Catching database errors

I have the following problem.
I have to do a bulk upload of records.I used registerAllObjects method of UnitOfWork.I am able to insert without any problem.But if there are few records which doesnot confirm to datatype or size of the column, then oracle in turn toplink throws exception.But what i want is to catch these exceptions for individual records and continue to process other records and later throw back the faulty records to user.
How is it possible using toplink.Note i am using registerAllObjects method and so i have only one commit and the control comes to catch block around commit only once.

If you want to commit records independently you must use a seperate unit of work for each record. In a single unit of work the failure of any of the recors will cause the entire unit of work to rollback.
If you need to write them all in the same transaction but allow some to fail, you could use a DatabaseSession and the beginTransaction() and writeObject() API.

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    user registration.jsp < jsp user view to get input >
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8"?>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c"   uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="x"   uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fn"  uri="" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <title>Registeres USers Login Page</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <%--debugging code--%>
    <%@ include file="debug.jsp" %>
    <table width="1049" cellpadding="5" align="center">
        <td width="2378"><div align="center">
          <h2 align="center"> User Registration</h2>
         <c:url var="HmePgeURL"  value="/cw/router/home"  scope="page"/>
         <a href="${HmePgeURL}">Home</a>  <c:url var='BSPgeURL'  value='/cw/router/login'  scope='page'/>
         <a href="${BSPgeURL}">Buy or Sell</a>
    <p align="center"> </p>
    <p>This website is only open to members of the De MontFort University.
    You will need a current e-mail address in order to register.</p>
    <p> If you've already registered for one site you do not need to register again </p>
    <c:url value="/cw/router/userregistration" var="UregPgeURL" scope="page"/>
    <form name="frmregister" method="post" action="${UregPgeURL}">
      <table width="726" height="285" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
          <td width="157" align="right" >Name:</td>
          <td width="561" > <input name="txtname" type="text" value="${param.txtname}"/> </td>
          <c:if test="${!empty requestScope.reqInvalidUserName}">
          <c:out value="${requestScope.reqInvalidUserName}"/>
          <td width="157" align="right" >Department</td>
          <td align="left" >
              <select name="txtdepartment" value="${param.txtdepartment}" >
                <option value="Faculty of Art and Design">Faculty of Art and Design</option>
                <option value="Faculty of Business and Law">Faculty of Business and Law</option>
                <option value="Faculty of Computing Sciences and Engineering">Faculty of Computing Sciences and Engineering</option>
                <option value="Faculty of Health and Life Sciences">Faculty of Health and Life Sciences</option>
                <option value="Faculty of Humanities">Faculty of Humanities</option>
            <td align="right" >Programme</td>
            <td ><input type="text" name="txtprogramme"  value="${param.txtprogramme}" />
              (eg: BIS,SE) </td>
          <td align="right" >Telephone Number: </td>
          <td ><input name="txtphonenum" type="text" value="${param.txtphonenum}" /></td>
          <td align="right" >Date Of Birth: </td>
          <td ><input name="txtday" type="text" size="15" value="${param.txtdob}" />(of format YYYY-MM-DD)</td>
          <td align="right" >Username</td>
          <td align="left" >
              <input name="txtuserid" type="text"  size="15"  value="${param.txtuserid}" />
            (eg. p07269027 from [email protected])</td>
            <c:if test="${!empty requestScope.reqInvalidUserId}">
            <c:out value="${requestScope.reqInvalidUserId}"/>
          <td align="right" >Password</td>
          <td align="left" >
              <input name="txtpassword" type="password"  size="15" value="${param.txtpassword}" />
         <c:if test="${!empty requestScope.reqInvalidPassword}">
          <c:out value="${requestScope.reqInvalidPassword}"/>
          <td align="right" >Confirm Password </td>
          <td align="left" >
              <input name="txtpasswordconf" type="password" size="15"  />
          <td colspan="2" align="center">
            <input name="frmsubmit" type="submit" value="Register User" />
            <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" />
         <c:if test="${!empty requestScope.reqQueryErrorMessage}">
          <c:out value="${requestScope.reqQueryErrorMessage}"/>
         <c:if test="${!empty requestScope.reqInvalidUpdate}">
          <c:out value="${requestScope.reqInvalidUpdate}"/>
    proregistration.jsp ( registration process jsp)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8"?>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c"   uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="x"   uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fn"  uri="" %>
    <%-- \WEB-INF\jsp\cwjsps\probooksforsale.jsp --%>
    <%-- Probookforsale --%>
    <%-- skip field validation and provide blankpage if first time in --%>
    <c:if test="${empty param.frmsubmit}">
    <c:set var="reqOutcome" scope="request" value=" "/>
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/userregistration.jsp"/> <%-- initial request --%>
    <%-- validate txtname --%>
    <c:if test="${empty param.txtname}">
    <c:set var="reqInvalidUserName" scope="request" value= "User Name Cannot Be Empty"/>
    <%-- validate txtuserid --%>
    <c:if test="${empty param.txtuserid}">
    <c:set var="reqInvalidUserId" scope="request" value= "User ID Cannot Be Empty"/>
    <%-- validate txtpassword--%>
    <c:if test="${empty param.txtpassword}">
    <c:set var="reqInvalidPassword" scope="request" value= "Password Cannot Be Empty"/>
    <%-- if userid invalid or username invalid  --%>
    <%-- redisplay form with originl typed-in data and with errors marked --%>
    <c:if test="${empty param.txtname or empty param.txtuserid}">
    <c:set var="reqOutcome" scope="request" value= "failure" />
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/userregistration.jsp"/> <%-- failure --%>
    <c:catch var="pgeQueryError">
    <sql:update var="pgeRowCount" scope="page" >
    <%-- insert details to trader table --%>
    INSERT INTO trader(dbTraderName,dbTraderDepartment,dbTraderProgramme,dbTraderPhoneNum ,dbTraderDOB,dbTraderPNumber,dbTraderPwd)
    <sql:param value="${param.txtname}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.txtdepartment}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.txtprogramme}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.txtphonenum}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.txtdob}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.txtuserid}"/>
    <sql:param value="${param.txtpassword}"/>
    <%-- check For query Error --%>
    <c:if test="${not empty pgeQueryError}">
    <%-- check duplicate record --%>
    <c:when test="${pgeQueryError.rootCause.errorCode =='1062'}">
    <c:set var="reqQueryErrorMessage" scope="request" value="User already Registered - Duplicate Record" />
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/login.jsp"/>
    <%-- database error --%>
    <c:set var="reqQueryErrorMessage" scope="request" value="Database Error" />
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/userregistration.jsp"/>
    <c:set var="reqOutcome" scope="request" value="failure" />
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/userregistration.jsp"/>
    <%-- check For no rows returned --%>
    <c:if test="${pgeRowCount !=1}">
    <c:set var="reqInvalidUpdate" scope="request" value="*** rowCount not = 1"/>
    <c:set var="reqOutcome" scope="request" value="failure"/>
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/userregistration.jsp"/> <%-- failure --%>
    <%-- Otherwise --%>
    <%-- Outcome is success --%>
    <c:if test="${pgeRowCount ==1}">
    <c:set var="reqOutcome" scope="request" value="success" />
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/login.jsp"/> <%-- success --%>
    router.jsp  ( maps the jsp page based on success and failure)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding ="iso-8859-1"?>
    <%-- /WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/router.jsp --%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c"   uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="x"   uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fn"  uri="" %>
    <%--  setup session if one does not exist --%>
    <%@ page session="true" %>
    <%-- set up debug variable --%>
    <c:set var="sessDebug" scope="session" value="true"/>
    <%-- get pathinfo information  from the request --%>
    <%-- this defines which use case has been requested --%>
    <c:set var="pgePathInfo" scope="page" value="${pageContext.request.pathInfo}" />
    <%-- uc02 : Login --%>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo =='/home'}" >
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/home.jsp"/>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo =='/login'}" >
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/prologin.jsp"/>
    <%-- uc01 : View Details Of Books For Sale --%>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo =='/viewbooksforsale'}" >
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/probooksforsale.jsp"/>
    <%-- uc01 : process User registration--%>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo =='/userregistration'}" >
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/proregistration.jsp"/>
    <%-- uc01 : debug --%>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo =='/debug'}" >
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/debug.jsp"/>
    <%-- uc01 : view Traders Own View  --%>
    <c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo =='/Traderhomepage'}" >
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/Traderhomepage.jsp"/>
    <%-- otherwise --%>
    <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/jsp/cwjsps/home.jsp"/>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          &nb

    Correcting the record from PSA is temporary solution depends on u r criticality....
    Only Solution is to correct the record at source system level... Generally Material master data record is imp so just try to fix temporarily so that it vl not affect u r loads until it is corrected at Source System level..
    Note: inform the problem to u r co-ordinator and try to correct it ASAP... and explain the temp solution(PSA correction)...

  • Catching an error in SUBMIT Statement

    I am using SUBMIT (REPORT) and RETURN.
    How to catch an error when there is one in the  REPORT Program that i am calling.

    Calling Programs
    If you need to program an extensive application, one single program can become very complex. To make the program easier to read, it is often a good idea to divide the required functions among several programs.
    As well as using external modularization, in which you store procedures in special non-executable ABAP programs like function groups, you can also call independent programs from within an ABAP program.
    The following ABAP statements allow you to start an executable program or transaction. You can either exit the calling program, or have the system return to it when the called program finishes running.
    Executable Program
    Call without return
    Call with return
    You can use these statements in any ABAP program. For example, while processing a user action in the output list of an executable program, you might call a transaction whose initial screen is filled with data from the selected list line.
    The event LOAD-OF-PROGRAM is triggered each time a program is called. If a corresponding event block is defined in the framework program, it is executed once before the first other processing block is executed.
    An interesting remark at this point is that each execution of an executable program actually has a SUBMIT statement as its source. When you enter the program name in a transaction like SE38 or SA38 and choose Execute, a SUBMIT statement occurs in the transaction. Technically speaking, therefore, executable programs have the attribute of being able to be called using SUBMIT, although their principal characteristic from a useru2019s point of view is that they are started in the foreground.
    Memory Organization in Program Calls
    The first ABAP program in a session on the application server opens its own internal session (roll area) within the main session. All externally-called procedures run in the same internal session as the calling program, that is, the main program and working data of the procedure are loaded into the same memory area in the internal session.
    When you call an executable program or a transaction, the system opens a new internal session for each program. Here, there are two possible cases: If the second program does not return control to the calling program when it has finished running, the called program replaces the calling program in the internal session. The contents of the memory of the calling program are deleted. If the second program does return control to the calling program when it has finished running, the session of the called program is not deleted. Instead, it becomes inactive, and its memory contents are placed on a stack. The system can open up to 9 further internal sessions in external program calls.
    As well as executable programs and transactions, dialog modules also open a new internal session. Dialog modules were previously used for modularizing screen sequences.
    Program Calls and SAP LUWs
    An SAP LUW is a logical unit consisting of dialog steps, whose changes are written to the database in a single database LUW. There are various bundling techniques that you can use to ensure that all of the database updates belonging to an SAP LUW are made in the same single database LUW.
    Externally-called procedures do not open a new SAP LUW.
    However, when you start a new executable program or transaction, a new SAP LUW starts. Database updates belonging to these programs are collected in their own database LUW. If the new program does not return control to the calling program, the SAP LUW of the old program concludes when the new program is called. If, on the other hand, the new program does return control to the calling program, the new SAP LUW runs parallel to the SAP LUW of the calling program.
    No new SAP LUW is opened when you call a dialog module. Bundling techniques in a dialog module add the database updates to the database LUW of the calling program. You may sometimes need to call a transaction that runs in the same SAP LUW as the calling program. One technique for doing this is to use the existing transaction as a dialog module. To do this, you need to create a new dialog module with the same main program and initial screen as the transaction. Transactions that are used both as transactions and as dialog modules must be programmed to obey certain rules. For further information, refer to Calling Screen Sequences.
    The fact that an external program shares (or does not share) the SAP LUW with its caller has special consequences if the program calls update-task functions or uses COMMIT WORK. For further information, refer to Special LUW Considerations.

  • How configure 9iAS logon to return database error messages (i.e., user locked)

    When the database user is in locked status or the user's password has expired the Apache logon returns a generic screen 'Database Log In Failed' after three attempts. When you logon outside the web interface then you get the error number and message returned. How can Oracle Apache be configured to return the database errors at logon.

    Look at what is done in the UpdateAction code.
    catch (JboException ex)
    errors = buildErrorsFromException(request, ex);
    Then call saveErrors on the action:
    saveErrors(request, errors);
    In the html you need to display the error using the errors tag:
    An other way to do it but not as flexible is to use a global exception.
    <exception type="oracle.jbo.JboException" path="/errorpage.jsp" key="globalerror.jboException"/>
    You would list the specific exception and errorpage needed.

  • I'm wondering..why does the outermost exception always catch the error?

    why do sometimes (or everytime) i create a code which looks something like this..
              //some error here
        } catch (Exception e){
               System.out.println("got it here: " + e.getMessage();
    }catch (Exception e){
          System.out.println("got it here instead: " + e.getMessage();
    }it's always the outermost catch block caughts the error. In this example the line got it here instead: some error messageis displayed.
    I really thought for sure the inner exception is the one who should catch the error first, right? Furthermore they both catch the same thing (Exception).
    Any information is greatly appreciated. thanks

    No, you're wrong.I'm relieved to hear that. But why does my code always does what I mentioned above? here's my code (it's a partial code, actually. it takes too many lines to put all the codes here):
    void generatePIN(String Date){
              char currentCodeChar;
              int seeder=0, serialNumber=0000000;
              int currentNumberInt=0, nextNumber=0, currentCodeInt=0;
              String voucherSerial=null, PINnumber=null, currentNumber=null, currentCode=null, nextCode=null, currentSerial=null, nextSerial=null;
              int PIN1=0,PIN2=0;
              String query=null;
              PreparedStatement ps=null;
              ResultSet rs=null;
                   //this portion here is used for proper seeding random number
                   SecureRandom sr1 = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
                   if (seeder<0){
              }catch (Exception e){
              random = new Random(seeder);
              PIN1 = random.nextInt(89999999)+10000000;
              PIN2 = random.nextInt(89999999)+10000000;
              PINnumber = "" + PIN1 + PIN2;
              System.out.println("PIN number: " + PINnumber);
              //check serial number first before storing the pin & serial number in database
              //if serial number exist, regenerate the serial number
                   query = "select * from data1";
                   ps = con.prepareStatement(query);     
                   rs = ps.executeQuery();
                             while ({
                             currentSerial = rs.getString("SerialNo");
                   }catch (SQLException ex){
                        System.out.println("error here?" + ex.getMessage());
                   while (currentNumberInt<=9999999){
              }catch (Exception e){
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Database error 1: " + e.getMessage());
         }the database is empty. hence it returns an error when i tried getting some data from it. but i expected the error message should be:
    error here? some error message..instead of the
    Database error 1: some error message pop-up being displayed.
    Did i make any mistake in my code? I've spent hours on this..
    thanks for helping

  • Catching runtime errors and show message

    How do i catch runtimes errors and send a message back to the user to see?
    Imagine i violate a PK when writing to a database, what is the stabdard way to catch that and inform the user?

    check out
    FacesContext -- addMessage()
    and the tags that dispay FacesMesssages
    easy to catch an excpetion then add a FacesMessage to the context that will be displayed by the jsf message tags

  • Catch database failure exception

    i would like catch INSERT and UPDATE exception when it do some database error.
    If i use WHEN OTHERS i catch all exceptio ( i think database error too ), but i want to catch only database errors. How i can do?

    Does a "numeric or value error" when inserting a too large value into a table column count as a database error?
    As the first person in the history of the world ever to want to do this, it perhaps would help if you explained why?

  • Database Error: RSR0009: Resource not available for pool. Wait-time expired

    i am occassionally receiving the following error during database connections in my servlet:
    Database Error: RSR0009: Resource not available for pool [webAdvisorTestPool]. Wait-time expired
    i understand that this is a result of a connection leak from improper closure of my Connection object, but i thought that i was properly closing my connection.
    i can get the error if i do the following steps:
    1) access my login page and enter login credentials.
    2) submit the login which then hits the Authentication servlet.
    3) Authentication servlet authenticates and takes me to home page.
    4) hit the back button to get back to the login page.
    5) repeat this process until i hit the Max Pool Size (from web server).
    6) then i get the error message
    here are some details:
    i have an Authentication servlet; here is the pertinent code from that servlet:
    try {     // retrieve the user and add the User object to the session     DAO dao = new DAO();     Person authenticUser = dao.getPerson(userID, password);     session.setAttribute("validUser", authenticUser);     redirectPage = mapping.findForward("success"); }
    i also have a DAO object that handles all of my DB transactions (and you can see from my code above that the Authentication servlet is using that object); here is the pertinant code from that servlet:
    public DAO() {     datasource = "java:comp/env/jdbc/webAdvisorTest"; } public Person getPerson(String userID, String password)     throws ObjectNotFoundException {     // JDBC variables     DataSource ds = null;     Connection conn = null;     PreparedStatement stmt = null;     ResultSet results = null;     // User variables     Person validUser = null;     try     {         // Retrieve the DataSource from JNDI         InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();         // if this statement fails, NamingException is thrown         ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(datasource);         // get DB connection and perform SQL operations         conn = ds.getConnection();         // User variables         String validUserID = null;         String validFName = null;         String validLName = null;         String validEmail = null;         // get DB connection and perform SQL operations         conn = ds.getConnection();         stmt = conn.prepareStatement(PERSON_QUERY);         stmt.setString(1, userID);         stmt.setString(2, password);         results = stmt.executeQuery();         // iterate through the results         if (         {             validUserID = results.getString("id");             validFName = results.getString("first_name");             validLName = results.getString("last_name");             validUser = new Person(validUserID, validFName, validLName);         }     }     // handle SQL errors     catch(SQLException e)     {         e.printStackTrace(System.err);         throw new RuntimeException("Database Error: " + e.getMessage());     }     // handle JNDI errors     catch(NamingException e)     {         throw new RuntimeException("JNDI Error: " + e.getMessage());     }     // clean up resources     finally     {         doClosure(results, stmt, conn);     }     // if the user was not found, throw ObjectNotFoundException     if(validUser == null)     {         throw new ObjectNotFoundException();     }     return validUser; } protected void doClosure(ResultSet results, PreparedStatement stmt,     Connection conn) {     if (results != null)     {         try { results.close(); }         catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); }     }     if (stmt != null)     {         try { stmt.close(); }         catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); }     }     if (conn != null)     {         try         {             System.out.println("R18Resources.conn before close: " + conn);             conn.close();             System.out.println("R18Resources.conn after close: " + conn);             System.out.println("R18Resources.conn is closed? " +                 conn.isClosed());         }         catch (SQLException e)         {             System.out.println("R18Resource conn close error: " +                 e.getMessage());         }     } }
    as you can see, i've added some print statements in my connection closure block. based on my output log, each connection is being properly closed and i am not encountering any errors during that closing block.
    any ideas???
    Message was edited by:

    Please try the following code in your doClosure method. Replace your code with the following code.
    public void doClosure(ResultSet pResultSet, Statement pStmt, Connection pConn) throws Exception {
    try {
                   if (pResultSet != null) {
                        pResultSet = null;
              } catch (SQLException se) {
              logger.error( se );
              } finally {
                   try {
                        if (pStmt != null) {
                             pStmt = null;
                   } catch (SQLException se) {
                   } finally {
                        try {
                             if (pConn != null) {
                                  pConn = null;
                        } catch (SQLException se) {
    And let me know if you still face this issue. What is the application server you are using?

  • Connection to Database Error

    I am using Oracle Express Edition to work with a project. I have the following code to connect to my database:
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:driver_type:[username/password]@//host_name:port_number:SID");
                Statement st = con.createStatement();
                ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("Select * from [Sheet1$]");
                ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
                int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                while ( {
                    for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) {
                        if (i > 1)
                            System.out.print(", ");
                        String columnValue = rs.getString(i);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.err.print("Exception: ");
    When I try to run it, I get a failed to call database error, Missing in or out parameter at index 1. What is wrong with my code? Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi, can try with this operation:
      Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");
      Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
       ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl", "brunors", "mypass");
    I think this hope you :
    JDBC - Oracle FAQ
    OracleDriver (Oracle Database JDBC Java API Reference)
    Hugs, Bruno Reis.

  • In SM21 - Database error 235 at EXE

    Hello Gurus,
    In sm21 - Database error 235 at EXE this error shown in our test server, while investigating I found this
    ( I am attaching log for your reference )
    Recording at local and central time........................ 25.03.2009 23:02:24
    Task................ 15116  /  Background Processor No. 18
    User................ CSCADMIN_BC
    Client.............. 050
    Session............. 1
    Transaction code....
    Program name........ RSORAHST
    Problem class....... K    SAP Web AS Problem
    Development class... SBAC
    Module name......... dbds
    Line................ 798
    Table name.......... 235
    Field name.......... EXE
    Documentation for system log message BY 2 :
    After the attempt to call a database operation, the database system has
    returned the error code specified in the message, which indicates that
    the operation concerned could not be executed successfully.
    Technical details
    File................ 018863
    Position............ 0000235620
    Entry type.......... h      ( Database Error (Non-SQL)       )
    Message ID.......... BY 2
    Variable parts...... 235       EXE                                       dbds    798
    The given program associated with this job SAP_PERIODIC_ORACLE_SNAPSHOT but this is run successfully on the test server.
    Can somebody tell me the error & the rectification for the same
    Thanks & regards

    Please check
    - ST22 for dumps
    - alert<SID>.log of the database
    - dev_w18 tracefile
    Do you use the same patches on both DEV and this system?

  • Business rule in MDS 2012 error: A database error has occurred. Contact your system administrator.

    I get the following information in my MDS log as well as the above error message when I execute a business rule that has a condition of AND and an Action of Attribute must be unique in combination with 2 other attributes. 
    I'm running SQL Server 2012 11.0.3000
    MDS database version
    Any ideas?
    MDS Error: 0 : SqlException message: A database error has occurred. Contact your system administrator.
       at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.DbHelper.HandleExceptions(Exception ex)
       at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.DbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(String spName, CloseConnectionBehavior closeBehavior, Object[] parameterValues)
       at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.MasterDataAccess.<>c__DisplayClass5.<ValidateEntityMembers>b__4()
       at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.DbHelper.ExecuteMethodWithDeadlockProtection(MethodDelegate method)
       at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.BusinessLogic.Validations.ValidateMembers(Int32 versionId, Identifier entityIdentifier, IList`1 memberIds, RequestContext context, OperationResult results)
       at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.BusinessLogic.Validations.Process(ValidationProcessCriteria criteria, Boolean commitVersion, Boolean validateEntityAsync, Boolean returnValidationResults, RequestContext context, OperationResult results)
    SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 208, Message: Invalid object name 'cteDuplicates0a070e37b106b9e3efe35a455076efa7'., Server: SQLRS-01, Proc: udp_SYSTEM_3_38_CHILDATTRIBUTES_ProcessRules, Line: 230
    SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 266, Message: Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 0, current count = 1., Server: SQLRS-01, Proc: udp_SYSTEM_3_38_CHILDATTRIBUTES_ProcessRules, Line: 230
    SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 266, Message: Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 0, current count = 1., Server: SQLRS-01, Proc: , Line: 0
    SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 266, Message: Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 0, current count = 1., Server: SQLRS-01, Proc: udpBusinessRule_AttributeMemberController, Line: 0
    SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 266, Message: Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 0, current count = 1., Server: SQLRS-01, Proc: udpValidateMembers, Line: 0
    MDS Error: 0 : <ArrayOfError xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
        <Context i:nil="true" />
        <Description>A database error has occurred. Contact your system administrator.</Description>

    OK I bit the bullet and contacted support on this one.
    There is a known issue with MDS 2012 and business rules with a combination of "must be unique" attributes. If you do not list the attributes in the same order that they were created you will get the generic error I cited. At first they told me it must be
    in the same order the attributes are in and that worked on one entity but not the other. The difference was that in the second entity I previously rearranged the attributes in question. Once I changed the order in the business rule to reflect the *original*
    order it worked like a champ.
    Hopefully this helps save someone some time and money.

  • BO 4.0 - Database error: Unable to connect to SAP BW Incomplete logon data

    Hello Experts,
    I have enabled a 'SSO to database' between SAP BW and Business objects by referencing to the documents related to below link.
    I have created a universe connection with option 'use single sign on when refreshing reports at view time' and have created a universe on top of my BEx query by log-in to the universe designer tools using my LDAP account.
    Now when I run the report with either SAP account or LDAP - I am able to run a adhoc webi report on this universe and get data either through the webi rich client or via BO 4.0 Info-view/Launch Pad.
    But the issue is that when other users are trying to run webi queries on this universe either through Info-view/launch pad or rich client by log-in via LDAP Authentication - they get the below error: I have given SAP_ALL to this user for time being and also have done the necessary configuration for 'simple user format' in CMC so these user has 1 account with 3 alias definitions: Enterprise, SAP, R/3.
    Database error: Unable to connect to SAP BW server Incomplete logon data -
    If the user logs on into the BO 4.0 Info-view/launch pad or webi rich client using his SAP authentication than he is able to run and retrieve data.
    I also get a dump in the SAP BW system - I analyzed the dump in SAP BW using st22 tcode and it gives the error short text as - Incomplete logon data and run-time error -  CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_INCOMPL
    Desired outcome:
    I want the users to log-in to webi rich client or BO 4.0 Launch pad/Info-view using their 'LDAP'  authentication and run reports against the universe on SAP BW/BEx query without any errors or additional username/password requirements.
    Can someone please tell me if I am missing any steps/configuration and guide me to achieve the above mentioned desired result ?
    Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Simone,
    Thank you for the reply.
    Here are the things done by me.
    1. Generated the keystore file and imported it in BI 4.0 CMC on  SAP Authentication Option tab
    2. Generate the certificate file cert.der and this cert is imported in SAP BW with STRUSTSSO2 transaction.
    3. BW Roles/Users have been imported into CMC.
    4. SAP Users and LDAP users are mapped/aliased with each other using the registry key method
    I haven't explicitly configured STS (Security token service) as STS is a part of Adaptive processing server (APS) and I have verified that by going to servers in CMC and then to analysis services.
    I have searched for SAP OSS notes related to my issue but couldn't find any note related to SAP BW SSO with Business objects 4.0. Most of the notes are relevant for BO XI 3.1 environments.
    Thanks & regards,

  • BO 4.0: Database error:Unable to connect to SAP BW server Incomplete logon

    Hello Experts,
    I have enabled a 'SSO to database' between SAP BW and Business objects by referencing to the documents related to below link.
    I have created a universe connection with option 'use single sign on when refreshing reports at view time' and have created a universe on top of my BEx query by log-in to the universe designer tools using my LDAP account.
    Now when I run the report with either SAP account or LDAP - I am able to run a adhoc webi report on this universe and get data either through the webi rich client or via BO 4.0 Info-view/Launch Pad.
    But the issue is that when other users are trying to run webi queries on this universe either through Info-view/launch pad or rich client by log-in via LDAP Authentication - they get the below error: I have given SAP_ALL to this user for time being and also have done the necessary configuration for 'simple user format' in CMC so these user has 1 account with 3 alias definitions: Enterprise, SAP, R/3.
    Database error: Unable to connect to SAP BW server Incomplete logon data -
    If the user logs on into the BO 4.0 Info-view/launch pad or webi rich client using his SAP authentication than he is able to run and retrieve data.
    I also get a dump in the SAP BW system - I analyzed the dump in SAP BW using st22 tcode and it gives the error short text as - Incomplete logon data and run-time error - CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_INCOMPL
    Desired outcome:
    I want the users to log-in to webi rich client or BO 4.0 Launch pad/Info-view using their 'LDAP' authentication and run reports against the universe on SAP BW/BEx query without any errors or additional username/password requirements.
    Can someone please tell me if I am missing any steps/configuration and guide me to achieve the above mentioned desired result ?
    Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    Whether your problem is solved?
    We have the same problem in BO Mobile.
    Two users from one BW-role, BO-groups; one user report is executed, another user - error incomplete logon data. In Web Intelligence both users reports succeeds.

  • Akonadi database error code: 1062 Duplicate entry for key

    Since my email provider migrated their webmail platform, I keep getting an error each time kmail attempts to get emails from their imap server: could not create collection INBOX resourceid: 17
    I double checked the provided imap settings have not changed and are correct : port 993 using SSL/TLS
    As you can see in the pasted akonadi self-test report below, I have a few errors related to innodb, the absence of mysql tables in local/share/akonadi/db_data/ and the table performance_schema having the wrong structure. Those have been there for several months but I've been unable to fix them and I didn't care because my email was working. I suppose they are unrelated to my current issues.
    Any help I can get is much welcome.
    Akonadi Server Self-Test Report
    Test 1: SUCCESS
    Database driver found.
    Details: The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc':
    Test 2: SUCCESS
    Akonadi is not running as root
    Details: Akonadi is not running as a root/administrator user, which is the recommended setup for a secure system.
    Test 3: SUCCESS
    MySQL server found.
    Details: You have currently configured Akonadi to use the MySQL server '/usr/bin/mysqld'.
    Make sure you have the MySQL server installed, set the correct path and ensure you have the necessary read and execution rights on the server executable. The server executable is typically called 'mysqld'; its location varies depending on the distribution.
    Test 4: SUCCESS
    MySQL server is executable.
    Details: MySQL server found: /usr/bin/mysqld Ver 10.0.14-MariaDB-log for Linux on x86_64 (MariaDB Server)
    Test 5: ERROR
    MySQL server log contains errors.
    Details: The MySQL server error log file &apos;<a href='/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err'>/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err</a>&apos; contains errors.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err':
    141129 9:34:33 [Warning] You need to use --log-bin to make --binlog-format work.
    2014-11-29 09:34:33 7f5b81d0b780 InnoDB: Warning: Using innodb_additional_mem_pool_size is DEPRECATED. This option may be removed in future releases, together with the option innodb_use_sys_malloc and with the InnoDB's internal memory allocator.
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Using mutexes to ref count buffer pool pages
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.8
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 80.0M
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: The log sequence numbers 66340678877 and 66340678877 in ibdata files do not match the log sequence number 66344113222 in the ib_logfiles!
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages
    141129 9:34:33 [Note] InnoDB: from the doublewrite buffer...
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] InnoDB: Percona XtraDB ( 5.6.20-68.0 started; log sequence number 66344113222
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist
    141129 9:34:34 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'cond_instances' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_current' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history_long' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_account_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_instances' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'host_cache' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'mutex_instances' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'objects_summary_global_by_type' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'performance_timers' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'rwlock_instances' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_actors' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_consumers' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_instruments' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_objects' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_timers' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'table_io_waits_summary_by_table' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'table_lock_waits_summary_by_table' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'threads' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_current' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_history' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_history_long' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_summary_by_thread_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_summary_by_account_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_stages_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_current' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_history' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_history_long' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_thread_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_digest' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'users' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'accounts' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'hosts' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'socket_instances' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'socket_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'socket_summary_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'session_connect_attrs' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'session_account_connect_attrs' has the wrong structure
    141129 9:34:34 [Warning] Failed to load slave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos: 1146: Table 'mysql.gtid_slave_pos' doesn't exist
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeded
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
    141129 9:34:34 [Note] /usr/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
    Version: '10.0.14-MariaDB' socket: '/tmp/akonadi-the_user.kKTLSR/mysql.socket' port: 0 MariaDB Server
    2014-11-29 09:34:34 7f5b81c77700 InnoDB: Error: Table "mysql"."innodb_table_stats" not found.
    141129 15:14:56 [Warning] Aborted connection 58 to db: 'akonadi' user: 'the_user' host: '' (Unknown error)
    Test 6: SUCCESS
    MySQL server default configuration found.
    Details: The default configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at <a href='/usr/share/config/akonadi/mysql-global.conf'>/usr/share/config/akonadi/mysql-global.conf</a>.
    File content of '/usr/share/config/akonadi/mysql-global.conf':
    # Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,
    # These settings can be adjusted using $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf
    # Based on advice by Kris Köhntopp <[email protected]>
    # strict query parsing/interpretation
    # TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabled
    # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables,strict_error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user,no_auto_value_on_zero,no_engine_substitution,no_zero_date,no_zero_in_date,only_full_group_by,pipes_as_concat
    # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables
    # log all queries, useful for debugging but generates an enormous amount of data
    # log=mysql.full
    # log queries slower than n seconds, log file name relative to datadir (for debugging only)
    # log_slow_queries=mysql.slow
    # long_query_time=1
    # log queries not using indices, debug only, disable for production use
    # log_queries_not_using_indexes=1
    # mesure database size and adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size
    # SELECT sum(data_length) as bla, sum(index_length) as blub FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema not in ("mysql", "information_schema");
    # NOTES:
    # Keep Innob_log_waits and keep Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free small (see show global status like "inno%", show global variables)
    # Use UTF-8 encoding for tables
    # use InnoDB for transactions and better crash recovery
    # memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures (default:1M)
    # Deprecated in MySQL >= 5.6.3
    # memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables (default:128M)
    # Larger values means less I/O
    # Create a .ibd file for each table (default:0)
    # Write out the log buffer to the log file at each commit (default:1)
    # Buffer size used to write to the log files on disk (default:1M for builtin, 8M for plugin)
    # larger values means less I/O
    # Size of each log file in a log group (default:5M) larger means less I/O but more time for recovery.
    # # error log file name, relative to datadir (default:hostname.err)
    # print warnings and connection errors (default:1)
    # Convert table named to lowercase
    # Maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string. (default:1M)
    # Maximum simultaneous connections allowed (default:100)
    # The two options below make no sense with prepared statements and/or transactions
    # (make sense when having the same query multiple times)
    # Memory allocated for caching query results (default:0 (disabled))
    # Do not cache results (default:1)
    # Do not use the privileges mechanisms
    # Do not listen for TCP/IP connections at all
    # The number of open tables for all threads. (default:64)
    # How many threads the server should cache for reuse (default:0)
    # wait 365d before dropping the DB connection (default:8h)
    # We use InnoDB, so don't let MyISAM eat up memory
    Test 7: SUCCESS
    MySQL server custom configuration found.
    Details: The custom configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at <a href='/home/the_user/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf'>/home/the_user/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf</a>
    File content of '/home/the_user/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf':
    # workaround fix for akonadi db error after server upgrade
    Test 8: SUCCESS
    MySQL server configuration is usable.
    Details: The MySQL server configuration was found at <a href='/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf'>/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf</a> and is readable.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf':
    # Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,
    # These settings can be adjusted using $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf
    # Based on advice by Kris Köhntopp <[email protected]>
    # strict query parsing/interpretation
    # TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabled
    # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables,strict_error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user,no_auto_value_on_zero,no_engine_substitution,no_zero_date,no_zero_in_date,only_full_group_by,pipes_as_concat
    # sql_mode=strict_trans_tables
    # log all queries, useful for debugging but generates an enormous amount of data
    # log=mysql.full
    # log queries slower than n seconds, log file name relative to datadir (for debugging only)
    # log_slow_queries=mysql.slow
    # long_query_time=1
    # log queries not using indices, debug only, disable for production use
    # log_queries_not_using_indexes=1
    # mesure database size and adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size
    # SELECT sum(data_length) as bla, sum(index_length) as blub FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema not in ("mysql", "information_schema");
    # NOTES:
    # Keep Innob_log_waits and keep Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free small (see show global status like "inno%", show global variables)
    # Use UTF-8 encoding for tables
    # use InnoDB for transactions and better crash recovery
    # memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures (default:1M)
    # Deprecated in MySQL >= 5.6.3
    # memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables (default:128M)
    # Larger values means less I/O
    # Create a .ibd file for each table (default:0)
    # Write out the log buffer to the log file at each commit (default:1)
    # Buffer size used to write to the log files on disk (default:1M for builtin, 8M for plugin)
    # larger values means less I/O
    # Size of each log file in a log group (default:5M) larger means less I/O but more time for recovery.
    # # error log file name, relative to datadir (default:hostname.err)
    # print warnings and connection errors (default:1)
    # Convert table named to lowercase
    # Maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string. (default:1M)
    # Maximum simultaneous connections allowed (default:100)
    # The two options below make no sense with prepared statements and/or transactions
    # (make sense when having the same query multiple times)
    # Memory allocated for caching query results (default:0 (disabled))
    # Do not cache results (default:1)
    # Do not use the privileges mechanisms
    # Do not listen for TCP/IP connections at all
    # The number of open tables for all threads. (default:64)
    # How many threads the server should cache for reuse (default:0)
    # wait 365d before dropping the DB connection (default:8h)
    # We use InnoDB, so don't let MyISAM eat up memory
    # workaround fix for akonadi db error after server upgrade
    Test 9: SUCCESS
    akonadictl found and usable
    Details: The program '/usr/bin/akonadictl' to control the Akonadi server was found and could be executed successfully.
    Akonadi 1.13.0
    Test 10: SUCCESS
    Akonadi control process registered at D-Bus.
    Details: The Akonadi control process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational.
    Test 11: SUCCESS
    Akonadi server process registered at D-Bus.
    Details: The Akonadi server process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational.
    Test 12: SKIP
    Protocol version check not possible.
    Details: Without a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements.
    Test 13: SUCCESS
    Resource agents found.
    Details: At least one resource agent has been found.
    Directory listing of '/usr/share/akonadi/agents':
    Environment variable XDG_DATA_DIRS is set to '/usr/share:/usr/share:/usr/local/share'
    Test 14: ERROR
    Current Akonadi server error log found.
    Details: The Akonadi server reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error'>/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error</a>.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error':
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Test 15: ERROR
    Previous Akonadi server error log found.
    Details: The Akonadi server reported errors during its previous startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old'>/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old</a>.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old':
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Error code: 1062
    DB error: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex'"
    Error text: "Duplicate entry '93-INBOX' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
    Query: "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, enabled, syncPref, displayPref, indexPref, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)"
    Control process died, committing suicide!
    Test 16: ERROR
    Current Akonadi control error log found.
    Details: The Akonadi control process reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error'>/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error</a>.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error':
    Executable "akonadi_nepomuk_feeder" for agent "akonadi_nepomuk_feeder" could not be found!
    Test 17: ERROR
    Previous Akonadi control error log found.
    Details: The Akonadi control process reported errors during its previous startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error.old'>/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error.old</a>.
    File content of '/home/the_user/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error.old':
    Executable "akonadi_nepomuk_feeder" for agent "akonadi_nepomuk_feeder" could not be found!

    After Upload you can delete the Duplicates comparing the employee Id.
    It Will be Possible only when you use OLE and read the file records line by Line. I am not sure of the error Handling with OLE control. It may lead to some performance issues..

  • After upgrading to Yosemite (I don't have iPhoto anymore, only PHOTOS) my pictures will not import from my iPad or iPhone 5s or any picture from web, it shows "Database Error: failured to persist version"

    After upgrading to Yosemite (I don't have iPhoto anymore, only PHOTOS) my pictures will not import from my iPad or iPhone 5s or any picture from web, it shows "Database Error: failured to persist version".  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, the error message is exactly like that  ("Database error: failured to persist version")
    No photos will import at all.  I use USB to import from iPhone 5s or iPad 2. 
    About the difference?  iPhoto and Photos .  Are there two softwares?
    I also will like to merge and/or synchronize all my photos I had saved to iCloud backups, Macbook Pro,  iPhone 5s and iPad hard drives using iPhoto.  It's call iPhoto library.  At one point I turned off streaming. 
    Thanks again Larry HN.

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