Canon 50d I have a canon ef-s 55-250 IS lens

I have camera set in ISO @3200, dial at highest +2, set in TV mode in white fluorescent light, need to go higher with shutter in TV mode to get action shots, and in a gymnasium basketball and in a sports dome lacrosse pix come out way to dark, if I go lower shutter speed pix are blurry! I need more light. Is there any way to get more light with equipment I have?????? Ive heard to put camera in ISO H1 but don't know how or if this would solve the problem!! Thank u

THere are a couple of threads in the past couple of days that discuss this same topic, I'd recommend searching for action night photography. 
In summary, what you're trying to do is a very technology dependent type of photography, and it's why sports photogs spend 10s of thousands of dollars on gear.  If you're already at your max ISO, and you can't use a slower shutter speed, and can't use flash, then there isn't any more you can do - with the equipment you have.  However, a couple things to note:
You said that you set it at +2?  Is that exposure compensation?   If that's the case, you can get two free stops of light right there, because you're trying to over expose two stops, which means the shutter is staying open 4 times as long as it needs to.  Dial it back down to 0.  If you actually meant -2, and the photos are darker than you want, then there's not much you can do.
Don't bother using ISO H1, if there even is one on your camera.  It doesn't do anything you couldn't do yourself in post, yet have control over it.  Are you shooting RAW?  If not, I recommend shooting RAW.  This will allow you to boost the exposure slightly in post.  At that high ISO you're not going to get much from it, but it's better than nothing. You can even expose slightly under (as mentioned above) to raise your shutter speeds and then raise the exposure in post, but this will increase the amount of noise.
As far as equipment fixes:  The cheapest is probably to get a faster lens (one with a wider max aperture).  But good long lenses are very expensive.  The 200mm 2.8 would get you 2 stops more light, but you'd lose some reach.  It's also a $700 lens, but you can probably find used ones for cheaper.
The other choice is a better camera.  But to really make a sizable leap via this route you'd want to get a full frame, and then you'd need new lenses for it, so we're talking a lot of cash.  Upgrading a little, to something like a 70D would give you higher ISO options, but only makes for a small increase in high ISO performance.  So the results can be noisy if you max out ISO...  but it doesn't seem to be bothering you on the 50D.

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    All you have to do is make sure that you are always using the very latest version of the DNG converter. Yes, the very latest. It is not necessary to match the DNG version with the ACR/Lightroom version.
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    Hope it helps someone.
    Message was edited by: i.3d

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    you have to upgrade to 2.x ...
    EOS 50D*
    * Requires Aperture 2 with Mac OS X v10.4.11 Tiger or Mac OS X v10.5.2 Leopard or later.

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    You can try

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    f/2.8 constant aperture and moderate to long telephoto.
    Really depends on how close you can get to your boys.  70-200/2.8 is a common sports lens, but you'll see the pro photogs have crazy stuff like 300/2.8 and 500/4.
    A 70-200/2.8 will run you around $800-2000 depending on brand/features - The Tamron ones with no IS are around $800, I think the Canon L glass with IS is in the $2000 range.
    A 300/2.8 will be a few thousand, a 500/4 will be $5k+ easily.
    Note:  If only outdoors in daytime, you may be able to get away with one of the (far cheaper) 70-300 f/3.5-5.6 lenses.  But these won't work well for indoor or night sports.
    *disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

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    I have a 170mm/ 500mm APO Sigma.
    A 10/20 ex  Sigma   HSM  IF.
    And a 180 APO Sigma Macro or do I have to scrap them and buy others.
    ALL Help will be greatly received. Yours  BRODIE

    In short, I love it. I was going to buy the 5DMark III. After playing with it for a while at my local Fry's store where they put 5DMII, 5DMIII and 6D next to each other, using the same 24-105L lens, I decided to get the 6D and pocket the different for lens later.
    I'm upgrading from the 30D. So I think you'll love it. It's a great camera. I have used 5DMII extensively before (borrowing from a close friend).
    Funny thing is at first I don't really care about the GPS and Wifi much. I thought they're just marketing-gimmick. But once you have it, it is actually really fun and helpful. For example, I can place the 6D on a long "monopod", then use the app on the phone to control the camera to get some unique perspective on some scenes. It's fun and great. GPS is also nice for travel guy like me.
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