Canon camera and image gateway

I have a Powershot A530. I have installed the software which seems good enough. But I am unable to access Image Gateway because apparently I do not have correct Mime plugin (?) application/x-canon-login
What so I need to do to get this from somewhere?
Given that apple supports my camera (& lots of other canon models) it would be reasonable to be able to access image gateway.
Sorry if this is a basic question - I don't know where to start.

Thanks for this
I've tried it and got lots of publicity stuff and downloads for manuals etc and virtually everything except what I am looking for.
Anyway, good idea, so I just will be persistent and try and find what I think I need.
Cheers Terence

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    We'd really appreciate it if you could push us in the right direction here. Thank you very much in advance.Presumably you have already created a JNI code without any C# calls in it - just a demo. And gotten that to work. If not that is your first step.
    Note that it must NOT be managed C++.
    After that then you must deal with the complication which C# brings to the table in terms of dlls.
    See this thread for hints (not necessarily a complete solution.)
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    GeorgeCKW wrote:
    so u suggest i should take it to repair it at the store? yes it was salty water. 
    There may be nothing wrong with your camera.
    You mention taking long exposures with it. If you had Long Exposure Noise Reduction enabled, that will cause a delay and "busy" warning. The way LENR works is right after you take your shot, the camera automatically takes a second shot of the same duration, with the shutter closed. This "blank" shot is then used to determine where noise is occuring and that data is used to "subtract" the noise from the first shot. While the second "blank" shot is being made the camera is in "busy" mode. If your first shot was 2 seconds, then the camera will show "busy" for another 2 seconds while LENR takes the second shot. If your first exposure was 30 seconds, then there will be an additional 30 second busy period, etc. You can cancel the second shot from happening by turning the camera off, but doing so will delete both the original shot and the second "blank" shot. To prevent LENR from automatically operating, it can be turned off in the camera's menu. With it off, your images will typically show more digital "noise" as a result, of course, so you should plan to apply some noise reduction later during post-processing.
    Another possibility, you mention using flash. There are a lot of variables, but it's also possible the camera was showing "busy" while the flash was recycling (recharging, if you will). If using the built-in flash in particular, the duration of recycling can be slower than it would be with an external, self-powered flash. This is because the built-in relies upon the camera's main battery for power. As the power level of that battery is reduced, the duration of recycling will grow longer.
    Also when using flash, after a certain number of "pops" are done within a certain time period, most flashes have a protection featyre to prevent them from overheating, by stopping any additional flashes for a while, giving the flash time to cool off.
    If you merely touched the camera with wet hands, it's possible but not certain that the dampness might have damaged the camera in some way. Essentially, some water has to intrude into the circuitry and cause the camera to short out to cause a problem. The 70D has some sealing and resistance, though maybe not as much as more high end cameras. But no Canon DSLR is completely waterproof, either. I'd be particularly careful if changing memory cards or lens or batteries, not to let water get inside. But I've gotten soaked in a sudden, heavy downpour while carrying a pair of older and less well sealed 30Ds without any problem. Once I got to shelter I turned the cameras off, removed all the batteries & memory cards, removed the lens and propped open the memory card & battery doors,  then let them sit to dry for a several days. Both worked just fine afterward.
    Unless the camera gets splashed with water... or dunked in it... it's rare for water to get inside. I think it unlikely to happen merely because your hands were wet. But, it only takes a single drop in just the wrong place, so I'm not entirely ruling it out as a possibility, either.
    Salt water is worse than fresh water. The salt increases the waters conductivity and is corrosive too. If the outside of the camera got wet from your hands, you might want to wipe it down with a lightly dampened, lint free rag or a pre-moistened "monitor wipe" or similar, just to be sure that any salts or minerals are removed. Stay off the optics of the lens and viewfinder, though. If those need cleaning too, use lens cleaning procedures instead.  
    I do not recommend putting a camera in rice to dry it out, other than extreme emergencies. Rice gives off dust, which can intrude places you don't want it and make for problems too. Better is to use some sort of dessicant in a package that prevents dust... a lot of people who shoot in humid environments will keep a package of dessicant in their camera bag. For example: 40gm dessicant in aluminum tin with indicator. This can be dried in an oven at low heat and reused over and over. It has a "saturation" indicator on it.
    Prevention is the best solution. I recommend getting some sort of protective cover for your camera if you will be using it at the beach a lot. Not just to keep water off it, but also sand can cause problems if it finds it's way into some of the camera's nooks and crannies. There are raincovers you can purchase, or you can simply make one out of a plastic bag, some gaffer or duct tape and rubber bands. For really wet work very close to surf or right in the water, there are fully sealed underwater housing ranging from relatively inexpensive, heavy duty plastic bags that might serve near the surface, to diving rigs that can be used doen to 100 feet or more depth, but cost a whole heck of a lot more. These also often limit the lenses you can use with the camera, and might require special flashes be used.
    Hope this helps and your camera is fine.
    Alan Myers
    San Jose, Calif., USA
    "Walk softly and carry a big lens."
    GEAR: 5DII, 7D(x2), 50D(x3), some other cameras, various lenses & accessories

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    As Patrick has said, the C40 doesn't support showing both cameras at once.  The "Compositor" functionality that can do this is only available on the larger C60, C90 or SX80 endpoints, but not the baby endpoints.  The layouts on the larger endpoints can be manipulated with the TC Console software.
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    Please remember to rate responses and to mark your question as answered if appropriate.

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    Can you see the menus to do a Reset All just in case the camera's firmware has gotten hung up.
    You can also try removing the battery and holding the power on switch on for at least 45 seconds too.

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    iOS: Understanding 'Erase All Content and Settings' - Support - Apple

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    Mr. X exaggerates, a little.
    No cameras match exactly, not even the same models, that's the nature of the electronic beast, but through charting and and a good operators eye, you can line them up very close. When you begin to shoot at the same subject at different angles, then reflectance values vary as well.
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    At the moment my work around is having the cameras z position closer to the comp and having this large comp nested within a regular 1920 x 1080. This seems all a bit unnessary though.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Glad to hear, Rick. Just wanted to be sure!
    _lornaw_: You need to make your image a 3D layer.  This will make it so you can move the camera around the entire image.
    You're mixing up some terminology.  In AE, your comp size = your camera size.  At this point, I would create a brand new comp.
    Create a new comp at the resolution & frame rate you want to output to.  The resolution you pick will be the comp size, which will also be the camera size (1080p, according to your 1st post).
    Import your image into AE.  Drag it into the comp as a new layer.  Your comp is still 1080p.  Because of this, and since your image is so large, you're only going to see a small portion in the 1080p frame (which is okay for now!).
    Add a camera.  Your comp & camera size are still 1080p.
    Now tick the 3D Layer switch (looks like a 3D cube) for your image layer.
    The Position attributes for your camera and image layers have a 3rd value, which is the Z axis.  You can either pull the camera back to see more of the image, or move the image forward away from the camera.  Also, still at 1080p.
    What kind of image are you using?  Is it raster/photographic or vector-based?  And what file type?  JPEG, PSD, Illustrator?  The dimensions are huge, so you might be able to do some optimizations to it without affecting the quality of your video.

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    Take a look at this p-x.html

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    To see the contents of the iPhoto Library, in the Finder, right-click or control-click on the iPhoto Library and choose "Show Pacage Contents". That will open the iPhoto Library, which is a "bundle" (a folder that looks like a file unless you show contents, then you see the folder). 
    It's hidden because you can really mess iPhoto up if you add or delete something in there (by hand).
    So don't change anything in there unless you are a techie.
    I don't have a "Metadata Backup" folder in my iPhoto Library, so from there you may need more help but hopefully you'll see your file in there..
    Then you could make a new alias.
    But that is a very odd location for an alias, why would you want an alias of  the *backup* of just the Metadata of a photo? How and why did you make the alias in the first place and what is it supposed to be? Your photos are probably somewhere else in the iPhoto Library 's folders, of course the easy way to get to the photos is by using iPhoto and save/export a copy somwhere if you need a copy outside of iPhoto. Is a photo what you want?

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    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

  • Photos won't import images from my Canon camera.  When connected, program sees the images, tells me it will import the new ones, then freezes once import starts, not allowing any other operation to happen.  MacbookPro 15" 2012, OSX Yosemite 10.10.3.

    Photos won't import images from my Canon camera.  When connected, program sees the images, tells me it will import the new ones, then freezes once import starts, not allowing any other operation to happen.  MacbookPro 15" 2012, OSX Yosemite 10.10.3.  Any suggestions?

    Solution discovered.  Faulty connector cable.  Tried a different one and it worked.

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