Cannot uninstall Zen Nano Plus Softwa

By this, I mean that clicking "change/remove" in "Add or Remove Programs" brings no response. Is there any reason to be experiencing this?
Thanks in advance.

This normally means that you have a problem in the Windows Registry - you click on an entry in Add/Remove Programs, it looks in the Registry to find where the uninstall information is kept and then carries out the uninstall. Either the registry entry is missing or the uninstall info is missing. Strange as it may sound, try installing the software again first and then uninstall it. PB

Similar Messages

  • Zen Nano Plus softw

    it's not very hard to read, that Zen Nano Plus supports Windows 98 se...but it's much harder to use all the Creative software on this platform. Actually, you can't even install Creative media Explorer etc...why is that?
    One more thing, some dust got under the LCD's cover of my ZNP. Any idea how to get rid of it's

    Hi,I was afraid of that.
    That stinks.
    This player is severely handicapped for what I need it for then. I wish I realized that before I bought it.

  • Zen Nano Plus -- "Cannot create file .

    Why not?! I've been transferring & deleting songs since I bought the Zen Nano Plus and now all of a sudden, I can't place songs into it. Help please.

    Have you put all of your files into the root folder?
    If so, create a sub-folder and put your files in there. Then you will be able to fill up the player.
    If not, have you tried reloading the firmware?

  • ZEN Nano Plus 1Gb Not Recognised, but 256Mb Works F

    HI all, I've searched the FAQ but can't find anything like the problem I'm experiencing here.
    I purchased a 256Mb Zen Nano Plus for my son at Christmas, and a Gb Zen Nano Plus for my wife. The 256Mb unit installed perfectly, works perfectly, no issues.
    However the Gb unit does not install correctly - Windows XP SP2 recognises it as a Creative unit, although it takes an age for it to recognise the disk dri've. It appears in device manager as a generic storage volume with no drivers installed, and does not appear under My Computer - I can't even tell what firmware version is installed.
    I've installed the correct drivers from Creative Technical Support. Have also tried to update the firmware, but the updater cannot find the Gb unit connected to the system.
    After trying various driver updates on my own PC, uninstalling the software, reinstalling, Creative support suggested it's faulty and I should get a replacement.
    Well the replacement arri'ved today and it has EXACTLY the same problems - can anyone help or advise?
    Thanks in advance,

    Arcl, I haven't a clue what's happening - have spent the best part of 5 days fiddling and installing/reinstalling. As you say, the drivers for the 256Mb and Gb are exactly the same, so why one unit should work perfectly and the larger unit refuse to work at all, I have no idea.
    As stated elsewhere it appears to be some sort of compatibility issue, but I've tried it without ANY other USB devices connected, have updated my USB and Chipset drivers, and it's got me nowhere. Looks like I'll be getting a refund and going for a Sony player similar to my own, as although the software's clunky I know at least it works and is pretty much hassle-free.
    Why does it seem to be a problem with the Gb units though? Both cadman and Nespa in the other thread are experiencing issues with the units, I assume they're Gb too?

  • I messed up install of Zen Nano Plus 1

    Windows XP Home SP2
    Windows Media Player 0 (will use with Zen Nano Plus)
    Dell 8250
    ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" />
    During the CD install, I had some questions and interruptions that required me to cancel, exit and say ?yes? to I did not want to install at this time, but it installed some files. I did not connect the player to my computer because of the manual?s warning to not connect player to computer before setting up the software.
    A search for Creative and Creative Zen brought up the following files on my computer:
    C:\Program Files\Creative\Product Registration\English
    C?\Program Files\Creative\Shared Files\CTregSvr and
    C:\Program Files\RealPlayer\Devices had 7 Creative and Creative Zen files
    I have an Iomega Zip USB mass storage device on my system which is always powered up. It is used as I go along as a 2nd backup.
    Some other threads here recommend not using the install CD and not installing the software, but suggest connecting player and letting Windows XP recognize and install drivers. This is what I did with my Zip dri've. I dislike putting software I don?t need on my computer. I will be using the Nano Plus just for music, and maybe on occasion the AM/FM.
    So? are my questions:
    . Install with CD or connect to computer and let Windows do its thing?
    2. Will the Zip dri've cause a problem and should I power it down and disconnect from the computer when installing and using the Nano Plus?
    3. Are there more files lurking about in the Registry and where? (I am O.K. working in the Registry) ? I would like to make everything clean and start fresh with a clean install, unless this is not recommended.
    4. If I do need to use install CD is a full or custom recommended?
    I will appreciate any assistance and information offered.
    My thanks.

    I thought I would let y'all know my Nano Plus is installed and my USB Iomega Zip still permanently resides undisturbed in my F:\ dri've and when I connect the Nano Plus, it is recognized by G:\ as it should be.
    I called Creative support and so I dd not have to use the install CD, the tech E-mailed me the drivers. When I began the install, I was asked to uninstall any mass storage devices before I installed, which I did......actually I just unplugged the Zip dri've so Windows would not know it existed. The tech said it was better to install their drivers than not; otherwise with WMP I would only be able to drag and drop.
    So.......that's my story

  • Zen Nano Plus - 300mb of the 1G is not available to store music

    About 300mb of?space is?unused on my Zen Nano plus (G) and I cannot load anything onto it. Any suggestions?Is this a firmware issue??

    Please read the FAQ sticky thread as this is covered there - it is a limitation of the root folder in the FAT filesystem - put your songs into a folder and you will be able to fill it. PB

  • Problems running creative zen nano plus and nomad muvo on same compu

    We have 2 nomad muvo mp3 players and now a zen nano plus .Have had constant problems with the media organiser .
    Installed zen nano plus and selected enable smart fit to get maximum amount of songs and it worked fine but as soon as we tried to install software for the 2 nomad players it would not work smart fit for any of them.
    Uninstalled everything and got the zen software in and it was running ok but then seemed to have problems and although smart fit was enabled it just copied files as the original mp3.
    It then fatally crashed yesterday and I am awaiting a replacement as I had only had it for 2 days.
    Is it possible to run all 3 and to be able to use smart fit on all 3 players or am I better off having just one working and using the file converter for the other 2.

    <FONT face=Helv size=2>
    Make sure that you have installed the MediaSource plugin for MuVo in order to get SmartFit You have to access SmartFit via the MuVo node of the Sources window in MediaSource. You won't see SmartFit if you access your MuVo via the My Computer node of the Sources window in MediaSource..
    Here is what you should do to get the latest MediaSource software:
    - Download and install the latest Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 3.30.2 from your product download site.
    - (Depending on your firmware)
    Download and install the latest Creative Zen and NOMAD Jukebox plugin 2.00.9 for Creative MediaSource from your product download site.
    Download and install the latest Creative MediaSource Plugin for PlaysForSure devices (version .00.8) from your product download site.
    - Download and install the latest Creative MuVo plugin .0.05 for Creative MediaSource from your product download site.
    - Download and install the latest Creative MediaSource Plugin for CD Burner 3.0.8 from your product download site.

  • Faulty Creative Zen Nano Plus Battery Co

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    Yes, this is quite a common occurence on the Nano, Nano Plus and N200 as the catch is very flimsy. The one on the V200 seems sturdier.
    An email to Support in your region should do the trick - in Europe they sent me one straight back in the post.

  • Zen Nano Plus lost important d

    To all users!Do not copy important datas or profiles on flash memory disks like Zen. In case of crash no chance to recover your work or another data.Nothing is perfect,thats all.One year lucky Nano user polisho wszystkich zawiedzionych u ytkownik w wszelakiego sprz cicha typu nano.Zapewne wielu czyta o warunki gwarancji tej firmy na produkty swoje i jak w moim przypadku warunki s nie do przeskoczenia.Zbyt uwierzy em pami ci flash,niby nie ulotna,a tu kube zimnej wody.Jednak te zawodzi jak ludzka i wszystkie wa ne dane,kt re jeszcze nie utrwali em na innych no nikach posz y si j... . Ten Zen Nano po gwarancji ju podda em naciskom buta.Wniosek taki, e trza robi kopie w locie na wielu no nikach jednocze nie. To tyleC.M.

    I have the exact issue. I am trying to load the bible on to a zen nano plus and after much stilly behavior came to search why...
    Its ~500 or so meg but 66 folders, 89 files total.
    Does anyone know of a small mp3 player that can handle this? I really love the nano plus but that was the main issue of buying and if it cannot handle that it will be a gift for a kid somewhere
    Can anyone tell me if Creative Zen V GB can hold 200 files or recommend one that can?Message Edited by docster on -08-200608:58 AM

  • Zen Nano Plus - Dead after 20 minu

    Just received my player this morning. Connected and transferred a couple of albums via windows explorer. Disconnected and had a listen, sound was ok. Reconnected to add some more music. Paste operation froze windows explorer, safely remove hardware button did nothing and the only option was a hard reset. Now player wont switch on at all, not even a logo screen and pc doesn't recognize it so cannot reflash the firmware. Most disappointing.

    Thanks for the tips shellshock. I spent quite some time yesterday trying to bring the player back to life to no avail, so its now winging its way back to Amazon.
    Basically it went something like:
    : 8am. Grab parcel from postman and unwrap excitedly
    2: Plug player into spare usb port, my 64 bit OS recognised it straight away as a 'Zen Nano Plus' so no additional driver install necessary which is just as well because there doesn't seem to be one for 64 bit versions of Windows
    3: Open windows explorer and copy two folders across to player as with any UMS device (Supertramp and Erik Satie no less)
    4: Unplug player, have a listen for a few minutes and farmiliarise with the menu operations and manual
    5: Reconnect player to PC, which again recognizes it correctly
    6: Attempt to copy and paste a further folder of mp3's to the player using windows explorer at which point onimously the hourglass mouse cursor indicates work in progress without any sign of a progress bar appearing to indicate files in transit (the player does however display a data transfer in progress animation
    7: After a couple of minutes ctl-alt-del clearly indicates windows explorer (and hence the data transfer operation) have stopped responding (my pc it should be noted has a respectable spec, was built last summer is not crash prone for no reason)
    8: Bollocks says I, this is not quite going to plan. Forcing the process closed via task manager and attempting to use the 'safely remove hardware' function in the system tray locks the computer up totally forcing a hard reset
    9: The Nano in the meantime has stopped displaying the data transfer animation so I unplug it from the PC and power it down thinking 'oh well, hardware is known to crash occassionally, i'll need to recopy the files after a reboot no doubt'. Hah, I should be so lucky.
    0: Nano now refuses to start full stop. Not even a logo. Removing and replacing batteries minutes later as recommended has no effect, holding down the power button for over a minute has no effect, different batteries have no effect
    : The PC now seems to think the dead Nano is a 'STMP3500' (i'm guessing this is the chipset used by the player) and furthermore wants drivers to match. Downloading latest drivers from Creative is useless as they are only 32 bit and will not work with Windows XP 64bit, so the PC is now having none of the dead Nano
    2: Attemping to activate the emergency reset by attaching the Nano to a USB port (various ports tried) whilst holding down the power button for 20 seconds or so (several times) proves futile as all my PC now wants is drivers for a goddam 'STMP3500'!
    3: Latest firmware from Creative does run ok but totally fails to find the player
    4: 3pm. Player is unceremoniously re-wrapped with curses into its packaging and marched to the post office for despatch to Amazon's returns department for a refund
    My guess is that the failed data transfer managed to wipe or corrupt the player firmware. I'm sure all computer users are used to system crashes now and again, but they certainly wouldn't expect to have to buy new hardware each time it happened. Creative R&D department should maybe revisit the way the Nano's OS is written and protected.
    After all that i'm still searching for a decent mp3 player but can find none to match the spec of the Nano at the price. Reviews of cheaper alternati'ves indicate poor battery life and questionable sound quality. Iri'ver T30 doesn't support UMS so thats a no go.
    All in all a pretty negati've experience. Perhaps I was just unlucky, maybe once the refund comes through I might even give the Nano another shot, especially as the price has just dropped again by about 3 quid on Amazon......

  • Zen Nano Plus bricked by Recovery Tool?

    Re: Books on Cd I went ahead and attempt to install the latest firmware upgrade. At this time the upgrade seems to be progressing.
    Okay. The player has successfully booted up
    Success. After removing Windows Media Player , I was able to install the latest firmware upgrade. I have several follow-up questions. Most important question is #
    . I wonder why the Zen Micro Media Explorer is not available to me. It is all grayed out. Any suggestions on how to get it to work
    2. Is the Zen Micro Media Explorer a logical substitute to employing the Windows Media Player 0 It seems to have everything I need .
    3. How am I able to create a new playlist in the device if I cannot access this application
    4. When I select Playlist on the device, I see a message that says: To create a playlist select from the Now Playing context menuWhat is that all about and where do I roam to do this
    Thanks very much for your help
    Richard One of my new Zen Nano Plus appears to have been bricked by my use of the Recovery Tool, when it was misbehaving. This happended before with another Zen Nano Plus we had, but we fixed that over a year ago and it works fine now.
    Actuallly, it's one of 6 my family has - plus we have lots of other Creative products (a Micro, Zen, Vado, X Mod etc). While its almost brand new, its was purchased on eBay in 2008.
    Usually the first thing is to update the firmware, and tried the Recovery Tool hoping it had been updated - but now my Zen Nano Plus dows not turn on or get connected, and I tried to PCs and several USB cords and various USB connections.
    I undertand a Zen Nano Plus does not have a Recovery Mode but did try usual method.
    . Remove the battery, and press & hold the Play button will connectiong to the PC.
    2. Keep pressing play for about 0 second until the New Hardware Wizard starts - that will only happen the first time.
    3. Completete the New Hardware Wizard
    I believe it may need to be reformatted, but is not totally bricked and can be repaired.
    <!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml>
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    <![endif] -->Is it possible to get a get a Zen Nano Plus into Recovery Mode, or connect it to a PC so I can reformated

    take it back to the store and buy something other than a creative. My nano plus crapped out after less than 6 months. Creative will not replace it, even though the warranty is for 2 months. Worst customer service I have ever seen.

  • Zen Nano Plus Connection Probl

    (2)Zen Nano Pluses. Both using firmware .0.03. One Red, one Black (Click and Clack always want to know what color car they are diagnosing...)
    (2) Computers, both XP SP2 with all updates; one called Dad's, one called W's.
    One Zen (for ID, the red one) has been used on Dad's computer without issues for about 3 weeks.
    One Zen, new and color Black, works on Dad's computer, but not on W's computer. W's computer will not properly recognize either the new Nano (the black one) or mine (the Red one), in either Creative MEdia SOurce, or Zen Explorer, or Windows explorer.
    First, I have read the FAQ's. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Nano software. When I use PB's check odd things appear:
    PB's check:
    With your player connected and View, Devices by Connection selected in Device Manager navigate through as follows:
    Advanced Config and Power Interface (ACPI) PC
    ->Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
    -->PCI Bus
    You should then see a series of USB Host Controllers that you will have to click through in turn to find the one your player is connected to.
    Underneath each controller should be a USB Hub, and then devices are listed beneath the hubs.
    For my N200 I have USB Mass Storage Device, Creative MuVo N200 USB Device then Generic Volume.
    Your entry should be similar but with Zen Nano Plus instead of N200.
    While you're there, right-click on the entry for the hub attached to your player and select Properties. On the Power tab it will show how much current the port can supply and in the Attached Devices list it will show how much power the player needs. In my case the hub supplies 500mA and the player needs 00mA.
    What appears on Dad's computer, with either Nano, is USB Enhanced Host Controler, USB Root Hub, Generic USB Hub, USB Mass Storage Device, Creative Zen Nano Plus USB Device, Generic Volume. Again, either Nano works on Dad's computer.
    On W's computer, after just having reinstalled the new mass driver, it is USB2 Enhanced Host Controller, USB Root Hub, USB Mass Storage Device, Disk Dri've. On restart from that, it reads Creative Nano Plus USB Device, with no "volume" underneath it, and the oddball icon is not there. I think the oddball icon is associated with the "Disk Dri've". Once it read under Creative ZEn Nano Plus, "Unknown Device". Also, when I attach a Nano to W's computer, it first seems to see the Nano in the New Device Found message, THEN while it is still attached, it says in another New DEvice Found mesage that it has found a Disk Dri've. It also shows some oddball icon I can't decipher, right next to the "safely remove Hardware" icon. The oddball icon does not appear on Dad's computer.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks.Message Edited by Bennyd on 0-0-2006 06:6 AM

    Actually, we have 3 Zen Nano Pluses. Two (the black and the red) have .0.03 firmware. I have never connected the black or the red to W's computer and have it connect properly. In fact, I had just tried (again) to connect the black, it failed, I re-booted. Then, I connected the blue, with the old firmware, and it CONNECTED. I could see it in WIndows explorer as dri've F:, which never happened with either the red or the black with .0.03 firmware.
    So, now what?

  • Zen Nano Plus lost fi

    I sync'd over 60 songs with 45 albumn title. My Nano Plus shows only 29 titles and 00 songs. If I check to see what is on my E dri'ves, it shows all 45. You can play all the songs with Windows Media Player. Thanks!

    I have the exact issue. I am trying to load the bible on to a zen nano plus and after much stilly behavior came to search why...
    Its ~500 or so meg but 66 folders, 89 files total.
    Does anyone know of a small mp3 player that can handle this? I really love the nano plus but that was the main issue of buying and if it cannot handle that it will be a gift for a kid somewhere
    Can anyone tell me if Creative Zen V GB can hold 200 files or recommend one that can?Message Edited by docster on -08-200608:58 AM

  • Zen Nano Plus connection problems - SOLVED (1/2/06)

    I recently bought the Nano Plus. On first installation everything worked fine. I decided to upgrade to the latest drivers and firmware via downloads from the Creative site. At some point during the firmware upgrade, everything seemed to hang. Eventually I had to halt the process, disconnect the player and reboot.
    When I plugged the player back in, it is detected as a USB Mass Storage Device, but Windows Explorer and the Zen Nano Plus Media Explorer both claim that the device is not connected.
    Here's what I have done so far:
    )Uninstalled all drivers and Creative software, rebooted, reinstalled drivers/software, rebooted. When plugging the player in, a brief window pops up saying Zen Nano Plus has been detected. This is followed by USB Mass Storage Device being detected (this window stays up a lot longer, sometimes more than 5-0 minutes before disappearing).
    2)Another uninstall/reinstall, but this time with a registry cleanup in between. Same result.
    3)Tried installing installation cd on partner's laptop and plugging in the player. Absolutely everything works fine. So it's not my player. There must be something I still need to do on my desktop to get everything to work again.
    4)Have also tried plugging into every USB outlet on the desktop. No change.
    My system:
    Windows XP (sp 2)
    3.2 GHz
    Intel 865 chipset
    2 GB RAM
    My Zen Nano Plus is currently running .0.03 firmware (latest).
    On this desktop I am running the latest drivers (Creative Mass Storage Drivers .07.00.250)
    When the player is plugged in, device manager shows no problems. Under Disk Dri'ves, Creative Zen Nano Plus USB Device is listed (and says the driver is from Microsoft, 7//0, version 5..2535.0). Under USB, USB Mass Storage Device is listed (and says the driver is from Microsoft, 7//0, version 5..2600.0).
    I have tried manually updating these drivers to anything listed in the Creative folders upon installation, but it does not detect anything. When I check the drivers listed on the laptop that works with the player, these same driver details show up.
    Any advice would be appreciated. I certainly would hate to only use my partner's laptop every time I want to update my music. I am also frustrated and puzzled as to why my player first worked on my desktop and now doesn't.Message Edited by lcvdw on 0-03-2006 2: AMMessage Edited by lcvdw on 0-03-2006 2:2 AM

    lcvdw wrote:Can you tell me what I am supposed to see if it is connected properly?
    With your player connected and View, Devices by Connection selected in Device Manager navigate through as follows:
    Advanced Config and Power Interface (ACPI) PC
    ->Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
    -->PCI Bus
    You should then see a series of USB Host Controllers that you will have to click through in turn to find the one your player is connected to.
    Underneath each controller should be a USB Hub, and then devices are listed beneath the hubs.
    For my N200 I have USB Mass Storage Device, Creative MuVo N200 USB Device then Generic Volume.
    Your entry should be similar but with Zen Nano Plus instead of N200.
    While you're there, right-click on the entry for the hub attached to your player and select Properties. On the Power tab it will show how much current the port can supply and in the Attached Devices list it will show how much power the player needs. In my case the hub supplies 500mA and the player needs 00mA.
    Message Edited by PeeBee on 2-30-2005 02:05 PM

  • Zen Nano Plus Folder limi

    Is there a limit on the number of folders that the g Zen Nano Plus can recognize on the screen? I can only see 33 folders. I can see all of my cd's that I have loaded when I view the Zen flash dri've with my explorer, however the last 5 cd's I have loaded do not appear on my screen and I cannot listen to them.

    im having a similar problem with my nano plus gb firmware version .
    i have 25 folders with 34tracks both mp3 and wma loaded to my player and able to view them via windows explorer (xp sp2)
    but when i disconect the player and view the folders im only able to view 9 folders and they are arranged out of order . i use the player to listen to audio books as well as music so having folders displayed in order is important.
    i have tried naming the folders audio book , 2 audio book , and a audio book, b audio book but they still get mixed up
    i have done a reformat in fat32 , should i do a firmware upgrade ?
    i purchaced this player witha bigger memory and now find i cant use all of the gig :-(
    any suggestions apreciated

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