Centre text in a "region"

Forgive my ignorance, I'm jus' a simple compooder pwogrammer.
How do you paint some text centred in a jPanel (for instance).
What I can't figure out is how to get the font height, and the width of this string... paintComponent takes a Graphics object right... and that graphics has a current Font, right... so How do I get the height of the font (as user scale), and the width of a given string as it appears in that font (in user scale)?
I've been lost in the API doco for about for about an hour, and I think I'm gonna cry ;-)
It took me 15 minutes to work out the the Graphics passed in isa Graphics2D FFS!
Cheers, Keith.

Keith, if using a JTextPane suits your purpose, you can center-align the text via methods of the StyledDocument and StyleConstants classes. This is a (slightly modified) code I posted on another thread some time ago.import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Style;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
import javax.swing.text.StyleContext;
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
public class TestAlignment {
    JTextPane textPane;
    public void createEverything (){
        textPane=new JTextPane ();
        StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument ();
        addStylesToDocument (doc);
        // Doesn't work if you comment the next line
        textPane.setLogicalStyle (doc.getStyle ("bold"));
            doc.insertString (doc.getLength (),
                    "Keith Corlett",
                    doc.getStyle ("bold"));
        } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
            ble.printStackTrace ();
        JFrame frame=new JFrame ();
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
        frame.add (textPane);
        frame.setSize (400,300);
        frame.setVisible (true);
    protected void addStylesToDocument (StyledDocument doc) {
        Style def=new StyleContext ().getStyle (StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
        Style heading = doc.addStyle ("bold", null);
        StyleConstants.setFontFamily (heading, "SansSerif");
        StyleConstants.setBold (heading, true);
        StyleConstants.setFontSize (heading,30);
        StyleConstants.setAlignment (heading, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
        StyleConstants.setSpaceAbove (heading, 10);
        StyleConstants.setSpaceBelow (heading, 10);
    public static void main (String args[]){
        TestAlignment pane=new TestAlignment ();
        pane.createEverything ();
}For painting text centered on any Component, with word wrap when the width does not permit displaying the text in one line, the TextLayout class is useful. Here's an example, resize the frame narrower than the text to see it in action:import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer;
import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.text.AttributedString;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class LineBreak extends JComponent {
    Font font = new Font ("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, 14);
    String breakText;
    ArrayList<TextLayout> layouts = new ArrayList<TextLayout> ();
    public LineBreak (String inText) {
        breakText = inText;
    public void breakLines (FontMetrics metrics) {
        if (0 < breakText.length ()) {
            final AttributedString attStr = new AttributedString (breakText);
            attStr.addAttribute (TextAttribute.FONT, font);
            final LineBreakMeasurer measurer =
                    new LineBreakMeasurer (attStr.getIterator (),
                    new FontRenderContext (null, true, true));
            TextLayout layout;
            while (null != (layout = measurer.nextLayout (getWidth ()))) {
                layouts.add (layout);
    public void paintComponent (Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
        FontMetrics metrics = g2.getFontMetrics (font);
        layouts.clear ();
        breakLines (metrics);
        int textHeight = metrics.getHeight ();
        int top = textHeight;
        for (TextLayout layout : layouts) {
            layout.draw (g2, (float) (getWidth() - layout.getBounds ().getWidth ()) / 2, top);
            top += textHeight;
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        String inText;
        if (args.length > 0) {
            inText = args [0];
        } else {
            inText = "Keith likes sweets.  Most of all, Keith likes icecream and chocolate.";
        JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Test Frame");
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
        frame.setSize (400, 200);
        frame.setLocationRelativeTo (null);
        frame.add (new LineBreak (inText));
        frame.setVisible (true);
}Yup... this one too is slightly modified from something I posted on another thread ;-)
cheers, db

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    Is there a way to keep the container/editable region from moving or growing with the text so that it doesn't change my layout?
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    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="main_content_area" -->
            <div id="site_layout_contentmain">Content for  id "site_layout_contentmain" Goes Here</div>
          <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></td>
    ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!!!!!

    MHarvey2001 wrote:
    Yes, the design is appearing to pull apart when I add content, but only in the Firefox preview.
    If it pulls apart in Firefox, chances are it pulls apart in all browsers when text size is increased.
    The problem with Photoshop code is that it is a) rigid, b) unstable and c) invalid.  
    To illustrate, run your code through the on-line validation tools below.
    CSS - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
    HTML - http://validator.w3.org/
    Photoshop is OK for designing quick comps to show the client but they won't hold up on a real site.
    IMO, the benefits of starting over far outweigh the inconvenience.
    HTML & CSS Tutorials - http://w3schools.com/
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • Centre text in a JOptionBox

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         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The game has three rounds loosing a dice at the end of each round."+"\n"+
                                            "You are able to roll the dices agian at the end of each round but only ones"+"\n"+"Click on 'Ok' to start");

    You can pass a component rather than a string, so your best bet is to pass a JPanel containing a JLabel per line. Centreing those should be easy.

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  • Apex 4.1 different font text in Reports Region and Interactive reporting

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    In my APEX 4.1 page, I have two regions using the same ''Reports region" Template but font text are different. Why The first region is an interactive reporting. The second it's a report. I know that each one has his own data for sure but the same region template .Spaces between colons are different. Is it normal ?  I want to have the same font text for the two regions.
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    Apex4.0+HTML_DB1.6 wrote:
    Theme 13 is not an APEX 4.x theme ? How I can know that is one of this serie ?
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    You can either look in the global APEX style sheet, or (probably more usefully) use a browser web inspector to examine the CSS properties of the IR components in the page.

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    Old (image next to image):
    New (text next to image):
    Any help would be very appreciated.
    <!doctype html>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" >
       <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="../../animated_favicon1.gif" >
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="layout.css">
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    <style type="text/css">
    body,td,th {
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              color: #444444;
    a {
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    Overall width of the website is 1920px???? That's way too wide.
    Anyways you would need to 'float' the leftAbout and rightAbout containers if you want the text to be to the left of the image:
    #headerContainer {
        overflow: hidden;
    #leftAbout {
        float: left;
        width: 400px;
    #rightAbout {
        float: left;
        width: 450px;
    #containerFooter {
        clear: both;
    I'll leave you to ajdust the width of the text container - leftAbout

  • Quick qn on displaying text fields from region.

    My doubt is that i have a page where
    there are 2 Regions..top and bottom Regions
    we can enter a person's details on the bottom region and hit submit..then that person get stored in the database and visible on the top region
    i have a situation where i need to grab these people from the top region and display in side email message
    my text field in the bottom region is not constant..so i am not able to capture them..
    Its like this:
    tommy lee Male address 1
    kanan jones Male address 1
    babu lee Male address 1
    Note: Sometimes there may be only one person..sometimes more than 1 like 2 or 3
    Bottom Region:
    text fields to enter (we can enter for only one at a time)
    ..I am able to grab it from the table in the DBase..But how can i get it to the email message..
    Appreciate your help

    You can select the entire field and use the cold fusion left
    function. However, it would be more efficient to simply select
    select the 1st 20 characters in your query. How you do this depends
    on the db you are using.

  • How to hide "Note that the search is case insensitive" text from Query Region

    When create a search page with Query region : Autocustomizationcriteria mode, page is showing automatically "Note that the search is case insensitive" text is showing automatically.
    this is not needed. can you please let me know how to hide this one from page.

    Check this link:

  • Horizontal alignment for Text of Header Region

    The content of Text property for a header Region appears left aligned by default.
    Is it possible to set horizontal Alignment = Middle(of the Page)For the Item Type, Header I do not see any property called Horizontal Alignment in the Property Inspector.

    Header component does not expose any property to align the text.
    Can you check whether, the following layout helps.
    TableLayout (Horizontal Alignment - center)
    -- RowLayout (Horizontal Alignment - center)
    --- CellFormat (Horizontal Alignment - center)
    ---- Header

  • Change the text of a region when mouseover an image

    Well I have a table of images (4x3) and above it I want the
    description for each product to display when the user mouses over
    the image. How can this be done so that it will work in both IE and

    Use the DW Behavior called "Set Text", to set the text of
    that display
    region to any value you want.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Tucker Companies" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:g2oosr$9tk$[email protected]..
    > Well I have a table of images (4x3) and above it I want
    the description
    > for
    > each product to display when the user mouses over the
    image. How can this
    > be
    > done so that it will work in both IE and Firefox?
    > Thanks

  • Vertically centring text

    I'm looking to vertically centre some text in a dynamic text
    field... is that possible, and if so, could anyone help me work it
    Thanks in anticipation.
    (Also posted under General Discussion)

    I'd see two ways to solve it, the first would be to determin
    the height of the text in the text field and than place the
    textfield on the position inside the graphical field accordingly.
    the second would be to determin the number of line your text
    has in the tecxtfield (scroll properties, a bit tricky) and add te
    appropriate number of empty lines a the start of the string.

  • How to centre text?

    I have a simple program - which works - but would appreciate any help on how I might change the colour of the text which appears in the text (not on the click button) and how I might centre the text. Is left justified a default value?
    Many thanks for any help
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class SwingUI extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
    JLabel text, clicked;
    JButton button, clickButton;
    JPanel panel;
    private boolean _clickMeMode = true;
    SwingUI(){ //Begin Constructor
    text = new JLabel("I'm a Simple Program");
    button = new JButton("Click Steve");
    panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, text);
    panel.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, button); } //End Constructor
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
    Object source = event.getSource();
    if (_clickMeMode) {
    text.setText("Steve Clicked");
    button.setText("Click Again");
    _clickMeMode = false;        }
    else {         
    text.setText("Am I a Simple Program?");
    button.setText("Click Don!");
    _clickMeMode = true;
    public static void main(String[] args){
    SwingUI frame = new SwingUI();
    WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    It's in the documentation.
    text.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);where fg is an object of type color.Hello
    Many thanks for your reply. I'm grateful. I am only new to this, so a lot of it is just hit and miss at the moment. For instance I copied and pasted what you proposed and it never worked. I wasn't sure if I had pasted it in the right place. Then I typed in color.blue (where your fg was) and it still didn't work. So I then tried Color.blue (Color is easy for us to make mistakes with because we would use colour or Colour, normally - I'm from the UK), and hey presto! And the text was centred!
    You mention documentation. If I digested that, maybe I could stop bothering people like yourself! Is it the normal JDK documentation?
    Anyway, many thanks again - I feel as if I've learnt something tonight.
    Best wishes

  • Paint type application for centred text

    Looking for the above as I am creating a jpeg and want to add text and be able to control where that text is on the jpeg.
    Tried Paintbrush 1.2 but it is not easy to control the text.
    Anyone any suggestions..... looking for freeware application ( or something I already have within Mac OSX and didn't realise ! )

    I use Preview to do it.
    First, add the Annotate tools to the Tool Bar:
    View > Customize Tool Bar
    Add the Annotate tools
    Second, click and hold on the Annotate Tool in the Tool Bar until you see the Note Tool.
    Click on the Note tool.
    Use the mouse to draw a rectangle in the picture.
    You will see the word "text" centered in the rectangle.
    Select the word text and type what you need.
    You can choose fonts and colors.
    Good luck.

  • Tabs not working as expected with centred text

    I'm trying to make a contents page in Indesign but having trouble with aligning the text correctly.
    I want the page titles to be centered but when I select the paragraph style onto centered the text moves away from the Tab stop keeping it in the right place - - the result of this is each page title in the column is in a slightly different place.  If I leave the paragraph style on left align the page title stays by the tab stop where I expect it to but I don't like how it looks!
    Note in the examples below how in the centered example the S has moved over to the right away from the Tab stop.
    Any suggestions?
    Many thanks,
    E.g.  left aligned
    e.g. 2  centered

    My first thought is that tabs don't mix well with centered text and you should use one or more fixed-width spaces between the number and the title, but I'm not really sure what look you want.

  • Position text box  in centre part of region

    I want to position of componentes (text box, buttons, combo box) in region at center.
    i.e if i have region having only two text boxes and i want to put it in centre part of form/region.
    How it can be done, do i need to write any code or from APEX it can be done?
    Thanks in advance

    For information, <center> tag is deprecated.
    Use <div align="center">...</div>or CSS (text-align, margin, etc...) instead.

Maybe you are looking for

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    So my 2.33 late 2006 MBP recently started displaying jagged artifacts on startup, and i've narrowed the problem down to the ATI X1600 graphics card, or something related to that in the logic board. Obviously, the machine is far out of warranty, but a

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    Hi, I have lenovo s10-3t with win 7 home premium. Recently I found out that part of my touch screen is not working. I tried calibrating and resetting the calibration data, but no success in getting the touch screen working correctly. Then I reinstall

  • Hi, How to save UTF-8 encoded string into Mysql DB with jdbc?

    Mysql doesn't support UTF-8, right? is there any way we can bridge it?

  • Publishing changes only to Folder

    I am wondering if anyone can tell me how to publish only changes to a folder. I takes a while each time I make a slight change or correct an error to upload the entire site to my .com server. I am using Transmit FTP client which is slick but it has t

  • 4200/128 video noise

    Hi,  Wonder if anyone can help me with a problem I get with S-Video In. I get a good picture but there is a line of noise at the top of the picture that I can only describe as video noise(?) It may be data within the video stream, but it's annoying.