Case insensitive

I have a column say ID varchar2. i have a primary key on this i want to insert 'A' and then 'a' but i want second values "a" to be rejected because 'A' is already in a row and it must return a primary key violation message
this is something like case insensitive.
I also dont want to use some shedow column like thing
Is there any way?

Create a UNIQUE Function based Index:
TEST> create table A
  2  (
  3  pk varchar2(10)
  4  );
Table created.
TEST> create unique index iA
  2  on A ( upper(pk) );
Index created.
TEST> insert into A values ('A');
1 row created.
TEST> insert into A values ('a');
insert into A values ('a')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (YJAM.IA) violated
TEST> insert into A values ('b');
1 row created.
TEST> commit;
Commit complete.
TEST> select * from a;

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    Yes it is possible to do case insensitive searches using SQL. Try, for example:
    select * from application where upper(name) like '%ORACLE%'
    The trick is to upper() both sides of the like operator.

  • Error in a report after enabling case insensitive search in conn pool prop

    Hi All,
    I put the below code in connection pool's connection string to enable case insensitive search.
    alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI
    alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC
    After putting this code one of my report started giving the below error which was working fine otherwise.
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. NQODBC SQL_STATE: HY000 nQSError: 10058 A general error has occurred. nQSError: 16001 ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1791 message: OracleODBCOraORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression. nQSError: 16001 ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1791 message: OracleODBCOraORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression. nQSError: 16015 SQL statement execution failed. (HY000)
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    Below is the SQL which is throwing error in OBIEE. It was working fine when I tried running it in toad:
    select T1609.ATTRIB_05 as c1,
    count(distinct T1609.ATTRIB_42) as c2,
    WC_DAY_D T1159 /* RMA_RECEIVED_DT(WC_DAY_D) */ ,
    WC_RMA_D T571,
    WC_FV_FA_D T1609,
    WC_FV_FA_F T1679
    where ( T571.ROW_WID = T1679.RMA_WID and T1159.ROW_WID = T1679.RMA_RECEIVED_WID and T1609.ROW_WID = T1679.FV_FA_WID and T1609.ATTRIB_39 <> 'FV' and (T571.STATUS_CD in ('2nd FA', '2nd FA Review', 'Closed')) and TRUNC(T1609.TODO_ACTL_END_DT) is not null and TRUNC(T1159.FSCL_WEEK_START_DT) between TIMESTAMP '2009-03-22 00:00:00' and TIMESTAMP '2009-04-12 00:00:00' )
    group by T1609.ATTRIB_05, TRUNC(T1159.FSCL_WEEK_START_DT)
    order by c3
    -------------------- Query Status: Query Failed: [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1791 message: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression.
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    [nQSError: 16015] SQL statement execution failed.

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    Hi Simon,
    Sorry, search for the function using the Object Browser in .NET. If you have Crsytal Reports XI R2 (11.5.x.xxxx) then you have it. Unless it's not a developer version. In whcih case you need to upgrade.
    If you do have the Developer version then simply add the RAS assemblies to your project. Look in our samples above for more info on h ow to use RAS.
    If you don't have the Developer version then your only options are to upgrade or manually change the report settings in the Designer.
    Thank you

  • How do I move my large iTunes collection from a case-sensitive hard drive to a case-insensitive hard drive?

    I currently keep my iTunes media on an external hard drive because it takes up too much space on my machine. I recently discovered that it was formatted as case-sensitive when I bought it, and now months later I'm having issues. When attempting to back up my files on a case-insensitive hard drive, the operation failed due to conflicting file/folder names (Artist and artist are now considered the same file name and one would have to overwrite the other). I now have a large iTunes file collection that is stuck on the case-sensitive hard drive, and I want to save a backup on a case-insensitive drive. 
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    I imagine there is a way to do this using iTunes script or Automator  or a command in terminal or something rather than going through and checking/fixing all the information for thousands of songs by hand. I'm at the limits of my minimal development skills, so any help would be appreciated.

    You should be able to use either "Carbon Copy Cloner" or "SuperDuper" (free for this purpose) to copy your case-sensitive volume to an empty case-insensitive one. Make at least two such copies on different drives. One is not enough to be safe.
    If there are any name conflicts—that is, files in the same folder with names that differ only in case, such as "File" and "file"—then you will either get an error or one of the files won't be copied. You must ensure either that no such conflicts exist, or that the consequences are not important. How you do that is up to you. Unless you went out of your way to create conflicts, they probably don't exist.
    Then erase the source volume in Disk Utility as case-insensitive. This action will remove all data from the volume.
    Restore from one of your backups using the same application you used to create it, or use the "Restore" feature of Disk Utility, which will be faster. Search its built-in help for the term "duplicate" if you need instructions.

  • Time Machine says both of my external hard drives require reformatting to case insensitive. What do I do?

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    The disk must be erased before it can be used for Time Machine backups because a disk you are backing up is case sensitive, but the backup disk is not."
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    What should I do? I just spent days transferring my photographs from my iMac to my new Thunderbolt. Should I just not use Time Machine any longer and work from my Thunderbolt drive?
    Am I to understand that my iMac suddenly become case sensitive? Sorry if this was too much information about my hard-ware set-up.
    Any help someone can provide me would be greatly appreciated. I suppose I need to understand Time Machine and perhaps my Thunderbolt better.

    Hi BDAqua,
    Bravo, you helped me solve my problem.
    The Case Sensitive Disk was the small portable hard drive that I was using termporarily.
    I just disconnected it and I started TM machine and everything seems to be working just fine.
    Thank you very much!!!!

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    iPartition can do it ( ).
    from iPartition Help:
    Make Case Sensitive/Case Insensitive
    HFS+ now supports a case sensitive format as well as the usual case insensitive format. On a case sensitive volume, the names “Readme”, “README” and “ReadMe” would all represent different files, even if they were in the same folder.
    This option allows you to non-destructively change a case sensitive volume into a case insensitive one, and vice-versa. If you are going from a case sensitive volume to a case insensitive volume, some of your files may be renamed automatically by iPartition so that they do not clash. If all of the files in the table below were in the same directory, the right hand column shows the new names iPartition would choose for them:
    Old name New name
    README.txt README.txt
    ReadMe.txt ReadMe 1.txt
    Readme.txt Readme 2.txt
    ReadMe ReadMe 1
    Readme Readme 2
    Notice that iPartition puts the number before any file extension.
    N.B. iPartition does not transform filenames with numbers on the end back into their original forms. There is no way to tell which files were renamed by the user and which were renamed by the conversion process.

  • Case-Insensitive File Name Search on Unix

    I have a program which runs on a Unix OS and it looks for some files like file.csv, and then reads these files. Basically I know the file name and I look for that file name in a particular directory.
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    Any advice....

    Probably I have to get all the file names in that
    directory and then try to match against the file name
    (using ignore case or toUpperCase() maybe), which I
    am looking for.
    Is there a way, where I don't have to get all the
    file names in that directory and can just go and get
    the FileReader Object etc for the file which I am
    looking for.No

  • Specifying Case-Insensitive Element Names in XML Schema

    Hope someone knows this!
    Is it possible to define an an XML Schema Definition so that Element names in the target XML File can be case insensitive.
    At the moment my Parser throws an error if the element names in the XML file do not have the exact same case as the definition in the XML schema.
    In Schema i have:
    <xsd:element name="HOSTINVENTORYLINE" type="HostInventoryLineType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
    but in xml file i have
    <HostInventoryLine field=""/>
    <hostinventoryline field=""/>
    Does anyone know anyway to get around this, so that the parser accepts the HostInventoryLine element in the xml as an instance of the HOSTINVENTORYLINE element defined in the schema.
    Thanks in Advance
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

    You could use substitution groups to handle this. You would need an entry in the schema for each valid capitalization. This won't scale well if you want to be completely case insensitive, but if you only support lower case, upper case, and camel case it should do the trick.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:complexType name="HostInventoryLineType">
                   <xs:element name="an-element" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:element name="HostInventoryLine" type="HostInventoryLineType"/>
         <xs:element name="HOSTINVENTORYLINE" type="HostInventoryLineType" substitutionGroup="HostInventoryLine"/>
         <xs:element name="hostinventoryline" type="HostInventoryLineType" substitutionGroup="HostInventoryLine"/>

  • How can I copy media from an HFS case-sensitive drive to an HFS case-insensitive drive without getting an error?

    About a year ago, I accidentally created a partition on my drive for my iTunes Music. On that parition, called MUSIC, I selected the filesystem to be an HFS, Journaled, case-sensitive partition. Since then, all of my music, new and old, lives on the case-sensitive MUSIC parition.
    My other partition, called BOX, is an HFS, Journaled, case-insensitive filesystem, as are my external drives I use for archiving and backing up my music.
    My dilemma: when I try to copy my music/iTunes media from the MUSIC partition to a different partition that's case-insensitive, I obviously run into errors saying that certain files can't be copied because they will overwrite others. Subsequently, I can't back up my music and iTunes media to another drive unless it has the same filesystem parameters favoring case-sensitivity. I want to move my media to a case-insenstive drive/partition.
    As the story goes, I'd like to avoid having to reformat and worry about moving my media around because I feel, in the end, I'd end up doing more harm then good in my pursuit to fix this issue.
    My question: is there some way I can detect which files are conflicting with each other, and then manually rename them? My music library runs about 16,000 songs deep, but I'd still feel saved even if I had to go through and manually rename all of the music files so they don't conflict with each other in order to get them on to a case-insensitive drive. Perhaps there's an AppleScript someone knows about that I could execute in my MUSIC partition to see which files/directories are causing my problems? In other words, I'm thinking there could be a way to detect the same file/directory names that are only different soley because of their case.
    Any help, suggestions, or solutions are welcome. Thank you all for your time in helping me solve this!
    And have a Happy Thanksgiving

    How do I restore a case-sensitive,...: Apple Support Communities

  • SELECT Query to get the Values in Case insensitive Format

    Hi ,
    This is hari,
    I want to select the user name in a table ex: username="HARI" or username='Hari' or username="HaRi" like this
    If i wrote the query like
    select username from userdb where username="Hari";
    it is displaying the records which only matches "Hari" only .
    can anybody help me out on this query asap please....
    the query should return all the results
    which matches any of the following strings as inputs "HARI" or "HaRi" or "hAri" or the like.
    Awaiting for Response,
    Thanks & Regards

    Another solution is setting NLS_SORT to CI - case insensitive (or whatever_your_language_is_CI) and NLS_COMP to ANSI:
    SQL> with t as (
      2             select 'HARI' name from dual union all
      3             select 'Hari' name from dual union all
      4             select 'HaRi' name from dual
      5            )
      6  select  *
      7    from  t
      8    where name = 'hArI'
      9  /
    no rows selected
    SQL> alter session set nls_sort = binary_ci
      2  /
    Session altered.
    SQL> alter session set nls_comp=ansi
      2  /
    Session altered.
    SQL> with t as (
      2             select 'HARI' name from dual union all
      3             select 'Hari' name from dual union all
      4             select 'HaRi' name from dual
      5            )
      6  select  *
      7    from  t
      8    where name = 'hArI'
      9  /
    SQL> SY.

  • Case-insensitive -- what's a scriptor to do?

    Here's my delima: (from a tcsh)
    % ls
    file1.txt file2.TXT file3.txt
    % ls file{1,2,3}.TXT
    file1.TXT file2.TXT file3.TXT
    % ls *.TXT
    % rm *.txt
    I've written hundreds of unix (csh,tcsh, perl) scripts since around 1988. I never considered that some day UNIX would ignore case in filenames.
    As you can imagine, I'm going to have to re-write dozens of scripts, now that I have this case-insensitive "feature".
    QUESTION 1: Is there some way to turn off the ignore-case in Apple unix? What are the consequences of such a bold act?
    QUESTION 2: Is there a simple variable, switch, or something, that tells the shell (tcsh) that files are case-sensitive (e.g. *.TXT would match *.txt)? Same request goes for telling filec that is should ignore case.
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi Bill,
       I see what you're saying. When the shell passes information to the filesystem, case ceases to matter. However, C Webber is talking about the reverse situation. HFS+ is case-insensitive but it is case-preserving. Whatever case is used in the naming of a file is reproduced faithfully in read operations and shells are by default case-sensitive. C Webber's example was filename globbing. The shell reads the names of the files and looks for matches in a case-sensitive fashion. In that case, case will matter.
       I can see where this would cause problems. You might test for the existence of a file in a case-sensitive fashion, find out that it doesn't, write to the filesystem and blow away a file even though you were careful. You know that something like that happened with the Perl install script, causing it to blow away dozens of its own man pages.
    C. Webber,
       I did a search of the tcsh man page and found nothing suggesting that you can turn off case-sensitivity in globbing. You can do so in completion but it appears that rewrites will be necessary. I encourage you to view this as an opportunity and switch to a more powerful shell. I agree with you that this issue is unique to Mac OS X but every flavor of UNIX has its own issues. We've all had to make changes to migrate scripts. I've certainly had to do that to migrate some of my scripts to Linux and some won't migrate at all. (I use AppleScript in many of my scripts)
       "The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity."
       "And in the way our differences combine to create meaning and beauty."
             -- Dr. Miranda Jones and Spock, "Is There in Truth No Beauty?",
                stardate 5630.8

  • How to make a sortable column in a table to do a case insensitive sort ?

    Hi :
    I am using Jdeveloper Studio Edition Version and my table columns are sortable but i want to make sure that it case insensitive sort ,for example if i have following column values :
    Sorted results should not be likes this : abc,def,ghi,ABC
    instead of this it should be like this : abc,ABC,def,ghi
    Please let me know more about it.

    I'm using the same configuration, Could u tell me how did u done the sort in a column in any case.
    Edited by: Rengaraj Rengasamy on Oct 19, 2009 1:34 AM

  • Mapping with case insensitivity in Filter operator expression

    I need to import data from an ODS into DW table.
    How can I set this before a certain mapping is run to make it case insensitive?
    execute immediate 'alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI';
    execute immediate 'alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC';

    Use upper(column) in the filter expression.

  • Case Insensitive Indexes

    In relation to switching on case insensitive queries using
    alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC;Can anyone answer the following?
    Yes, it works.... but I can't for the life of me figure out how to build a linguistic index that the LIKE clause will actually use. Building an index thus, for example:
    create index bin_ai on names(NLSSORT("NAME",'nls_sort=''BINARY_AI'''));
    makes an index which does get used to good effect by queries such as
    select name from names where name = 'Johny Jacobson';
    but not by
    select name from names where name like 'Johny%';
    Hence, in a real-world test with 100,000 records, the LIKE query runs about 100 times slower than the '=' query (3 sec compared to 0.03 sec). Not very scalable. Is there a way to speed this up??
    Also is it possible to set session variables such as nls_comp on a database/schema/user level?

    select name from names where name like 'Johny%';Performance when using the SQL "like" clause can be tricky because the wildcard "%" operator can invalidate the index. For example a last_name index would be OK with a "like 'SMI%'" query, but unusable with "like '%SMI%'.
    One obscure trick for indexing queries "like '%SON'" is to create a REVERSE index and them programmatically reverse the like clause to read "like 'NOS%'", effectively indexing on the other side of the text.
    You might want to look at Oracle*text indexes, if your database has low DML:
    If you are 10gr2:
    Oracle 10g release 2 has now introduced a case insensitive search method for SQL that avoids index invalidation and unnecessary full-table scans. You can also employ Oracle text indexes to remove full-table scans when using the LIKE operator. Prior to Oracle10g release 2 case insensitive queries required special planning:
    1 - Transform data in the query to make it case insensitive (note that this can invalidate indexes without a function-based index):
    create index upper_full_name on customer ( upper(full_name));
    select full_name from customer
    where upper(full_name) = 'DON BURLESON';
    2 - Use a trigger to transform the data to make it case insensitive (or store the data with the to_lower or to_upper BIF.
    3 - Use Alter session commands:
    alter session set NLS_COMP=ANSI;
    alter session set NLS_SORT=GENERIC_BASELETTER;
    select * from customer where full_name = 'Don Burleson'
    Hope this helps. . .
    Don Burleson
    Oracle Press author

  • Case insensitive user login

    I am working on a Weblogic portal application (Weblogic 10.3.2) to be deployed in a Weblogic Server 10.3.2. I want to enable case insensitive user name login for my application. Looks like by defaule user name goes for a case sensitive authentication. Is there any way to enable case insensitive authentication? Thanks.

    By default Weblogic Login UserId is Case-InSensitive. For quick testing, open your Weblogic Console and say if your admin user id is "weblogic", just try any combination of this value like "WEBloGiC" with his password. It works and you should be able to login.
    NOW if you have any External LDAP configured, still you can login with your userid as Case InSensitive. BUT if you see that some Visitor Entilements or DAs stuff is not getting triggered or working properly, then you can do one setting. In your Weblogic Console, select your external AD Provider (like LDAP, AD etc) and click on the properties tab, where you set the host, port, userbase dn, groupbase dn etc. There you should see another property like a CheckBox named something like "Use Retrieved Username as Principal". What this means is if you say for example login as "RJegGA", the login will be successfull but the value that gets stored in the session in security subject value will be like "rjegga" where rjegga is the actual name coming from external LDAP.
    So point is, check the above check box and try again. For any users stored in the Default Weblogic Authenticator itself, it is case insensitive.
    Ravi Jegga

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