Cascading LOV in a Tabular form

Hi Guys,
I have read numerous articles on the generation of cascading LOV's in a tabular form but havent been able to get it working
I have created an example in my apex workspace at:
workspace XXAPPS
Username guest
Password demo
app no 17551
Page 2
In my test scenario, I have an emp table, dept table and an office table.
Within my tabular form(based on the emp table), I have a deptno column and an office column.
Depending on what the user selects in the deptno column, I would like the corresponding list of offices associated to that dept LOV to be returned in the offices LOV.
The table structure is
When the user selects a deptno in the LOV I would like that to control the values that are returned in the office LOV.
I have used Jari's blog post:
but as you can see it isn't quite working in that the office LOV is not returning anything.
I am pretty new new to JavaScript and jQuery so am no doubt doing something wrong as some of the steps are causing errors and are confusing me a bit e.g. step2 is causing the page to return blank (I have commented the code out in the example)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edited by: Cashy on 07-Mar-2012 04:05

Hi fac,
That is the full code as per the Jari's link on (last but one section of instructions).
I have got the id of the elements (f07 and f06) by using IE Developer toolbar and have passed those into the dynamic action.
The child element is now just showing loading...
It seems to me that the on demand process is not being called because I changed the code to:
l_sql VARCHAR2(32700);
THEN raise_application_error(-20001,'code gets here');
l_sql := 'SELECT competency_id AS RET
,competency_description AS DIS
WHERE competency_category_id = ' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_x01 || '
ORDER BY competency_description
just to see if the code is getting to the process but the error message that I put in the PL/SQL is not firing.

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    Since I cannot find the original thread to VIKAS sample application
    anymore, could someone help me to adopt & strip down his example to only have 2 select fields dependent on each other
    This is the JavaScript I currently have from his site
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function appendToSelect(pSelect, pValue, pContent)
    var l_Opt = document.createElement("option");
    l_Opt.value = pValue;
    if(document.all){/* why is ie different ask bill */
    l_Opt.innerText = pContent;
    else {
    var g_products=new Object;
    var g_sales_reps=new Object;
    function replace_select_list(pSelect,pXML)
    var l_Count = pXML.getElementsByTagName("option").length;
    pSelect.length = 0;
    for(var i=0;i<l_Count;i++){
    var l_Opt_Xml = pXML.getElementsByTagName("option");
    appendToSelect(pSelect, l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('value'), l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue)
    function get_ajax_select_xml(pThis)
    var l_Return = null;
    var l_td=html_CascadeUpTill(pThis,'TD');
    var l_products=l_td.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
    var old_product;
    if (l_products.options.length>0) old_product=html_SelectValue(l_products);
    var l_sales_reps=l_td.nextSibling.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
    var old_rep;
    if (l_sales_reps.options.length>0) old_rep=html_SelectValue(l_sales_reps);
    if (g_products[pThis.value] && l_products) {
    if (old_product) html_SetSelectValue(l_products,old_product);
    else {
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_products',html_GetElement('pFlowStepId').value);
    gReturn = get.get('XML');
    if(gReturn && l_products) { replace_select_list(l_products,gReturn); if (old_product) html_SetSelectValue(l_products,old_product);}
    if (g_sales_reps[pThis.value] && l_sales_reps) {
    if (old_rep) html_SetSelectValue(l_sales_reps,old_rep);
    else {
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_sales_reps',html_GetElement('pFlowStepId').value);
    gReturn = get.get('XML');
    if(gReturn && l_sales_reps) {replace_select_list(l_sales_reps,gReturn);if (old_rep) html_SetSelectValue(l_sales_reps,old_rep);}
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function getCellIndex(pRow,pCell)
    if (document.all) {
    for(var j=0;i<pRow.cells.length;j++)
    if(pRow.cells[j] == pCell) return j;
    return pCell.cellIndex;
    function fire_onchange()
    var td_manufacturer=html_GetElement('MANUFACTURER');
    var l_cellindex=getCellIndex(td_manufacturer.parentNode,td_manufacturer);
    var l_table=html_CascadeUpTill(td_manufacturer,'TABLE');
    for (var j=1;j<l_table.rows.length;j++) {
    var l_cell=l_table.rows[j].cells[l_cellindex];
    var l_select=l_cell.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
    if (l_select && l_select.onchange) l_select.onchange();
    ON DEMAND PROCESS (get_products)
    owa_util.mime_header('text/xml', FALSE );
    htp.p('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    htp.p('Pragma: no-cache');
    for rec in (select val from products
    where manufacturer=:TEMPORARY_ITEM)
    htp.prn('<option value="' || rec.val || '">' || rec.val
    || '</option>');
    end loop;
    Also does it make a difference if the temporary item (condition) is a string value rather than a numeric value?
    Thanks a lot!
    Message was edited by:

    I think that this approach is better than the one from Vikas:
    Denes Kubicek

  • Dynamic LOV in a Tabular Form

    Can somebody please tell me if there is a easy way to code a
    dynamic LOV in a Tabular Form?
    I need the ability to access a column value in the table row, to use in the WHERE clause of LOV query for another column in the row? Seems
    like that should be easy , but not finding an answer.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Carol,
    You can add the select list's definition directly into your SQL statement using APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY - see: []
    If you first run your page with your existing select list on it, then do a View Source and look for the select list, you will see a "name" attribute of something like "f01" or "f02" etc. Make a note of the number part of this.
    Then update your SQL statement to include the above and using the number you noted as the Index value (say, 4):
    FROM EMPThat would give you a select list of employees in the same department as the current employee (excluding that employee themself)

  • How to retain value in LoV item in Tabular Form, after Page Refresh

    I have a tabular form, which contains 2 items(columns), of type "Select List - named LoV".
    Now, 2nd item(column) in tabular form, that LoV should get populated based on user's selection value in first item LoV.
    1. So how do I refer to the value, that user selected in first item's LoV? I will have to use this value as reference in LoV query of my 2nd item ( on this tabular form)
    2. Everytime I select value in first item LoV, page gets refreshed, as my requirement is to calculate 2nd item's LoV based on selected value in first item. So after this page refresh, first item LoV loses its value that was selected before the page refresh happened. So how do i retain this value in first item LoV? I have an unconditional process, that on every submit(refresh) of page, I set all my items with their corresponding values. But problem is what do i mention there to refer to this first item ( of type LoV) of tabular form?
    I looked in view source of my page, this item is referred as f03.
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    Please help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Rave,
    You will have to use Javascript and Ajax to change the values as ApEx submissions will lose your results unless they are saved into the database.
    Remember, that as you are using a tabular form there will be lots of items called f01, fo2, fo3 etc on the page (one per row).
    Edited by: MKii on Jun 4, 2009 10:13 AM

  • Cascading LOV in a Tab Form Help

    I've aquired an application that was written by someone else. I have a Tab Form that needs a Cascading LOV. There is code already in place, but I have questions about it that I'm hoping someone can help.
    There's a LOV called Product Group that has an onChange in the Element Attributes:
    onchange="f_load_platform(this.value,#ROWNUM#);"In the HTML Header is a javascript function:
    function f_load_platform(p_pg_id, p_rownum){
       if (p_pg_id) {
          v_new_list = html_GetElement('f04_'+ f_zero_pad(p_rownum,4));
          v_curr_value = v_new_list.value;
          var get = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=Get_Platform_From_Product_Group',0);
          gReturn = get.get();
          if (gReturn) {
             // Separate each combination set of values
             var NameArray = gReturn.split(",");
             // Reset dropdown list by making its length to a needed value
             v_new_list.length = NameArray.length-1;
             for(i=0; i < NameArray.length; i++){
               NameArrayList = NameArray.split("~");
    if(NameArrayList[0] != "") {
    v_new_list[i].value = NameArrayList[0];
    v_new_list[i].text = NameArrayList[1];
    if(NameArrayList[0] == v_curr_value) {
    v_new_list.selectedIndex = i;
    else {
    v_new_list.length = 0;
    function f_zero_pad(num,count)
    var numZeropad = num + '';
    while(numZeropad.length < count) {
    numZeropad = "0" + numZeropad;
    return numZeropad;
    The Add Row button is set to:
    Action: Redirect to URL
    Execute Validations: Yes
    URL Target: javascript:addRow();
    When I debug the javascript the variable v_new_list shows as false. I can also see that p_rownum variable in the javascript function contains 0.  I don't know if that's correct.
    Can someone help me with why this function does not return the values into the select list for the f04 item?
    What other information can I provide?

    Thank you for replying.
    While debugging the javascript, I can see that gReturn does contain a string of the Platforms for that Product Group ID.
    What I don't know if it's correct is the call to: v_new_list = html_GetElement('f04_'+ f_zero_pad(p_rownum,4));
    When I view source I see that f04_0000 is the Platform select list item.
    <td headers="PLATFORM_ID" class="t13data"><label for="f04_0000" class="hideMe508">PLATFORM_ID</label><select name="f04"  id="f04_0000">...I don't know why the previous developer wrote a function to append the four zero's to the item, but I get the same result when I take out the padding call and replace it with the four zero's so the statement looks like this: v_new_list = html_GetElement('f04_0000');
    I still can see that v_new_list is undefined in the debugger. Any other ideas?

  • Cascading Text Boxes in Tabular Form

    Hello Gurus,
    I have a Cascading Select List in a Tabular Form made with APEX_ITEM.
    My Tabular Form is like this: Col1[select list], Col2[select list], Col3, col4 .
    Now :- I would like Col2 to be made as a TEXT BOX as opposed to SELECT LIST. But this TEXT BOX should still be populated "On Change" of Col1 and the TEXTBOX should be editable.
    I saw another function called: TEXT_FROM_LOV_QUERY but I can not set the item_id [to use in HTML HEAD Java Script Function & Application Process] as the signature of the function does not support.
        p_value       IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        p_query       IN    VARCHAR2,
        p_null_text   IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%')
        RETURN VARCHAR2;Please point me to any relevant examples.
    Appreciate any help in this regard. Please let me know if I could not explain my problem well.

    Hi Jari,
    Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
    I did make some changes and here is the code I have all together..
    Region Source to display the page:
    SELECT apex_item.hidden(45,LINE_NO)
      || apex_item.select_list_from_query(46, TRANSACTION_ID, 'select transaction_name,transaction_id from cap_plan_std_business_tran where technology_id=1', 'style="" '
      || 'onchange="SetTXTitem(this,'
      || 'f47_'
      || LPAD (LINE_NO, 4, '0')
      || ')"', 'YES', '0', '- Select Transaction -', 'f46_'
      || LPAD (LINE_NO, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) TRANSACTION_ID,
      apex_item.TEXT(47, SLA, NULL,NULL,'style=""', 'f47_'  || LPAD (LINE_NO, 4, '0'), NULL) SLA,
    FROM cp_std_trans_details
    WHERE cap_plan_id = 1
      SELECT apex_item.hidden(45,NULL)
      || apex_item.select_list_from_query(46, NULL, 'select transaction_name,transaction_id from cap_plan_std_business_tran where technology_id=1', 'style="" '
      || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_std_item(this,'
      || 'f47_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0')
      || ')"', 'YES', '0', '- Select Transaction -', 'f46_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) TRANSACTION_ID,
    apex_item.TEXT(47, NULL, NULL,NULL,'style=""', 'f47_'  || LPAD (LEVEL, 4, '0'), NULL) SLA,
    apex_item.text(48,NULL) TRANSACTIONS_PER_PEAK_HOUR
    FROM dual
      CONNECT BY LEVEL = 2the below is my Javascript source:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function f_set_casc_sel_list_std_item(pThis,pSelect){
            alert('from function');     
        var l_Select = html_GetElement(pSelect);
        var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,
        gReturn = get.get('XML');
        if(gReturn && l_Select){
        get = null;
    </script>I have created a APPLICATION ITEM with this name : 'TAB_CASCADING_ITEM_TXTSLA'
    and below is the application process source:
       v_counter   NUMBER := 0;
       v_sla number;
       OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
       HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
       HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
         SELECT COUNT (*) OVER () sla_count, sla
           INTO  v_counter,v_sla
                   FROM cap_plan_std_business_tran
                  WHERE transaction_id= :TAB_CASCADING_ITEM_TXTSLA
           IF v_counter = 1
             HTP.prn (v_sla);
          END IF;
          IF v_counter != 1
             HTP.prn ('un defined');
          END IF;
    END;but some thing should still be wrong and it does not work .. can you please check ...

  • Why doesn't a Popup Key LOV (named LOV) in a tabular form not display values in the popup?

    I have a tabular form and I'm setting one of the fields to a Popup Key LOV (named LOV). The named LOV is a static LOV. When the popup is displayed there are no values displayed. The same thing happens if I use a Popup LOV (named LOV).
    I created a sample application shows what happens. When the job field popup is selected, no items are displayed. If I change the item to a Select List (named LOV) it works fine.
    Is this a bug?

    I am also getting the same issue. Hope it could be a bug.
    Can anyone plz confirm this?

  • Specify image for a pop-up LOV in a tabular form?

    I am using a tabular form for users to edit data. One of the fields has too many options to use a select list, so I have to use a pop-up lov (query based)... grrrr
    The lov shows up in my form as [Field value]List
    I would like to remove the text "List" and put a small icon there. Where can I specify the image source?

    Hi Denes,
    Thanks for your reply. I looked at your page, but I'm not sure if it relates to my issue.
    Here's a piece of the generated HTML for the pop-up lov:
    &lt;span class="lov"&gt;
    &lt;label class="hideMe508" for="f03_0004"&gt;f03_0004&lt;/label&gt;
    &lt;input id="f03_0004" type="text" value="U41" maxlength="2000" size="8" name="f03"/&gt;
    &lt;img align="middle" style="vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer;" alt="List"/&gt;
    &lt;/span&gt;Notice that there is an image tag, but the src attribute is not a result the browser displays the alt text List.
    If I missed your solution I apologise...

  • Restricting LOV values in tabular form

    I am new to APEX.
    I have a tabular updateable report with the following layout
    wagon_no container_no origination destination received_flag wagon_size
    wagon123 container123 MLPM DOZ N 20
    wagon456 container456 MLPM DOZ N 40
    Wagon number,container_number,origination,destination are LOV's and which can be updateable.
    Size is read only.
    I need to restrict the entry of the wagon's and container in the report.
    ie,If wagon Size is 20,then I can enter the same wagon size twice.
    If the wagon size is 40,then I can enter the wagon only once for a particular train.
    Can it be done at the LOV?
    Can it be done through Javascripts..if yes,how can it be done??I have not used Javascript..
    Also,the container cannot be entered twice..
    I tried restricting the container number in the LOV by not displaying the entered container number in the LOV .But,once saved and while querying later,it doesnot show the correct value.
    Can anybody help me out?please,its quite urgent..

    Have a look at Denie' example on cascading LOV's. this should give you some insight.
    Kind regards,

  • Cascade Select list with Tabular Form

    I am trying to implement Cascade Select List functionality on a tabular form where users should be able to add multiple rows. The data should be saved to a temporary stage area, where users can review the data prior to saving to the table. Very similar to the shopping cart where one can Delete/Update rows by record. I believe there is a way to do it via APEX Collections. If anyone has an example it would definitely help. FYI, Running on APEX 3.2, so no built in cascade functionality.
    Thank you,

    If you received a reply or figured out how to do this, can post? I need to implement exact same functionality and have not figured out how to do so. Have pinged Denes K. for source code on his demo app but not yet received response. Can this be done using wizard tab form or does it have to be a manually tab form?

  • Help with Cascading Select List in Tabular Form

    Hello Friends,
    I am trying to implement Denes Kubicek's sample for Cascading Select list and ran into this error:
    Please help me identify what I might have missed ???
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. Error processing resource '
    <select><option value="0">- Select Employee (0) -</option></select><html lang="en-us" xmlns:htmld...
    Please find below the list of activities I performed:
    1.Created the region source
    2.Created the hidden items
    3.Created the buttons and items
    4.Created the application process for MRU and Delete
    5.Created the Application item [ TAB_CASCADING_ITEM]
    6.Created the Application Process[tab_casc_sel_list]
    Any clue/pointers to debug this are welcome.
    I tried the above on; WS: CHAITANYAPATCHIPULUSU; USERNAME :[email protected]
    PWD:Satya123 in APPLICATION : 12855 and Page :35

    OK, you didn't have the background process as an on demand process.
    In the MRU and MRD process, you were referencing the wrong variables for the count. (as in deb's case, it's p176, but in your case its p35).
    In the javascript function, the call that is supposed to assign : TAB_CASCADING_ITEM a value, isn't working (I believe).

  • Bug in Static LOV definition in tabular form?

    I have always defined static LOVs as follows
    but now with V4.0+ the select list at runtime appears as follows:
    Suddenly the literal "STATIC" is appearing in the first display field.
    If I omit the word "STATIC:" from the definition, it seems to work fine. Was this an intentional change in the definition of static LOVs? If so, you then the developers need to update the help text for LOVs.


  • Cascading LOV not working when the page is public

    Hi ,
    I have a cascading LOV in a tabular form which I have built using Denes Kubicek example from
    Thanks to this wonderful examle I was able to make my cascading lov work.
    However when I make the page public , the second lov(which is based on the first one) does not work.
    Inorder to debug i changed get.get('XML') to get.get() and put an alert on it; to check if the select list string is being returned correctly by the application process - it returns null. The same alert returns the select list string when I put the authentication back on the page.
    Also I noticed when the page is public the application item (TAB_CASCADING_ITEM) is not getting populated with the value of the first select list.
    has anybody encountered the same issue ?
    Appreciate any suggestions?

    One of the parameters in the htmldb_get is the page the process runs on. You should change that to the current page or make page 0 public as well.

  • How to have cascading lov for a single column in tabular form

    How to have a cascading lov for a single column in tabular form
    ie i have one employee name column
    in tabular form if v pressed add row then one row ll be added
    In my scenario based on first row value
    the second row value to be displayed
    To achieve this what i have to do ..

    READ Cascading select list on tabular form  and
    Oracle APEX 4.0: Cascading LOVs/Select Lists | Inside Oracle APEX by Patrick Wolf BLOG
    helps you,

  • Dependent LOV in Tabular Form

    We are developing an application where we come across requirement to have two fields in tabular form and both are required to have LOV. But the issue is the second field LOV in the tabular form is dependent on first field value.
    ex: Assume first field is "Country" and second field is "Cities", when user selects first field country as "US", then we have to populate list of citiies in "US" for that row. And if the user selects country as "UK" for the second row, we have to populate second field (city) with list of citieis in "UK".
    We are unable to achieve this functionality and any help/pointers would be highly appreciated.

    Hi Ram,
    Please have a look at this example by Denes Kubicek
    I was able to achieve the cascading LOV functionality based on the above example.

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