Caps Lock always on?

This might be a dumb post, but what better place to ask! I've noticed that after completly powering down my Unibody MacBook Pro the Caps Lock key can still be toggled on/off. It's still lights up after the computer as

OK, lets see if it's something goofed up on just you as a user. You should set up another profile if you haven't already, go to System Preferences, Accounts, and on the left click the + sign to set up another user, call it Test Account or something. Once it is set up then click on the Apple in the upper left of your screen and log out and then log then log into the new account to see if you are still having a problem. If the problem is gone in the new account then you know it's something with your account and not the computer. If it still isn't working OK then do a PRAM reset:
If you still have problems time to get on the phone to Apple, the number is in your owners manual.

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    Hello systemgvp,
    Your notebook is a Business model. Your issue would be best answered on the HP Enterprise Business Community Forums
    Good luck,
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    1.Remove all peripherals and try,
    2. Reset PRAM.
    3. Reset SMC.
        Choose the method for:
        "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.

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    I'm willing to bet that this has something to do with iCloud.  I've been facing a frozen computer nearly every time I go into it. 
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    Hi Moe,
    Sounds mostly likje a bad KB, do you have another to test with?
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts (Users & Groups in later OSX versions)>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

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    Thank you very much

    Yes, this is really a deal breaker for me as you say ... I'm forced to write three times slower than I did on Windows 8, that's horrible (I used to type about 110 words/min).
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    Hi. Are you sure this is a Linux-issue? Please try this: reboot the unit and press F12 several times when the Toshiba logo is shown. When the boot menu is shown try Caps and Num lock again.
    Same issue or not?
    Br Tom

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    Which version of OS X is running on the machine? When you say that the installation DVD is 'stuck' do you mean physically stuck in the machine and you cannot boot from it?
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    I was trying to create a small script to send a notification if the Caps Lock is active or not. The script works correctly in the terminal, but when I use the script as a shortcut in KDE it does not work ... I simply trigger the shortcut with the "Caps Lock".
    Below is the script that I created:
    # Send a notification of CAPS LOCK on/off
    # Icon used in the notification
    # verify if the CAPS is on/off
    value=$(xset q | grep "LED mask" | sed -r "s/.*LED mask:\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+([0-9a-fA-F]).*/\1/")
    if [ "$value" == "0" ]; then
    # Send notification (use Gnome or KDE)
    # GNOME
    #notify-send -i $icon "Caps Lock $output" -t 1000
    kdialog --icon $icon --passivepopup "Caps Lock $output" --title "Keyboard" 1
    Could someone help me pointing what I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance!
    EDIT: If I do not use the "caps lock" as a trigger, the script works as it should (I tried using "ctrl + alt + L") ...
    Last edited by gustavosg (2012-11-13 00:06:46)

    Pajaro wrote:
    gustavosg wrote:
    Pajaro wrote:try sending the dialog with a delay in background
    Hi! Thanks for replying. I've tried the sleep command, still saying that caps is always on (if it is what you mean).
    What I meant is to do something like:
    $(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock $saida" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    When I use it on the script it just printi "Caps" on the notification, as if it was reading just the first word of the "Caps Lock $saida".
    Edited the script to this:
    # Manda aviso de CAPS LOCK on/off
    # icone pra usar na notificacao
    # verifica se o Caps esta ligado
    valor=$(xset q | grep "LED mask" | sed -r "s/.*LED mask:\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+([0-9a-fA-F]).*/\1/")
    if [ "$valor" == "0" ]; then
    $(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock Off" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    $(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock On" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    # Dispara alerta (usar Gnome ou KDE)
    # GNOME
    #notify-send -i $icone "Caps Lock $saida" -t 1000
    #$(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock $saida" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    cfr wrote:
    Maybe you could post the script if you are still having trouble?
    Thanks for the info about single key short cuts. I guess it has never occurred to me. (Maybe because on a laptop you can't usually spare a whole key for a single short cut!)
    The script is the one in the OP. I'm using a laptop.
    Updated OP script to english...
    Last edited by gustavosg (2012-11-13 00:07:38)

  • Hp g62 Black screen caps lock on and wifi button on

    My friend is having a problem with his laptop hp g62 which is 1 1/2 years old. This happened out of no where and have no idea why. Here is what happens: We power it up, fans turns on, caps lock stays on and Screen stays blank. Again we have no clue why this is happening. Any help will be apreciated.

    It's always worth trying a Hard Reset as follows.
    Shut down the notebook, unplug the AC Adapter and then remove the battery.  Hold  down the Power button for 30 seconds.  Re-insert the battery, plug in the AC Adapter and see if the notebook will start.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • Y2P dim screen, caps lock indicator stuck on. Already disabled adaptive brighness... Warranty?

    Hi guys. Recently bought my second Y2P, this one second hand.
    Reason being my previous one was the 4GB i5 model, this one is the 8GB i7
    Now I've noticed a few things when I compare them. Firstly, and most annoyingly, the screen on this one is significantly dimmer than on my previous one. When I put it it max brightness it's only a little brighter than half way on my older one. When I put the brightness all the way down the screen turns off...
    I''ve already disabled auto dim in the battery settings, windows setting AND intel graphics control panel so I'm sure it's not down to that. I'm running the updated BIOS on both the systems also. This is unbelievably frustrating.
    Another annoying thing is that the CAPS lock indicator light is always on. Apart from when I press a button, it turns off whilst anything is being pressed (on the keyboard). It does this as soon as the machine is switched on.
    BIOS setting have been reverted to standard etc and nothing seems to be fixing any of it. I have also done a full reset of the machine on numerous occasions. Nothing.
    One last niggle is that I've noticed that the touchpad is ever so slightly sunk in (something that I probably only noticed because I have another yoga to compare it to) and there is some play in the touchpad which I would have noticed this regardless.
    Is it time to contact Lenovo warranty team? 
    Sorry for the long post, and I'd really appreciate any advice!

    Just to keep the thread updated in case by any chance someone has similar problems...
    I've contacted Lenovo who are saying it's likely a motherboard issue, I'll be getting a letter with details of how to arrange a courier to collect the system within the next few days. I'll let y'all know what comes of it!

  • Unable to use keyboard without Caps Lock on

    Hi Guys, I gave my keyboard a little bit of a clean the other day (with relevant wipes) and since then my keyboard is not functioning correctly.  It did turn itself on once or twice during the process, so I have clearly hit something I shouldn't have
    The problem I have is that I can't use the keyboard without enabling the CAPS Lock.  Without using the CAPS Lock pressing random keys, produces random effects (mainly functional things) and with the CAPS LOCK on I can type normally, just all in caps (for this I am using my desktop!)
    Troubleshooting to date:-
    Accessibility => Mouse & Trackpad => Enable Mouse Keys (off) always has been
    Accessibilty => Keyboard Preferences => Short Cuts => Restored to Default
    Accessibilty => Keyboard Preferences => Input Sources => British
    Accessibilty => Keyboard Preferences => Modifier Keys => Restored to Default
    I have a setup another user account but the problem persists in all accounts
    I have tried other applications but the problem is replicated
    I have rebooted several times to no effect
    OSX 10.9 (all updates up to date)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Oh additionally the track pad seems to be doing slighly random things ie standard run click actually brings up sub menus!

    Since no one else is jumping it I’ll suggest the general cures of
    SMC reset
    and PRAM reset
    You have tried quite a few cures so if these don’t work take it to an Apple Genius Bar for a free diagnosis and estimate of repairs.
    Genius reservation .

  • Mapping Hiragana to Caps Lock in Kotoeri

    Just picked up a new laptop today, my first time using Snow Leopard. I'm trying to configure Kotoeri so that the caps lock switches the input to hiragana, but the only options are katakana and romaji.
    Hiragana mode was available in previous OS X versions, I can't believe it would be removed while keeping katakana, if anything it should be the other way around. Also, holding the shift key while the caps lock is on doesn't seem to switch modes like it used to either.
    Is there some way to enable this or will I have to always use the key combos to switch modes from now on?

    Can you make sense of this? I certainly can't.
    $ cat
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    <string>/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Fra meworks/LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Support/部品の共通な漢字を検索</string>
    <string>/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Fra meworks/LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Support/関連文字に変換</string>
    <key> </key>

  • MIDI note delay / stagger using Caps Lock keyboard and 3rd party plugins

    Whenever I am using any of the following plugins:
    Waldorf PPG Wave, Waldorf D-Pole or Audio Damage Reverence,
    with the respective plugin windows open, I can hit several notes on the Caps Lock keyboard simultaneously and some of them will trigger after the rest.
    Interestingly, Reverence and D-Pole are effects, and so placing them on any audio instrument, including those that came with Logic, causes them to behave as PPG Wave always does when its plugin window is open.
    The delay time seems to be variable.
    When the plugin windows are closed, there is no delay.
    As well, triggering many notes at once or notes in quick succession seems to cause things to stagger up more.
    Sometimes the MIDI notes get stuck and continue playing until they are pushed again.
    This seems strange to me, as CPU usage on the plugins is extremely low (the CPU meter does not even register a single mark).
    The problem does NOT occur if I draw out a MIDI sequence that does precisely the sort of things that cause the holdups when I am using the Caps Lock keyboard.
    Is the Caps Lock keyboard just not very good at certain things?
    Why would this problem occur only with these specific plugins?
    None of Logic's included plugins have this problem (unless of course I stick Reverence or D-Pole on them as an insert and open the Reverence window).
    Naturally this is an inconvenience that can be worked around, but it is annoying.
    Thanks for your time.

    Hey Rob,
    I opened up the Activity Monitor, and CPU usage in Logic Express is 35-40% with the plugin window open and between 16-20% with it closed.
    That doesn't seem to be it, but your suggestion that the Caps Lock keyboard is probably just not good at handling many notes at once is definitely correct.
    I plugged in a MIDI keyboard and the CPU usage is the same, but there is no staggering problem.
    Perhaps there is something off with the CPU meter in Logic Express 7, though.
    The Audio side registers activity, but the CPU side says nothing, when clearly the Activity Monitor has it right.
    Anyway, thank you for answering my question--it is sort of an annoying little problem, but I just won't play fast with Caps Lock, I suppose.

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