto library.

  • How do I re-import photos that Lightroom says it "cannot find."

    I have gone to a half-day workshop on Lightroom 5.  I have purchased and started reading Scott Kelby's Lightroom 5 for Digital Photographers, but find it rather cumbersome and unhelpful.  And all I am trying to do is ORGANIZE and import photos (I am only now on Chapter 1).  I have used Photoshop Elements for years, and found it very user friendly. Not so with Lightroom, for me!!!
    I was trying to organize my photos in my external hard drive. 
    1.  I noticed that some photos I thought I had imported from my SanDisk 16 gb "chip" to the external drive don't seem to be available in Lightroom, because I get a message like "Cannot find files."
    2. I tried to re-import these photos, but Lightroom seems to think they are somewhere, and won't let me import from my SanDisk again.
    3. Trying ot solve this problem I clicked "Merge" on the photos in my external hard drive, but that only put all my photos in one folder, now not according to date. I want to revert to saving them by DATE, not "merged" into one file
    4. I checked in Scott Kelby's index under "merge" it does not refer to a problem with managing photos.
    5. Help me learn the following:
    A. How to correct the "merge" which put all the photos in one folder, not by date, so that they are again organized by date.
    B. How to find the photos that Lightroom says it cannot find, or download them again, or whatever to solve the missing photo problem

    1. I noticed that some photos I thought I had imported from my SanDisk 16 gb "chip" to the external drive don't seem to be available in Lightroom, because I get a message like "Cannot find files."
    Could you please give us the EXACT error message?
    Then I clicked on IMPORT. Was this the correct way of downloading, because when I do that, in the top LEFT corner of the Lightroom screen, it indicates that it is “downloading photos,” but nothing seems to download.
    This sounds to me like a hardware problem ... either the card reader or the card itself is not responding.
    With regards to the bulk of the rest of your problems, it might make sense to start over. Remove the files from your hard disk using your operating system (assuming they are still on your camera card), create a new empty catalog in Lightroom (File->New Catalog), and import them again from your camera cards. Perhaps instead of following Kelby's advice, follow other advice on importing and organizing, such as: orting-your-images anizing-your-images/
    It is also my opinion that if you read Scott Kelby's books and start where he discusses how to edit photos, you will probably find the book to be useful; however if you read Scott Kelby's books where he discusses importing and organizing, it is my opinion that his advice is off-the-mark and not helpful. If you want to read a good book on organizing, try

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