Center-justify a vimeo movie widget in Muse

Hi there, folks
I'm preparing a site which has some buttons in the footer, but only a vimeo movie widget in the body of the site.  It looks great, and is so easy to do in Muse (thank you Adobe!) but I'd like the vimeo widget to be centered, so if the page is enlarged or made smaller it always keeps a proportional distance from the header and footer.  Is this possible?
Many thanks in advance for the time, folks!
- Fredo

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    Joe: Just so you'll know, that solution is posted here 5-10
    times a week.
    I would change your code to this -
    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="apDiv6"><img src="images/jp-bio_bkgd.gif"
    <div id="apDiv8"></div>
    <div id="apDiv9"></div>
    <div id="apDiv10"></div>
    <!-- /wrapper -->
    Then I would stop using absolute positioning altogether until
    you can build
    an entire page in Notepad. It's a seductive nightmare
    Understanding why my solution works will require that you
    understand how CSS
    positioning works. This may help you understand a bit -
    There are 4 different types of positioning:
    Here is a brief explanation of each kind of positioning (with
    regard to
    placement of elements on the page only)....
    Position:absolute (or A/P elements)
    This does several things -
    1. It 'removes' the element from the flow of the code on
    the page so that
    it can no longer influence the size or position of any other
    page element
    (except for those contained within it, of course).
    2. The absolutely positioned element takes its position from
    the position of
    its closest PARENT *positioned* element - in the
    absence of any explicitly
    positioned parent, this will default to the <body> tag,
    which is always
    at 0,0 in the browser viewport.
    This means that it doesn't matter where in the HTML code the
    layer's code
    appears (between <body> and </body>), its
    location on the screen will not
    change (this assumes that you have not positioned the A/P
    element within
    a table or another A/P element, of course).
    Furthermore, the space in
    this element would have appeared were it not positioned
    is not preserved
    on the screen. In other words, absolutely positioned elements
    don't take
    up any space on the page. In fact, they FLOAT over the page.
    Position:relative (or R/P elements)
    In contrast to absolute positioning, a relatively positioned
    page element is
    *not* removed from the flow of the code on the page, so
    it will use the
    where it would have appeared based on its position in
    the code as its
    zero point reference. If you then supply top, right,
    bottom, or left
    to the style for this element, those values will be
    used as offsets from
    zero point.
    This means that it DOES matter where in the code the
    relatively positioned
    element appears (, as it will be positioned in that location
    (factoring in
    the offsets) on the screen (this is true for any placement in
    the code).
    Furthermore, the space where this element would have
    appeared is
    preserved in the display, and can therefore affect the
    placement of
    succeeding elements. This means that the taller a relatively
    positioned element is, the more space it forces on the page.
    As with relative position, static positions also "go with
    the flow". An
    element with a static position cannot have values for
    offsets (top, right,
    left, bottom) or if it has them, they will be ignored. Unless
    positioned, all div elements default to static positioning.
    A page element with this style will not scroll as the page
    content scrolls.
    Support for this in elements other than page backgrounds is
    There are several other things you need to know:
    1. ANY page element can be positioned - paragraphs, tables,
    images, lists,
    2. The <div> tag is a BLOCK level tag. This means that
    if it is not
    positioned or explicitly styled otherwise, a) it will always
    begin on a new
    line on the screen, and b) it will always force content to a
    new line below
    it, and c) it will always take up the entire width of its
    container (i.e.,
    3. The placement of A/P elements *can* affect the BEHAVIOR of
    on the page. For example, a 'layer' placed over a hyperlink
    will mask that
    You can see a good example of the essential difference
    between absolute and
    relative positioning here -
    You can see a good demonstration of why using layers for a
    page layout tool
    is dangerous here -
    Finally, to get away from absolute positioning, start here -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "jpodlesnik" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > My goodness, Murray! That was FAST! AND it worked! :-)
    > Far as I can tell, seems I had to move the code around
    to make it work.
    > Had to
    > keep the code for the AP elements (which I can move
    around AND they stay
    > in
    > place - bravo!) inside the code that you sent me. Does
    this look correct
    > (see
    > below)? Well, in any case, it works: I can move the AP
    elements around
    > anywhere
    > I like and they stay exactly where I leave them when the
    page is previewed
    > in a
    > browser. Thank you very much, Murray!
    > --Joe
    > <body>
    > <div id="wrapper">
    > <!-- /wrapper -->
    > <div id="apDiv6"><img
    src="images/jp-bio_bkgd.gif" width="1300"
    > height="850"
    > /></div>
    > <div id="apDiv8"></div>
    > <div id="apDiv9"></div>
    > <div id="apDiv10"></div>
    > </div>
    > </body>

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    Thanks for posting this question - I too had this question, and I think I found a way to do this.  Try using the "Padding" feature located on the Spacing panel.  Looks like you can use this tool to move the location of the sub-menu group,  Just make sure you have the sub-menu's selected first.  Seems to have worked for what I was wanting to do.  Hope this helps!
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    You're not giving us much to go on.  Go to your Google WebMaster account & grab the GA tracking code.  Re-insert it into some test pages.    Analytics reporting may not show anything for several days.
    Nancy O.

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    ya, i know how to read the file and probably print them to the console Good!
    but i dont know how to print the output in right- justified manner.
    The output is by default left-justified, but i dont know how to do right-justified.Okay, you need to do some padding (justification). Check out the stuff in StringBuffer (and StringBuilder, in 1.5) and String. Questions about padding/justification come up on the forum all the time (did you try searching?). Basically, you have to decide the full length you want (e.g., 100 characters), and then prepend/append the proper number of spaces to the original String.

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    Some more
    Adobe Muse Free Templates | Download Muse Themes and Widgets
    MUSE RESOURCES™ | Library Widgets
    RESOURCES | Adobe Muse CC

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    I caanot find any information about this.
    Thanks Eric.

    Hi Eric,
    If what you're looking for are entirely new widgets (i.e. a video player widget, an audio player widget, a slide out drawer widget, etc.) that would appear in the Widget Library and work like the other widgets, then morgan_in_london's response is correct. The Muse Widget Library is currently limited to the set of widgets in the product.
    Many HTML widgets can be used via the Insert HTML feature (i.e. Google maps, YouTube videos, FaceBook like buttons, etc.), but they generally don't offer the ease-of-use or flexibility of the built-in Muse widgets. A third party,, has started an online directory of Insert HTML-based widgets for use with Muse that can be found at
    If what your looking for is a library of examples that demonstrate what's possible with the current widgets in Muse (which have many different behavior and formatting options), we're in the process of putting together the start of a gallery of example widgets that should be live online soon.

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    Hopefully closing Muse and relaunching will fix the problem. If it do not fix it then please reset its preference and that should fix the issue.
    Steps to reset preferences are mentioned below.
    1) Quit Muse.
    2) Go to desktop > click on Go > "Go to folder"
    3) Type "~/library" without the quotes and press Return.
    4) Go to folder named "Preferences"
    5) Go to folder named "com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2014.2" to "com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2014.2.old"
    7) Re-launch Muse.

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    Many thanks

    You can not
    It is a USA Widget
    You can alter the City, Zip Code
    cmd and click on movie widget (Right Click) , then click on the i button and enter the deails requested

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