Centering CSS-buttons - Help from CSS Guru wanted

Dear group,
I created a site for a friend in which I wanted to do all the
with CSS-rollover-buttons. Actually it works fine until I try
to center the
buttons. For the buttons, which are located in the
footer-section, there is
no problem, they center fine?!
So I thought to be clever by creating a container with the
same attributes
than the footer, in which I place the buttons. But to my
surprise it didn't
work. Trying to center the #wrapper didn't bring the wanted
result. The
navigation still stings to the left of the page.
Now I have set the width from the container to 40%. But this
is no solution
and looks messy:-(
Please have a look at:
The CSS:
Any help is very much welcome:-)
Best regards
Inge Grotjahn, frustrated

Hi Murray,
Am 15.06.2006 schrieb Murray *ACE*:
> Your problem is not in the implementation of Anurak's
correct instructions,
> it's in the basic layout of the page. The div#wrapper is
given a width of
> 40%, which restricts div#navfoto1 from reaching its
desired location.
> Remove that width and see what happens when you change
your code to this -
> <div id="wrapper" style="width:100%;">
> <div id="navfoto1" style="width:200px;margin:0
> <ul>
> <li><a href="e_index.html" title="internal
link: to the
> index">Index</a></li>
> <li><a href="e_page-0002.html" title="internal
link: to the next
> picture">Next</a></li>
> </ul>
> </div>
> </div>
thank you for your advice. I changed the CSS as follows:
#wrapper {
margin:0 auto;
width: 100%;
#navfoto1 {
margin: 5px auto;
width: 300px;
and left the html as it was. The result is much better than
my solution,
but doesn't center the buttons:-( With a width of 200px, the
buttons (on
pages with 3 buttons) are no longer displayed inline:-( On
the German page
you can see better, that the buttons will not center (maybe
because the
button texts are longer). And on the photoindex-page you see
it the best.
Here the link to the English pages:
The CSS:
The CSS:
Here the link to the German pages:
The CSS:
The CSS:
I really don't understand what is going wrong here:-(
Best regards
Inge Grotjahn
CatManiacs World:

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    Thank You!

    Have a look at this CSS Layout which is pretty close to what you're aiming for.
    Note: No tables required.  Tables should be reserved for tabular data presentation such as charts & spreadsheets.
    View source in browser to see the code.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Stax reading /writing need help from xml guru plz

    hi, i have been told that stax reading /writing should involve no overhead and that is why i use it and i am now able to write my large data to file, but using my reader i seem to run out of memory, using netbeans profiler i ahve found that char[] seems to be the problem,
    by backtracing i ahve found that javax.xml.parser.SAXParser.parse calls the xerces packages which eventually leads to the char[ ], now my code for my reader is attatched here...
    package utilities;
    import Categorise.Collection;
    import Categorise.Comparison;
    import Categorise.TestCollection;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import measures.Protocol;
    * @author dthomas
    public class XMLParser extends DefaultHandler
        static Collection collection = new Collection();
        List<Short> cList;
        List<Comparison> comparisonList;
        File trainFileName;
        File testFileName;
        TestCollection tc;
        List<TestCollection> testCollectionList;
        List<File> testFileNameList = new ArrayList<File>();
        List<File> trainFileNameList = new ArrayList<File>();
        boolean allTrainsAdded = false;
        Protocol protocol;
        List<File> trainingDirList;
        File testingDir;
        int counter = 0;
        File[ ] trainingDirs;
        File[ ] trainingFileNames;
        File[ ] testFileNames;
        TestCollection[ ] testCollections;
        Comparison[ ] comparisons;
        Comparison c;
        short[ ] cCounts;
        String order;
        String value;
        File trainDir;
        /** Creates a new instance of XMLParser */
        public XMLParser() {
        public static Collection read( File aFile )
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println( "Reading XML..." );
            SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser sp;
            try {
                sp = spf.newSAXParser();
                sp.parse( aFile, new XMLParser() );
            } catch (IOException ex) {
            } catch (SAXException ex) {
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long totalTime = ( endTime - startTime ) / 1000;
            System.out.println( "Done..."  + totalTime + " seconds" );
            return collection;
        public void startElement(String uri,String localName,String qName, Attributes attributes)
            if( qName.equals( "RE" ) )
                testCollectionList = new ArrayList<TestCollection>();
            else if( qName.equals( "p") )
                boolean isConcatenated = new Boolean( attributes.getValue( "c" ) );
                boolean isStatic = new Boolean( attributes.getValue( "s" ) );
                protocol = new Protocol( isConcatenated, isStatic );
            else if( qName.equals( "trdl" ) )
                trainingDirList = new ArrayList<File>();
            else if( qName.equals( "trd" ) )
                trainDir = new File( attributes.getValue( "fn" ) );
                trainingDirList.add( trainDir );
            else if( qName.equals( "td" ) )
                testingDir = new File( attributes.getValue( "fn" ) );
            else if( qName.equals( "TC" ) )
                System.out.println( counter );
                comparisonList = new ArrayList<Comparison>();
                testFileName = new File( attributes.getValue( "tfn" ) );
                testFileNameList.add( testFileName );
                tc = new TestCollection( );
                tc.setTestFileName( testFileName );
            else if ( qName.equals( "r" ) )
             order = attributes.getValue( "o" );
                value = attributes.getValue( "v" );
                cList.add( Short.parseShort( order ), new Short( value ) );
            else if( qName.equals( "c" ) )
                cList = new ArrayList<Short>();
                trainFileName = new File( attributes.getValue( "trfn" ) );
                if( !allTrainsAdded )
                    trainFileNameList.add( trainFileName );
        public void characters(char []ch,int start,int length)
            //String str=new String(ch,start,length);
        public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String qName)
            if (qName.equals( "c") )
                allTrainsAdded = true;
                cCounts = new short[ cList.size() ];      
                for( int i = 0; i < cCounts.length; i++ )
                    cCounts[ i ] = cList.get( i );
                c = new Comparison( trainFileName, tc );
                c.setcCounts( cCounts );
                this.comparisonList.add( c );
            else if( qName.equals( "TC" ) )
                comparisons = new Comparison[ comparisonList.size() ];
                comparisonList.toArray( comparisons );           
                tc.setComparisons( comparisons );
                testCollectionList.add( tc );
            else if( qName.equals( "RE" ) )
                testCollections = new TestCollection[ testCollectionList.size() ];
                testCollectionList.toArray( testCollections );
                collection.setTestCollections( testCollections );
                testFileNames = new File[ testFileNameList.size() ];
                testFileNameList.toArray( testFileNames );
                collection.setTestingFiles( testFileNames );
                //String[ ] testCategories = new String[ testCategoryList.size() ];
                //testCategoryList.toArray( testCategories );
                //collection.setTestCategories( testCategories );
                trainingFileNames = new File[ trainFileNameList.size() ];
                trainFileNameList.toArray( trainingFileNames );
                collection.setTrainingFiles( trainingFileNames );
                //String[ ] trainingCategories = new String[ trainCategoryList.size() ];
                //trainCategoryList.toArray( trainingCategories );
                //collection.setTrainingCategories( trainingCategories );
                collection.setProtocol( protocol );
                trainingDirs = new File[ trainingDirList.size() ];
                trainingDirList.toArray( trainingDirs );           
                collection.setTrainingDirs( trainingDirs );
                collection.setTestingDir( testingDir );
             //System.out.println("End element:   {" + uri + "}" + localName);
    }i thought it may have been a recursive problme, hence having so many instance variables instead of local ones but that hasn't helped.
    all i need at the end of this is a Collection which holds an array of testCollections, which holds an array of cCounts and i was able to hold all of this in memory as all i am loading is what was in memory before it was written.
    can someone plz help
    ps when i use tail in unix to read the end of the xml file it doesnt work correctly as i cannot specify the number of lines to show, it shows all of the file as thought it is not split into lines or contains new line chars or anything, it is stored as one long stream, is this correct??
    here is a snippet of the xml file:
    <TC tfn="
    /homedir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split3/alt.atheism/53458"><c trfn="/homed
    ir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split0/alt.atheism/53586"><r o="0" v="0"></r><r
    o="1" v="724"></r><r o="2" v="640"></r><r o="3" v="413"></r><r o="4" v="245"></
    r><r o="5" v="148"></r><r o="6" v="82"></r><r o="7" v="52"></r><r o="8" v="40"><
    /r><r o="9" v="30"></r><r o="10" v="22"></r><r o="11" v="16"></r><r o="12" v="11
    "></r><r o="13" v="8"></r><r o="14" v="5"></r><r o="15" v="2"></r></c><c trfn="/
    homedir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split0/alt.atheism/53495"><r o="0" v="0"><
    /r><r o="1" v="720"></r><r o="2" v="589"></r><r o="3" v="349"></r><r o="
    please if anyone has any ideas from this code why a char[] would use 50% of the memory taken, and that the average age seems to show that the same one continues to grow..
    thanks in advance
    danny =)

    hi, i am still having lo luck with reading the xml data back into memory, as i have said before, the netbeans profiler is telling me it is a char[] that is using 50% of the memory but i cannot see how a char[] is created, my code doesn't so it must be the xml code...plz help

  • Hi need help from Mac Guru

    Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtmp) isn't associated with any program.
    i need to open this address from safari or firefox or any other Software
    but it doesn't get loaded.
    i got this message from fire fox
    Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtmp) isn't associated with any program.
    safari error message
    Safari can’t open the specified address.
    Safari can’t open “rtmp://” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “rtmp:”.
    any one can help m e........?

    rtmp by itself isn't understood by a browser. See this page: is a 'loopback' address:
    This page:
    'Localhost always translates to the loopback IP address in IPv4, or ::1 in IPv6.[3]. Localhost is specified where one would otherwise use the hostname of a computer. For example, directing a web browser installed on a system running an HTTP server to http://localhost will display the home page of the local web site, provided the server is configured to service the loopback interface.'

  • [SOLVED]Help from E17 guru please

    Hi all,
    Just a small annoying problem and as usual with E17 not much documentation around.  Anyone know how I can fix the size of my menu icons.  Somehow, and I don't know when it happened, all the icons in my sound & video section are smaller--they're teensy weensy--compared to all the others.  I checked the icons used and they're all 48x48 types.  I'm flumoxed...
    Last edited by bgc1954 (2008-03-18 13:32:36)

    Hi pressh,
    I thought you might be the only one to reply or maybe skottish.  Anyway, I found another problem when I tried to edje_decc.  The edjce-cvs-20080303-1 package segfaulted when I tried to run it.  I thought this strange as the theme I am using was customized by me a little while ago and just posted on (GreyTheme_LgFont).  I use it on three computers an x86 laptop, an x86 desktop and a x86_64 desktop.  The only one giving me grief is the x86_64 computer.
    So to make a long story short, I thought perhaps the same thing happened as I posted with the e-cvs-20080303 battery module not working so I downgraded to edje-cvs-20080218 and was able to edje_decc my custom theme--looks like 2008303-1, in general, might have a few issues.
    All I customized was a background, font size and put numbers on the clock face so I didn't think this would cause the problem although the original theme said it didn't work in current cvs--its always worked fine for me before.
    Here's that section of the theme anyway:
    group {
    name: "e/widgets/menu/default/icon";
    parts {
    part {
    name: "e.swallow.content";
    type: SWALLOW;
    description {
    state: "default" 0.0;
    rel1 {
    relative: 0.0 0.0;
    offset: 2 2;
    rel2 {
    relative: 1.0 1.0;
    offset: -3 -3;
    I can live with the little icons as everything else seems fine but I did notice that changing to a clearlooks theme on the x86_64 fixed the icon difference so it might be the theme...but why does it work fine on the x86's????  Aren't computers fun!!!
    Last edited by bgc1954 (2008-03-18 12:56:52)

  • Help with CSS image Gallery

    Found this simple css image gallery. However I'm having trouble adjusting it do my needs. I ideally want to make each small image slightly bigger than currently and have 3 or 4 on each line. Also want to make the enlarged image bigger. The width would need to be around 550px.
    <style type="text/css">
    * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use.
    * This script was created for FREE CSS Menus.
    * Visit: for more CSS.
    * Also visit our Free online menu creator.
    /* credits: */
    #pg { width:390px;
    border:2px dotted #666;
    #pg ul { list-style:none;
    #pg ul li { display:inline;
      margin:0 0 8px 8px;
    #pg ul li a { display:block;
      border:1px solid #000;
    #pg ul li a img { display:block;
    #pg ul li a:hover { white-space:normal;
    #pg ul li a:hover img { position:absolute;
      border:1px solid #000;
    #pg ul li a span {display:none}
    #pg ul li a:hover span { display:block;
    <div id="pg">
    <a href="css_rollover_uk_map.php">
    <img src="upimage/ukmap345.jpg" alt="Css Rollover Map" />
    CSS Map.</strong>
    CSS Image swap on rollover/hover. This simple display of CSS shows the versatility of Cascading Style Sheets. Remember this animation is 100% User Accessible.</span>
    <a href="big_css_button.php">
    <img src="upimage/bigbutton1390.jpg" alt="Large Css Button" />
    CSS Big Button.</strong>
    Css buttons can be as large and as extravagant as you like. Using one image you can create simple css buttons like this. This button is still a hyperlink not just an image.</span>
    <a href="menu_opacity.php">
    <img src="upimage/003opacity639.jpg" alt="Css Opacity" />
    CSS Opacity Menu.</strong>
      you can use styles to change the opacity of an image. This creates interesting effects when creating a menu. </span>
    <a href="#">
    <img src="upimage/freemusic885.jpg" alt="Free Mp3 Downloads: Unborn Records" />
    Unborn Records </strong>
    Download free mp3 music for your ipod or mp3 player. Download free music from unsigned artists</span>
    <a href="#">
    <img src="upimage/trix363.jpg" alt="Visit Trix the dog at" />
    Cat And Two Dogs </strong>
    Visit my three pets at . This is a picture of trix, he's a border collie.</span>
    <a href="#">
    <img src="upimage/colours238.jpg" alt="A picture of colours in a swirl" />
    A swirl of colours. </strong>
    This is just a picture of colours in a swirl effect.</span>

    Sorry can't do this at the moment.
    I've decided to switch to the JQuery Lightbox Image Gallery instead. In IE8 I get the following message:
    Message: Script error
    Line: 0
    Char: 0
    Code: 0
    URI: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/User/My%20Documents/SRC12-13/all%20html%205/all%20ht ml%205/Simple-HTML-5-Template/Simple%20HTML%205%20Template/js/jquery.lightbox-0.5.min.js
    My page works and my js is refenced correctly. Not sure if this is just a IE8 thing, or whether the page needs uploading to work correctly. Works fine in Chrome.
    Wonder if there is a way to fix this?

  • CSS Buttons in Blog Module Template Help

    I am using css buttons for my social icons in my blog side bar. I have included the css stylesheet in the overall blog module template as well as well as the button text. The icons appear when I view the blog in list view, however when I try to view an individual post, the icons do not appear, just the button text.  The buttons work on all other web pages within BC as well. Thanks for any help

    Have you set the paths for your images and css as ... src="/images/" etc?
    In BC CSS, JS, images etc need to start with a forward slash to say "read from root".

  • Project Structure – Images from css not showing in subfolders....

    Hi, I'm a newbe to JSF but really want to learn how to use it as Im currently doing a college project with Hibernate, and the JSF managed beans seems ideal for projects like this, anyways here's my prob...
    Im using Netbeans 6.8 for a web-project with the normal folder structure, so in the Web Pages folder, i've an
    index.xhtml – intro page
    css – folder
    js – folder
    images – folder
    pages – folder for rest of pages
    and obviously to access the css in the index page i'd include:
    <link href=”css/style.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />and then to access and add images to the index pages from the css, i the style.css file I have e.g.,
         font-family:sans-serif, Ariel;
         background: url(../images/bg.png) top left repeat-x;
      } and so on for all the js and ajax stuff which all works fine.
    However in the pages subfolder say I've a page called solar.xhtml well then while it is possible for to access the css's by using ../ as in
        <link href=”../css/style.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />which adds the colour scheme and font types it's 100% getting this, however the images from the images folder are not being displayed, which I really can't understand as if I change the page to solar.jsp then it works fine also all the files inthe js folder are being accessed from the subfolder with ../ just not the images.
    Would really appreciate any help or advice you could give me....
    Many Regards
    Pat Nevin

    Hi - I've found the solution, so thanks anyway for anyway who was gona help!

  • Need Help Starting CSS Page Layout

    Hi, I need a little help getting started in creating a CSS
    layout page in Dreamweaver CS4. I am following a tutorial online
    but I have run into a problem. What I am trying to do is get a
    simple CSS layout started. Below I have listed my steps.
    1) First I created a new .html page and named it "index.html"
    2) Next, in the "Properties" panel I clicked the "CSS" button
    3) I then selected the "Edit Rule" button and a window opened
    called "New CSS Rule"
    4) I then left all default settings and in the window where
    it asked me for a name for my selector I typed in:
    Then I got this message below.
    "Class names must start with an alphabetical character
    preceded by an optional period. There should be no
    spaces or additional punctuation."
    What am I doing wrong? Can someone please tell me the correct
    steps to start a CSS layout in DW CS4?

    Undescore are Ok in CSS, your problem is the starting. When
    you define a
    class in CSS you have to start the calss name with a period.
    Plus they
    cannot be a period after so...
    If you want to define a class.
    main_layout.css is not OK
    .main_layout is OK
    main_layout is not OK
    Putting a ".css" a the end is for a file name not a selector
    So with my example .main_layout you would then applie this
    class to a tag
    like this
    <p class=" main_layout">Put text here</p>
    Now if you want to define a ID selector then you start tou
    selector eith "#"
    no quotation mark
    #container {
    background-color: #fff;
    width: 800px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    top: 20px;
    border-top: 0;
    border-right: 1px solid #b7b7b7;
    border-bottom: 0;
    border-left: 1px solid #b7b7b7;
    And then you apply this as an id
    <div id="container">Put content here</div>
    Do you get it. If not then go get a good book on CSS.
    aka Frenchy ASP
    "tweened" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ge27el$a8i$[email protected]..
    > I'm still learning CSS myself. But I have never seen a
    style sheet name
    > with an
    > underscore in it or any punctuation for that matter. If
    you look at the
    > last
    > sentence in the error message you got, It tells you that
    no additional
    > punctuation can be used. Try using "style" as your css
    name. the same
    > would go
    > for the property tags within the style sheet, don't use
    any punctuation in
    > the
    > names.

  • Help with css please

    Can some help me put my css correct please.  Basicly im learning and its crap!  The only good thing so far is my dropdown menu.
    My wording which start Bristol equestrian services isn't even in the middle of the box,  I can't write content next to my image or it goes down to the bottom of the image, and my content area which start quality..... is to the right!

    I'm not sure where you want to go with this but try the below:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    /* global css styles */
    body {
    /* page specific css styles */
    body,td,th {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 16px;
    color: #000;
    h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    #navMenu {
        width: 994px;
        margin: 0 auto;
    #header {
    background-image: url(;
    width: 994px;
    height: 160px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    /* topSection */
    #topSection {
        width: 994px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        overflow: hidden;
    #topSectionLeft {
        float: left;
        width: 300px;
    #topSectionLeft h1 {
    font-size: 24px;
    color: #000;
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center;
    #topSectionLeft p {
    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    padding: 0 15px 15px 15px;
    #topSectionRight p {
    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    padding: 0 15px 15px 15px;
    #topSectionCentre {
        float: left;
        width: 456px;
    #topSectionRight {
        float: left;
        width: 238px;
    /* content */
    #content {
        width: 994px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        overflow: hidden;
    #content p {
    font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;
    font-size: 18px;
    color: #000;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;/*top, right,bottom,left*/
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center;
    #rightContent {
    float: left;
    width: 694px;
    min-height: 280px;
    #footer {
        background-color: #FFC;
        width: 994px;
        margin: 0 auto;
    #footer p {
        margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; /*top, right, bottom, left*/
        padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; /*top, right, bottom, left*/
    <div id="header"></div>
    <div id="navMenu">
    <li><a href="index_2.html">Home</a>
    </ul> <!-- end inner ul-->
    </li> <!-- end li-->
    </ul> <!-- end main ul-->
    <li><a href="stables.html">Gallery</a>
    <li><a href="stables.html">Stables</a></li>
    <li><a href="fieldshelters.html">Field Shelters</a></li>
    <li><a href="combination.html">Combination</a></li>
    <li><a href="newdesign.html">New Designs</a></li>
    <li><a href="optionalextras.html">Optional Extras</a></li>
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    <div id="topSection">
    <div id="topSectionLeft">
      <h1><strong>Mobile Field Shelters and Stables</strong> </h1>
    <p>Bristol Equestrian Services have been supplying and designing quality Field Shelters and Stables for many years.
    <p>We can design stables to custormer requirements and specifications.</p>
    <p>The photograph to the right is our latest design and the feedback has been fantastic</p>
    </div><!-- end topSectionleft -->
    <div id="topSectionCentre">
    <img src="" width="456" height="300" />
    </div><!-- end topSectionCenter -->
    <div id="topSectionRight">
    <p>Some content goes here</p>
    </div><!-- end topSectionRight -->
    </div><!-- end topSection -->
    <div id="content">
    <div id="rightContent">
      <h2>Quality Guaranteed Mobile Field Shelters and stables</h2> 
      <p>We appreciate how difficult it is for anyone to buy from the internet, especially a Stable or Field Shelter.   We are so confident that you will not be dissapointed with the quality that we offer ..........</p>
    </div><!-- end rightContent -->
    </div><!-- end content -->
    <div id="footer"><p>This is where the footer content goes</p></div><!-- end footer -->

  • Inserting CSS Buttons in Muse Site?

    Is there a way to insert a CSS button like one that could be generated from this website into a Muse site that I'm creating?
    If not, is Muse capable of creating a similarly styled button?

    In Widget Library section, you have a State Button widget in composition.
    You can  use that button and apply different states/effects to it and  create a hyperlink to it.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to set borderColor from css during runtime

             I need to set the border color of a selected tab during runtime from css. Is it possible. Please help i am struggling with this for past two days.

    Just create a selected CSS style, and update the styleName of the tab when it is selected.

  • Help with CSS Box

    I am reading Dreamweaver CS3 Visual Quickstart Guide. Every
    time I want to preview my page in a browser I have to save the
    document. Is it possible to preview without saving? Can I design my
    layout using CSS before I use CSS to design my type styles. I want
    to create a box using CSS. Can I design my page and menus etc and
    then add my text later?
    I want to learn how to create a white box on a grey
    background with round corners and a drop shadow. How would I do
    this using the Dreamweaver interface in "Design" view and then how
    to do in "Code" view?

    If someone could help me I would really appreciate it!

  • How long CSS blocks flow, from source which detected as source DoS?

    My application generates except normal flow, flow which CSS treats as DoS attack. Both flows have the same source.
    I am afraid that, CSS can block proper flow.
    So, I have question: how long CSS blocks flow, from source which detected as source DoS?

    I am not very sure of the lenghth of time that it blocks the flow from the source, if it is considered as a source of DoS attack, but the workaround would be to bypass the cache for that particular source, since you are already aware that it might cause a problem. You could use a bypass rule to do so. You can also use the flow timeout feature with the flow port[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10] timeout command to configure a flow timeout value for a TCP or UDP port. I am not very sure if this feature would help in your situation, bypass seems to be a better option.

  • Button Width Via CSS?

    Hi -
    I tried setting a button <mx:Button> width via CSS but
    the "width" tag does
    not effect the button.

    "width" is not a style. It is a property, so you can't set it
    via CSS.
    Depending on where your Button is located and why you want to
    use a
    style, you could set the "left" and "right" constraints,
    which will
    indirectly set the width based on the size of the Button's
    -- Greg
    -- Adobe Flex Builder Team
    Richard Morey wrote:
    > Hi -
    > I tried setting a button <mx:Button> width via CSS
    but the "width" tag does
    > not effect the button.
    > Rich

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