Cellular Data losing money

When my IPhone 3GS is attached to Cellular Data the money I have drops. As I am on PAYG this is working out expensive. Any ideas why please.

Have now tried the sim in a C6-01 and there were no problems al at all with data connection. So now I'm guessing that there's a problem with the APN for this sim in the Lumia. Unfortunately the Network Setup app runs ok but is not fixing the problem.
If I reset the phone to clear the APNs, should I reset it with the sim in or out?
Also, on the subject of resetting, my problem seems to be the same as the one detailed here:
...but in their case resetting did not fix the problem.
Please please, anybody know what's going on here and now to fix it?  Surely sombody from Nokia must understand what is going on?

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    I've been having some issues with my iPhone 3GS recently. After contacting my provider, Bell, and getting a new SIM card, my issue was only temporarily resolved.
    My phone continues to say no service, or if I do have service, it says cellular data cannot be activated and I cannot receive text messages or use the 3G network.
    I've tried everything but restoring my iPhone, any tips would be great.

    Cellular data issue is a carrier feature, so give your cell provider a call.

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    Data on, with or without Enable LTE, it goes into "searching" mode, or reports "no service".  My iPhone 5 works perfectly on iOS 8.1.2, on Cellular.  I've browsed the blogs and have tried Apple's suggested fix, all to no result. 
    Oddly enough, every once in a while I do get connected to the network for a short ime (minutes), but it always returns to "searching".
    I've filed a report with Apple, along with a request that they contact me, but no results yet.
    Help? (and thank you).

    Hello razmee209.  Thank you for your response.  I spent the better part of yesterday working with Apple Support.  They tried their best, to include backing up photos to my HP laptop, backing up the iPad to iCloud, then resetting the iPad in total.  Same problem.  I restored from the cloud to recover my apps, same problem.
    AT&T installed a new sim card - same problem.  I spent time with AT&T Support yesterday, too.  In both cases, (Apple and AT&T) the support techs who worked with me were extremely polite, courteous and helpful to the best of their abilities, but I think the problem lies deeper, and nobody at Apple is admitting they have a problem with iOS 8, that I'm aware of.
    I didn't have this issue before I upgraded to iOS 8.1.2.
    Everything else with the iPad works fine:  WIFI, Personal Hotspot, email, all my apps, etc.
    In browsing the web for this issue I see that many other folks have the same problem.  I filed a report with Apple this morning, requesting that they contact me, but no word yet.  I was going to go to iPhone 6, and had been considering the iPad Air 2, but I see reports of this problem with those units as well.
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    Thanks again for your response and suggestions.

  • IPhone 5 cellular data services failing

    ISSUE/SYMPTOMS:  iPhone 5 ONLY: Cellular Data stops intermittingly, cellular data locks up without warning, Wi-Fi data connection not working on occasion, iCloud contacts, calendar and reminders not updating, Find My Phone not working, mail or Internet not available or server time-outs. No error messages though. All of these are symptoms of no data service. Problems seem to be related to iPhone 5 failing to switch between LTE and 4G or 3G data services on AT&T.
    My iPhone 5 32GB AT&T version (iOS 6.0.2) along with my clients and family using iPhone 5 in the state of Oklahoma are having this issue on their AT&T iPhone 5's:  no cellular data connection re-established if at anytime the LTE connection is lost or weak.  As with iPhone's prior to iPhone 5, the iPhone 5 is supposed to drop down to the next tier of data service and re-connect to cellular data service when the higher speed cellular data service is not available.  Apparently this is not working well on the iPhone 5.
    What led me to research this LTE issue was that my iPhone was not syncing on iCloud with contacts, calendars and reminders with my other iOS devices.  Other times this issue became apparent was when iMessage quit sending and receiving until I would reboot my iPhone (sometimes it would finally send the message as a “text message”). When I had these problems I also found out I was not getting any cellular data service for Internet browsing, mail, Maps, Find My iPhone, etc.  This would happen without notice. In other words I would not receive any notice or error message that data service had stopped other than the fact I was not receiving any mail, iMessages, or iCloud sync updates. My only resolution was to reset or reboot my iPhone several times a day, and that would resolve it about 70% of the time. 
    I have talked to Apple Support on 2-3 occasions in the last week and AT&T Support twice in the last 2 days.  If it is really true, only the AT&T Technical Support Advisor informed me of a nationwide issue relating to iPhone 5 and LTE:  iPhone 5's are not re-connecting to 4G or 3G cellular data service once the LTE data connection is lost or dropped... the voice calls continue to work, but cellular data service fails and stays locked up without an error message until the customer reboots the iPhone.
    Obviously this is very unacceptable. We depend on these data services and at minimum need to know when it stops working instead of finding out from a phone call that someone sent us an important email or something.
    The AT&T representative also said that both AT&T and Apple are aware of and are working on the issue as it is a nationwide problem with iPhone 5 and LTE. The Apple Support Advisors I talked to made no mention of this "known" issue. AT&T said that it is partly AT&T responsibility because the capacity of LTE is overloaded and cellular data connections are dropping because of the lack of coverage and/or capacity. They actually refunded my data service for a whole month in apology for the inconvenience (I did not even ask for that--I just want my data service to work).  But they also said that Apple has responsibility in this issue because the iPhone 5 should drop down and re-connect to the next lower tier of data service when LTE is not available or lost; instead, it is locking up somehow or it still thinks it is connected to LTE when it is actually not. I don't know how accurate these statements are, but my problem is real.
    TEMPORARY WORK-AROUND / FIX FROM AT&T:  Disable LTE on the iPhone 5.  Or when you figure out that data is not coming to your iPhone, use Airplane Mode ON/OFF for a few seconds to force re-connection to a tower without rebooting the iPhone.  You can Disable LTE on the iPhone 5 in SETTINGS/GENERAL/CELLULAR. I have disabled LTE on my iPhone 5 and have not had any of these cellular data issues since. 
    Disabling LTE is not acceptable either, but it is working. At least I seem not be losing connection or locking up without knowing it.  In my office over the course of a day, my iPhone 5 will jump back and forth on LTE and 4G sitting in the same place.  Disabling LTE has stopped this and the problem, but the iPhone 5 should switch cellular data services seemlessly just like the phone switches towers on a phone voice call seemlessly (most of the time).
    WI-FI ALSO STOPS WORKING SOMETIMES AFTER THIS LTE disconnect / lock-up issue:  That has been my experience along with my clients and family as well. If you use Wi-Fi a lot on your iPhone it will hide this LTE issue until you leave your Wi-Fi and get on LTE and then drop LTE (silently) and then go back to your Wi-Fi.  My experience has been I have to reboot the iPhone to even get Wi-Fi working again after that happens.
    I do not know if some of these comments and analysis are really accurate or valid or not... all I know for sure is since I upgraded my iPhone to the 5 along with my other family members and clients, we have had "no data" on many occasions and are continually rebooting our iPhones and looking for what is wrong. 
    My questions to the support community are these:
         1. Is anyone else having this issue? Or is it just me and my few? Maybe a lot of people do not realize they are not getting their data because they are on Wi-Fi most of the time or they are just rebooting and not trying to identify the real problem. AT&T said it was nationwide iPhone 5/LTE issue.  Anyone else heard that from either Apple or AT&T?
         2. Is this an iPhone 5 / Apple issue or is AT&T solely responsible? Or is it both? Where do we get a solution??? Is AT&T LTE holding false connections with iPhone 5 or is the iPhone 5 failing to recognize a dropped LTE cellular data connection and then failing to attempt to re-connect with 4G or 3G?
         3. Did I miss where this issue is posted? I searched Apple Support and Communities and did not get any hits.  Any updates or further insight on the issue? Any other fixes other than Disabling LTE?
          4. If this is in fact a real issue belonging in part to the iPhone 5, we need to escalate Apple’s attention to it.
    Thanks in advance for your help and feedback.

    Thank you fellow users and experts for your feedback and updates. Sorry about the large font on the original post... accidental via cut and paste.
    I have escalated the issue with both Apple and AT&T.  I actually got senior level troubleshooters from both Apple and AT&T on the phone at the same time... rare moment. Here are the key points of the update:
         1. AT&T did NOT confirm the earlier statement by another AT&T Technical Support Agent that this was an emerging nationwide issue about iPhone 5 and LTE losing data connection and not reconnecting at a lower level or re-connecting to LTE once the signal came back. So that earlier statement was not accurate as suspected by all of us. The senior tech at AT&T said he has seen this issue sporadically over the last month or so, but only with about 3-4 customers.  He said it seems to be location or phone dependent (some phones not all phones).
         2. The Apple Tech was satisfied that all that could be done to eliminate my issues possibly relating to my instance of software / iOS had been accomplished except erasing my iPhone and restoring as a new phone (I have avoided this inconvenience with the argument that other family/clients with the iPhone 5 have had the same problem).
         3. AT&T went so far as to examine which towers I had been connecting to over the last week and looked at other technical data that could possibly explain the issue. I now know I have 3 towers that provide LTE within 4 miles of my home/office, one within a half mile.  But so far there is nothing to explain or even properly identify the issue.  AT&T offered me to take my phone to an AT&T store, try to force replicate the problem there, if so, the store would put my SIM card in a brand new iPhone 5 (just to test) and try tor replicate the problem again. If replicated on a new phone, there is a deeper issue; if resolved on a new phone, the answer is obvious. I have not taken the time to do this yet.
         4. On Friday, Jan 4, 2013 while talking and between the tech support calls (on a different phone), I was able to re-create the problem 2 separate times in my home/office by forcing my iPhone to weaken its connection to service (burying it under electronic gear) and then waiting a few minutes, then trying to browse the Internet--no data service unless I manually reset the connection.  I am only able to cause the issue to occur if there is at least 15 min of idle time after a weak signal condition AND only if I don’t completely lose a connection to cellular voice service. It seems that if you go down to NO SERVICE the phone will do new a search and keep searching until reconnects to LTE or other signals correctly, but a weak connection seems to be strong enough for voice service but can sometimes cause the LTE data service to stop without reconnecting to LTE, 4G or 3G unless I manually intervene. It also seems that idle time with a weak connection is also necessary to re-create the problem manually.  Since Friday, I have not been able to re-create the problem. This has been an intermittent problem, so who knows.
    FYI, I have never had this problem with my new iPad (also on AT&T LTE) that has been with me when the iPhone fails to have data service, but my iPad is never in my pocket or other places with perhaps less signal.
    Again, if you are connected to Wi-Fi on your iPhone 5 most of the time, you may never notice this issue if you are even having it.
    So far no progress on the real issue or resolution, but both Apple and AT&T have put forth very admirable effort.
    If you or others you know are having this issue, please take the time to post a reply to this issue. Thank you.

  • Email & Cellular Data

    I have a new iPhone 5s and I am wondering how to force my email/calendars to use wifi data and not cellular data when connected.
    I can be connected to wifi and send and receive email and check my calendar and notice that the cellular usage keeps going up for Exchange Services. One email account is a company account setup as 'Exchange' the other is my person email setup using the 'Outlook.com' option.
    If I turn cellular data off they both continue to work just fine. However when I turn cellular back on they use that instead of wifi for their data. How do I fix this?

    GhostRunner521 wrote:
    I am concerned because that is about 1MB per day I am wasting when on WiFi. I only wanted to pay for 1024MB/month because I work out of my home office and knew I would be on WiFi all day long.
    That's less than one tenth of one percent of your monthly data allowance. If you're not using streaming audio/video when on cellular data, and you don't spend hours each day on facebook while on cellular data, you're not even going to come close. Don't worry about it unless it actually becomes a problem.
    It's not like your carrier is going to give you money back for every MB of your monthly allowance you didn't use.

  • Cellular data being used even when at home with Wi Fi

    I notice that sometimes (actually pretty often), my cellular data is being used even if I'm at home with Wi Fi available. At this rate, my monthly amount of gigabytes is getting used up pretty quickly. It's gotten to where I have to go into settings and turn off cellular data whenever I come home. Has anyone else had this problem?

    You must be losing wifi sometimes. The iPad uses wifi, unless it's not available. Then it switches to 3/4G. Turning Off cellular is the best procedure.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Iphone constantly loses Cellular Data APN settings   - PLEASE HELP

    I bought a 16gb 3gs iphone and contract from tesco just before Xmas. The settings I have used for APN and MMS are:
    prepay.tesco-mobile.com / tescowap / password
    Unfortunately the iPhone has an annoying habit of reverting to: idata.o2.co.uk / vertigo / password
    Has this happening to anyone else how do I fix it??? This is the 2nd iPhone since the 17th Dec I have had that is doing the same thing.

    I sent my 32gb 3gs pay-as-you-go iphone back to tesco to repair this self same problem. I received a letter in which tesco admits (and I quote) "Your phone has been examined by one of our engineers and unfortunately we have found that we are unable to carry out a satisfactory repair." They packaged a brand new iphone "to ensure you are not inconvenienced in any way." And, you guessed it, the replacement iphone has exactly the same problem of being unable to retain its cellular data network settings.
    I believe tesco have been aware of this issue for some time, yet have carried on selling pay-as-you-go iphones in the hope they could find a resolution. Until today that is, when its customer care line started to announce pay-as-you-go iphones are no longer for sale - contract only. The tesco direct web site has now taken them off sale, but very quietly. They are still being advertised but you don't find out they are unavailable until you get to the the checkout.
    I have persevered with tesco on the telephone (being passed from pillar to post) insisting that the iphone is unfit for purpose in that it does not provide - and has never been able to provide - the services promised. Today they agreed to give me my money back. Lets see if I get it.

  • HT1976 Hi, visiting USA, and bought an I-Phone 5, unlocked. Then bought monthly pay as you go $25, and added a features package. Then found I needed to be on the $50 plan. Still says cannot activate cellular data!

    Bought from Apple store an unlocked I-phone 5.
    Bought a basic pay as you package 10c per minute.
    Then decided I wanted data coverage, so went for the $25 per month and a data packeage.
    Phone kept saying "could not activate cellular data network" as I was  "you are not subscribed to a cellular data service".
    AT&T, said not available on this plan.
    Checked the small print, and it sad I needed £50 plan. Paid more money to go on the pay as you go $50 plan, addde more to the data package.
    Same messages.
    Now, cannot get an AT&T e-mail address to ask, no help from the auto messages.
    Any ideas?
    Apart from the "you've been tricked?"

    Yep, tried to phone just an ordinary store, and they were uselee; basically it was translated as "we just take your money"
    You are correect, need corporate one.
    I am travelling around USA on motorbike, so will have a look.
    Howver, I thought someone would have a quick answer.
    Is there even an e-mail address or phone number.
    I tried the 611 and got no suitable option, and there did not appear to be a suitable e-mail either>
    Whatever, just found out that aT &T do not offer this on pay as you go, not matter how much money the plan is!!

  • TS2755 Why can't I text without having iMessage on AND either wifi or CELLULAR DATA turned on? iPhone 5 VZ wireless

    I just went apple Friday!! However, my "unlimited text and phone" isn't quite so with Verizon Wireless....my carrier for many years.  I have found that since impart of the iMessage community, I no longer can technically "text" or at least I can't RECEIVE TEXT replies from people. It's like they are losing the messages hostage til I either turn ON the NOT Unlimited Cellular Data, or I sign to wifi.  What the heck????  I'm hoping I've missed something and i did NOT just get scammed.  Any thoughts?

    call verizon.  texting is a service they provide

  • Cellular date service crashing?

    I have an Iphone 5s that somehow I keep losing my data service. I call service provider and they want to factory reset which causes me to lose information. I have backed up with Icloud but not information is saved. I shouldn't have to keep factory resetting my phone. For example I updated the SSL last night. It prompts you to connect using wifi and I did that... after updating shut phone off & turn it back on and the data no longer works again. I just factory reset it 6 days ago... is this an ongoing problem?? I use my phone for business and can't continue to lose business because emails will not come in unless I'm connected via wifi... help?

    Hi there bj7321,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iPhone: Troubleshooting a cellular data connection
    -Griff W. 

  • Cellular data off warnings

    I have a new iPhone 6 Plus. My plan with Verizon is for 250mb/ month as I use little data. I work in an area that has very bad cell phone service as well. If I leave cellular data turned on the battery of the phone drains at the rate of about 20% an hour. For those 2 reasons the vast majority of the time I keep cellular data turned off unless I need it at the time. If I am not on WiFi at the time anytime I try to open any app, even the settings app, or switch apps I get a warning that cellular data is turned off. I am very aware that cellular data is turned off as I have it turned off on purpose. I don’t need to be reminded every time I open every app or switch between apps that it is turned off. I often bounce between apps frequently and the alert messages are not wanted, not needed, and extremely annoying. How do I stop these pop up alerts once and for all without having to turn cellular data on which is not an option as it kills the battery at work and the operating system uses too much data that drains my small allotment of monthly data? This was bad enough on the iPhone 5 running iOS 7 but has escalated greatly on iOS 8.

    I've had this as well, finally got frustrated enough to talk with Apple, here's the gist
    First, it's not Apple, iOS, or the iPhone, it's the app.
    The app wants data from the net, with no connection it's telling you it can't get the data...it's pi$$ed
    There is no way around it, it's in the app. In most cases, like mine, the app wants to display an ad because it's free and the owner wants money. So, since they can't access the internet they can't get the ad to display. Whatever ad you're seeing, if any, is from the last time it had a connection. Since they don't get paid for an old ad they want to grab a new one to show you. It's all about money.
    In some cases the request is legit, they do need data to run the app, or to give you the information you're asking for, or to check if there are any notifications or badges. Valid, but still annoying.

  • Lost cellular data connection

    Iphone 4...AT&T...I have been losing my cellular data connection for hours at a time not dependent on location.  Upgrades to 6 last night...AT&T says it appears I am connected...reset network connections, next step full reset...anyone else having this issue?

    Hello Theresa818,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like the cellular data will not activate for some reason on the iPad.
    I found this article that will help you resolve this issue here, named iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular Models): Troubleshooting a cellular data connection, found here http://support.apple.com/kb/TS4249
    Check for a carrier settings update.
    Update your iPad.
    Toggle the Cellular Data setting off and on under Settings > Cellular Data.
    Restart your iPad.
    Tap Settings > General > About. Locate the Carrier entry and make sure that your carrier is correct.
    If your SIM card has SIM PIN enabled, try turning it off: Tap Settings > Cellular Data > SIM PIN.
    Make sure you're in an area of good coverage. If the cellular data connection works in another area, contact your carrier to report the original affected area.
    Reset network settings: Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    Restore the iPad as new.
    If none of the above steps resolves the issue, make an appointment at an Apple Retail Store, contact your carrier, or contact AppleCare to troubleshoot further.
    I know you may have done one or two of the steps here, so you can skip those.
    Take care,

  • IPad (3rd gen ios6) preferentially uses LTE over WiFi when cellular data is turned on.

    The icon in the upper left corner says so, and my mobile bill says so too. So was the Genius who sold it to me a liar, or is there a fix for this? Any help appreciated!

    This is a user-to-user forum, not moderated or really observed by Apple and not how you communicate with them for these sorts of problems.
    Cellular data will be used when you have it on, at low rates, just in terms of polling for cell nodes and maintaining connections to them. It only records in MBs there in Settings so you've probably just used a fraction of that.
    It shouldn't really affect your wifi connections and d/l speeds, however. You can use the interim solution of just leaving cellular OFF when not using it, which is the smart money thing to do anyway; why burn battery power when you don't get anything except for perfect clock time out of it?
    If it continues to happen, then your Users Guide has a whole chapter (at the end) devoted to what you do when things aren't going well, generally following the sequence of
    Restart - red slider, then boot up again
    Force Quit apps - either via Sleep/Wake followed by Home, or via Recents Tray
    Reset - hold Home & Sleep/Wake to force reboot
    Reset iPad Settings - Settings > General >Reset
    Erase All Content -   same as above
    Restore iPad Software - iTunes or iOS 5 equivalent
    You start at #1 and work your way through until the issue you're seeing goes away. If you get through all of the steps and it still doesn't work, you're pretty much out of gas and have to start talking to Apple.
    And, finally, for when you do want to talk to Apple about these sorts of matters, things not quite right but which  fall short of an actual warranty service call to AppleCare, then ...

  • Restoring from a backup disables cellular data

    I just switched tonight from an ATT iphone 4 to the Verizon iphone 5.
    I made a backup of my ATT phone using Itunes and restored that to the new iphone 5.
    After restore cellular data no longer works on my Verizon iPhone 5.
    I have been able to duplicate and confirm the issue by erasing all content, activating the phone, test working cellular data, then restoring the backup again and losing cellular data. I can assure you that all options to disable 3G/cellular data are correct both before and after the restore.
    I also have a ticket in for signal issues. My phone will get stuck in 1x mode even though the signal should be 3g as 3g signal worked in the same spot mins before. Once again something I can replicate.
    I suspect the phone needs a modem update or the network needs an update in order work with the new iphone 5 modem.

    Hey sA, I'm running into the exact same issue restoring an AT&T iPhone 4 onto a Verizon iPhone 5. Been on the phone with Verizon customer service for an hour today, and they had me try everything (reset network settings, ejecting and re-inserting SIM card) wouldn't work. I wonder how many AT&T shipjumpers are in the same boat...
    I've tried installing custom APN but I'm hitting an error telling me I already have an APN installed, so I can't install another one. Going to try your method right now. Hopefully I can replicate it.
    I think you cracked it!

  • What causes cellular data usage to decrease if last reset has not changed? I reset every pay period cuz I do not have unlimited and was showing 125 mb sent/1.2g received. Now showing 98mb sent/980mb received. Last reset still shows same

        I reset my cellular data usage every month at the beginning of my billing period so that I can keep track of how much data I am using thru out the month. I do not have the unlimited data plan and have gone over a few times. It's usually the last couple days of my billing cycle and I am charged $10 for an extra gig which I barely use 10% of before my usage is restarted for new billing cycle. FYI, they do not carry the remainder of the unused gig that you purchase for $10 which I disagree with. But have accepted. Lol  Moving on.
        I have two questions. One possibly being answered by the other. 1. Is cellular data used when I sync to iTunes on my home computer to load songs onto my iPhone from my iTunes library(songs that already exist)? 2. What causes the cellular data usage readings in iPhone settings/general/usage/cellular usage to decrease if my last reset has not changed? It is close to end of my billing cycle and I have been keeping close eye. Earlier today it read around 180mb sent/1.2gb received. Now it reads 90mb sent/980 mb recieved. My last reset date reads the same as before. I don't know if my sync and music management had anything to do with the decrease but i didn't notice the decrease until after I had connected to iTunes and loaded music. I should also mention that a 700mb app automatically loaded itself to my phone during the sync process. Is cellular data used at all during any kind of sync /iPhone/iTunes management? Is the cellular data usage reading under iPhone settings a reliable source to keep track of monthly data usage? Guess turned out to be more than two questions but all related. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer me. It is information I find valuable. Sorry for the book long question.

    Is cellular data used at all during any kind of sync /iPhone/iTunes management? Is the cellular data usage reading under iPhone settings a reliable source to keep track of monthly data usage?
    1) No.
    2) It does provide an estimated usage, but it's not accurate. For accurate determination, you should check the remaining/used MBs from the carrier (most of the carriers provide this service for free).

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