Cant merge 2nd partition to 1st?

I had snow lepord installed and created a new partition for Mavericks. I love mavericks and never use snow lepoard anymore and want to merge it to my mavericks partition. How do I do it? I cant merge 2nd partitions to my 1st? lol *** is that about

Open the Disk Utility in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder, select the drive, and look at the list of partitions.
If the Mavericks partition is the first one in the list, delete the second partition and resize the first to the drive's capacity.
If the Mavericks partition is the second one, use a program such as the Disk Utility, Carbon Copy Cloner, or SuperDuper to clone it to the first partition, restart from that partition, and proceed as above.

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    1) the UNLOAD PRIORITY has nothing to do with the order of data loads in your ETL process
    2) Unloading of columns will happen automatically. Don't specify anything specific for the tables, then SAP HANA will take care about it
    3) Not sure where you get your ideas from, but there is no need to manually "flush" tables or anything like that. SAP HANA will take care of memory housekeeping.
    4) Partitioning and how to specify it for tables has been largely documented. Just read up on it.
    5) Delta Merge will happen automatically, as long as you don't prevent it (e.g. by trying to outsmart the mergedog rules)
    Seriously, I get the impressions that this list of requirements is based on some hear-say and lack of actual information and experience with SAP HANA. There are a couple of extensive discussions on data loading optimization available here in SCN and on SAPHANA.COM. Please read those first.
    All this had been discussed broadly a couple of times.
    - Lars

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    OK FaiyazR, I think I see your core question.
    When you first create a VM the only "disk" it knows is the virtual one.
    If you want to access the physical disk or just specific files on the physical disk, you will have to set up a "Shared Folder". Here is one way to do it:
    While in VM Player:
    Go to the "Player" button(screen upper-left)
    Select "Manage"
    Select "Virtual Machine Settings"
    In the popup window select "Options"
    In the "Options" menu select "Shared Folders"
    Click enabled
    Click "Map as a network drive in Windows guests"
    Click the "Add..." button which brings up the Shared Folder Wizard
    Enter the "Host Path" to the partition (or folder) you wish to share. Repeat for next partition (or folder).
    Hope this helps.

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    Go to Solution.

    Satellite A350-110 (PSAL6E-006009G3) 
    how can i recover my system from that files without any toshiba utilities?
     You should order the recovery discs from Toshiba.
       Toshiba Europe Backup Media Online Shop
    After you have restored the hard disk to its original out-of-the-box contents, you should have the recovery utilities and partitions. See the A350 User's Manual (attached) for how to recover after that.
    SA350_EN.pdf ‏5918 KB

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    Hi there
    Would really appreciate it if someone out there can put me out my misery.
    Here follows the problem ...
    The requirement on this project is to have really fine control over which reports users are shown. To this end, reports (iviews) are assigned to roles. Users are then assigned to the relevant role to give them access to the required reports.
    In terms of the menu structure, many roles make up a menu. In order to not display menu items to which a user has not been assigned, we have gone with the merging approach.
    Anyone out there know how to merge on the second level of navigation?
    R1 = required top level tab
    R2A, R2B = required second level tabs
    R3A1, R3A2, R2B1, R2B2 = required detailed navigation items, each with their own structures defined with worksets
    At the moment, R2A and R2B are assigned as delta links to R1.
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    Any ideas ... anyone follow what I am saying ... very difficult to explain this in text without drawings

    Andrew, Steve and Selvaraj,
    Here is my work around. It's not easy to maintain, but it fulfills the requirement..
    We can only merge roles appropriately in the 1st level, when we make them entry points right? If we add them to another role as delta link, whether they have inner role or not they see the roles content. Also we dont want their content to be seen in the second level.
    My solution is again merging them in the first level and make them entry points with lower merge priority then our original entry point. However add our second level roles one folder with the same name and merge them with the 1st level role with the same id and make entry point.
    The result is
    My job
    ---My applications
    App 1
    App 2
    Now the roles
    roleMyApps : mergeID=mergeApps Entry point, priority:1
    roleSalesPerson mergeID=mergeApps Entry point, priority:5, containing a folder named (my applications) * its the trick, and under it your original content.
    roleFinancePerson mergeID=mergeApps Entry point, priority:5, containing a folder named (my applications) *, and under it your original content.
    You can also use worksets rather then folders but I didn't try it.
    Let me know if it helps, and reward helpful answers.

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    I have a big problem... I want to merge two partitions... (I know, disk utility...).
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    Also, I have a save of my booting partition on time machine.
    Thanks for your help
    ps : I'm french, so, sorry for mistackes

    Even if software is going to make it happen, you are still faced with the possibility of power failure in the process, which would wipe the entire drive in one swoop if it happens at the wrong time.    Better to clone both partitions to a larger hard drive, and then erase, repartition, and copy back over the boot data first, and import the rest by hand.

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    I am running OSX 10.9.2.
    Many thanks,

    Is iPhoto 11 able to run a slideshow on a 2nd display without 1st display going black?
    There may well be, but it's not possible with Aperture either.
    Alternatives to iPhoto's slideshow include:
    iMovie is on every Mac sold.
    Others, in order of price:
    PhotoPresenter  $29
    PhotoToMovie  $49.95
    PulpMotion  $129
    FotoMagico $29 (Home version) ($149 Pro version, which includes PhotoPresenter)
    Final Cut Pro X $299
    It's difficult to compare these apps. They have differences in capability - some are driven off templates. some aren't. Some have a wider variety of transitions. Others will have excellent audio controls. It's worth checking them out to see what meets your needs. However, there is no doubt that Final Cut Pro X is the most capable app of them all. You get what you pay for.

  • Hi, G550 i wont to burn facroty defult disc, the recovery program cant find the partition of lenovo.

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    The partition letter can't be changed because it's hidden (at least you use a specific software or specific commands).
    The factory disk set are 2 DVDs more and less.
    Did you modify your partition schema?
    First Spanish Community Guru - Colaborador ad honorem

  • How to put 2nd column into 1st column in excel

    I have a question how to put 2nd column into 1st column in excel. Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    Why the 1 iteration for loops?
    Why the two Index Arrays?  It is just trying to fix the problem created by the For Loops on the original 1-D arrays.
    Both of those things are creating 2-D arrays that are complicating things and can be eliminated.
    You can take your 2 1-D arrays, use Build Array and right click to set "Concatenate Inputs".
    If you do have a 2-D array, you can use Reshape Array to make it a 1 column by N row 2-D array.

  • Merge two   partition in one

    Good day all .
    i have created new partition for time machine and i named it "HD" , later i decided to resize this partition and add more space , but by mistake i created new partition named "HD2" .
    Now what all i just want to do : merge both partition in one .
    How i can do that please ?

    you can't do that using disk utility if you have data on both partitions. The best you can do (if everything works well) is save the upper of the two partitions (and keep the data on it) and erase the lower one.
    To do this start DU, select the HD and click on the partition tab. select the lower of the two partitions and click on the - sign. The partition will erase. Then grab the lower end of the upper partition and drag it down to cover the freed space. Click apply.
    However, even this procedure could fail so be careful using it.

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    Due to reinstallation of mac 2nd partition is nt showing how to recover the partition and data

    If you have no backup your only option is to perform incomplete recovery (point-in-time recovery) to the time just before the drop, export the table and then restore the database (for example, from a cold backup taken just before the incomplete recovery,) and import the table. This obviously requires a full backup
    taken before the drop which you don't seem to have, so the answer is "regrettably no."
    If you have a backup;
    Take backup of ur current db, apply previous day backup, do point in time recovery to get table back,export table, shutdown and apply latest backup, import table back

  • 2nd partition with Tiger

    I just got a new MacBook Black and would like to have two bootable partitions -- 1 Leopard and 1 Tiger. I need to have a Tiger partition so that I can sync with my Palm Treo 700p, which I was never able to sync with Leopard on my PowerBook using HotSync (and I'm not a fan of the Missing Sync). Every time I try to install Tiger on the 2nd partition, however, I get an error message stating something like "This software cannot be installed on this computer."
    Any advice?

    If you'd purchased the previous 2.16GHz black MacBook version that originally came with a set of Tiger install discs, instead of a 2.2GHz black MacBook with a set of Leopard install discs, you could install the original Tiger onto one partition and add a retail version of Leopard onto a separate partition. The biggest problem with that strategy might be that the older MacBook had a RAM limit of 2GB compared to your new MacBook's 4GB, not to mention that the new one has a faster front side bus.
    Your new MacBook with Leopard install discs will only install Leopard or the next OS X after Leopard, but it will not install an old OS X like Tiger or Panther; or OS 9.
    Refer to this Apple Support article:
    "Don't install older versions of Mac OS than what comes with your computer"
    I don't advise doing it, but if you don't care about the RAM, you could return the new one and buy a refurb 2.16GHz model, if you don't mind going backwards with technology. We're sure to hear some howls about that, but it is only up to you to decide.
    Me, I'd just sell the Palm and keep the new black MacBook. I happen to be waiting for mine to arrive:)) The 4GB RAM capability means I'll be able to keep it for 3+ years, just as I have done with my iBook G4 with a max 1.25GB of RAM.

  • Remove 1st & 2nd lines in 1st file, and 1st line in 2nd file. I want the headers to be the first line after the script runs!

    I have two files that look like this (Notepad++):
    In the first file, which has a date as a name and always ends in 'COV', I want to remove the 1st & 2nd lines.  All lines end in LF (LineFeed).  In the 2nd file, which has a date as a name and always ends in 'RSK', I want to remove the 1st line. 
    Basically I want only the headers.  I'm working with the code below.  I've tried several different iterations of
    It never really gives me what I want, so I can't tell what's going on here.  I guess I'm missing something simple, but I don't know what.  Any ideas, anyone?
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string sourceDirectory = @"C:\Users\rshuell\Desktop\Downloads\Files";
    var txtFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory);
    foreach (string currentFile in txtFiles)
    if (currentFile.Contains("COV"))
    var items1 = new LinkedList<string>();
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(currentFile))
    reader.ReadLine().Skip(2); // skip 2lines
    string line;
    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
    items1.AddLast(line.Replace("\"", ""));
    File.WriteAllLines(currentFile, items1);
    var items2 = new LinkedList<string>();
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(currentFile))
    reader.ReadLine().Skip(1); // skip one line
    string line;
    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
    items2.AddLast(line.Replace("\"", ""));
    File.WriteAllLines(currentFile, items2);
    catch (Exception ex)
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

    Call the ReadLine() twice if you want to skip the first two lines. Each call results in a single line being read:
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string sourceDirectory = @"C:\Users\rshuell\Desktop\Downloads\Files";
    var txtFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory);
    foreach (string currentFile in txtFiles)
    if (currentFile.Contains("COV"))
    var items1 = new LinkedList<string>();
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(currentFile))
    reader.ReadLine(); //read line 1
    reader.ReadLine(); //read line 2
    string line;
    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
    items1.AddLast(line.Replace("\"", ""));
    File.WriteAllLines(currentFile, items1);
    var items2 = new LinkedList<string>();
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(currentFile))
    reader.ReadLine(); // skip one line
    string line;
    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
    items2.AddLast(line.Replace("\"", ""));
    File.WriteAllLines(currentFile, items2);
    catch (Exception ex)
    Calling the Skip method on the already read string returned by the ReadLine() method won't help you at all here. By the time you call the Skip method the line has already been read from the file. You must call the ReadLine() method for a new line being read.
    Hope that helps.
    Please remember to close your threads by marking helpful posts as answer and please start a new thread if you have a new question.

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    Example here: (15mb zip download)
    With thanks in anticipation
    Stephen Hyde

    Hi Mnkbsnss
    Thanks for quick reply & nice thought.
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    But thx again

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