Cannot see my ATV in iTunes?

I just restored my ATV2 to factory firmware and it does not show up in iTunes? Is there some new place in iTunes to look for or see my ATV2?
Everything is up to date.

OK, thanks. For some reason the unit is not showing up on the network. I cannot connect to the internet via ethernet, only wifi. Trying to troubleshoot.

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  • Cannot see Apple TV in iTunes

    Help!.. Cannot see Apple TV in iTunes...
    Have Dell PC running Windows 7 64-bit Prof. Hard-wired into d-link wireless router/modem.
    Followed all Apple TV trouble shooting advice to no avail. As a final resort have even fully reinstalled PC operating system and still cannot see the device.
    As a test Apple TV was found over the same wireless network by my laptop running XP - so I am sure it is not an Apple TV or network fault.
    Has anyone got any adive pls?
    Message was edited by: samoo74

    had the same problem. The following was found in another thread on ATV disappearing from iTunes. It was posted by Cima113. I tried it. It brings ATV back in iTunes. Mine has been fine now for a month. I hope this helps someone.
    (Copied part starts here)
    It appears the best and only known solution for the AppleTV issue (windows) isn’t actually iTunes build After the helpful postings to this thread it appears that the recent update of Bonjour is the actual culprit. Users experiencing this issue (Apple TV stopped appearing in iTunes should try the following if your setup stopped working after iTunes
    1) Uninstall Bonjour version 2 :
    Start> control panel>> uninstall a program>>> Select Bonjour>>>> Uninstall
    2) RESTART your computer!!!
    3) Open iTunes…
    You should get a message that Bonjour is missing… This is what you want.
    *While you have iTunes open make sure “Find AppleTV’s” is selected in iTunes, under:
    Edit> Preferences>> Apple TV tab>>> Check box bottom.
    (The above step must wait until after you install Bonjour 1.0.6, restart and open iTunes. This option is noy available while Bonjour is not installed)
    4) Close iTunes.
    5) Install Bonjour 1.0.6 (reputable download site: Cnet’s see below)
    6) RESTART your computer!!!!
    7) Open iTunes
    8) Start AppleTV and …
    Go to: Settings> Computers>> locate the “iTunes/Add library” option>>>
    Go to PC and Enter code in iTunes.
    Restarting after uninstall AND install are critical!!

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    Have you tried deleting the photo cache from your computer and then re-trying the photo sync and see if they all then copy over (you need to select and sync all the photos that you want on the iPad together in one go, as only the most recent photo sync remains on the iPad) ? The location of the cache, and how to delete it, is on this page
    Don't know about the Facebook photo emailing, but there are a number of apps that allow to upload photos to their site (e.g. the 'official' Facebook app).
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    Hi Jacob0612,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You may find this article helpful for troubleshooting, if the Home Sharing menu isn't appearing in iTunes:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Best Regards,

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    Maybe this can help:  iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows,

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    Look at the top of the screen for your ipod.
    Or click View Show>Sidebar to see it as before.

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    try if this support article helps.

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    Hello amizan kedah,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    iTunes Store: See your purchase history and web order numbers
    Click to open your account in iTunes (you may need to sign in with your Apple ID). iTunes will open, and you'll see the items you purchased.
    Have a nice day,

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    Thanks, I tried this but it didn't work. It turned out I had to follow the instructions for
    If the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is not listed
    and update the driver this way from portable devices since there was nothing in the USB list.
    Everything is back to normal.

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    I do not know what you are waiting for.
    I'd make a backup of your important stuff before cloning the entire disk.
    Carbon Copy Cloner will copy your startup drive to an external  firewire drive.  You can boot from the external drive to verify that you have a good clone. When you upgrade your existing startup drive, you can at any time boot from your external drive and go back to your existing system.
    SuperDuper is the wildly acclaimed program that makes recovery painless, because it makes creating a fully bootable backup painless. Its incredibly clear, friendly interface is understandable, easy to use, and SuperDuper's built-in scheduler makes it trivial to back up automatically. And it runs beautifully on both Intel and Power PC Macs!

  • For those Windows users who suddenly cannot see their device in iTunes. Here's a solution that has worked.

    I know this seems to be an emerging issue ever since the update to iTunes 11.1.4, some iPhones or other iOS devices are not showing up in iTunes or syncing. I'm not sure if Apple really knowns of this issue, but tech support has a (mostly) sure fire way of resolcing this issue. It's only for Windows computers though.
    Go to the article and follow the Section 5 Verify Apple Mobile Device USB driver is installed. When you clik on that section, go to your version of Windows (it seems to be happening mostly across Windows 8) . And then to the section: If Apple iPod, Aple iPhone, or Apple iPad is listed.
    The gist of what you need to do:
    Windows 8 (since it seems to be the most affected) move your cursor to the upper ight corner of your screen) and click on the Magnifying glass. Type in devmgmt.msc and this should bring up the Device Manager. Onc eyou are in the device manager, look for the "Portable device" or "Universial Serial bus Controller" list, and you should see the "Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod" listed. Onc eyou see it, right click it, choose "Update software driver." Now, IT WILL SAY THE DRIVER IS UPDATED. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Select "Browse my computer for driver software." Onc eyou choose that, select "Let me pick from a lsit of drivers on my computer." You should see the option "Have Disk." Choose that. Again, I KNOW you do not have a physical disk, but the file we need is already on your computer. After Hard Disk, choose Browse again. Follow this file path to the file we need: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.. In the Driver's folder, you should see the "usbaaple" or "usbappl64" (if you have the 64 bit for Windows). Double click on that file, and hit OK. The file should install, and once it's finished check your iTunes!!! You may want to unplug your device and plug it back it before doing all of this. I REALLY hope this works for you all as well!

    Would you believe?
    There might be another cause?
    I tried ALL of the suggested solutions here and any other forum I could find. Remove and reinstall ALL Apple software, try re-install driver options, even the solution here, which sounded Perfect!, but failed for me :-(
    And My solution to this exact same problem was Soooo simple, I wanted to Scream.
    Try A Different i-Device Cable.
    A different cable for my iPhone, iPads, iPod...
    All of them instantly worked again!
    I spent HOURS on this before the Bride said;
    "Maybe the cable is bad..."
    I might have to burn my IT degree... ;-)

  • TS1567 This solution not working for me. Cannot see my devices in iTunes

    I have tried uninstalling and re-installing iTunes MANY times over the last week and STILL cannot get itunes to see my ipod or iphone.  I have downloaded the latest version, I have tried turning off Microsoft Essentials, I have tried installing old versions of iTunes first and upgrading. I have run the program CCleaner after uninstalling to clean off any remaining files.
    I have found that when iTunes 10.6 was installed the Apple Mobile Device Services is not listed in Services and manually trying to install that fails and "rolls back".
    I had installed 10.6 and when I tried to upgrade to 10.7 I get the following messages.
    iTunes Installer Completed
    The installer encounted errors before iTunes could be configured,
    Errors occurred during installation. Your system could not be modified.
    Please run the installer again, or click Finish to exit
    I am running Windows 7.
    Any help greatly appreciatted.

    Hi,  I found the solution myself,  the usb driver was not recognizing the device correctly.
    For those having the problem of your ipod, ipad etc not being recognized/visible in itunes I found this solution on Youtube video fixed the problem.
    What the video decribes is how to get the computer to fix the USB driver for the device.
    A bit disappointing that I did not receive any replies.

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    So after I submitted this issue, another set of options showed up in the right margin of my screen.  The following link shows the steps I followed to resolve the issue.  Apple Mobile Device USB Driver was not installed.

  • Cannot see home sharing via iTunes 10.6.3 on Windows 8

    Good morning!
    I have the latest version of iTunes installed on two iMacs, as well as on a PC running Windows 8 Consumer Preview. I am able to turn on home sharing on all three systems. The two iMacs can see each other's music libraries and playlists, but not the music or playlists on the Windows 8 PC. Furthermore, the Windows 8 PC does not acknowledge the existance of either of the iMacs. I have made sure that the Windows firewall settings include the iTunes and iTuneshelper executables, as well as turned off the Windows firewall completely, but this has not helped.
    Is anyone else experiencing a similar problem with iTunes 10.6.3 on Windows 8 Consumer Preview? Any ideas or suggestions on how I might make this work?
    Thank you,

    If you have a firewall on your router, which you likely do, the Firewall on your computer is not a great loss. However you should be allowed to just allow communications over certain ports and keep your firewall on.
    Make sure your router/computer allows access over the following ports
    Used By
    AirPlay, iTunes Store
    Network Time
    AirPlay, PhotoStream, iTunes Store
    iTunes, AirPlay, HomeSharing
    Bonjour, AirPlay, HomeSharing
    iTunes Radio Streams
    iTunes Radio Streams
    MDNS (Win)
    Bonjour, AirPlay
    MDNS (Win)
    Bonjour, AirPlay
    Refer to your router manual/manufacturer for any settings that are specific to that model.

  • Cannot see my ipad in itunes

    The first time I tried to sync my ipad to itunes its icon appeared but then after syncing stopped.. I only have 'greyed out' music on the ipad which i cannot play.
    I have since tried to sync but my ipad does not appear at all . I have tried re booting both computer and i pad to no avail. Can anyone help please.

    Thanks, I tried this but it didn't work. It turned out I had to follow the instructions for
    If the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is not listed
    and update the driver this way from portable devices since there was nothing in the USB list.
    Everything is back to normal.

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