Centered text not centered on DVD

I have created a movie from home videos.  I have used the "Vertical Drift" text in a couple places.  Even though the text shows in my preview window with no problems, when burned to a DVD, the text is cut off.  This happens on all settings on our TV (Zoom, Stretch, Side Bars and another one I can't remember).  I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I can prevent this.

In iDVD (under the iDVD Menu) click on Preferences, then click on the Slideshow tab, click the checkbox labeled: Always scale slides to TV Safe Area
The TV Safe Area is the extra space around the middle that iDVD uses to calculate how big things should appear. It will add more space around the titles to make sure they don't get cut off.

Similar Messages

  • Text not centered

    I'm recording an action and want the text to be centred horizontally. It just won't do it. Pressing the paragraph buttons shjoot the text off the side and seems to be based on where you intially type the text in the first place. This must be the simplest thing on PS why won't the text just jump to the middle of the photo?
    Secondly I'm drawing a selection around the text (then filling with black). There seems to be no way to centralise a selection box either. As when I run the action on different sized photos the box and text end up in completely different places, separately. Why is this and how can I centralise a selection too?

    No it's not working the text layer is jumping to be aligned the black box the text sits on is not moving with it. This is my process:
    Open image
    Duplicate background (because black box has to sit on a separate layer?
    type text and position roughly
    draw selection round box, edit> fill with black
    selct text layer, layer>type>convert to shape
    highlight this layer and duplicate layer (even tried to link the two via a clipping layer no joy either)
    Move tool (only the text moves...)
    Can you help with my process John?

  • Nested DIV's Not Centering

    On my page I'm working on, one of my div's is not centering correctly.  The class applied has margin set to auto, but the image in the tag is still justifying to the left.  The class the is not displaying correctly is .portfolio-center. 
    Here is the page:
    Here is the code:
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    Thank you!

    Use text-align center and apply the center class to a paragraph tag.
    .center {text-align:center}
    <p class="center"><img src="images/print-movie-lovers-onesheet.jpg" alt="Movie Lovers One Sheet" height="627" width="485"></p>
    Nancy O.

  • How do I place a transparent image over specific, centered text?

    I'm helping someone with a site that flows sales copy down the center of the browser window. We want to take a transparent oval and place it over a price that will be in the copy. (It would look like someone took a marker and circled the price.)
    I had learned that AP Div could solve this problem and, to an extent, it does. I can place the oval right over the price. But it only works when the copy is left justified, not centered. If the copy is centered, I can place the oval, but if the browser window is resized, the oval stays in place while the copy is reflowed to the new browser window size. Thus the oval is no longer over the correct text.
    Then I learned that Layout Mode might solve this problem, however that has been removed from CS4.
    So now my question is how do I to take a transparent .png file and place it over copy on this site so that if the browser window is resized, the .png file stays with the correct text as the text is "moved" to stay in the center of the brower window?
    I want to avoid the workaround of simply creating a .png with the oval and the price and inserting that in the middle of the copy at the appropriate place. There must be a better way to handle this. Not being too familiar with Dreamweaver, maybe there's some sort of Anchor function similar to one in InDesign that solves this issue.
    I've attached the simple oval .png file we're trying to use for this.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    How about having the circle underneath the text? I know it's a compromise, but it will be much easier to do as you can assign a background image to the div or table cell which holds the text.
    For example, make a blank graphic and create a class:
        background-image: url(nocircle.png);
    then assign it to the text and give each text div a unique name
    <div class="price" id="price1">10.99</div>
    then you can turn the background image on and off using Dreamweaver's javascript controls, for example:
    Hope that helps.

  • Page not centering and background repeat issue in Safari

    I recently put up a new website. It seems to be working and displaying fine in IE, Chrome and FF. My problem is Safari. The page is not centering (going left) and I'm also having a problem with
    the background image of my FOOTER div not repeating. I'm sure this is something simple (ie:stupid) I did but it just eludes me. The other interesting thing is that the background image for the footer
    (which is the grass image) is actually 1024px wide but it's not displaying it fully or else it's compressing it. Here's a link to the website. Any insights are appreciated. I am using Safari on an iPad if
    that matters.

    Non-breaking spaces should not be used as a layout device. 
    <p>We are members of these fine NC Organizations.
    Click the logos to learn more.</p>
    It's much better to use CSS to control alignment of elements on your pages.
    <p style="float:right: text-align:center">We are members of these fine NC Orgnizations <br />
    Click the logos to learn more.</p>
    You have a couple of CSS errors that need attention.
    The iPad display is 768px wide in portrait view and 1024px wide in landscape view.  Which view are you using to test your site?
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Numbered headers with centered text: the numbers are off to the side.

    I'm trying to create typical numbered headers as they appear in law reviews. For example, (I used underscore characters here to represent characters):
    ___________________III.Judge-made law
    However, Pages seems to only do this:
    III.___________________Judge-made law
    That is, the text is centered, but the number is always in the left margin. Is there anything I can do about this?
    Message was edited by: pdxlatenite
    Message was edited by: pdxlatenite

    Well, I'm not trying to write to the left of the list; I want to change the list number/character's formatting/placement, especially when the list text is centered.
    It looks like this kind of header, a centered one, wasn't contemplated by the creators of the software.

  • Centering text in a cell in a JTable

    I have a program that reads in data from a text file and display it in a JTable. My problem is that the data in each cell is not centered, it is left justified within that cell.
    How can I fix this.

    To align a text inside a cell you have to go through the rendering classes of a Jtable. You can do lots of formatting by using a render class. Heres my code that i use.
    1. The first code aligns your data centered inside the cell.
    2. The second code aligns it like code1 but has an additional character to be printed beside your data inside the text.
    TableColumn col1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
    col1.setCellRenderer( new SimpleRenderer());
    TableColumn col1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
    col1.setCellRenderer( new SimpleRenderer( "$" ));
    ///////////// RENDER CODE IS HERE //////////////
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class SimpleRenderer extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer
         Border unselectedBorder = null;
         Border selectedBorder = null;
         String text = "";
         Color foreColor =;
         Color backColor = new java.awt.Color( 217,217,255 );
         Color selectedColor = new java.awt.Color( 217,217,255 );
         public SimpleRenderer()
         setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
         setOpaque( true );
         } // end of CONSTRUCTOR
         public SimpleRenderer( Color foreGround, Color backGround )
         setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
         setOpaque( true );
         this.foreColor = foreGround;
         this.backColor = backGround;
         } // end of CONSTRUCTOR
         public SimpleRenderer( String data )
         text = data;
         setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
         setOpaque( true );
         } // end of CONSTRUCTOR
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
              JTable table, Object object, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
                                                                                    int row, int column)
              if ( backColor != null )
                   if ( (row % 2 ) == 1 )
                             setBackground( backColor );
                             setBackground( Color.white );
              if ( foreColor != null )
                   setForeground( foreColor );
              if ( hasFocus )
                   if ( isSelected )
                             setBackground( selectedColor );
                             setBackground( Color.white );
              String newData = "" + object;
              if ( newData.trim().equals( "" ))
                   setText( "" );
                   setText( text + " " + object );
              if (isSelected)
              if (selectedBorder == null)
                   Border border, raisedBevel, loweredBevel;
                   raisedBevel = BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder();
                   loweredBevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder();
                   Border colorLine = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(;
                   border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( raisedBevel,loweredBevel);
                   selectedBorder = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( border, colorLine);
              if (unselectedBorder == null)
                        unselectedBorder = BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0,0,0,0,
         catch( ClassCastException e )
         return this;
         } // end of GETTABLECELLRENDERERCOMPONENT method.
         public void setForeColor( Color data )
         foreColor = data;
         } // end of SETFORECOLOR method.
         public void setBackColor( Color data )
         backColor = data;
         } // end of SETBACKCOLOR method.
    } /** end of CLASS **/

  • Centered text in PDF

    I am new to this Acrobat SDK forum. I am trying to write a PDF code, but I have problems centering text. Below is a short "program" that writes the text "Centered text" starting at position x=100, y=600. But how do I center this text at some position, say x=200, y=600 ?  Can anyone help?
    - gullipeX
    1 0 obj
       << /Type /Catalog
          /Outlines 2 0 R
          /Pages 3 0 R
    2 0 obj
       << /Type /Outlines
          /Count 0
    3 0 obj
       << /Type /Pages
          /Kids [ 4 0 R ]
          /Count 1
    4 0 obj
       << /Type /Page
          /Parent 3 0 R
          /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]
          /Contents 5 0 R
          /Resources << /ProcSet 6 0 R
                      /Font << /F1 7 0 R >>
    5 0 obj
       << /Length 73 >>
       /F1 24 Tf
       100 600 Td
       ( Centered text ) Tj
    6 0 obj
       [ /PDF /Text ]
    7 0 obj
       << /Type /Font
          /Subtype /Type1
          /Name /F1
          /BaseFont /Helvetica
          /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding
    0 8
    0000000000 65535 f
    0000000009 00000 n
    0000000074 00000 n
    0000000120 00000 n
    0000000179 00000 n
    0000000364 00000 n
    0000000466 00000 n
    0000000496 00000 n
       << /Size 8
          /Root 1 0 R

    Hi, Irosenth and others again.
    To try to solve my problem (because I do not know how to do this in PDF), I made a short PostScript program to check the length of the characters in Helvetiva 10 pt. A part of the program is shown below. If I have the length, I can calculate the centered position of the text in my C or Fortran program, that makes the PDF file.  This investigation gave, for instance, the lengths for A, B and W as:
    A:  6.66797
    F:  6.10840
    W: 9.43945
    When I placed the EPS file into Adobe InDesign a bit different values came out:
    A:  6.66959
    F:  6.10963
    W: 9.43942
    ... and still different in Adobe Photoshop:
    A:  6.67081
    F:  6.11075
    W: 9.44115
    I have the feeling that character lengths are given as integers in the font file (not as real numbers) and I actually have to multiply these lengths (for 10 pt. Helvetica)  with some unknown value to find the "correct" lengths of the given characters. Does anyone know the actual length of the character A in Helvetica for instance?
    PostScript program:
    /Helvetica findfont
    dup length dict begin
      {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
      /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def
    /Helvetica-ANSI exch definefont pop
    /str 20 string def
    /Helvetica-ANSI findfont 10 scalefont setfont
    (A ) 50  750 moveto show
    (A)  stringwidth pop str cvs  80 750 moveto show
    (F ) 50  700 moveto show
    (F)  stringwidth pop str cvs  80 700 moveto show
    (W ) 50  650 moveto show
    (W)  stringwidth pop str cvs  80 650 moveto show

  • Poster image not centering in browser

    My poster image (for viewing in IE8) is not centering in the browser window. It's displaying as left aligned with a big gap to the right of the image. How do I fix?

    Thank you Hemanth, that is exactly what I am referring to. One final question though, as I am by no means an HTML I add the snippet while I'm in Edge or do I open the HTML file in Dreamweaver and add the code there?
    If in Edge, where do I access the code to add it (and where does it go)?
    If in is the code for my file, where  would I place the snippet?
    <!DOCTYPE html>
              <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
              <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="FEA2014_Invite_edgePreload.js"></script>
            .edgeLoad-EDGE-450331542 { visibility:hidden; }
        body {
              background-color: #000000;
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime End-->
    <body style="margin:0;padding:0;">
              <div id="Stage" class="EDGE-450331542">
    I GREATLY appreciate this advice!
    Many thanks,

  • Centering text frame into rectangle

    Hi everybody, i'm pretty a new-by with indesign so be kind with me
    I was trying to center "2 objects": actually, a text frame inside a colored rectangles. My goal is to have the frame containing the text exactly centered into the main rectangle.
    As you can see i'd like to be able to center the text frame "Address" into the big cyan rectangle. I could do it manually but the result would be different from the rest of the text frame i have to center (date of birth...and so on).
    Thanks for your help people!

    Also keep in mind that whether you use two objects (text frame and colored box) or one text frame like Peter suggested, the positioning of the text is based on the full size of the font, which is measured from the lowest descender to the highest ascender. So, a box with an upper case A and one with a lower case j will have different distances from the top and bottom of the box, so if what you want is an even amount of box around your text, you might have to make an adjustment.
    All boxes are aligned the same, but not visually centered.

  • Centering text...

    I'm wondering if there is any easy way that would allow you to figure out how you can aline text so that the center of it is at a certain point. For example, you have (pointX,pointY) and thats what the text is centered around on, and you ABC as the string... I want to have the center of the B to be at pointX...any ideas?

    I'm wondering if there is any easy way that would
    allow you to figure out how you can aline text so that
    the center of it is at a certain point. For example,
    you have (pointX,pointY) and thats what the text is
    centered around on, and you ABC as the string... I
    want to have the center of the B to be at pointX...any
    ideas?Got an idea... Hope it is correct, I am a bit tired and math is not my strong side then :) This method below must off course be called from a paint method of some kind:
        public void drawText(Graphics2D g) {
            // Lets set some attributes first.
            AttributedString astr = new AttributedString("A string");
            astr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, "Helvetiva");
            astr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, 14);
            TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(astr.getIterator(), g.getFontRenderContext());
            // Get the height and width
            int width = (int) tl.getBounds().getWidth();
            int height = (int) tl.getBounds().getHeight();
            // This is our center
            int centerX = 5;
            int centerY = 5;
            // Calculate where the corner start. (I hope :))
            int pointX = centerX - width/2;
            int pointY = centerY - height/2;
            // Draw it in the canvas
            tl.draw(g, pointX, pointY);
        }I suggest you read a bit about AttributedString, TextAttribute, TextLayout and Rectangle2D. As those are the ones I use here.

  • HTMLEditorKit Centering Text

    I am writing a basic html editor which uses a textPane and java's HTMLEditorKit. The program allows the html to be saved.
    At the moment the text can only be written in a row by row form. And I would like to add the option of centering text, and images Which could be switch on and off, suchas in Microsoft's word.
    Could anyone provide an example of how to achieve this, or over some guidance.
    Thank you

    I had a look at the site, though I could not find the answer, to how to use the java tools StyleSheet HTMLDocument and HTMLEditorKit kit. And allow the user to center text and images within a textpane, which would add the center tag to the HTMLDocument which contains the html template.
    Could you possibly advice further?

  • My document is not centered on page

    I am running Acrobat 10.0.0, MAC OSX 10.7.2 (Lion), and Indesign CS5.5
    I can not get my document to center on the printed page.
    When I open my PDF document, it appears normally and shows in portrait mode. The document was created as 6.88 in wide x 10.25 in tall.  The Properties of the PDF file for the document correctly show the page size as 6.88 x 10.25.
    When I click on PRINT, the default dialog shows the document correctly but indicates a 8.5 x 11 page size.  I click on the Page set up and select a custom paper size of 6.88 x 10.25 inches and return to main print dialog.
    The print dialog now shows my document and the page dimensions show my newly created page size.  I click auto rotate and center.  The page orientation and size match the document and PDF orientation regardless of auto rotate on or off.  I still select auto rotate and center as I want the centering.
    The print comes out not centered and clipped.  No combination of selections yields a correct print out.  I just can't get my image to center on the output page.
    I can print the same PDF file from Preview with same selections and have no problem with getting the document to center on the page.  I would use Preview as the work flow except preview does not print the document faithfully for color compared to Acrobat.
    Thanks in advance for all help and advice!
    dan mckinney

    OK,  Mystery solved.  There is no great problem with OSX, CS5.5, etc.  I was the problem.
    I went back and created a document from scratch that was very simple in order to convence myself that a document could print correctly as a simple page.  (basically removed all other variables that might have crept into the file that was frustrating me.)  I created a PDF by exporting as well as printing to the postscript creating "printer" and then distilling the PSD file into a PDF as well as letting Preview convert the file into a PDF.  Point is that I created a PDF various ways.
    I then loaded Adobe Acrobat Pro (10.0) to generate the output.  I found that the Page Set Up button would allow me to overide the default successfully despite the warning.
    The "trick" was to be sure that I had the paper size AND orientation selected correctly in the Print Set Up that matched exatly how I used Print Set Up in InDesign.
    Voila, output as expected.
    The take-a-way for those also frustrated is that there is no great devious problem with the OSX 10.7 or CS5.5 software packages.  The output CAN be obtained just keep playing until you ask the system to do what you want it to do. =)

  • Blurry text when centering textfield in datagrid

    I'm have a TextFormatAlign.CENTER alignment on the textfields in my datagrid column headers.
    The text sometimes gets blurry, depending on how the window is resized.
    I normally use Math.round() when positioning text fields, and I'm applying the same technique in the resize function for the header fields. The textfields themselves are rounding to the nearest x pos, but I'm guessing it's still blurry sometimes because the centered text could be 1/2 a pixel out?
    Is there a way to kill the blurriness?
    Cheers guys

    It's a custom coded datagrid that doesn't use the normal classes. I'll get the dude that wrote it to take a look. Cheers kGlad.

  • Crystal Reports are not centered when viewing on Crystal Viewer

    I´d like to ask you if you reported some problem of using subreports and during the visualization from the Crystal Viewer the main report and of course the subreports are not centered. I´m running Vs.Net 2005 with CR 10.
    The main report and subreports access ADO.NET. Only one parameter is passed by the user. If we test the application and address the visualization to the crystal report viewer it is showed on right side even using DisplayGroupTree = False. But if we export the report to PDF it is showed centered. Is it a way to fix this one?
    Any advice or suggestions?

    When you say you're using v10 with VS2005, do you mean the full CR v10 product or the version that comes with VS.NET 2005 (version 10.2)?  Make sure you're using/referencing the 10.2.* CR assemblies in your project, as the 10.0.* are not supported.
    If you have the correct assemblies referenced, then make sure you have the latest patches applied.  I think there may have been a fix for DIV tags.

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    Thank you Tom I just already solve my problem trashing Adolfo

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