Category Axis width in BubbleCharts

Hi @ all,
I trie to build up a BubbleChart with a vertical
And worked quiet well until I wanted to change the font-size.
I realized, that the Axis seems to have a fixed width. When the
label at the Axis gets to long, it shrinks down the font-size
automatically instead of increasing the axis width.
Is there a way solve that?
Many Thanks,

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  • LineChart category axis labelFunction / dataProvider problem

    I am trying to plot a line chart using actionscript.
    What I am trying to achive is plot the chart with entire dataset, but show only limited number of points in x and y axis's.
         When I give dataProvider to category axis with some limited values, nothing gets plotted .
         In the attached main.mxml file
                    var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                    lineCategoryXAxis.categoryField = "DATE";
                    lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                    lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
    Here, I am giving category axis for x-axis. Linechart takes care of values in the vertical axis by itself and so the line chart gets plotted properly.
    But when I try giving values to vertical axis, then nothing is plotted in the line chart.
                    var lineCategoryYAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                     lineCategoryYAxis.dataProvider = getNumericPointsArray(valuesArray)
                     //lineCategoryYAxis.categoryField = "VALUE";
                     lineCategoryYAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction;
                     lineChart.verticalAxis = lineCategoryYAxis;
    Also if I try to reduce the number of points in the x-axis, nothing gets plotted
                   var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                     lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                     lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                     lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
    where getNumericPointsArray() returns an array with 7 values for vertical axis and getDatePointsArray() returns array with 7 dates for horizontal axis.
    Need help in resolving this problem.
    P.S: Unable to attach mxml file so attaching it as a txt file.

    This is the code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        width="100%" creationComplete="cc()">
                import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                import mx.collections.Sort;
                import mx.charts.CategoryAxis;
                import mx.charts.chartClasses.Series;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.charts.series.LineSeries;
                import mx.charts.LineChart;
                public var dataForLineChart:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
                                                                {DATE:"20090509", VALUE:"3538943147"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090510", VALUE:"5047760823"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090511", VALUE:"5046865494"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090512", VALUE:"4983771032"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090513", VALUE:"5032039834"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090514", VALUE:"4897303525"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090515", VALUE:"4496020991"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090516", VALUE:"3525547244"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090517", VALUE:"3596982398"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090518", VALUE:"4947978254"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090519", VALUE:"4932182219"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090520", VALUE:"4909069875"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090521", VALUE:"4781830807"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090522", VALUE:"4431176690"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090523", VALUE:"3476323135"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090524", VALUE:"3444512240"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090525", VALUE:"4329018809"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090526", VALUE:"5086390081"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090527", VALUE:"5012778551"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090528", VALUE:"4770167180"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090529", VALUE:"4408927585"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090531", VALUE:"3488537357"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090601", VALUE:"3630748728"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090602", VALUE:"5007093913"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090603", VALUE:"5015210737"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090604", VALUE:"4999236097"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090605", VALUE:"4934609881"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090606", VALUE:"4588135281"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090607", VALUE:"3615291868"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090608", VALUE:"3666209346"},
                private function cc():void
                    var lineSeriesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var lineChart:LineChart = new LineChart();
                    lineChart.percentHeight = 100;
                    lineChart.percentWidth = 100;
                    lineChart.showDataTips = true;
                    lineChart.dataProvider = dataForLineChart;
                    var valuesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var datesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var lineSeries:LineSeries;
                    lineSeries = new LineSeries();
                    lineSeries.dataProvider = dataForLineChart;
                    lineSeries.dataFunction = lineSeriesDataFunction;
                    var dLength:int = dataForLineChart.length;
                    for (var k:int=0;k<dLength;k++)
                    lineChart.series = lineSeriesArray;
                    var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                    lineCategoryXAxis.categoryField = "DATE";
                    lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                    lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
                    var lineCategoryYAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryYAxis.dataProvider = getNumericPointsArray(valuesArray)
                    lineCategoryYAxis.categoryField = "VALUE";
                    lineCategoryYAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction;
                    //lineChart.verticalAxis = lineCategoryYAxis;
                private function lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction(categoryValue:Object, previousCategoryValue:Object, axis:CategoryAxis, categoryItem:Object):String
                    /** Will do date formatting here */
                    return categoryItem.DATE;
                    //return categoryItem.toString();
                private function lineCategoryYAxisDataFunction(axis:CategoryAxis, item:Object):Object
                    return item.VALUE;
                private function lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction(categoryValue:Object, previousCategoryValue:Object, axis:CategoryAxis, categoryItem:Object):String
                    /** Will do number formatting here */
                    return categoryItem.VALUE;
                    //return categoryItem.toString();
                private function lineSeriesDataFunction(series:Series, item:Object, fieldName:String):Object
                    if (fieldName == "yValue")
                        return item.VALUE;
                    else if(fieldName == "xValue")
                        return item.DATE.toString();
                    return null;
                private function getNumericPointsArray(inputArray:Array):Array
                    var numValues:int = inputArray.length;
                    /** Sorting the array to find min and max values */
                    var inputAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(inputArray);
                    inputAC.sort = new Sort();
                    var minValue:Number = Number(inputAC.getItemAt(0));
                    var maxValue:Number = Number(inputAC.getItemAt(inputAC.length - 1));
                    var outputArray:Array = new Array();
                    var i:int;
                    var diffFactor:Number;
                    var diffMinMax:Number;
                    /** axis takes 0 by default so not pushing that into array */       
                    if (minValue == maxValue)
                        /** Dividing by 6 to get 5 points */
                        diffFactor = Math.round(maxValue / 6);
                        for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
                            outputArray.push((i * diffFactor));
                        /** Find some points between minValue and maxValue */
                        diffMinMax = (maxValue - minValue);
                        /** Dividing by 5 to get 4 points */
                        diffFactor = Math.round(diffMinMax / 5);
                        for (i=1;i<=4;i++)
                            outputArray.push((i * diffFactor) + minValue);
                    return outputArray;
                private function getDatePointsArray(inputArray:Array):Array
                    var numValues:int = inputArray.length;
                    /** Subtracting 2 because first and last values are undconditinally pushed in output array.*/
                    var stepValue:int = (numValues - 2) / 5;
                    var outputArray:Array = new Array();
                    /** Starting from 1 and ending in numValues - 2 because first and last values of array are already taken.*/
                    for (var i:int=stepValue;i<numValues - 2;i+=stepValue)
                    outputArray.push(inputArray[numValues - 1]);
                    return outputArray;
        <mx:HBox id="chartContainer" width="100%" height="100%">
    As you can see in the code, my dataPovider is complex (can become much more complex). In the code above, the ArrayCollection has only one element currently but will have more. So the graph should be plotted in such a way that each array element corresponds to one line series.
    What I need to achive is that the horizontal axis should show dates only from the "0th" element of the ArrayCollection and that too only some limited 6-7 points, the rest of the ArrayCollection elements should get plotted according to these dates.
    I think I was able to explain my problem. Pls let me know if any more explaination is required.
    P.S. Re-attaching the file.
    Thanks in advance

  • Script for overriding category axis tick marks in graphs?

    We are introducing a new graph design, but has a problem with not being able to override the tick marks in the category axis in Illustrator CS5.
    A typical graph (line layout) can have 250 observations, and since we have the tick marks on full width, the graph gets "crowded" with black lines.
    In the value axis there is possibilites for overriding the values, but not on the category axis.
    Is there any way to script so that the tick marks in the category axis can be reduced/overrided to e.g. 1 in 20?
    Please help!

    Script has NO access to live graph data… It can only break them… then fish in the group for bits…

  • Java Fx Category Axis out of order

    I have a chart where I REPLACE the data in a XY chart with new String,Number pairs and I get the category axis labels out of order. They retain part of the order of the previous chart that has had its data deleted.
    Here is a demo app that shows the behavior. Just click on the chart a couple of times while looking at the x axis. The first time the data is plotted all is ok, after other data is plotted, the category axis gets screwed up for the original data.
    Any help?????
    package testCategoryBug;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.chart.CategoryAxis;
    import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.chart.LineChart;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Data;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    public class TestCategoryBug extends Application {
          static Boolean even=true;
        @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
            stage.setTitle("Test Category Bug");   
            final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
            final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
            final LineChart<String,Number> lineChart = new LineChart<String,Number>(xAxis, yAxis);      
            lineChart.setTitle("Stock Monitoring, 2010");    
            // Initialize some data for plotting.
             final Series<String, Number> plottablePairs  = new Series<String, Number>();
             final Series<String, Number> plottablePairs2 = new Series<String, Number>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                Data<String,Number> pair= new Data<String,Number>("Month "+i,10.0*i);
            for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) {
                Data<String,Number> pair= new Data<String,Number>("Month "+i,100.0-10*i);
            // add the first of the series
              final ObservableList<XYChart.Series<String, Number>> chartData=FXCollections.observableArrayList();;
              // now on a mouse click, swap the data.  Click twice and see what happens
              lineChart.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED,new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent e) {
                    if (even) {
                    } else {
                        // note that after this, the axis is screwed up.
              // Put up the scene
              Scene scene  = new Scene(lineChart,800,600);
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    Obviously you just posted a simple example to demonstrate the problem, so I don't know if this workaround works for your real application, but could you just replace the entire chart?
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.chart.CategoryAxis;
    import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.chart.LineChart;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Data;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    public class TestCategoryBug extends Application {
      private boolean even = true;
      public void start(Stage stage) {
        stage.setTitle("Test Category Bug");
        // Initialize some data for plotting.
        final Series<String, Number> plottablePairs = new Series<String, Number>();
        final Series<String, Number> plottablePairs2 = new Series<String, Number>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          Data<String, Number> pair = new Data<String, Number>("Month " + i,
              10.0 * i);
        for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) {
          Data<String, Number> pair = new Data<String, Number>("Month " + i,
              100.0 - 10 * i);
        final BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
        displayLineChart(root, plottablePairs, plottablePairs2);
        // now on a mouse click, swap the data. Click twice and see what happens
            new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
              public void handle(MouseEvent e) {
                even = !even;
                displayLineChart(root, plottablePairs, plottablePairs2);
        // Put up the scene
        final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 600);
      private void displayLineChart(BorderPane root, Series<String, Number> plottablePairs, Series<String, Number> plottablePairs2) {
       final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
        final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
        LineChart<String, Number> lineChart = new LineChart<>(xAxis, yAxis);
        lineChart.setTitle("Stock Monitoring, 2010");
        if (even) {
        } else {
      public static void main(String[] args) {

  • How can you rotate the labels on the category axis of a graph in Illustrator and have it stay the same when updating the graph data?

    I am needing to create a line graph with dates consisting of MM/DD/YY along the category axis. I would like to rotate the labels 45 degrees and have them stay when I update the graph. I have read about manually doing it, I even made an action to make it faster, but it still seems inefficient. Is there a setting that I could use to automatically create my labels as rotated? Thanks.

    Hi Gravy Train,
    I'm curious about why you are using 2 loops.   You mentioned one is for monitoring and one is for DAQ....what do you mean by that?   What is the overall goal of this piece of code.   Also, I noticed that you are not closing the task.   Since this is just a subset, I realize you could be closing it in your actual code, but just in case you're is very important that you close all tasks when you are down acquiring data.
    Best Regards,
    Starla T  

  • Can we reverse the category axis in Design Studio 1.3 column charts?

    Hi All,
    In WebI, there is an option to reverse the category axis for charts.
    Do we have something similar in Design Studio? I have a requirement to reverse the order in which labels are appearing in the chart.
    Please do help.
    Thanks in advance for your response,

    You can go to Edit > Initial View and change the sort.
    Would this work for you?

  • Problem with Pie chart, Store Procedure and Category Axis

    Hi All,
    I'm having a problem when i try to use a Pie Chart with a store procedure
    when Category Axis - Field value is "none", the chart appears, but the description say Undefined
    but when i put any field from store procedure, the chart doesn't show.
    when I try the same with a normal SQL statement, all data was displayed
    my store procedure only have 2 columns
    n - numeric
    state - text
    The Store Procedure and the SQL, returns the same data in the same order
    Thanks in advance

    Hi guys,
    I need guide on creating a system using store procedure, referring to this thread: JDBC System Connection VS BI JDBC System Connection
    Hope you can help me out.
    Thanks a lot,

  • Multiple Selections on Category Axis

    I need to create a graph. On Category Axis ( X= axis)  I need to show values of 5 keyfigures from a BW query. Y axis will be Values in thousand.
    Currently no issues with Y-axis. But I am not able to figure out how I can have multiple category axis on X axis.
    Basically what I need is a way of creating 1 category which has 5 KFs.

    Thank you all for helping.
    Below  is how I resolved :-
    I created a structure of table (Key Figures) in Column of query designer and then use that structure in VC to output table.
    There I had used formula for each KeyFigures using IF ...something like this:-
    NVAL(IF(@Key_Figures=="Prior Sales",0,IF(@Key_Figures=="Price",NVAL(IF(#ID[ACA257]@Price_Impact_value>=0,#ID[ACA257]@Prior_Sales_Value,#ID[ACA257]@Prior_Sales_Value+#ID[ACA257]@Price_Impact_value)),IF(@Key_Figures=="FX",#ID[ACA257]@GAP_3,IF(@Key_Figures=="Volume",#ID[ACA257]@GAP_4,IF(@Key_Figures=="Lost Mix",#ID[ACA257]@GAP_5_6,IF(@Key_Figures=="Gain Mix",#ID[ACA257]@GAP_5_6,IF(@Key_Figures=="Current Sales",0,123))))))))
    This way I got the output table as required.

  • Category Axis Label Alignment

    I want to know if we can modify or adjust the alignment of the Category Axis labels (for the x-axis).
    My situation is as follows: I have a column chart on which I want my Category axis labels (for each column). I have put them in an angle to help reading them. They are currently "centered" wrt their respective columns. It makes it hard to associate the label to the appropriate column because the end of the label aligns with the center for the next column.
    Can I either move the Category Axis Label text box? or change the alignment per se? In Excel for example, the text would be aligned such that the end of the text matches the center of its column.

    celine_l wrote:
    Can I either move the Category Axis Label text box? or change the alignment per se? In Excel for example, the text would be aligned such that the end of the text matches the center of its column.
    No. This appears to be a design error in Numbers, and worthy of a Feature Enhancement request.
    Go to the Numbers menu, choose Provide numbers Feedback, and request that this behaviour be changes to have the ends of the rotated category labels centered on the column they label. Then cross your fingers and hope for a change in a futre version.

  • Business Graphics : co-ordinate Category Axis & Data Points

    Hello Experts,
    I have a Category axis with 30 Descriptions and Data points (Series) with 29 Points. How to place Category axis with respect to the data points? Right now, the data points are plotted without considering the category values.
    Please suggest ASAP

    Hi Nikhil,
    I'm little confused here - do you mean to say that you do not have data point for one category description ?
    Refer (might be helpful).
    Kind Regards,
    PS: Also go thru init code under 'Supplying the Context with Data' section.
    Edited by: Nitin Jain on Apr 3, 2009 8:46 PM

  • Converting the category axis to a value axis

    Is it possible to convert the category (x) axis to a value axis?
    I have a set of measurements (18 total) spaced over 116 days.
    I know how to "force it" by constructing "categories" for the numbers 1 thru 116.
    But, that can be clumsy and time-consuming to setup.
    Thanks, Bob

    Hi Bob,
    The only chart type in Numbers with two value axes is the Scatter chart.
    Category charts pick up their category axis labels from a Header column.
    Scatter charts require that the values for each data point be paired in two regular (ie. non-header) columns.
    So, to do the converson you'll have to:
    move (or copy) the dates (which must be actual Date and Time values) into a body column.
    move (or copy) the measurement values into a column to the right of the dates
    Select those two columns of data
    construct the scatter chart.

  • Java FX linechart reloading does not load the category axis in sorted order

    We are reloading the different data in Java FX line chart for . First time it loads with sorted order and looks good but we try to reload again and again the category axis sorting messed up and does not display in order. I did try even with Number axis but no luck.
    Any pointers why the first time able to load but not later....
    I am removing the series and recreating the series instance before loading the chart but no luck.
    Appreciate for any pointers.

    Please supply an executable sample

  • Font size in  Chart Value Axis & Category Axis In VC 7.0

    in visual composer  i want  the font size should be big size in  chart value axix and category axis ?

    i think the only way to do that right now would be to not input any text for a Table or chart title , or maybe put in a blank space for it
    and then create a transparent form , in that transparent form add the HTML text, have it formatted to the size and color you want and then in the layout tab position it in such a way which it looks like the title of that chart
    i have this implemented in a few of my dashboards  where i require dynamic text it works well

  • Web Application Designer: Diagonal Category Axis dosn't work anymore

    Hi, I try to find out why I can't create diagonal category axis text. The settings down, up, default, right and below works fine but diagonal up or diagonal down doesn't work. Please help me to fix the issue.
    WAD v3.5

    Yes it is:
    for 6.40 based system:
    for 7.00 based system

  • Align labels of the category axis (Y)

    Hi. How can I align labels of the category axis (Y) to the left?
    I suppose, it is aligned to the right, take a look on the picture. Thank you

    The only way I have found to get the labels to wrap at all is to create the chart in Pages and insert Line Breaks into the Chart Table Label field. I'd be surprised if that Chart began its life in Numbers and I have to idea how to change the justification of the labels. The justification controls are grayed out in Pages when editing the chart data.
    Your suggestion of making labels in a table or text box is the only practical solution I can imagine.

Maybe you are looking for