Capturing the Message on the Login Page (Invalid user/password expired etc.

Hi, I have a requirment for capturing the error message on the Login page if the User's Account is expired or Account is Disabled or Invalid credentials, Password Lockout etc.
I am using the attached login page. Can any one please help me out on this.
<html><head><title>AARPLogin Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" xml:space="preserve">
// This function automatically gets called for broswer detection
var isNav4 = false;
var isIE4 = false;
var isNS6 = false;
function obDetectBrowser()
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if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )
isNav4 = true;
} else {
isIE4 = true;
if ( navigator.appVersion.charAt( 0 ) >= 5 )
if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )
isNS6 = true;
obDetectBrowser ();
var NCID_LANDING_PAGE_URL = "/landing/";
var QS_REDIR = "ReDir";
var keyChooser;
function checkPasswordEnterKey( event )
var form = document.forms[0];
if (isNav4 || isNS6) {
keyChooser = event.which ;
} else if (isIE4) {
keyChooser = window.event.keyCode;
if (keyChooser == 13) {
if (
&& form.userid.value != ""
&& form.password
&& form.password.value != ""
return true;
alert('Please enter a UserId and Password');
return false;
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var panelElement = document.getElementById( panelID );
if ( displayValue == 'show' ) = 'block';
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return "";
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if ( c.indexOf( nameEQ ) == 0 )
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return null;
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document.cookie = name + "=" + escape( value ) +
( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "" ) +
( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) +
( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +
( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" );
function Delete_Cookie( name, path, domain )
if ( Get_Cookie( name ) )
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( (path) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) +
( (domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +
";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
function lostPassword()
var CurrentLogin = document.forms[0].userid.value;
if ( CurrentLogin == "" ) {
alert ( "Please enter your eMail Address." );
else {
Set_Cookie( COOKIE_OBFORMLOGINCOOKIE, "done", 0, "/" );
var LOST_PWD_PAGE = "/identity/oblix/apps/lost_pwd_mgmt/bin/lost_pwd_mgmt.cgi?program=passwordChallengeResponse&login="+CurrentLogin+"&backUrl=";
window.location = LOST_PWD_PAGE;
function emailPassword()
function onLoad()
if (getQueryVariable( "MSG" ) == 'LOGIN_FAILED' )
alert ("Login Failed, Please try again");
else if (getQueryVariable( "MSG" ) == 'PWD_EXP' )
alert ("Your Password Is About to Expire. Please Change it at your earliest convenience.");
var pwdExpUID = getQueryVariable( "login" );
var hostTarget = getQueryVariable( "hostTarget" );
var resURL = getQueryVariable( "resURL" );
var PWD_EXP_PAGE = "/identity/oblix/apps/lost_pwd_mgmt/bin/lost_pwd_mgmt.cgi?program=redirectforchangepwd&login="+pwdExpUID+"&backURL="+hostTarget+resURL+"&target=top";
window.location = PWD_EXP_PAGE;
else if (getQueryVariable( "MSG" ) == 'CHGPWD' )
alert ("You are required to change your password.");
var chgPwdUID = getQueryVariable( "login" );
var hostTarget = getQueryVariable( "hostTarget" );
var resURL = getQueryVariable( "resURL" );
var CHG_PWD_PAGE = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/identity/oblix/apps/lost_pwd_mgmt/bin/lost_pwd_mgmt.cgi?program=redirectforchangepwd&login="+chgPwdUID+"&backURL="+hostTarget+resURL+"&target=top";
window.location = CHG_PWD_PAGE;
</script></head><body onload="onLoad();document.login.userid.focus();" alink="blue" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="blue" vlink="blue">
<p align="center">
<img alt="AARP Header Logo" src="login_files/aarpLogo.gif" border="0" height="91" width="219">
</p><form name="login" method="post" action="/access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/">
<div class="boldText" align="center">
<div class="boldText" align="left">
<div id="LoginFailed" style="display: none;">
<table align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="500">
<table bgcolor="#e5e5e5" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tbody><tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td rowspan="3" height="40" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
<img src="login_files/error.gif" name="error" height="20" width="20">
<td rowspan="3" align="center">
<font color="#ff0000" size="-1">
<div id="TryAgain" style="display: none;">Login Failed! Invalid UserID and/or Password, Please try again.<br></div>
<div id="AccountLocked" style="display: none;">Your Account has been Locked!</div>
<font color="#ff0000">
assistance call E-Services Help Line at (XXX) XXX-XXXX Monday through
Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm eastern standard time.</b>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
</tr><tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
<td background="login_files/border_upper_left.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
<td background="login_files/border_top.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
<td background="login_files/border_upper_right.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
<td background="login_files/border_left.gif" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
<table bgcolor="#ebebce" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%">
<td colspan="3" align="center">
<font color="darkred" face="Arial" size="3">
<b> </b></td>
<tr valign="bottom">
<td colspan="3" width="100%">
<table bgcolor="#ebebce" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tbody><tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
<td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#ebebce" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="4%">
<font color="#000000">
<span class="text">
<img src="login_files/arrow.gif" align="top" height="20" width="20">
<font color="#000000"> </font>
<td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#ebebce" width="96%">
<font color="#000000" size="-1">
<span class="text">Please enter your Email and Password. If you are a new user to AARP, please select First Time AARP User.
<tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
<tr valign="bottom">
<td colspan="3">
<table align="center" border="0" width="349">
<td nowrap="nowrap" width="74">
<font color="#000000" size="-1">
<div align="left">eMail:</div>
<td width="265">
<input name="userid" value="" size="32" maxlength="32" tabindex="2" type="text">
<font color="#000000" size="-1">
<div align="left">Password:</div>
<font color="#000000" size="-1">
<input name="password" size="32" maxlength="32" length="30" tabindex="3" type="password">
<font color="#000000" size="-1">
<p align="center"><b>Forgot Your Password?</b></p>
<td align="center"> <font color="#000000" size="-1"><!--
Reset Password      
Email New Password
<td colspan="4">
<div class="boldText" align="center">
<input src="login_files/button_login.gif" name="Submit" value="" alt="login" type="image">
<b class="boldText"><img src="../images/button_login.gif" width="68" height="25" name="img_login" border="0" alt="login"/></b>
--> <b class="boldText"><img src="login_files/button_clear.gif" name="img_clear" alt="clear" border="0" height="25" width="68"></b>
<b class="boldText"><img src="login_files/button_help.gif" name="img_help" alt="help" border="0" height="25" width="68"></b>
<b class="boldText"><img src="login_files/button_cancel.gif" name="img_cancel" alt="cancel" border="0" height="25" width="68"></b>
<td background="login_files/border_right.gif" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
<td background="login_files/border_lower_left.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
<td background="login_files/border_bottom.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
<td background="login_files/border_lower_right.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
<span class="text"><br><br><b>NOTICE:
This system is the property of AARP and is for authorized use only.
Unauthorized access is a violation of federal and state law. All
software, data transactions, and electronic communications are subject
to monitoring.</b></span>
<div id="hr" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 10px; z-index: 90; top: 657px; left: 10px;">
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Privacy Policy
Contact Us
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<form name="passform" action="" method="post">
<input name="login" value="" type="hidden">
<input name="backUrl" value="" type="hidden">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" xml:space="preserve">
var undefined;
if (
&& document.login.password
function clearForm()
function navigate( linkName )
if ( 'login' == linkName )
if ( document.accountLogin.userID.value != '' && document.login.password.value != '' )
alert('Please click the Account Registration Setup link for now');
//document.location = 'userDataPersonal.htm';
alert('Please enter a UserId and Password');
function openHelp()
helpDoc = "", "", "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=300" );
function cancel()
// open dialog
var initX = parseInt( window.screenX ) + parseInt( window.outerWidth ) / 2 - 100;
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Is it not possible that someone fired the password expiration cmd ?
SQL> select limit
  2  from   dba_profiles
  3  where  profile='DEFAULT'
  4  and resource_name='PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
SQL> select profile from dba_users where username='MYUSER';
SQL> conn myuser/myuser
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> alter user myuser password expire;
User altered.
SQL> conn myuser/myuser
ORA-28001: the password has expired
Changing password for myuser
New password:
Password unchanged
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
SQL> conn / as sysdba
  2  from sys.user$ where name ='MYUSER';
         1 23-11-2011 11:15
23-11-2011 11:15
23-11-2011 11:17

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    Hello Fernand,
    I hope at the end of this you may get some knowledge on Alerts.
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/09/09/xi-alerts--step-by-step XI:Alerts step-by-step. (fundamental Basic)
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    Please reward points if it is useful...
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    You're welcome 
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    Log ID:5566
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    I am guessing this has something to do with the UDCX connection and the database.
    Can anyone help me get this fixed?

    Hi Jim,
    Please check the following kb article when it occurs 5566errro with the UDCX conection file, try the method of using the Secure Store Service to store alternate credentials for the data connection method, or the method of stating the credentials
    in the UDC file explicitly.
    Also check if it could help with setting sql server as "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode".
    Daniel Yang
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    RADIUS servers are Cisco ACS (patch 10)
    Primary and secondary ACS configurations are synchronized.
    There are no problem between primary WLC and Cisco ACS (primary and secondary).
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    Cisco ACS description for this error: "This maybe because of mismatched Shared Secrets."
    The two Cisco ACS are synchronized so I should have same error on them...
    Why does primary ACS generate this error?
    Thanks for your help,

    Tarik Admani wrote:Amjad,That is a good observation, shouldnt 7.3 (which recently released) help put these types of issues to rest? I hear that the configuration can now be replicated from one controller to the next in a failover setup.Thanks,Tarik Admani
    *Please rate helpful posts*
    Yes. That is a good point.
    With 7.3 you can use high availability (HA) between two WLCs and you can configure only one WLC (the primary) and all the configuraiotn can be replicated and synched to the other WLC (the secondary).
    The two WLCs in the HA must be on same subnet though. Otherwise hot-standby HA between WLCs can't be used.
    Rating useful replies is more useful than saying "Thank you"

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    I am trying to install Adobe Premiere Elements 9 without success. I successfully installed Photoshop Elements 9 without a problem. The message I am getting is 'Invalid Unicode file - .\Autoplay\LangData\en_US\lang.dat'. Anyone out there who can help please?

    click setup, not autoplay.

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    When trying to log into yahoo mail, I get the message saying 'The page isn't redirecting properly'. I deleted history/ restarted firefox. How can this be fixed?

    If it works in Safe Mode and in normal mode with all extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) disabled then try to find which extension is causing it by enabling one extension at a time until the problem reappears.
    Close and restart Firefox after each change via "Firefox > Exit" (Windows: Firefox/File > Exit; Mac: Firefox > Quit Firefox; Linux: Firefox/File > Quit)

Maybe you are looking for