Capture troubles

Just upgraded to FCS 2, downloaded all the updates. Trying to capture and all controls work but can't see or hear anything. Checked all the settings, unplugged all other firewire ports but it won't work.
Feel certain I'm doing something wrong but can't figure out what.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Unhooked it, re hooked and it worked. Sorry to bother.

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  • Capturing "troubled" data

    I have a mini dv tape that I filmed unknowingly with dirty video heads so the picture is sometimes mosaiced and sound falls out etc. But I think I can still work with it and would like to capture it into final cut. But every time I try, as soon as the picture screws up, final cut aborts the capture and an error message comes up saying that there was trouble reading the data from the source tape.
    Does anyone know If and how I can bypass this and capture the tape, flaws and all?
    or is final cut just literally not able to capture this marred material?
    thanks in advance
    apple g5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    To expand on a previous suggestion...
    You can try dubbing the bad tape to a clean new tape by doing a digital transfer between camcorder and deck or two camcorders - whatever resources you have for doing a digital dub from your camcorder.
    BUT FIRST... run the new blank tape through the recorder you will be recording on to and record time code and black on the tape.
    Just put the tape in the recorder, (burnish it first if it is a new tape by running it all the way to the end FF and then back to beginning REW), hit record, and let it run to the end.
    Having an existing Time Code on a destination tape for a digital dub can help get past rough spots.
    If this doesn't work, I agree that you need to do an analog "capture now" through an A to D converter with a TBC.
    But try making the digital dub first. Oh yes, if your recording deck has an option about "preserving original time code" then disable it. Tell it to use the time code already on the tape, or to just write a new one. That's how you will get around the crinkled time code on the original tape.
    This could cause trouble if you had already captured the tape into an FCP project and needed to reconnect - the time codes wouldn't match. but you don't care about that because you are bringing in this program material for the first time, as I read your post.
    Good luck

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    Thank you =)

    That will only work if your camera HAS a firewire connection... I think for Mac it is call iLink, but since I'm Win I'm not sure about that
    Just do what was said and copy the folder to your hard drive and import from there

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    You may need to post your question in the area for Intel-based iMacs, here:
    This category is for the old G3 iMac with CRT screens. It is more likely that users of the newer iMacs will be using this sound card.

  • Capture Trouble

    Since I update my OS.10.4 to OS.10.5 I coud'nt capture video in FCP 4.5 from the capture windows miniDV ( Canon XL1 ) but the cams is showed OK.
    I delete from Library/ preferences/
    and from data "Final Cut Pro User Data" I deleted also
    "Final Cut Pro 4.5 Preferences".
    "Final Cut Pro POA Cache".
    And I also repair the permissions ( disk utilities ), but also allways the same problems,
    I coudn't capture from miniDV but still it is possible from the capture windows to start or stop the camera and it is written cams OK ( frensh magnétoscope OK ).
    But on my powerbook G4 wehre was installed FCP4.5 direct on OS.10.5 it's work well with the sames configuration .
    Coud you help me with this problems ?
    Sorry for my bad english

    Try this:
    #30 - Deck recognition after Tiger Upgrade:
    Shane's Stock Answer #30:
    The credit for this goes to Bob Sidebotham:
    I was just walked through a repair procedure by an Apple Care person, and it fixed my camera recognition problems (I have a Canon XL1 and sometime after installing Tiger, then 10.4.1, various patches (including Quicktime 7.1) and the latest Desktop Video patch, I've been unable to use the camera with Final Cut Express, and attempts to capture would result in a FCE crash).
    The workaround is to download Quicktime manually, after removing the "receipts" which indicate that it is loaded. Specifically, I was told to do the following:
    1. Navigate to Library -> Receipts on your main drive (not from your personal folder).
    2. Remove all files of the form QuickTime*.pkg, where "*" is a version number. E.g. QuickTime600.pkg, QuickTime650.pkg, Quicktime700.pkg and QuickTime701.pkg. This simply tells your system that those packages are not installed.
    3. Go to and click on the "download Quicktime" link. DO NOT USE THE AUTOMATIC UPDATE UTILITY. Download QuickTimeInstallerX.dmg. Double click this file (probably on your desktop) and then invoke the installer by double clicking QuickTime701.pkg.
    4. After your computer reboots, you should be able to restart FCP and see your camera.

  • Capturing Troubles: No Preview???

    So, I'm having some issues with capturing my HDV footage into Final Cut. I bring up the log and capture and click capture now and my device starts playing the tape, but the capture window says no preview available. When I stop it, my footage has not been imported. I'm a little confused at what presets I should set up so maybe that has something to do with it. I shoot 1080i on a Sony FX1 and that's what I want to import. Help please?

    "Capturing HDV Video to the Apple Intermediate Codec
    Capturing HDV video is very similar to capturing DV video using the Capture Now feature. The main differences are:
    The Log and Capture window is not used.
    Capturing HDV video may not take place in real time because transcoding HDV frames into the Apple Intermediate Codec requires special processing steps.
    To capture HDV footage to the Apple Intermediate Codec:
    1 Click in the Browser to make it active, then choose File > New Bin.
    2 Control-click the bin, then choose Set Logging Bin from the shortcut menu.
    Your captured clips will be placed in this bin.
    3 Name the bin, then press Enter.
    4 Choose File > Log and Capture (or press Command-8).
    A Capture dialog appears instead of the Log and Capture window.
    5 In the Capture dialog, enter a name for the clip, then click Capture.
    The capture preview window appears and the camcorder begins playing back video
    from its current position. The status area of the capture preview window displays the percentage of real time in which the video is being encoded from HDV to the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    6 Press the Esc (Escape) key to stop capturing.
    The video playback on the camcorder stops immediately. The capture preview window may lag behind, displaying where the video is in the encoding process. As these frames are processed, the status area of the capture preview window displays the percentage of frames left to process.
    Note: Pressing the Esc key a second time stops the encoding process and cancels
    the capture. After the capture preview window closes, the captured clip appears in your Logging Bin."
    Source: +HD & Broadcast Formats+ available from the FCP "Help" menu bar item.

  • I get Unknown file message when digitising a DV tape

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    I have removed the prefs and re installed and it is still happening.
    Any help welcome.

    At least as far as the Canon goes:
    The Canon XH A1 is in DV mode and Final Cut Pro is set to DV-NTSC?  Or,
    The Canon XH A1 is in HDV mode and Final Cut Pro is set to the corresponding HDV mode?
    The Canopus converter should work as long as FCP is set to DV-NTSC and the device control is disabled.
    What else?  The Scratch Disc for video and audio captures is set to a drive that you've used for capture in the past?
    As a trouble shooting step, have you tried another application like QuickTime Player or iMovie?  If your devices are each in DV mode, QuickTime Player should see the picture and sound (and even record it).  iMovie can be tricky these days for simple capture trouble shooting depending on which version you have as it supports differeent formats depending on which version you have installed: DV-NTSC only; DV-NTSC and HDV; AVCLite and AVCHD.
    Hopefully someone who's encountered this same issue will chime in with "oh, it's _______ that causes that."
    Good luck,

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    I have done all the uninstall, reinstall, update drivers, etc. Please don't bother suggesting that stuff.

    As for the scanner - so is this new one wireless? When I hooked up my Epson All-in-One, I had to install it via USB first before I could install the wireless (per their instructions).  With Snow Leopard, I simply installed the driver and it covered and recognized both the print and scan function - not so in Lion; I had to go through hoops with the scanner part and it finally showed up as a separate unit. I thought that is silly, but - as long as it works.....  I'm trying to think of possibilities since I'm about out of ideas, so you might want to consider that (if it applies). The other troubleshooting suggestions usually include redoing the "add" function after a reboot.
    As for Image Capture, I am out of ideas. FWIW, I never use it - in my workflow, there is no need for it. Not sure if this would have an impact, but make sure that you choose Image Capture in the CDs&DVDs Preference Pane (mine is set to ignore or ask purposely):
    If that does not work, I'd suggest reinstalling the OS over the top of what you have.

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    Start here :
    This link may also be helpful:

  • Trouble capturing on final cut express hd and imovie

    I am having trouble capturing media in fc express as well as imovie. my footage is HD. when I start to capture the media goes in normal for like 2 seconds, then it says that the capture is 95% behind(in fc express) or that it is capturing at 1/8 speed (imovie). even when i stop the capture in order to let it catch up to real time,the media freezes up so that i cant really view it. i dnt know what i am missing.Ive even tried to use a different firewire cable. any suggestions?
    Message was edited by: sscstudios
    Message was edited by: sscstudios

    Thanks for the reply Tom. (BTW I'm not the original poster.)
    You are correct- It is a USB drive formatted FAT 32 . After my original post, I erased the drive and started over with a clean slate. This was successful for tape one (about 60 minutes). About twenty minutes into tape two though, it was deja vu all over again. FC froze, I force quit, and lost all of what I had captured from tape one in the process. I unsuccessfully tried to recapture tape one. Same problem again.
    Although this is the first time I've tried to capture through FC onto an external drive, I've got three other USB drives full of video I've captured from VHS with the same computer through a DV encoder. When you say USB is not supported by Apple for video applications, does that mean video editing applications? As for complete information, apologies but I'm not exactly sure what other info. you mean. Please let me know. Thanks again. I appreciate the time.

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    I've seen this in the past, it was a permissions issue of some kind. Assuming you're on a Mac, you might try running something like Disk Utility and fix permissions. Might fix it.

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    my sequence preset is set to DVCPRO-HD - 1080i60
    my capture preset is set to DVCPOR HD - 1080i60 48kHz
    my device control preset is set to DVCPRO HD FireWire

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    PB g4 and PM g5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    sounds like either a firewire bus or a quicktime issue issue.
    If it has worked before and does not now, have you either added new external drives or upgraded your FCP/Quicktime installation?
    new external drives: Try removing the drives and capture to an internal hard drive. Does it work? if so, you have a firewire bus collision issue.
    upgraded FCP/Quicktime: Often in upgrading the OS, QT or FCP for some odd reason QT will get knocked slightly off kilter. The usual solution it to force a full reinstall of QT.
    This is how:
    Go to /library/receipts and delete any files that say Quicktime followed by a number e.g. Quicktime703.pkg
    Go to the Apple quicktime site and download the appropriate version of Quicktime to your hard drive.
    Run the Quicktime installer.
    Repair Disk Permissions for your System Disk (Disk Utility > Select the system disk > Repair Disk Permissions)
    Good luck.

  • Capture Error Message: Tape Trouble--Check VTR

    On certain sections of different Digital Betacam source tapes (via SDI and RS422 deck control--Sony J-30 deck @ DVC Pro 50 resolution) I get the following error message:
    "Tape trouble--check VTR. Do no attempt to eject tape or use transport without checking VTR first."
    The tape keeps running with this message up on the screen but the drive has stopped capturing. There are no timecode skip warnings and no other indications. Was wondering if this message is generated by Kona (will check with AJA on Monday) or FCP? I have successfully captured other sections from the same tape. Tape dub stock is brand new.
    Perhaps the warning is correct and some anomally is being detected on the tape at only certain capture points on the same tape. There are no error messages on the deck display which tells me the deck & tape are actually ok. These pro decks are pretty good at letting you know if there's a tape slack, tape moisture or control track problem. But has anyone else experienced this and have knowledge about it?

    Sounds like the VCR is sending false signals, or they are true, and you just don't see the problem when the deck sends the message to FCP.... I'd be prone to start trouble shooting this by resetting all the parameters of the playback machine in it's on screen menu etc... I'd suppose too that if there is the slightest error being detected, the deck will kick out the capture process. So might need to have the deck sent to maintenance.

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