Carousel type question

Don't even know how to really ask this but ill try.
I really like the carousel type scripts with pictures in
them. I want something similar.
I want like 6 pictures in a circle, then when I mouseover one
of them which ever image was chosen it goes to the 12 or 6 and
enlarges a bit, is this possible and which type of coding, it may
not be flash i am aware of that. Hope I explained it well enough.
The other option is using a carousel but i don't want the
automatic action on it. I would like to have the image come to the
front by which ever image was rolled over by the mouse.

thegolfnutz wrote:
> Don't even know how to really ask this but ill try.
> I really like the carousel type scripts with pictures in
them. I want
> something similar.
> I want like 6 pictures in a circle, then when I
mouseover one of them which
> ever image was chosen it goes to the 12 or 6 and
enlarges a bit, is this
> possible and which type of coding, it may not be flash i
am aware of that.
> Hope I explained it well enough.
> The other option is using a carousel but i don't want
the automatic action on
> it. I would like to have the image come to the front by
which ever image was
> rolled over by the mouse.
> thanks
google for "flash carousel", there are many free examples.
Best Regards
"Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    In addition to the info offered by Jolly Giant, Time Machine is rather different from the system restore feature of Windoze.
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    You might want to review these:
    Time Machine Tutorial
    Time Machine 101
    How to back up and restore your files
    Time Machine Features
    Apple - Support - Mac OSX v10.5 Leopard Time Machine
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    asset_type varchar2(3),
    asset_stat asset_stat_nt
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    asset_nm IN varchar2,
    asset_type_cd in varchar2,
    asset_stat_cd in varchar2 ) return self as result is
    self.asset_nm := asset_nm
    self.asset_type := asset_type_cd ;
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    I think we may have a slight miscommunication.  This is the way that I interpreted your original post.
    Lets say you shot the Smith/Jones wedding this past weekend.  You start a new project and have a Service Sequence and a Reception Sequence.  You finish editing both the service and reception and just a standard full length video.  Now you want to create a montage with clips from both the service and reception.  In this montage you will have different effects like Black and white, Slo Mo, blurs, etc.  So what you do is export the service and reception and then import those two files (or one long one) and then cut that apart and add your music and effects to make your montage.  Is that correct?
    The way that I do it works the exact same way except that you skip the export part.
    When I edit a wedding I generally have 4 sequences when I am finished.  I have a Pre Wedding montage, service, reception, and ending highlights.  The Pre Wedding montage is just made up of shots from before the service (bride and bridesmaids getting ready, shots of the venu, groom and groomsmen and so on).  Then I have a full edit of the service and a full edit of the reception.  After I am finished with those 3 sequences I start working on the ending highlight collage.  I make a new sequence for the collage then I go to my bin and drag the "Service Sequence" up into the preview monitor (I know in my previous post I said double click.  That does not work, because that just opens it up as a sequence.  Sorry about that).  In the preview monitor I scrub through the footage until I find a section that I want in the montage.  Then I set in and out points around that clip and drop it into my Montage timline, and what ever effects to it that I want, then move on to the next clip and do the same thing.  To me it seems that we have the same process except that you have to wait for the export (which is always going to give you a quality loss, how much of a loss depends on format and settings).
    Please let me know if I have misread your process.

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    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 25 septembre 2008 12:26:29)

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    My questions is if NEU is the o/p type for both, then how do we differentiate that a supplier should be only faxed, or only emailed, or both ?? What setting/ config could it be ?
    Your ideas will be appreciated.
    Many Thanks,

    @ kalyan Gorla -
    Sorry but this is not what I am looking for. Let me explain once again.
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    My question is this, will the connection type (Firewire 800, USB 2, etc) make a difference in the stream quality?

    dsa420 wrote:
    My question is this, will the connection type (Firewire 800, USB 2, etc) make a difference in the stream quality?
    no you should not notice any difference at all.

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    Is there any disadvantage that affects the performance of my application for not using the field BFILE to point to files generated?
    Note: I can not use a version of Oracle DATABASE Standard time because my clients are unable to acquire licenses

    With BFILE the size of the file pointed to can be max. 4GB but this limit is not related to the 4GB total limit of XE for user data stored in Oracle's datafiles. Each BFILE will consume only the space needed to store the pointer.
    So I would suggest to use BFILE instead of varchar2 so that you can use the DBMS_LOB package.
    Kind regards,

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    If I set a report to use a Heading Type of "PL/SQL", is there a way to get the region id of the report from within the PL/SQL function that I provide in the "Function returning colon delimited headings" section?
    #REGION_ID# (available in a report template) doesn't seem to work.

    Report region ids are not accessible to developers for use in the App Builder. You have to run the page, see what the generated region id is and then go back and hardcode it whereever you need.
    I understand that this is going to be improved in the next release, the region id is going to be a user-defined attribute.

Maybe you are looking for

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