Cd-rw 8348A doesn't spin up to read any CDs!!

I purchased the 48x16x48 CD-RW, 8348A only three months ago... in the past month, I've had this problem:
Whether I'm in W2K or booted into DOS using W98 floppy, I stick ANY CD into the drive, and it doesn't spin up to read it... It only makes two humming noises spaced about 1 second apart, then the LED turns off, and the drive sits there, looking dead.
In W2K, when I click on the drive letter, it gives me the message to 'insert a CD into this drive'... like it doesn't know it's there.
My FIRMWARE is upgraded to 150D. It seems my drive is busted, but it shouldn't be...
Anyone else w/ this problem? Help!!!

Well, I've got the same problem with the 8348a, no matter what firmaware (now on 150d).
Using a K7N2-L Mobo with Win98SE or Linux - the drive is seen and correctly identified by the BIOS and the systems, even the nero info tool gives the right specifications. But whenever I insert a CD (audio, data, whatever) which is read by my other drives, the LED simply does some blinks, and that's it. The media cannot be read / drive mounted (under linux) since the drive obviously claims that there's none inserted.
This persisted when trying all available IDE ports and when installing in my older PC with VIA Chipset. (So my setup is quite different from dandan's. But I don't even get the humming noises.)
So it seems the drive is the culprit. I'll try to have it replaced...

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    Maracles, is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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    Hi murr18140,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  The article below will help you troubleshoot the issue you are having with your iPod classic not being recognized in iTunes for Windows:
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    I hope this information helps ....
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    Just needed some info on what is going on with your particular system.
    Knowing the exact camera model will also assist us.
    If this camera is standard AVCHD you should be able to connect with USB to Mac with FCE open and use Log and Transfer without all the fiddling around converting etc.
    What FCE does during ingest is convert files to AIC. (Apple Intermediate Codec)
    FCE cannot read the individual files in the BDMV folder, that's why all the converting is required when you use that method.
    BTW: regards formatting drives/cards/memory on cameras; it is wise to use the actual device to format rather than a computer. This is a prime cause of read/write goof ups with solid state media. This applies to still or video cameras.
    Keeping the COMPLETE card/memory structure in tact is vital for successful transfers.
    Try here for some trouble shooting tips:

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    Serial Number: K0077R40928
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    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    Low Power Polling: Yes
    Power Off: Yes

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    I'd start with the following document, with one modification. At step 12 after typing GEARAspiWDM press the Enter/Return key once prior to clicking OK. (Pressing Return adds a carriage return in the field and is important.)
    iTunes for Windows: "Registry settings" warning when opening iTunes

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