Cap2 - Cannot Mouse Drag (extend) items in the Timeline

After Audio has been added to my Captivate file I can no
longer use the mouse to adjust the length of items (captions,
mouse, slide) in the timeline. If I select the item and use the
SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW it will adjust the length. I cannot use the
mouse. I'm WAY faster when I can use the mouse.
Is this a bug? When will it be fixed? This is happening on
every single one of my files, consistently.

Hi sslack88
I was just now looking at one of my Captivate movies and I
think I may have possibly noticed the behavior you are speaking of.
Here's what I did:
Create a blank movie with a single slide. Add three text
caption objects. Adjust the total slide time to perhaps 6.1
seconds. Drag each of the text captions so the end is at 6 seconds.
Now nudge the total slide time back .1 second so the captions are
each ending at the slide end. (I didn't simply drag the captions to
the end of the slide time, as when each would reach the end of
slide time, they would automatically anchor to the end of the
Now, I simply positioned the mouse pointer at the end of one
of the captions and attempted to drag to increase its display time.
Nothing. End of the caption time refused to budge. I tried the same
in Captivate 1 and could drag freely. So I think I now understand
the issue.
But I may have a workaround for you!
Instead of positioning the cursor and simply attempting to
drag the end of the object to increase the display time, FIRST drag
it slightly to the LEFT to DECREASE the display time. Once I do
this, I can then freely drag to the RIGHT to INCREASE the display
Hopefully this helps... Rick

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    sslack88, the Adobe Captivate programmers don't read these
    forums. Instead of cursing the wind,
    use this link
    to let your wishes be known. It is a link to the "Bug Report
    and New Features Request" form, and your comments therre will be
    read by someone who can help make changes to the software. Thanks
    for not yelling at us.

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    So, you are dragging the application from it's folder on the disk image directly to your Applications folder. If that's the case and you still get this message, have you ever installed that application before?
    If it was installed at some time in the past, look in /Library/Receipts to see if there is a .pkg or a .bom for it. If you find one, delete it and try again.
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    Perhaps you are looking for it under the wrong name?
    Message was edited by: macjack

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    Thanks for your reply. I fond a way to do this although this is not copy/paste.
    1. Open "iMovie Projects" folder and find the project that contains voiceover file
    2. Right click and select "Show Package Contents"
    3. Drag and drop "Voiceover Recording.aiff" file to a project I want to copy/paste
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    Rob Case wrote:
    I have created the same document SEPARATELY using both '08 & '09 versions of Pages. After creating the document in Pages '08 I 'Save' the file to my documents.  And then email with attached file.
    (1) I am not trying to 'convert' the same document from Pages '08 to Pages '09
    (2) But I still can't understand why one version should act differently from the other even on an iOS device?
    (1) It's not me which wrote :
    > The file is formated for PAGES within the Share - Via Mail Options, not PDF or WORD.
    (2) Simply because under iOS, the app isn't supposed to import iWork '08 files.
    The internal description of the document is really different in '08 and '09.
    To get more help, ask in the forum dedicated to iWork for iOS.
    Here most of us aren't using Pages4iDevices.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 10 juin 2011 17:22:42
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.7
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

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    But create a new sequence and start again is what we might advise.

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    Did you actually create a sequence? If not, go to File > New > Sequence, or drag one of your clips to the New Item icon at the bottom of the Project Panel. You can also click that to get the New Sequence option.

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    Hello and welcome,
    I almost never use slides that are minutes long, why? And without any user control? Only reason to have a longer slide is when there is an audio clip, and you need to sync with audio. Spreading over multiple slides is much easier to handle and the user will not even see that there is a switch of slides.
    And 37 objects: please group them in logical groups, having 37 timelines is not really easy to manage, hope you are labeling each object? And when a group is collapsed everything becomes better structured. You can drag timelines easily to put them in place.  Stacking order is only important when those objects are in the same location at the same moment. Is that the case.
    Maybe I don't understand your question well, but it seems not to fit quite well with Captivate as I am using it. When debugging, optimizing files I see way too much objects mostly. Why have an image, a text and a click box when you can have the three of them in one shape button? You can show objects for more than one slide (timed for rest of project) if you need them on subsequent slides, which will free up a lot of real estate in the Timeline panel as well.

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    Is there a setting or something.
    Thanks Chuck
    (One goofy thing I noticed after the Instant Movie goof - all my pictures in the tray have like a little (red circle and green square) icon in the upper right.

    Under Edit> Preferences> General uncheck "Default Scale to Frame Size". This will work for future added stills. For those already added right-click the image in the timeline and uncheck "Scale to Frame Size".
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

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    wiclee wrote:
    It's always the case because iCloud is active all the time and if the device indicated Backup to iCloud an your computer indicated Backup to Computer, you may run into problem.
    But this can never be a problem. When you select "Back up to computer" and press apply, iTunes "updates files" on the iphone. I'm not an engineer and my best guess is that by updating the files iTunes changes the device's settings to point to "Backup to Computer".
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    Incidentally, I was playing around with this and I clicked on encrypt local back and set a password and iTunes accepted that and updated the backup on my computer. This is pretty wierd considering its not accepting "Backup to computer" otherwise.
    wiclee wrote:
    I wonder how you were able to do that without turning off iCloud Backup on your device.
    I guess the older versions of itunes supported that. This problem cropped up after updating to
    wiclee wrote:
    iTunes 'open when this iPhone is connected' works only when you connect using USB cable.
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    Anyone know a way I can set this up in FCP6?

    (I know I'm gonna get flamed by the pros here who will advise NEVER to use third party plug-ins, but... I've been a heavy user of FCP for years and NEVER had any problem with this, so here goes:)
    Install USB Overdrive, and program your mouse with:
    - wheel_up to cmd+plus (=zoom in) and
    - wheel_down to cmd+minus (=zoom out).
    I actually use clickedwheelup and clickedwheeldown for this zooming in and out, keeping the plain vanilla wheel_up and wheel_down for, well, up and down (or clip_left and clip_right on the timeline).
    Nice thing is, it then works in the Viewer and Canvas to zoom in and out, too.

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    Choose your Home folder "Get Info" (command-i) and be sure you have "read & write" in the Sharing & Permissions section. Check under "General" section to be sure it isn't locked. If that is correct, launch Applications/Utilities/Terminal and at the prompt copy & paste this command…
    mkdir ~/.Trash
    Press return.
    If you get a message that the folder already exists, copy & paste these commands...
    sudo chown $UID ~/ .Trash
    Press return.
    Enter your admin password (it will be invisible)
    Press return.Then enter
    chmod u+rwx ~/.Trash
    Press return. Log out and back in, or restart.

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    You can if you press R and use the roll tool. Do you want to roll them to a specific place? Put the playhead where you want to go and press the E key. If you want to roll them a specific amount use the bracket keys or Shift-bracket or dial in a value.

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    I've completed projects before and never had any problems, this happened halfway through a project and I can't seem to get it to work.
    It will let me import audio but not video?
    Many thanks

    Did you targeted or source patch a track?
    Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Source patching and track targeting

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