CCM 4.1(3) development using JTAPI - Caller ID

I am a newbee regarding development of CCM-integrated applications. My task is to write an application that is triggered by an outgoing call to a specified (configurable) number, and this application performs the function of recording the Caller ID (phonenumber) of the outgoing call. I have done this on other platforms such as Alcatel and Nortel, by analyzing CDR-on-the-fly. After having looked into the CCM documentation, there seems to be an easy and elegant solution, if I have understood this correct, by utilizing the JTAPI provided by CCM. My questions are regarding how to start this development and how to dowload the required tools.
1) How do I obtain the SDK - do I need some kind of Cisco certification?
2) Is there a CCM 4.1(3) simulator available to test my application?
I appreciate any feedback on this!

cisco jtapi - elegant and easy? don't think so :-) functionally it will do what you want - but jtapi has loading implications that may prevent you from being able to do this on a large number of phones. a place to start is with the documentation
the CDR analysis method would be a more scalable solution, although with 413 you'll have to find a way to get the CDRs off the box.
if you're migrating to 5+ soon the CDRs get pushed via FTP in (almost) real time, so that would be even better!
good luck ...

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    Hi Jerry,
    You can run analog input and counter tasks concurrently.  You can start them using software timing basically at the same time which may be fine for your needs and is the easiest to implement.  You also can use a hardware start trigger to start the tasks if you prefer.  It all depends on the level of synchronization you need. 
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    I think the OP is thinking of real-time CTI monitoring. Unfortunately, there's no way to figure this out then and there.. the number you see in (J)TAPI is already translated. Perhaps using the originally dialed number and if there's no translation of the calling number you could check available patterns in the SQL DB, but it would be one heck of a job to get it done seeing that there can be multiple patterns that can apply (in CCM7 you could have transformation patterns, translation patterns and route patterns). Internally, I'm sure CCM has a way to do all this since it's what is needed to route calls, but that functionality isn't exposed.
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    - Cheers

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    Take a look at our whitepaper - Integrating Oracle ECM with Portal Technologies.
    We showed this integration at the recent Collaborate Conference in April.
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    Ahh.. the good old RP limitations. Regardless of whether you do media termination or not, the RP has severe limitations with regards to call control. Transfer and Conference are not supported. Make sure you bug Cisco about that as only together we get this changed.
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              errMsg += "No Input Data";
            recLen= recordListIn.length;
         recLen= recordListIn.length;
      catch(Exception ed){
         errMsg += "\r\nExceptionIn: " + ed.getMessage();
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              com.wm.util.Values ida= db.execSQL(selectSql);
              idcPipeline.insertAfter("OUTDATAREC", ida );
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    idcPipeline.first( "ORICONTENT" );
    java.lang.Object curObj = idcPipeline.getValue();
    if (curObj == null)
    errMsg +=" object is null ";
    errMsg +=" object isnt null ";
    } catch(Exception ed){
    errMsg += " ExceptionOBj: " + ed.getMessage();
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    Object isnt null
    ExceptionOBj: com.wm.util.Table

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    you mentioned 'In BC, everything is ok. but call the function in the sap, Show the following informatin: ....', I think the return value of RFC is null.
    have you tried to add a try catch around the RFC call, like following:
    try {
      IDataCursor idcPipeline = pipeline.getCursor();
    } catch (Exception ...)
    I'm not familiar with jave, only worked on C#, but I think try to catch the exception on RFC call is worth doing. Maybe it will descript some information around the problem.
    By the way, can you tell me which RFC/BAPI you are calling?
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    If u wants to develop voice chat Application , U can read voice from mic Using JMF
    using package
    there two classes
    to listem from mic ----------------TargetDataline
    & to play sound -------------------SourceDataline
    store that in byte Array & transmit them on the network using DatagramSocket & DatagramPacket
    Actually i also don't know how to use JTAPI i try with examples given in docs but got error
    of DefaultJtapiPeer plz let me know solution if u have on
    [email protected]

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    i have one problem with tcode FBS1, i need to create a bdc program for both call transaction and session method using subroutine.
    first call transaction needs to execute if there is an error sesion has to execute. if u have code please forward.
    thanks in advance.
    chandramouli pothugunta

    where as in call transaction we can do error handling explictly.those errors  are stored in one file .this file will send to the error log(session method),i.e session log.
    in the above case we use both call transaction n session method at time in one program.sample code is below ,go through it .
    data : begin of itxk01 occurs 0,
    end of itxk01.
    data : bdcdata like itbdcdata occurs 0 with header line.
    data : itbdcmsgcoll like itbdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line,
             itxk01 like itxk01-dup occurs 0 with header line.
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    loop at itxk01.
    refresh itxk01.
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    perform bdc-dynfld using fnam fval
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    append itxk01 into  itxk01-dup.
    if not itxk01-dup[] is initial.
    refresh itck01.
    call bdc_open_group
    itxk01 = itxk01-dup.
    loop at itxk01.
    refresh itxk01.
    perform bdc-dynpr0 using 'prg' 'scr'
    perform bdc-dynfld using fnam fval
    call bdc-insert.
    call bdc-close-group.
    form bdc-dynpr0 using pr sc
    endform .
    form bdc-field  using fnam faval
    this will help u.
    reward points for me

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    It will say "mobile" Home", etc under the name.
    You can also tap the blue arrow and see the highlighted number.
    iPhone User Guide (For iOS 5.0 Software)

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