Cannot update list or Library

I recently spent countless hours improving an InfoPath form all in my Sandbox area.  I am able to publish but when I converted over to production, making all the neccessary changes to the URL, I get a "Cannot update list or Library". Does
anybody know why I can Publish correctly to "Sandbox" but not to the original Libary? Would anybody know how to fix issue? Thanks for any assistance.

According to your description, my understanding is that you cannot publish the InfoPath form to SharePoint library.
Did you publish an InfoPath form with managed code?
If yes, I recommend to follow the steps in the link below to publish the InfoPath form with managed code to SharePoint library:
You can also check the event log and ULS log to see if anything unexpected occurred.
To check event log, click the Start button and type “Event Viewer” in the Search box.
For SharePoint 2010, by default, ULS log is at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS.
You can check the ULS log by the methods here:
Best regards.
Victoria Xia
TechNet Community Support

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    Hi pholewinski!
    I have a couple of articles for you here that I believe will help you with this issue. The first is an article on advanced troubleshooting, and it can be found here:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    If following that article's steps doesn't take care of the issue, you can try the things listed in this article, which is about permissions issues in iTunes:
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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    Syncing to a new iTunes library or computer will erase your ipod. Only if you back up your iPod manually before syncing, you can restore your device from that backup again. A manual backup does not include the sync process.
    Do this:
    Disable autosync in iTunes, connect your iPod to your new computer and right click on it in the device list and choose backup. iTunes will backup your iPod without syncing.
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    Hi there Br0x,
    You may want to try rebuilding the iTunes library as an initial troubleshooting step. Take a look at the article below for more information.
    iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists
    -Griff W.

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    Thanks for lending your thinking caps.

    Hi !
    I seem to have the same problem.
    I'll start at the beginning:
    I made a book with Adobe InDesign and am making an iBook version.
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    Re-making the document (I have got all the bits, and am signed up) with Apple iBooks Author.
    Before starting on the Adobe way, I thought I'd  have a look at some publications made using it.
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    <Link Edited By Host>

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    The songs are "greyed out" because you have the iPod set to transfer songs automatically. That is also why the padlock icon appears at the bottom of iTunes next to the space used/available.
    So, transfer of any songs added (or removal of any songs deleted from iTunes) should take place automatically every time you connect the iPod to iTunes.

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    Thanks for your help!

    1) "Cannot Update Library An error has occurred."
    If you accidentally used duplicate Product IDs for nonrenditions, change them so that they are unique.
    In the Folio Producer, select the affected folios and click the Update button.
    Edit the Product ID so that it is unique.
    Deselect the Update Contents option, then click Update.
    Repeat as necessary for other folios.
    If the Product IDs are assigned to Retail folios, update the Product IDs for any in-app purchases in device OS developer accounts. It's necessary that they match what is defined in the Folio Producer. See the OS developer Help materials for more information.
    2 ) At this time, you cannot download issues from within DPS viewer apps in China.

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    Thanks for the quick response. No, I did not get any error messages or any terms-of-usage screen. The employee I told my problem to was not computer savvy either. She just suggested I move to different spots w/in the library to see if that would make a difference. It didn't. When I connected to the library WiFi it did change the Verizon 3G that is usually in the upper left corner to iPad with two to three emanating arcs. I may have to go to the library in the next town. I was able to connect to theirs in the past when I had to download something greater than 20 MB. Unless I really want it, I will probably not even try to download something more than 20 MB due to the hassle. Yeah, I may have been better off getting a normal desktop or laptop and getting WiFi at home. To do that now would mean having my iPad 2 and a desktop computer, which I feel is extravagant. (I know there are a lot of big spenders out there who got the iPad as additional gadget for fun. This is a rich country.) A Verizon rep told me I couldn't set up a WiFi router at home just using an iPad. So it seems like a person who just uses 3G is limited to surfing the net (not even much YouTube because it eats a lot of data) and using email. I read about an app that helps print wirelessly using 3G, but a reviewer said you had to be an engineer to get it done right. BTW, I like the Steelers. I'm old enough to remember Franco Harris and that blond guy whose name escapes me back in the '70s. Since I live in North Jersey I feel I have to support the Giants. But I know football about as well as computers.

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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps... Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.
    If no joy...
    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    It should be Noted that anything Downloaded with a Particular Apple ID is tied to that Apple ID and Cannot be Merged or Transferred to a Different Apple ID.

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    When you have iPhoto and Contacts open and try to drag a picture for iPhoto to the Contacts photo frame do you get a + symbol? if not you should!  from there the the pop menu should appear and then you can select the picture and click on done
    Sample movie on how to

  • Use(getItemsRequest)cannot response the full list of library

    I want to get the items' total count of library. But some library can count the full list, some library just only count one record. I have no idea what is the problem. Here is the coding.
    WebReference.getItemsRequest req = new WebReference.getItemsRequest();
    WebReference.getItemsResponse resp;
    req.container = ((LibItem)listLibraries.SelectedItem).ID;
    libname = ((LibItem)listLibraries.SelectedItem).Name;
    domain = ((LibItem)listLibraries.SelectedItem).Domain;
    postOffice = ((LibItem)listLibraries.SelectedItem).PostOffice;
    resp = ws.getItemsRequest(req);
    if (0 == resp.status.code)
    if (null != resp.items)
    foreach (WebReference.Document itemobj in resp.items)
    FileItem tmpinfo = new FileItem();
    tmpinfo.Name =;
    tmpinfo.ID =;
    tmpinfo.Version = itemobj.version;
    tmpinfo.Lib_DisplayName = itemobj.library.displayName;
    tmpinfo.Lib_email =;
    tmpinfo.Subject = itemobj.subject;
    tmpinfo.Author_DisplayName =;
    tmpinfo.Author_email =;
    tmpinfo.Created = itemobj.created;
    tmpinfo.currentVersion = itemobj.currentVersion;
    tmpinfo.documentNumber = itemobj.documentNumber;
    tmpinfo.documentTypeName = itemobj.documentTypeName;
    tmpinfo.officialVersion = itemobj.officialVersion;
    tmpinfo.RetrievedDate = itemobj.modified;
    LogMessage("GetLibItems success" + " count=" + count);
    Anyone would be help me to solve this problem?
    Thank you

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I have tried the cursor calls. But it still not work.
    I have seen some of thread about cursor. I haven't use positionCursorRequest and position element of readCursorRequest.
    It still return null to me. The following is my coding.
    WebReference.createCursorRequest createCursorReq = new WebReference.createCursorRequest();
    WebReference.createCursorResponse createCursorResp;
    WebReference.readCursorRequest readCursorReq = new WebReference.readCursorRequest();
    WebReference.readCursorResponse readCursorResp;
    WebReference.destroyCursorRequest destroyCursorReq = new WebReference.destroyCursorRequest();
    WebReference.destroyCursorResponse destroyCursorResp;
    WebReference.getItemsRequest getItemsReq = new WebReference.getItemsRequest();
    WebReference.getItemsResponse getItemsResp;
    createCursorReq.container = ((LibItem)listLibraries.SelectedItem).ID;
    createCursorResp = ws.createCursorRequest(createCursorReq);
    if (createCursorResp.status.code == 0 || createCursorResp.cursorSpecified == true)
    readCursorReq.container = ((LibItem)listLibraries.SelectedItem).ID;
    readCursorReq.cursor = createCursorResp.cursor;
    readCursorReq.forward = true;
    readCursorResp = ws.readCursorRequest(readCursorReq);
    if ((readCursorResp.status.code == 0)/*&& (readCursorResp.items.item != null)*/)
    if (readCursorResp.items != null)
    int itemListCount = readCursorResp.items.count;
    long itemLength = readCursorResp.items.item.LongLength;
    ws.Timeout = 10000000;
    LogMessage("GetLibItems success" + " count=" + itemListCount);
    LogMessage("Items Length" + " count=" + itemListCount);
    btnBrowse.Enabled = true;
    LogMessage("Read Cursor Items null.");
    btnBrowse.Enabled = true;
    LogMessage("Read Cursor failed.");
    btnBrowse.Enabled = true;
    if (createCursorResp.cursorSpecified == true)
    destroyCursorReq.cursor = createCursorResp.cursor;
    destroyCursorResp = ws.destroyCursorRequest(destroyCursorReq);
    if (destroyCursorResp.status.code != 0)
    LogMessage("Destroy Cursor failed.");
    btnBrowse.Enabled = true;
    LogMessage("Create Cursor failed.");
    btnBrowse.Enabled = true;
    The result was returned LogMessage("Read Cursor Items null.");

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