[SOLVED]Help from E17 guru please

Hi all,
Just a small annoying problem and as usual with E17 not much documentation around.  Anyone know how I can fix the size of my menu icons.  Somehow, and I don't know when it happened, all the icons in my sound & video section are smaller--they're teensy weensy--compared to all the others.  I checked the icons used and they're all 48x48 types.  I'm flumoxed...
Last edited by bgc1954 (2008-03-18 13:32:36)

Hi pressh,
I thought you might be the only one to reply or maybe skottish.  Anyway, I found another problem when I tried to edje_decc.  The edjce-cvs-20080303-1 package segfaulted when I tried to run it.  I thought this strange as the theme I am using was customized by me a little while ago and just posted on e17-stuff.org (GreyTheme_LgFont).  I use it on three computers an x86 laptop, an x86 desktop and a x86_64 desktop.  The only one giving me grief is the x86_64 computer.
So to make a long story short, I thought perhaps the same thing happened as I posted with the e-cvs-20080303 battery module not working so I downgraded to edje-cvs-20080218 and was able to edje_decc my custom theme--looks like 2008303-1, in general, might have a few issues.
All I customized was a background, font size and put numbers on the clock face so I didn't think this would cause the problem although the original theme said it didn't work in current cvs--its always worked fine for me before.
Here's that section of the theme anyway:
group {
name: "e/widgets/menu/default/icon";
parts {
part {
name: "e.swallow.content";
type: SWALLOW;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {
relative: 0.0 0.0;
offset: 2 2;
rel2 {
relative: 1.0 1.0;
offset: -3 -3;
I can live with the little icons as everything else seems fine but I did notice that changing to a clearlooks theme on the x86_64 fixed the icon difference so it might be the theme...but why does it work fine on the x86's????  Aren't computers fun!!!
Last edited by bgc1954 (2008-03-18 12:56:52)

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    package utilities;
    import Categorise.Collection;
    import Categorise.Comparison;
    import Categorise.TestCollection;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
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    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
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    import java.util.List;
    import measures.Protocol;
    * @author dthomas
    public class XMLParser extends DefaultHandler
        static Collection collection = new Collection();
        List<Short> cList;
        List<Comparison> comparisonList;
        File trainFileName;
        File testFileName;
        TestCollection tc;
        List<TestCollection> testCollectionList;
        List<File> testFileNameList = new ArrayList<File>();
        List<File> trainFileNameList = new ArrayList<File>();
        boolean allTrainsAdded = false;
        Protocol protocol;
        List<File> trainingDirList;
        File testingDir;
        int counter = 0;
        File[ ] trainingDirs;
        File[ ] trainingFileNames;
        File[ ] testFileNames;
        TestCollection[ ] testCollections;
        Comparison[ ] comparisons;
        Comparison c;
        short[ ] cCounts;
        String order;
        String value;
        File trainDir;
        /** Creates a new instance of XMLParser */
        public XMLParser() {
        public static Collection read( File aFile )
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println( "Reading XML..." );
            SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser sp;
            try {
                sp = spf.newSAXParser();
                sp.parse( aFile, new XMLParser() );
            } catch (IOException ex) {
            } catch (SAXException ex) {
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long totalTime = ( endTime - startTime ) / 1000;
            System.out.println( "Done..."  + totalTime + " seconds" );
            return collection;
        public void startElement(String uri,String localName,String qName, Attributes attributes)
            if( qName.equals( "RE" ) )
                testCollectionList = new ArrayList<TestCollection>();
            else if( qName.equals( "p") )
                boolean isConcatenated = new Boolean( attributes.getValue( "c" ) );
                boolean isStatic = new Boolean( attributes.getValue( "s" ) );
                protocol = new Protocol( isConcatenated, isStatic );
            else if( qName.equals( "trdl" ) )
                trainingDirList = new ArrayList<File>();
            else if( qName.equals( "trd" ) )
                trainDir = new File( attributes.getValue( "fn" ) );
                trainingDirList.add( trainDir );
            else if( qName.equals( "td" ) )
                testingDir = new File( attributes.getValue( "fn" ) );
            else if( qName.equals( "TC" ) )
                System.out.println( counter );
                comparisonList = new ArrayList<Comparison>();
                testFileName = new File( attributes.getValue( "tfn" ) );
                testFileNameList.add( testFileName );
                tc = new TestCollection( );
                tc.setTestFileName( testFileName );
            else if ( qName.equals( "r" ) )
             order = attributes.getValue( "o" );
                value = attributes.getValue( "v" );
                cList.add( Short.parseShort( order ), new Short( value ) );
            else if( qName.equals( "c" ) )
                cList = new ArrayList<Short>();
                trainFileName = new File( attributes.getValue( "trfn" ) );
                if( !allTrainsAdded )
                    trainFileNameList.add( trainFileName );
        public void characters(char []ch,int start,int length)
            //String str=new String(ch,start,length);
        public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String qName)
            if (qName.equals( "c") )
                allTrainsAdded = true;
                cCounts = new short[ cList.size() ];      
                for( int i = 0; i < cCounts.length; i++ )
                    cCounts[ i ] = cList.get( i );
                c = new Comparison( trainFileName, tc );
                c.setcCounts( cCounts );
                this.comparisonList.add( c );
            else if( qName.equals( "TC" ) )
                comparisons = new Comparison[ comparisonList.size() ];
                comparisonList.toArray( comparisons );           
                tc.setComparisons( comparisons );
                testCollectionList.add( tc );
            else if( qName.equals( "RE" ) )
                testCollections = new TestCollection[ testCollectionList.size() ];
                testCollectionList.toArray( testCollections );
                collection.setTestCollections( testCollections );
                testFileNames = new File[ testFileNameList.size() ];
                testFileNameList.toArray( testFileNames );
                collection.setTestingFiles( testFileNames );
                //String[ ] testCategories = new String[ testCategoryList.size() ];
                //testCategoryList.toArray( testCategories );
                //collection.setTestCategories( testCategories );
                trainingFileNames = new File[ trainFileNameList.size() ];
                trainFileNameList.toArray( trainingFileNames );
                collection.setTrainingFiles( trainingFileNames );
                //String[ ] trainingCategories = new String[ trainCategoryList.size() ];
                //trainCategoryList.toArray( trainingCategories );
                //collection.setTrainingCategories( trainingCategories );
                collection.setProtocol( protocol );
                trainingDirs = new File[ trainingDirList.size() ];
                trainingDirList.toArray( trainingDirs );           
                collection.setTrainingDirs( trainingDirs );
                collection.setTestingDir( testingDir );
             //System.out.println("End element:   {" + uri + "}" + localName);
    }i thought it may have been a recursive problme, hence having so many instance variables instead of local ones but that hasn't helped.
    all i need at the end of this is a Collection which holds an array of testCollections, which holds an array of cCounts and i was able to hold all of this in memory as all i am loading is what was in memory before it was written.
    can someone plz help
    ps when i use tail in unix to read the end of the xml file it doesnt work correctly as i cannot specify the number of lines to show, it shows all of the file as thought it is not split into lines or contains new line chars or anything, it is stored as one long stream, is this correct??
    here is a snippet of the xml file:
    <TC tfn="
    /homedir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split3/alt.atheism/53458"><c trfn="/homed
    ir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split0/alt.atheism/53586"><r o="0" v="0"></r><r
    o="1" v="724"></r><r o="2" v="640"></r><r o="3" v="413"></r><r o="4" v="245"></
    r><r o="5" v="148"></r><r o="6" v="82"></r><r o="7" v="52"></r><r o="8" v="40"><
    /r><r o="9" v="30"></r><r o="10" v="22"></r><r o="11" v="16"></r><r o="12" v="11
    "></r><r o="13" v="8"></r><r o="14" v="5"></r><r o="15" v="2"></r></c><c trfn="/
    homedir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split0/alt.atheism/53495"><r o="0" v="0"><
    /r><r o="1" v="720"></r><r o="2" v="589"></r><r o="3" v="349"></r><r o="
    please if anyone has any ideas from this code why a char[] would use 50% of the memory taken, and that the average age seems to show that the same one continues to grow..
    thanks in advance
    danny =)

    hi, i am still having lo luck with reading the xml data back into memory, as i have said before, the netbeans profiler is telling me it is a char[] that is using 50% of the memory but i cannot see how a char[] is created, my code doesn't so it must be the xml code...plz help

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    Hi Jerry,
    The other way around. If you UNCHECK the Windows Event Log, then the media buttons wouldn't work.  If you then CHECK the box again with the checkmark, then the media buttons worked.  I have two of the m645-s4070's at home from Best Buy, I'm returning one, I tested this on both systems and it's the same result.
    I've checked the box again and not unchecked anything in Msconfig - services.  I thought i read somewhere that it wasn't necessary for that to run.  I guess I shouldn't mess around with those. 
    Anyway, it would be very interesting to know what the correlation between the Windows Event Log and the media buttons were.  I read some people were having trouble starting their wireless too since it seems the only way to do that is through those buttons above the function keys.  Perhaps they did the same thing by unchecking the Windows Event Log...

  • Centering CSS-buttons - Help from CSS Guru wanted

    Dear group,
    I created a site for a friend in which I wanted to do all the
    with CSS-rollover-buttons. Actually it works fine until I try
    to center the
    buttons. For the buttons, which are located in the
    footer-section, there is
    no problem, they center fine?!
    So I thought to be clever by creating a container with the
    same attributes
    than the footer, in which I place the buttons. But to my
    surprise it didn't
    work. Trying to center the #wrapper didn't bring the wanted
    result. The
    navigation still stings to the left of the page.
    Now I have set the width from the container to 40%. But this
    is no solution
    and looks messy:-(
    Please have a look at:
    The CSS:
    Any help is very much welcome:-)
    Best regards
    Inge Grotjahn, frustrated

    Hi Murray,
    Am 15.06.2006 schrieb Murray *ACE*:
    > Your problem is not in the implementation of Anurak's
    correct instructions,
    > it's in the basic layout of the page. The div#wrapper is
    given a width of
    > 40%, which restricts div#navfoto1 from reaching its
    desired location.
    > Remove that width and see what happens when you change
    your code to this -
    > <div id="wrapper" style="width:100%;">
    > <div id="navfoto1" style="width:200px;margin:0
    > <ul>
    > <li><a href="e_index.html" title="internal
    link: to the
    > index">Index</a></li>
    > <li><a href="e_page-0002.html" title="internal
    link: to the next
    > picture">Next</a></li>
    > </ul>
    > </div>
    > </div>
    thank you for your advice. I changed the CSS as follows:
    #wrapper {
    margin:0 auto;
    width: 100%;
    #navfoto1 {
    margin: 5px auto;
    width: 300px;
    and left the html as it was. The result is much better than
    my solution,
    but doesn't center the buttons:-( With a width of 200px, the
    buttons (on
    pages with 3 buttons) are no longer displayed inline:-( On
    the German page
    you can see better, that the buttons will not center (maybe
    because the
    button texts are longer). And on the photoindex-page you see
    it the best.
    Here the link to the English pages:
    The CSS:
    The CSS:
    Here the link to the German pages:
    The CSS:
    The CSS:
    I really don't understand what is going wrong here:-(
    Best regards
    Inge Grotjahn
    CatManiacs World:

  • Hi need help from Mac Guru

    Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtmp) isn't associated with any program.
    i need to open this address from safari or firefox or any other Software
    but it doesn't get loaded.
    i got this message from fire fox
    Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtmp) isn't associated with any program.
    safari error message
    Safari can’t open the specified address.
    Safari can’t open “rtmp://” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “rtmp:”.
    any one can help m e........?

    rtmp by itself isn't understood by a browser. See this page:
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RealTime_MessagingProtocol is a 'loopback' address:
    This page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost
    'Localhost always translates to the loopback IP address in IPv4, or ::1 in IPv6.[3]. Localhost is specified where one would otherwise use the hostname of a computer. For example, directing a web browser installed on a system running an HTTP server to http://localhost will display the home page of the local web site, provided the server is configured to service the loopback interface.'

  • Corrupt File.  Need help from iPod genius--please!

    I keep getting these messages when I try to transfer songs from my computer to my iPod mini:
    The file or directory \iPod_Control\iTunes\Temp File 1 is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility.
    Windows was unable to save all the date for the file \Device\Harddisk1\DP(1)0-0+3\iPod_Control\Music\F10\Never Tear Us Apart.m4p. The date has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere.
    I have tried to run the Chkdsk utility by going to Start, Run, and entering "Chkdsk," which does nothing.
    I have only ever downloaded music from my own CDs, iTunes, or my friends disc (which isn't corrupt because she doesn't have any corrupt file problems).

    You might like to start by checking out our current post on this issue:
    Da Gopha, "chkdsk errors are fixed by iPod Updater 2005-06-26", 10:01am Jul 20, 2005
    Kind regards,
    PS. Use the latest iPod Updater, but beware the newest bugs it introduces.

  • Just had the most awful experience with cleanmymac2.  I just had research files "cleaned"?no help from customer support - please advise software to restore files

    I just had 3 years of research "cleaned" by cleanmymac2 - due to poor instructions/information.  Customer support just told me what software I should buy to restore the files they destroyed. Would appreciate any suggestions on how I might possibly retrieve my files?  Thanks

    If you have a backup that you created prior to using CleanMyMac, now is the time to use it. For Time Machine, boot OS X Recovery, and at the Mac OS X Utilities screen, choose Restore from Time Machine Backup. Choose a date preceding the installation of CleanMyMac.
    If you do not have a backup, create one now, verify that it is a viable backup of your essential software and files, then erase your Mac completely, reinstall OS X and your essential software. When you reinstall your essential software, you must do so from their original sources, not from a backup that may have been corrupted.
    Nothing less than erasing your Mac and rebuilding it from the ground up will undo the effects of having used CleanMyMac, and its developer's instructions for uninstalling it are not completely effective.
    I know no other way to recover from having used CMM other than the recommendations above.

  • Help needed from AWT GURU's

    hi all
    I am totally new to this AWT forum and also new to the concept. I need help in figuring out how to use this in a JSP.
    1. I have used HTML so far to draw on the screen. But the problem is that it extends the screen length. I need it to find the screen.
    2. Somebody said try using AWT but i am not sure how to go about it.
    would appreciate some help from you AWT GURU's.
    If you need the code i shall send it over after seeing your reply.
    Thanks in advance

    Be a bit more specific, please.
    As far as I understand you by now, you want to use AWT in a JSP. I am quite sure that this will not work, as a JSP is basically a HTML page woth some Java inserted. But maybe you need to do something else...can you post some code or a more detailed description of your problem?

  • My drive recently had to be replaced with a new one installed by Apple they reinstalled all my stuff from my time machine. Most my programs had to be updated which I managed with a little help from my friends, but the last one that I can't solve is

    My IMAC OSX 10.6.8   2.8 GHz intelcore  2Duo 4GB 800 Mhz DDR2 SDRam recently had to have its hard drive replaced by apple thy actually had to give me a larger one because mine was no longer available,They also reinstalled all my programs and data from my 2 terrabite time machine back up. I got my system home and found that I had to upgrade most of my programs which I managed with a little help from my friends, but I still have one problem that I can't solve I have a Nikon Coolpix S6 that I have Been Syncing with my Iphoto since I've got it 3 years ago and now when I place it in the cradle the program reconizes it and says that it is going to start to import the new photos the little white wheel in the center of the screen starts spinning but nothing else happens. I checked all my connections and they are goog plus I even downloaded a nikon progam just to double check the camera & cradle and it works there but it wont pair off with my IPhoto.

    First go to iPhoto Preferences, look in both General and Advanced tabs to make sure that things are set to import from camera into iPhoto.
    Then if that doesn't help, connect the camera and open Image Capture in your Applications > Utilities folder and see if you can use Image Capture to reset the import path from the camera to iPhoto.
    Image Capture: Free import tool on Mac OS X - Macgasm
    Message was edited by: den.thed
    Sorry John, I didn't see your post when I clicked the reply button. Dennis

  • Would like to trace my ipod touch because I was robbed. I would find it please. need help from you guys. Not because I am able to get another. Thank you.

    would like to trace my ipod touch because I was robbed. I would find it please. need help from you guys. Not because I am able to get another. Thank you.

    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up.
    iCloud: Find My iPhone
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 on the device. With iOS 7, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                                        
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                               
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

  • I had to restore my iPod because I forgot the password, like how santa forgot about me. And I didn't set up a Backup. SO I sort of lost everything. But I'm wondering if I can somehow get my pictures back from somewhere. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks

    I had to restore my iPod because I forgot the password, like how santa forgot about me. And I didn't set up a Backup. SO I sort of lost everything. But I'm wondering if I can somehow get my pictures back from somewhere. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks

    - If you used PhotoStream then try getting some of them from your PhotoStream. See that topic of:
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    - Maybe from the restored iPod via
    How to perform iPad recovery for photos, videos
    Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS: iPhone Data Recovery - Wondershare Official     

  • Timemachine only opens a finder window even when I'm in iPhoto or mail. I am trying to retrieve a deleted book project from iPhoto. Please help

    Timemachine only opens a finder window even when I'm in iPhoto or mail. I am trying to retrieve a deleted book project from iPhoto. Please help

    jon199 wrote:
    Timemachine only opens a finder window even when I'm in iPhoto or mail. I am trying to retrieve a deleted book project from iPhoto. Please help
    If you have iPhoto '09, you cannot browse or restore seleted items from your backups.  See the pink box in #15 of Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.
    Mail should work, however, per the blue box there. 

  • Ksenija     Pretraživanje     Slike     Karte     Gmail     Disk     Kalendar     Prevoditelj     Blogger     Više      ksenija josipovic      Dijeli     ksenija josipovic     ksenija josipovic  Prevoditelj Greetings from the Croatian, please help me

    Greetings from the Croatian, please help me, I applied, create an account, but they keep telling me to confirm the account with your support, and we simply do not succeed, do not let me go to the store, or iTunes, so I can not download application, please tell me where I'm wrong, thanks a lot
    Novo! Držite pritisnutu tipku Shift, kliknite i povucite riječi prema gore kako biste ih preuredili. Ukloni
    Google Prevoditelj za tvrtke:Translator ToolkitPrevoditelj web-lokacijaGlobalna tražilica tržišta
    Isključi neposredan prijevodO usluzi Google PrevoditeljMobilni uređajiPrivatnostPomo

  • HT3775 why can't i play .wmv file in quicktime even after i download codec from windows? can anyone help me wit this please!!!!!

    why can't i play .wmv file in quicktime even after i download codec from windows? can anyone help me wit this please!!!!!

    Have you done the obvious things to try to fix it: quit Quicktime then start it back up again, log out then back in, reboot.
    Edit: Just read one of your later posts. If VLC won't play it, this is unrelated to Quicktime and Flip4Mac. Are you sure these wmv files are okay?

  • How do u get help from apple support with iChat? I was able to chat with support last week to solve my problem but now the same issue is back and I don't see the option to chat now?

    qHow do u get help from apple support with iChat? I was able to chat with support last week to solve my problem but now the same issue is back and I don't see the option to chat now?

    For what it is worth I have noticed a similar issue from the iPad3 while at work and home. At work we have two Apple TV 3rd Generation installed and tied to our A/V system. I believe the issue has to do with a timeout on the broadcast saying "here I am" and allowing devices to connect.
    For example:
    At work we have several Wi-Fi SSID being broadcast from Cisco APs. The only one we can use with the Apple TV is the one that uses a WEP since the others are either setup to be hidden, require web page authentication, or have a login requirement from employees. Essentially, what I believe the issue is that the Apple TV periodically broadcasts a message to other iOS devices that support Mirroring. When the Apple TV does not get a response from a device it goes into a dormant mode and requires either a command from the remote control or a reboot. This has been tested with both the power management enabled and not enabled with the same results.
    As for when I come home, the Apple TV3 has not seen the device in some time and therefore is not broadcasting it's location information. A simple click of the circle or menu keys on the remote will give it the command to start broadcasting again and allow the iPad3 to see the Apple TV. When trying to Home Share the computer can not play (iTunes 11, Win8RTM) until the Apple TV is awoken then it will show up for mirroing.
    This may or may not assist you but, it hopefully explains how the issue may be happening.

Maybe you are looking for