Cannot see "Save Settings" Option

I am trying to configure my wireless router but am unable to even see some options or the "Save Settings" button to save. Is there somewhere I can download software to fix this issue. Basically the router webpage comes up but with errors.

Try disabling the firewall & antivirus software on the computer ....
Click start >> Control Panel >> Internet Options >> Delete cookies & files >> Clear history >> Click OK ... Close the browser & again reopen it ....
Also try using any other computer ....

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    hello radha
    oka pani cheyyi....
    I mean you may try this following procedure for this error.
    Search the init IP
    1.     Double click in the IP
    2.     Scheduler menu
    3.     Click in Initialization options for source system
    Select and delete the only entry ( INIT) .
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    > right click your source system----> replicate.
    Activate your transfer rules, using program RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL
    now try to perform Init again.
    It will work.

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    in your rpd open your user and in the logging level select 2 or 1.
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    ref here

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