CE 7.30: Task ID instead of Task name

Hi there,
I've a task with name "Approve request of XY".
In the UWL the correct name is shown, but when I open it, it just shows the task ID on the header.
Sometimes it shows the correct task name.
What can be the reason for that?
Is that a known bug?
Thanks in advance!

this is a known issue in 7.3 that is already fixed. Please refer to SAP Note 1586354.

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    Hi, thr was no translated text maintained for the workitem text .the prob is solved.

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    Source:        SRMREPORTS
    Date:          09/06/2014 08:09:55
    Event ID:      752
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
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    User:          N/A
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        <Provider Name="SRMREPORTS" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">752</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-06-09T07:09:55.000000000Z" />
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    From the error message, it failed because of "invalid argument: storagetype = '101' ".
    101 means the storage type is "system" + "cache". Is there any change on your storage before the issue occurs? For example whether the source storage is changed?
    FsrmStorageModuleType enumeration
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

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    In regarding the issue, my understanding is that you want to use Excel spreadsheet as database for the Project.
    I recommend you develop an import map that includes the key fields. Please refer to the link and do it step by step:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    If I misunderstanding something, please let me know and upload some sample about the Excel spreadsheet.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Ryan,
    you could also use api to retrieve the task key.
              HashMap map = new HashMap();
              map.put("Process Definition.Tasks.Task Name", your_task_name);
              tcResultSet localtcResultSet = tcUtilityFactory.getUtility(tcDataProvider, "Thor.API.Operations.TaskDefinitionOperationsIntf").getTaskDetail(your_form_key, map);
              taskKey= localtcResultSet.getLongValue("Process Definition.Tasks.Key");
    This would be slower than database query though.

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    Hi Dan,
    Since I almost know nothing about VBA and I can only read but not write code, I'll let John or Rod (VBA kings on this forum) jump in.
    But here is what I go recording the macro:
    Sub Macro1()
    SetAutoFilter FieldName:="Name", FilterType:=pjAutoFilterIn, Criteria1:=""
    End Sub
    Also ensure to have the latest version of Project 2010 since I noticed different behaviour with blank lines with 2 different versions.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

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    Hi Paul,
    please take a look to the attached picture. I've tried to make a comparison between automatically behavior of PerfView and Message Analyzer by displaying of the same performance log. The Message Analyzer got metadata, generated with wevtutil. The related
    part of the manifest is here:
    <task name="ReadingFromGdb" value="1"/>
    <task name="LogReadPreInvoke" value="65532"/>
    <keyword name="Perf" message="$(string.keyword_Perf)" mask="0x8"/>
    <keyword name="Gdb" message="$(string.keyword_Gdb)" mask="0x10"/>
    <event value="8" version="0" level="win:Verbose" message="$(string.event_LogGdbReadPreInvoke)" keywords="Perf Gdb" opcode="win:Start" task="ReadingFromGdb" template="LogGdbReadPreInvokeArgs"/>
    <template tid="LogGdbReadPreInvokeArgs">
    <data name="fullName" inType="win:UnicodeString"/>
    <data name="methodName" inType="win:UnicodeString"/>
    I hope, it helps you to understand details of my questions.
    Kind regards, Alexander

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    Thanks in advance to all who respond.

    You can completely change the content of whole pdf by using "renderPDFForm" operation under service "FormsService". in this operation there is Template category where you can set the Locale.
    And if you need to change the other workspace options like Complete, Save as Draft , you can then import workspace ui project and then change apppropriate values.

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    I am trying to execute a SSIS package from web page. When i try to do that i am getting following error.
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    In my machine Integration Services are installed and its service is also in running state.
    Please help me on this.
    Thanks, Ramesh Arige

    The SSIS package developed using SSIS 2008 Server R2 and Integrations Services 10.0 is exists in my machine. Is this wrong configuration, please help me on this.
    I am using the below code copied from CodeProject
    Thank you so much for responding.
    Thanks, Ramesh Arige
    Which way are you using from the provided blog? Using 1) C# Code or 2) C# and Stored Procedure?
    Vaibhav Chaudhari
    MCP, MCTS, MCSA (SQL Server 2012)

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    Your help will be appreciate in case you face the same kind of issue

    SAP Note 1546241 solved the issue

  • Applescript to make task note part of task name

    If I have a task say
    Do this
    Task Note - @work
    Is it possible for me to dump the task note @work to task name and name becomes
    Do this @work
    Can this be done for all my tasks.

    Your request is a bit vague, but see the script below. I suggest that you backup your iCal before running this in case you don't like the result. Change the calendar to the one you want.
    -- John Maisey -- www.nhoj.co.uk -- 29 Mar 2010
    -- This script gets all todos in the specified calendar and moves their notes that contain the requires text into the title.
    set calendarName to "Home"
    set theText to "@work"
    tell application "iCal"
    set myTodos to (todos of calendar calendarName)
    repeat with myTodo in myTodos
    if (description of myTodo) contains theText then
    set (myTodo's summary) to (myTodo's summary) & " " & theText
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    Best wishes
    John M

  • Error 50103 the specified resource is reserved - task name - on 4 modules

    Hi all.
    I'm sorry i put this post by mistake in Measurement Studio for.NET: smileyindifferent:
    Let me tell you my configuration:
    software:   Windows XP sp3, Labview 8.5 en.
    hardware:   NI-cDAQ chassis 9172 with 4 modules installed (in this order):
                            1. NI-9217 (4 RTDs)
                            2. NI-9217 (4 RTDs)
                            3. NI-9219 (4 RTDs)
                            4. NI-9219 (4 RTDs)
    So, i want to aquire 16 temperatures.
    In MAX v4.3, all is working fine.
    As you aspected, I have the famous error 50103:  "The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed
    as specified". "Task name: unnamedTask<9>".   - highlighting module #2.
    My goal is to read these temperatures consecutively, i mean: mod1 ch0..ch3, mod2 ch0..ch3 and so on.
    My programm (vi) is like that:
    In a while loop I have a Stacked Sequence Structure which has 4 frames, each for every DAQ Assistant asigned and configurated
    for those modules.
    So i have: Assitant1 for mod1, Assistant2 for mod2, and so on.
    The Assistants work well in configuration preview mod. (I see 4 temperatures on each module).
    But in my programm, i got the error above, on module2.
    I read something about this error and I understand that I can't use 2 or more resource in the same time.
    I understand that a resource represents a channel on a module.
    At each DAQ Assistant output I have a Split Signal (split in 4)
    But with this configuration and this algorithm I suppose I read all 16 channels in total consecutively, not in the same time.
    Am I wrong ?
    How can I fix the problem ? : smileysad:
    Go to Solution.

    Hi dsasorin,
    The error that you have mentioned can be caused due to a number of reasons. There is a knowledgebase article listing several reasons for it that can be helpful. Have you created a task beforehand in MAX? Are you generating the code directly from it or are you writing the code in LabVIEW and asking it to use the channels from the task you specify? Have you tried using the lower level DAQmx VIs such as DAQmx Task name and then tried generating code from that by right-clicking and selecting Generate Code >> Configuration and Example. Hope this helps!
    Ipshita C.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Dynamic User Task Name

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    I have a user task in a subprocess and would would to have that task name be set by the calling process.

    Task Instructions are more appropriate for this situtation.
    May I know why you want to change the task name?

  • Full information about DAQmx Task Name - How get?

    Labview 7.1 (information required for solve problem)
    I put in my application a DAQmx Task Name for fast configuration but i want put all information about task in a txt or spreadsheet file. But in Labview 7.1 haven't VIs like (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3079):
    - DAQmx Info Query
    - General DAQmx channel Info
    - General DAQmx TEDS Info
    I'm using Analog Input (Voltage and Accelerometers) with several configurations and I need register all data of configuration to re-execute in the future or know about how acquisition data were gotten.
    I think that solve is in property nodes(DAQmx Task, DAQmx Channel, DAQmx Timing), but I believe will be hard work to make. Somebody has this working?
    Leonardo de S. Cavadas
    Maintenance Engineer and Inspection - Bureau Veritas do Brasil
    Engineer Metallurgist with emphasis in Advanced Materials
    Technologist in Computer Science

    Sorry about that, I haven't checked if they were made only for LV 8 and later. Attached is a zip file with all the VIs converted to the version 7.1.
    Some of them were not successfully converted and are presenting fatal errors when opening, probably because they have something not available in 7.1. But I'm sending you anyways, because the three VIs you mentioned in your first post that you wanted, are working fine in LabVIEW 7.1.
    - DAQmx Info Query
    - General DAQmx channel Info
    - General DAQmx TEDS Info
    Please let me know if this is of any help for you or if I can do anything else in this case.
    Best Regards
    Andre Pereira
    DAQmxTaskInfoQuery.zip ‏586 KB

  • WF mail's subject replaced by task name!

    Hi all,
    I'm facing a very annoying and urgent problem on ECC 6 about mail sent
    via workflows.
    In some cases the mail's subject (work item text) is replaced with the task
    name (in SCOT) and if I access the workflow log everything is ok and the
    subject is the one I decided in SWDD.
    I never got this problem on the dev. system but in production it's appening daily.
    Any help would be very appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Translation tools for workflow has improvement possibilities, yes...
    I think if you already have the task in a request the translation will be transported, but I am not sure. Perhaps you have to manually include the translations.
    There have been threads about translating before in this forum. I am sure a transaction for translating has been mentioned in those - I just can't remember what it is.

Maybe you are looking for