Cannot update z10 OS with Link

hi, here is my problem : BB link doesn't display any option for me to update my z10 OS.
When I click on parameters, the left panel only display save, restore, import and delete options, no update button.
It worked the fist time I connected the phone, I could install version Since then, the button doesn't appear anymore.
I updated Link the the latest version (auto-update actually), still nothing.
I don't have a WiFi, so Link is my only way to update my phone.
So, am I blind, or is there something I'm not doing right ? Help please.

The function to update should return when there is an update available detected for your device.
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    It is a good thing you made 2 separate Apple ID.
    I tried deleting the apps off her devices and then installing again from the Mac we backup to, but that did not work
    It's normal it didn't work because you are reinstalling apps (that are on the Mac) that were purchased/obtained from your Apple ID. She needs to reinstall them through the App Store on her device, using her Apple ID.
    share contacts and calendar through Family Share or some other way
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    To get them synced: Get all of your wife's contact on your iOS device. (you can send them to your iOS device through iMessage)
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    Rick Malkin
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    Have you tried emailing it to yourself?
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    Hi joaroa,
    When you say you deleted your email and changed it completely, those are actually two different things, and it sounds like you are talking about your Apple ID, not just your email, (because you speak of making purchases with it).
    If you changed your Apple ID (preferred, How to change the name you use for your Apple ID), then you would not have another Apple ID and all of your purchases would still be with your only Apple ID, it would just be renamed to your new email address.
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    Sorry about getting long winded here, but it's important to keep as few Apple IDs as possible, at least when it comes to purchases.  If an Apple ID is undesired, rename it rather than creating a new one. It will be much simpler in the long run.
    Let us know how it goes.

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    I have no experience with the third-party application you are referring to but I have the feeling that it is designed to sync with devices using Legacy Conduits.
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    Extended Conduits used on modern devices: Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Memos.
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