Captivate player_autoplay

Hello Everyone,
I recently created a number of interactive tutorials within
captivate showing its users how to perform different tasks within
Microsoft Access. In order to make using the tutorials a bit easier
to view, I first tried using Jesse R. Wardens captivate player
(great player by the way), but for some reason the player did not
handle my captivate movies very well and they ran really slow, so I
tried publishing the movies in many different ways and they still
did not run smoothly. I then tried using aimee's captivate player,
ive tried editing the xml code for one of the files to autoplay but
it just want work. All I want to do is autoplay one of my captivate
movies when the aimee player is first loaded. Any help would be
Thanks, Kev

I, too, have been looking at alternatives for handling menus
in Captivate. Shawn mentioned that he was looking at three options.
Please confirm that your response applies to the Captivate Player
option. If not, please expound!

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    No problem. Building a simple animation in Flash isn't that bad. You could save each "frame" as an image from PhotoShop and then import these into Flash and place one frame at the time on a keyframe in the flash timeline (press F6 to insert a keyframe).
    If you want your animation to loop then you don't have to do anything as this is the default behavior. If you want it to stop at the last frame you insert a command in ActionScript to stop it. Select the last keyframe and hit F9 and type stop() in the ActionScript window.
    Good luck! - Adobe Captivate Widgets, Tutorials, Tips and Tricks and much more..

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    I think the problem here is that Arlhoolie wants all of the different TEBs to behave as if they were part of a single interaction that submits only ONE result to the quiz.  Using multiple TEBs in Captivate means that you have multiple scored objects and therefore multiple results being submitted to the quiz.
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    You can learn more about the Master widget here:
    You can download a free trial version of the widget here:
    One caveat you should be aware of is that this widget is not HTML5 compatible.

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    Kind Regards

    Hi Jay
    Do you have the eLearning Suite? If so, you have Adobe Presenter available to you. If you don't, you should be able to download the Presenter installation file and evaluate it.
    Presenter is an add in for PowerPoint. The neat thing about it is that it provides for a Table of Contents type of functionality as you see is configured in Captivate. But the twist with that is you are able to do something you cannot do in Captivate. You are able to insert videos inside the TOC area!
    Just musing out loud... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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    "Adobe® Captivate® has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    Can you explain how this issue can be resolve!?

    Hi there,
    On which operating system are you using Adobe Captivate?
    Please recreate the preferences of Captivate, following is the location of Captivate Preferences:
    Windows 7: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData (hidden folder)\Local\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 5 folder
               Windows XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 5 folder
               Mac:  /Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Captivate 5 folder
    rename Captivate 5 to Captivate 5_old
    and then try to launch Captivate 5

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    This is the link to the test course
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    Hi Angela, Sreekanth,
    Twitter widget issue has been resolved.
    I have verified with course :
    Krupesh Faldu
    ([email protected])

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    You mention you are working from a remote location.  Does this mean that you are trying to work on a Captivate project file that is NOT saved to your local hard drive before you open it?
    If so, then that is where your problem lies.  Never work on project files stored somewhere on a network.  Always copy the working file to your local drive before opening, and always close the file in Captivate before copying it back up to the storage location.

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    pbcExit_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myBtnClicked);
    function myBtnClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:window.opener=self; window.close()"), "_parent");
    Does anyone have a clue what is the problem?
    Thank you,

    I am using flash SWF files to control Captivate Course in Moodle and I have trouble with CLOSE pop up window flash button. It works in IE and FIrefox but not in Chrome and OPERA when course is opened via Moodle. I have created simple html page with link that opens pop up window containing the same course and this way the button works in all browsers. ????? Again, in MOOdle it doesn't.
    In Chrome Developer Tools I have tracked this error when clicking on close pop up window flash buttom: Ignoring cross-frame javascript URL load requested by plugin.
    The button itself is using this AS3:
    pbcExit_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myBtnClicked);
    function myBtnClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:window.opener=self; window.close()"), "_parent");
    Does anyone have a clue what is the problem?
    Thank you,

  • Where can you log a complaint/let the developers of Captivate 5 know there is an issue?

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    Then I copied in 6 pages of PPT and it was fine. My last page to copy in was the 1st page. I always have a graphic and then the title of the project come in as animated text. Publish and it's black. Took out the graphic, still black. Took out the text, everything was fine.
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    I'm having the same issue.
    My Captivate project had one slide with animated text. First I tried deleting the animated text from the slide; then I deleted the entire slide from the project. Neither resolved the problem. I even tried removing all animation from the slides. Still no improvement.
    My project was created in Captivate 4 and then converted to Captivate 5. Powerpoint was not used at all in the creation of the project. It uses extensive (but fairly basic) animation and video. Animated text is used on one slide only.
    I am able to run the published file on another computer with Flash Player Version
    Like others, it is not an option for me to revert to a previous version since I cannot control the Flash Player version of my clients and learners.
    I'm aware that Adobe is working on this issue and hope that they are able to resolve it VERY quickly. I have offered to share my Captivate file with Adobe if it would expedite problem resolution.
    Kind Regards,

  • Is Captivate 4 the right tool for my purposes?

    This posting should not be misunderstood as bad mouthing Captivate 4. For the most part, I really appreciate Adobe products and have invested a significant amount of personal money into many Adobe products over the years.
    My current role involves designing a course curriculum using Adobe Captivate 4 and Adobe Connect Pro. Unfortunately, I am becoming increasingly concerned that I may be using the wrong tool, at least, in regards to developing all parts of a lesson. Perhaps my workflow will improve if I develop the front facing portion of my lessons with Lectora, and use Captivate solely for creating software simulations?
    Because I have already spent a lot of time building my first lessons, and I have a subscription to Adobe Connect Pro, I would rather solve the issues I listed, rather than start over.
    My question is... are my issues based on my lack of knowledge with Captivate 4, or am I experiencing real issues with this product? If it is my lack of knowledge, please tell me how to solve my issues.
    At this point, I would like to give kudos to Rick Stone (known as Captiv8r) for all his help as a hired consultant. I highly recommend his services. Without him, I probably would not have gone as far as I have with Captivate.
    Please correct or comment on the followin…
    Minor annoyances
    -    Too easy to accidentally move objects. Double clicking on a small graphic or a text caption can easily cause it to move or change size slightly. No way to lock their position only (e.g. lock text position but still allow editing).
    -    Text caption boxes mysterious maximize (vertically) from time to time.
    -    Grouping of objects is not possible.
    -    Previewing “From this slide – F8” does not take into account (or initialize) persistent graphics (or otherwise) on the first slide or template; this results in missing objects when doing a quick preview.
    -    Item names/variables are unwieldy. I have a number of graphics which I re-use throughout a lesson. I want to give each of them common names, such as ico_jobaid, img_core_splash, etc. Unfortunately, I cannot use identical names throughout a lesson. Each page requires a unique name for every object. This results in an item name like ico_interactive.png (as it is named in the library), appearing as TImageItem681 and TImageItem680 (copied twice) on a slide.
    This is common for every object and makes it difficult to control objects.
    Major issues
    -    Occasionally I insert a graphics that can’t be made visible.
    -    .cp file size seems to continuously increase in size, despite removing unused resources.
    -    Text bullet issues (ending bullets occasional show up as a larger size)
    -    Roll-over slidlets do not work as intended in AS3 mode. I must preview or publish in AS2.
    -    Recording Software Simulations!
    Captivate 4 allows recording of simulations in up to four modes (Demonstration, Training, Assessment, and Custom). Unfortunately, it appears to record these simulations are separate and distinct recordings. This is a problem because call-outs and other edits must be repeated for each simulation. Other simulation tools record once and can be edited once for passive and/or interactive viewing.
    -    Buttons! Multiple buttons/text captions on a slide.
    If I want to place multiple buttons on a slide, I must follow these steps to make these buttons/captions work properly. This is an unreasonable amount of work in order to use buttons on a single slide.
    Step 1 - Determine the frame value. Note: It seems that if the frame value is not included, the lesson will move to the next slide, after clicking one button. Another caveat is that adding or removing slides may change the correct frame value.
    1. Click Insert from the top menu,
    2. Select Standard Objects,
    3. Select Text Caption,
    4. Click the Insert Variable button,
    5. Select System from the Variable Type pull-down menu,
    6. Select rdinfoCurrentFrame from the Variables pull-down menu.
    7. Position the text caption appropriately on the screen. You may need an appropriate pause inserted in order to see the value.
    8. Click Preview and select Project from the pull-down menu (or Click F4),
    9. Step through slide show to the slide where rdinfoCurrentFrame text variable was inserted and record the displayed value.
    Step 2 – Insert Button control
    1. Click Insert from the top menu,
    2. Select Standard Objects,
    3. Select Button,
    4. Choose appropriate button and button options (skipping steps),
    5. Click Ok,
    6. Position button appropriately.
    Step 3 – Setting up advanced actions.
    1. Click Project from top menu,
    2. Select Actions,
    3. Click the Advanced Actions tab,
    4. Click the Edit / Create Action Pull down menu and select Create a New Action…,
    5. In the new action name: text box, type action name (i.e. but_core_console),
    6. Double click twice on Add Statement (sometimes it doesn’t behave as it should),
        – this feature seems error prone.
    7. Double click twice on Statement (in red),
    8. Select Standard Action from pull-down list,
    9. Select Show from pull-down list,
    10. Select object name (text caption) you wish to show,
    11. Repeat (if necessary),
    12. Select hide and the element name you wish to hide and repeat as necessary,
    13. Double click twice on Add Statement (sometimes it doesn’t behave as it should)
    – this feature seems error prone.
    14. Double click twice on Statement (in red),
    15. As the last step, select Assignment from pull down list,
    16. Select rdcmndGotoFrame from pull down list,
    17. Select Value from pull-down list,
    18. Enter the frame value (as determined Step 1),
    19. Click Save.
    For the next buttons,
    1. Click the Duplicate button,
    2. Edit the New action name: name appropriately,
    3. Edit the information in the Advanced actions for the this action. (skipping steps)
    4. Click Save.
    Repeat as necessary!
    Configuring buttons
    1. Double click on first button,
    2. In the section, “If the user clicks on the button”,
        click on “On success” pull-down menu and select, “Execute advanced action”.
    3. Click the Action pull-down menu and select the appropriate named action.
    Repeat as necessary.
    -    Building buttons for several slides will create a large number of advance actions. Even though these advanced actions are only applicable to a single slide, they are viewable from any slide in a lesson. The number of actions (or advanced actions) quickly adds up in a complex lesson.
    -    Cannot find a way to edit the default look (object positioning/object sizes) of a quiz. The only attribute that seems changeable is the font size.
    Lock ups and crashes
    -    Double clicking on a .cp file will often result in Captivate freezing at the start up screen.
    -    Captivate crashes and sometimes predictably, especially where animations are inserted.
    I am using both a Windows 7 64 bit and a Windows Vista 32 bit OS. I have tried the following options with seemingly no difference: RUN AS Admin, XP Compatibility mode
    Examples from Windows Applications log:
    The program AdobeCaptivate.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Problem Reports and Solutions control panel. Process ID: 16f0 Start Time: 01ca623e805d8f30 Termination Time: 81
    The program AdobeCaptivate.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Problem Reports and Solutions control panel. Process ID: 1654 Start Time: 01ca622b67764380 Termination Time: 70

    The only one that can answer that question is yourself ;o)
    I wrote my comments and suggestions with red text here. My company uses Captivate to develop courses and so far we have been very happy with Captivate. Earlier we used Flash to develop courses, but the development time was very long so Captivate has allowed us to speed up the development process with 2-300%. We still use Flash quite a lot to build interactions etc. and import these into Captivate to add extra features.
    We did look at a variety of tools when we wanted to find an alternative to Flash but at that time (we started with Captivate 2) we found that the best option was indeed Captivate. I regularly check up on competing products and there are some interesting alternatives available now but they are not as advanced as Captivate imho.
    When that is said. Captivate is (and has always been) full of weird bugs and things that aren't working properly. This is extremely annoying but we have learned to work our way around most of them. It also seems that the stability of Captivate varies greatly from installation to installation. We are 8 people in my department all working with Captivate. Our computers are all the same and the OS is a corporate standard. Despite this some people here have some weird problems with Captivate that I never experience. I can't explain why it happens (and neither can they) but it could be the installation or it could be the way people work. An example is "missing/corrupt" Captivate files. We have always been working directly on a network drive. This is something that is often recommended against doing because it can cause corrupt Captivate files. The interesting thing is that I have never once experienced a corrupt Captivate file even though i have opened, worked on and saved many thousands of them from/to our network drive. One of my colleagues had around 20 occurences of corrupt Captivate files in the same timespan and from the same network drive.
    The biggest problem in Captivate is the quiz module in my opinion. The quiz module is probably the most important when we talk about E-learning development tools and that is where Captivate is the weakest. You can't really customize your quizzes, there isn't enough different question types and interaction types, you can't use video but worst of all - it is unstable and buggy. Users can get stuck in a quiz without being able to move forward or backwars, the review quiz is buggy etc.
    One thing I often see with Captivate developers is that they try and do everything in Captivate. While most things are possible to do in Captivate then it might no be the best solution. Some things can be created in Flash and imported into Captivate saving you tons of time and grief and in the end give you a much better end-product. I know that everyone doesn't have access to a Flash programmer, but then you can buy your way out of the problem.
    If you are looking for a tool where you can have full control of everything in your courses then the only real solution is Adobe Flash. This will allow you to build the courses exactly as you please but it comes at a big price. It gets way more complex to create courses, which results in longer development times and updating your existing course becomes much more difficult and time consuming.
    Minor annoyances
    -    Too easy to accidentally move objects. Double clicking on a small graphic or a text caption can easily cause it to move or change size slightly. No way to lock their position only (e.g. lock text position but still allow editing).
    Doesn't really bother me but I guess it's different from person to person. You could just click on the object in the timeline instead to avoid moving the object.
    -    Text caption boxes mysterious maximize (vertically) from time to time.
    I never experienced that.
    -    Grouping of objects is not possible.
    I agree that this could be handy on slides with many objects.
    -    Previewing “From this slide – F8” does not take into account (or initialize) persistent graphics (or otherwise) on the first slide or template; this results in missing objects when doing a quick preview.
    Yes but if Captivate was to take into account everything that happened earlier than previewing from this slide you might as well click preview project (F4).
    -    Item names/variables are unwieldy. I have a number of graphics which I re-use throughout a lesson. I want to give each of them common names, such as ico_jobaid, img_core_splash, etc. Unfortunately, I cannot use identical names throughout a lesson. Each page requires a unique name for every object. This results in an item name like ico_interactive.png (as it is named in the library), appearing as TImageItem681 and TImageItem680 (copied twice) on a slide.
    I think this is the same in any application.. The whole idea of naming objects is that they have a unique name to be identified and manipulate later. I do however agree that the default naming in Captivate sucks. If the resource is named ico_interactive.png in the library, then Captivate should name it slide1_ico_interactive.png as the object name. It would make it easier and quicker to identify the correct resources.
    Major issues
    -    Occasionally I insert a graphics that can’t be made visible.
    I never experienced that with properly configured graphics. Sure you can have problems if you insert a CMYK image or a 300 dpi image, but if you use RGB 72dpi images then it works fine. (at least it always have for me).
    -    .cp file size seems to continuously increase in size, despite removing unused resources.
    True but I never really experienced this as a problem. In Captivate 3 it could really get out of hand, but in CP4 it's much better. Alternatively create a blank Captivate file with the same dimensions and copy/paste your slides into that. (Don't know how it will behave with all your advanced actions though).
    -    Text bullet issues (ending bullets occasional show up as a larger size)
    It is because you have a different font size on the last line of the caption. Just do a CTRL-A to select all the text and select the proper font size. Alternatively adjust the default font and size to what you want in Captivate to avoid this in the future.
    -    Roll-over slidlets do not work as intended in AS3 mode. I must preview or publish in AS2.
    Didn't know that - you should probably report it as a bug if you haven't done so already.
    -    Recording Software Simulations!
    Captivate 4 allows recording of simulations in up to four modes (Demonstration, Training, Assessment, and Custom). Unfortunately, it appears to record these simulations are separate and distinct recordings. This is a problem because call-outs and other edits must be repeated for each simulation. Other simulation tools record once and can be edited once for passive and/or interactive viewing.
    Agree - this is rather annoying.
    -    Buttons! Multiple buttons/text captions on a slide.
    From what I understand you have a whole bunch of buttons on a slide and then when the user clicks on one it shows some text / image? If that is the case then yes it will be a tedious process to build all this. I don't know if it would be easy in any other applications though (surely most of the other Rapid E-learning tools won't even be able to do it). Perhaps it would be better to rethink the way you build the course. Can't you use rollover captions / images instead?
    Another alternative is to build these "interactions" in Flash and then import them into Captivate. Basically you would need to build a couple of different templates where you would be able to reuse the Flash framework and only change images/text in Flash and then importo it into Captivate.
    -    Cannot find a way to edit the default look (object positioning/object sizes) of a quiz. The only attribute that seems changeable is the font size.
    This is a major handicap in Captivate and one of the reasons why we don't use Captivate quizzes in our courses. We build all our course in Captivate (and add Flash and other interactions) but we always use a Flash Quiz. The Captivate quiz is simply too ugly and unstable. We deploy courses to 35.000 people worldwide so stability is our number one priority and sadly Captivate quizzes don't offer that at this point.
    Lock ups and crashes
    -    Double clicking on a .cp file will often result in Captivate freezing at the start up screen.
    I never had that problem. I use Win XP, Vista 64-bit and Win7 64-bit.
    -    Captivate crashes and sometimes predictably, especially where animations are inserted.
    I am using both a Windows 7 64 bit and a Windows Vista 32 bit OS. I have tried the following options with seemingly no difference: RUN AS Admin, XP Compatibility mode
    My regular development PC runs Windows XP Pro. I never have any problems here. On Vista 64-bit I have a ton of problems, but Captivate didn't crash or lock up - it simply didn't perform the actions I wanted it to do. So far on Windows 7 I haven't encountered any crashes or problems. However there is no doubt that Captivate 4 was designed with Win XP in mind and Vista and Win7 are not native platforms for it.
    Visit my Captivate blog with tips & tricks, tutorials and Widgets.

  • Detail Region as TOC for captivate (.swf) files

    Hi All,
    Not sure how to explain this, but i will do my best. I didnt like the TOC/Aggregator for CP 5. Thinking maybe to use Spry data using the Detail Region sample. I thought it would be simple to just combine the Detail Region code with the publsihed .swf and .htm code. But not sure what im doing wrong or if this is even possible to do. I was experimenting just using the exact same code and xml for Detail Region sample and modifying it a bit. See below...
    Appreciate the Help! Thank you.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
              <name>Adobe Photoshop CS2</name>
              <category>Digital Imaging</category>
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              <name>Adobe InDesign CS2</name>
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              <descheader>A new standard in professional layout and design</descheader>
              <desc>Join the growing ranks of creative professionals discovering new levels of creative freedom and productivity using Adobe&#174; InDesign&#174; CS2 software. Tightly integrated with the Adobe applications you use most, InDesign CS2 delivers faster production workflows and a more fluid creative environment for designing professional layouts with sophisticated graphics and typography.</desc>
              <name>Adobe GoLive CS2</name>
              <category>Web Publishing</category>
              <descheader>Professional, standards-based Web and mobile authoring</descheader>
              <desc>Adobe&#174; GoLive&#174; CS2 software lets you unlock the power of CSS with intuitive visual tools such as prebuilt CSS objects that you can drag and drop to build sophisticated sites. Jump-start your designs by easily converting Adobe InDesign&#174; layouts into Web pages. Or, design Web and mobile content in an advanced, standards-based coding environment.</desc>
              <name>Adobe Dreamweaver 8</name>
              <category>Web Publishing</category>
              <descheader>Dreamweaver 8 is the industry-leading web development tool, enabling users to efficiently design, develop and maintain standards-based websites and applications.</descheader>
              <desc>With Dreamweaver 8, web developers go from start to finish, creating and maintaining basic websites to advanced applications that support best practices and the latest technologies.</desc>
              <name>Adobe Flash 8 Professional</name>
              <category>Web Publishing</category>
              <descheader>Introducing Macromedia's biggest Flash release to date.</descheader>
              <desc>Flash&#174; Professional 8 is the industry's most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites, digital experiences and mobile content. With Flash Professional 8, creative professionals design and author interactive content rich with video, graphics, and animation for truly unique, engaging websites, presentations or mobile content.</desc>
    HTML Code:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:spry="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Detail Region and Effects Sample</title>
    <link href="files/samples.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    .product {
         cursor: pointer;
    .hover {
         background-color: #FFFFCC;
    .selected {
         background-color: #CCCCCC;
    #description {
         opacity: 0;
         filter: alpha(opacity=0);
         background-color: white;
    <script src="files/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="files/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="files/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("files/products.xml", "products/product");
    var gEffectInProgress = null;
    var gPendingSetRowIDRequest = -1;
    function fadeInContent(notificationType, notifier, data)
         if (notificationType != "onPostUpdate")
         var effect = new Spry.Effect.Fade('description', { to: 100, from: 0, duration: 500, finish: function() {
              // The region is now showing. Process any pending row change request.
              gEffectInProgress = null;
              if (gPendingSetRowIDRequest >= 0)
                   var id = gPendingSetRowIDRequest;
                   gPendingSetRowIDRequest = -1;
    Spry.Data.Region.addObserver('description', fadeInContent);
    function fadeOutContentThenSetRow(rowID)
         if (gEffectInProgress)
              gPendingSetRowIDRequest = rowID;
         if (rowID == ds1.getCurrentRowID())
         gEffectInProgress = new Spry.Effect.Fade('description', { to: 0, from: 100, duration: 500, finish: function() {
    <script src="files/standard.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <h3>Detail Region and Effects Sample</h3>
    <hr />
    <table width="100%" border="0">
              <td width="21%">
    <ul spry:region="ds1" spry:repeatchildren="ds1">
                        <li class="product" onclick="fadeOutContentThenSetRow('{ds_RowID}');" spry:select="selected" spry:hover="hover">{name}</li>
           <td width="79%">
       <div id="description" spry:detailregion=" ds1">
      <div id="CaptivateContent">
       <script type="text/javascript">
          var so = new SWFObject("{bkgimage}", "Captivate", "100%", "100%", "8", "#CCCCCC");
             so.addParam("quality", "high");
             so.addParam("name", "Captivate");
             so.addParam("id", "Captivate");
             so.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
             so.addParam("menu", "false");
             so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
             so.addVariable("variable1", "value1");
             so.setAttribute("redirectUrl", "");
            <script type="text/javascript">
    Message was edited by: drodax

    I think you will need a third party convertor - a quick
    google sent me to this one
    which is free.

  • Captivate 6 Errors: Missing file libwinpthread-1.dll  and The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) on Windows 2008 R2

    I have a problem with Captivate 6 installation on Windows Server 2008 R2. I have 2 different scenarios where I tested but the result is same.
    1- I used AMEE (Application Manager Enterprise 3.1) to create the installation Package to deploy through SCCM 2012.
    Notice that the current package works fine on Windows7 (x86 & x64) but not on 2008 R2 due to an error after I try to launch Captivate.exe application.
    The error states that there's a Missing file: libwinpthread-1.dll and if I copy and made a registration of this .DLL file then it sends another error saying: The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) so it never let me launch the application.
    2- Now if I install the package directly from the Original sources(CD) without creating any AMEE package after completing the installation I still have the same error about the DLL missing file.
    Is there any fix or workaround to install Captivate 6 on Win2008 R2 ?
    Thanks in advance & kind regards.

    Wow, No replies so far !! 
    Any one ?? 

  • Captivate 7.0 fail to launch or register

    I’m running windows 7.
    Just purchased Captivate 7 online, and have a serial number.
    Downloaded the Bundle (32bit) – good.
    Ran exe file after download –good.
    Extracted Files – good.
    Initializing Installer – good
    Install screen… chose I have purchased – good… then…
    Screen Sign In Required (no fields available on the screen). I choose Sign In… long wait, then a new screen – cannot connect to Internet (even though I am, and can navigate through the Adobe site etc). Tells me that I can Sign in later. I now have a Connect Later button.  I choose this.
    Prompted for Serial number. I supply it and Install…
    Installation Complete
    At launch of product...
    I get Sign in Required screen again (with a Enter you Adobe ID to access your membership and register your product prompt, but again with no fields displayed to enter any information). I select Sign In button again – then again get “cannot connect to internet etc message).
    Product does not launch – am left with Sign In screen, with no Connect Later button.
    So… I cannot run the program, and have no way of Signing in…

    Tried the step by step...
    I can connect to activation servers. Still no launch.
    Tried the Hosts file - all I find is a microsoft SAMPLE file... no other entries in the file.
    My  GlobalSign Root CA is set up as required.
    Still no launch...
    Attached graphic is Sign In Required box when attempting to launch... no fields displayed (are they meant to be there?).
    When this appears, and Sign In now is selected, it attempts to connect, and it seems that Captivate does try to launch (full screen goes white for a number of seconds, then comes off, leaving the Sign iN Required box)... after unsuccessful connection, I get the standard try again...
    I even tried changing my clock to PST time - still no luck.
    Tried complete uninstall and reinstall... still no luck.

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